
Potential Member



04-10-2013, 06:29 PM

That night was possibly the best she has had for... well, Loccian didn't remember the last time she slept so soundly. During the night a chill had come over the lands, but because she was against the log and Bronze protecting her from the wind, she was kept nice and warm. Very warm... She thought with a smile, paws moving silently over the damp earth. In the middle of the night she had stirred a few times, moving closer, pressing against him harder so that she could share the little warmth her small body gave off, not wanting him to be sharing and getting nothing back. Not only that but before they had left she reapplied herbs to his wounds after removing the other ones and washing his wounds out, then caught them some more squirrels before setting out to Seracia.

On the trip back they would talk, joke around, just have a nice conversation so that it wasn't silent the whole way. She would keep asking him how he was feeling, his wounds, his body, should they stop so he could rest. She understood if he got a little annoyed with her constant questions, if she was in his place then she would be getting annoyed to. It was for a reason though, she just wanted to make sure he was doing fine, not stressing himself out.

There it is, Seracia. She had come to a stop on a small hill, grey eyes looking down at the land before them. She held her head high, tail waving behind her, a cool breeze wrapping around her body briefly then rolling away. She had looked over at the male with a smile for a moment, rubbing her cheek against his lightly before lifting her head to the sky and singing her song, calling for Gerhardt. By time he had heard it and headed in her direction, she would be meeting him at the border.


Bronze i


12 Years
04-10-2013, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2013, 10:11 PM by Bronze i.)

Sleep came easy that night, wrapping him in its tender arms and carrying him off to somewhere far more pleasant than usual. His night was far more restful than usual, certainly due to the female who had let him curl protectively around her. As the darkness grew thicker, he found himself instinctively pulling her closer to him, his large frame fitting perfectly around her own, his muzzle resting contentedly on her back. The reality of the situation was almost too much for him to bear, and when he found himself stirring in the middle of the night, he forced the confused thoughts from his head. Somehow, the small female felt as though somehow she belonged there, even though they had met only twice. His thoughts would stray in the midst of the night, nose once again burying in the thick fur of her back, preferring to take in her scent and enjoy it without thinking too much as he drifted back to sleep...

There was little awkwardness upon awakening, though Bronze felt himself slightly wary to display overtly obvious physical affection towards her. It was as though he was re-learning something that was once familiar to him, something he was no longer accustomed to. And he was aware that the reality that she was in heat, and her scent was ridden with hormones that made him physically crave her company, regardless of what his mind was doing.

The morning was pleasant overall. Loccian once again applied fresh herbs to his wounds, and he found the journey to Seracia to be surprisingly refreshing. His limp had nearly all but disappeared, though he still felt somewhat sore. As they traveled, his tail would beat a steady rhythm behind him, a gesture of the pleasure he gained from her company. Even her gentle prodding did not grow tiring; how could he deny a beautiful female asking about his well-being, when so few showed any interest at all in him? Her interest in him was not superficial; its genuineness was readily obvious.

Loccian would accompany him to the border of Seracia, where she stopped to call for the Alpha. The female leaned to brush her cheek against his own, and the beast felt a shiver crawl up his spine at the briefly displayed affection. While yesterday he was sure he had looked helpless and old, he found himself feeling years younger in her company -- refreshed and alive, and hopeful for what the future might hold. He knew the feeling would not last forever... darkness lurked deep inside him, threatening to unleash itself when he least expected it, but for now he was content with his silenced thoughts and his eased soul.

His gaze swept over the landscape, taking in the vast land before him. It was impressive, certainly a place he would consider living. "I failed to mention, but I believe I have met Gerhardt once before," he added, grinning gently at her. Though he was overcome with the urge to turn and press his nose to hers, he withheld the reaction and instead watched her with a steady gaze. "In the Battlefield, this past Winter. He offered me a place in Seracia, but I refused." Perhaps the King would not retain any ill feelings for his rejection, but it hadn't seemed as though Gerhardt had been particularly offended by his lack of interest in the pack.


04-11-2013, 11:09 AM

Half of the morning was gone and the King still hadn't done anything. Lately he'd been stressed and overworked, and had felt that he deserved a break on this morning. Naturally, he'd spent these few hours on the beach listening to the rhythm of the waves and the gentle cawing of seagulls. A swim had not yet crossed his mind, but would certainly be on the agenda at some point during the day, that is.. if he wasn't motivated to do anything productive. His wife was no doubt asleep, still working on getting over her illness. She had been improving - but slowly - and he wasn't certain she'd ever get back to her normal, viral self. Still, she was alive, and that was all he could ask for. A smile crossed his features as his chin rested on his paws, eyes sweeping down the beach to note a small crab crawling across the sand, searching for something to eat. The crabs could be tasty morsels if you knew how to eat them, but you also had to be motivated to go and catch them - and the King was not.

He was motivated, however, when his Contessa (though she did not know of her new title just yet) called out for him. Surprisingly, her call came from the border, or somewhere very close to it. Heaving his frame upward the King would stand, stretch, and then shake the sand from his belly. With a lazy yawn he set off at a gentle trot, feeling that her call had been beckoning - but not quite urgent. Perhaps she had further healing ideas for his Queen, or requested leave of the pack to go out searching for herbs - not that she really had to ask. He trusted Loccian, perhaps better than any of the other pack members, and felt that she could do as she pleased. It took him longer than he'd liked, but the King finally made it to where she stood, finding her - surprisingly - in the presence of a male. Even more surprisingly, it was a male Gerhardt was already familiar with. He could not quite recall his name, but he remembered the day they had met. It had been in the battlefield, and he had been with another female - a somewhat dismissive and cold woman.

"Good morning, lady Loccian, and a good morning to you as well ser," He would pause, studying the man's face. "I do hope you'll forgive me, I seem to have forgotten your name, but I do remember you. We met in the battlefield, did we not? You were traveling with that other she wolf who's name also escapes me." Gerhardt had never been forgetful, but the duties of a King were often taxing on the mind. Gaze shifted, alternating between the two of them, trying to read into the situation. Just what kind of meeting was this. Did the man wish to join, or did he merely want to be shown around? Could he perhaps just be visiting Loccian for a day or two, and then would take his leave? The possibilities were endless.


Image by Ruelle.

Bronze i


12 Years
04-11-2013, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 08:54 PM by Bronze i.)

It wasn't long before the King arrived, carrying himself with just the right amount of confidence. Bronze would find it hard to deal with a narcissistic Alpha, but how could one follow a leader who completely lacked pride? His brown eyes would silently look over the male, scrutinizing him much more thoroughly than he had when they'd met on the battlefield, in the midst of winter. He was a sizable creature, though was more than half his own age. This factor wouldn't affect his decision to join, as the alpha seemed honorable enough; hopefully he was not young and impulsive, like some leaders could be.

"Good morning, Gerhardt," he would reply, dipping his muzzle briefly in simple greeting. He refused to cower before the man, as some might; he stood humbly before him instead, tail flicking gently behind him. The brute seemed pleasant enough, and he was ever-aware of Loccian's presence beside him. Bronze briefly wondered whether Gerhardt realized the healer was in heat, and hoped he did not assume he'd only ventured to Seracia because he wanted to be with her. His intentions were far more honorable than that, though by how much, he wasn't quite sure..

"My name is Bronze... and that was me, yes." He would grin a bit, unsurprised his name had gone unremembered. Their meeting had been brief, after all. "Loccian has convinced me that the Seracia pack might be of interested to me," he gestured towards her with his muzzle, shifting his paws. Surely it was obvious the kind of shape he'd been in recently -- dried herbs clung to his neck and side, and slight fatigue was visible in his stare. "By the way, she is quite an impressive healer. I do hope you realize that." His tones were quite serious as the man's deep voice spilled from his lips; the fact that he enjoyed the female's presence was blatantly obvious as he spoke of Loccian.

However, his posture was slightly confusing, something unsurprising for Bronze. The beast had arrived at the border, looking very much as the seasoned warrior he was, his injuries obviously rather new. Bronze would be unsurprised if Gerhardt was wary of him, hesitant to let him in, so close to his family and loved ones.



04-12-2013, 10:14 AM

She had been staring off into Seracia when Bronze?s voice caused her ear to swivel towards him, head quickly following. He told her that he failed to mention that he had met Gerhardt before. A brow raised at this, how could he forget to mention that. For a split moment she felt a bit embarrassed, she had thought that this male knew nothing of the pack or its leader. With him meeting the King he was sure to have been informed on some laws or at least a basic knowing of what the pack was like. He went on to tell her how he had met him, actually, where. In the battlefield this past Winter, and that Gerhardt had already offered Bronze a place in Seracia, but he had refused. That brought new feelings to the shewolf, uncertainty about whether the King would be okay with him possibly joining now. Would he not want him because he had rejected the offer before? A light sigh escaped her lips as she thought about the outcomes.

At last the King had arrived, Loccian holding her head high with her tail swinging behind her but dipped her head out of respect. He greeted her and Bronze, the shewolf looked to Gehrardt with her grey gaze for a moment, then Bronze, then back to the King. Good morning Sir. I apologize if I disturbed you from your duties. She spoke soft, gentle, about to say more but the King had begun speaking to Bronze so she stood by silently until they finished. Even if the conversation did not include her or was directed towards her, she felt a small pain when Gerhardt mentioned something about Bronze being with another female when they last met. Perhaps it was just the hormones coursing through her body, causing her to become jealous for a few seconds but she quickly caught herself, calming down before either would notice.

Bronze began to talk about how it was him indeed at the battlefield, that Loccian had convinced him that Seracia might be be his place. He motioned towards her, a small smile coming from the shewolf and a nod of her head. She wouldn?t bring somebody there for no reason, they would be useful to the pack, a great help and not trouble. When he had mentioned how she was an impressive healer it caused her ears to fold back, and if it was visible a blush would have crossed her cheeks, turning her head to the side the slightest. She appreciated the compliment, it was very nice of him to say but it held a seriousness to it that made her a bit nervous. Was he trying to make something aware to Gerhardt, possibly thinking they didn't appreciate her skills as the pack's healer.

Of course, I am just doing what I'm good at. She stepped forward with a smile, her gaze shifting from the King to Bronze, from Bronze back to Gerhardt. She was nervous about this little meeting now, unsure of what would go down between the two males. Would Bronze really go through with this, stay with the pack till his time came or go off to pass alone, like he would like, if he even wanted to be alone during that time. Hopefully Gerhardt would think that he had reconsidered the offer, wanted to settle down with a pack and enjoy the calmness in it. Whatever happened, she would just have to wait and see what is said.



04-13-2013, 06:36 PM

"Bronze, of course!" He smiled and then turned to Loccian. "You didn't disturb me at all," He would offer her a gentle dip of his head and a lazy flick of his tail, signifying that what he said was the truth. She wasn't a disruption, because frankly he hadn't been doing anything of importance when she'd called. But even if he had been busy, he would have gladly taken a break for Loccian. Attention would shift back to Bronze as he explained his reason for being here. "Well, I'm glad somebody talked some sense into you," he said with a smirk on his face and a wrinkle in his brow. Perhaps he was being a bit less formal in this meeting than he normally would have, but he felt like he already knew Bronze.

Another flick of his tail set his hind end into motion, wavering back and forth lazily behind him. Bronze would give a simple compliment to Loccian, and she cast it off modestly. A knowing smile grew on the King's face as he tried to figure out what the best response would be. "Ah yes, I am very familiar with her talent. She saved my wife a few days ago," he trailed off a bit abruptly, glancing over Bronze's wounds that had been tended to. "I hope i'm not wrong in assuming that you're interested in joining the Kingdom? If so, my first question would be what you could offer us in exchange for a home, a family, and a life with us?" No wolf got a free ride in Seracia, none but perhaps the elders - of which there were none yet. Bronze was on the older end of the spectrum, but Gerhardt expected he had several good years left in him of action - whatever sort of action he preferred. Somehow Gerhardt imagined him as a warrior, a brilliant, gallant fighter who might serve Seracia as a knight, but one could not live by imagination alone. Facts were, Bronze could choose any other regimen and Gerhardt would still be thrilled.


Image by Ruelle.

Bronze i


12 Years
04-13-2013, 07:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2013, 07:29 PM by Bronze i.)

Loccian promptly apologized for disturbing Gerhardt. The female was certainly more polite than he was, but the male had probably earned her respect -- something Bronze was typically not so quick to dish out. He would never grovel at Gerhardt's paws like a child, but the possibility of a home, and with Loccian -- his new friend -- wasn't something he was so willing to throw away. A brief glance was given to the ashen female, and he was able to sense her slight nervousness. "Well, I'm glad somebody talked some sense into you," Gerhardt would joke lightly, bringing a faint grin to the beast's lips. At least he had a sense of humor. "It was all Loccian's doing," he joked, deep voice briefly dancing with jest, mingled with seriousness.

The leader went on to explain that the healer had saved his wife's life. He acknowledged the statement with a slightly impressed grin, though no surprise painted his features. Loccian clearly had talent, and the idea of her saving a creature's life fit perfectly into his conception of her. "I'm quite interested in joining, yes," he assured him, muzzle lowering, eyes fixated on Gerhardt. The brown depths of his gaze sparkled gently with interest, but something else lurked behind his stare. It wasn't quite judgment, but he was analyzing the male with silent interest. "It seems like a pleasant place to live.I've heard that respect is important to you and your wife, but other than that, Loccian told me there's considerable freedom."

Bronze's brows furrowed slightly as the man questioned what he had to offer. A day ago, he would've said nothing -- he had nothing to offer, and nothing to take in return. But then again, a day ago he wouldn't have been in this position. But Loccian had showed him kindness, affection. Had she awakened something inside him, in such a short time? The male cleared his throat, thinking over the question for a long moment. He figured joking that he would be Loccian's bodyguard would not be the answer Gerhardt was expecting.

"I can offer you my strength. That's truthfully the only thing that comes to mind," he offered simply, looking a bit confused. He would certainly defend Loccian, but could he put his heart into defending a pack he knew nothing about? Would he grow attached to the wolves of Seracia over time? How could he express his unsureness to Gerhardt without coming across as though he doubted the male's pack, his family? "If I decide to stay, my loyalty will be unquestionable." That much he knew. The dark depths of his eyes were as serious as ever, conveying his honesty to Gerhardt. His gaze was intense, though not threatening. Bronze knew the importance of being able to look another in the eyes; if he couldn't do that much, his intentions would surely be doubted by the King. "Do you have qualms with members leaving peacefully?"



04-13-2013, 08:09 PM

The king assured Loccian that she didn't disturb him at all, it made her feel a bit better about calling to him. At least she knew he wasn't doing anything important, this thought caused her to sigh silently in relief. She had nothing to give to the King and so she took a step back, ears swiveling to the side briefly at the sound of birds taking flight, but then came back as Gerhardt mentioned how he was glad somebody was able to talk some sense into Bronze to join Seracia. Loccian wouldn't really think of it like that, it made it seem like she had forced the elder wolf to join and he decided to come just to shut her up. No, she had asked him, just kind of slowly eased him into the idea of joining, but it was totally on him. To that the older male joked about how it was all her doing, causing her ears to fold back on her head and turn her head to the side like an embarrassed child.

The conversation had gone into the King explaining to Bronze that Loccian had saved Lady Adette's life a few days ago, her grey eyes turning to the lighter wolf who gave a rather impressed grin. That caused her heart to warm up, to see others be proud of what she has done, to be able to heal somebody and save them from death. It was amazing. Her thoughts quickly changed though, going from that to what Gerhardt was saying about Bronze joining. Her ears perked up, her gaze jumping from one wolf to the other. The King asked if Bronze would be joining, then proceeded to ask what she thought was a difficult question that really didn't have a right answer. Would could Bronze offer Seracia in exchange for a home, family, and a life with them?

Loccian had quickly turned to Bronze, grey eyes looking him over, watching, waiting for his response. What would he say, give real reasons or just say he will give it all he has? Ears perked up and her head tilted to the side in curiousity as Bronze gave a reason, his strength, the only thing that could come to mind. She did not want to look at the King, didn't want to see a look of disapproval, an instant rejection of the wounded male. That wasn't it though, he continued on to say his loyalty would be unquestionable. Yeah, anyone could say that. He even asked if leaving peacefully was accepted.

Not sure of where this would go, Loccian cleared her throat, looking at both wolves before stepping forward. It may not be my place to say but he is a strong wolf, he can stand his ground. She looked to Bronze briefly, the softness in her gaze never seeming to leave, before turning back to Gerhardt. If you don't know of a spot for him I wouldn't mind taking him as my assistant, it means more herbs I could bring back on my trips and it would be easier to treat multiple wolves. Her voice was gentle, just putting an option out there for the King if was unsure a Warrior would be fitting for Bronze.



04-13-2013, 09:08 PM

The King would listen to the man's words, pausing to wonder if there was something between the two of them. They shared glances, but that was common among friends, especially when one friend helped heal another. Still, with the scents wafting from Loccian, the King wondered if there might be some sort of ulterior motive in Bronze wanting to join. He couldn't blame the man if he truly was enamored with Loccian, she was a beautiful woman and deserved a good man. Still, Gerhardt felt protective over her, she was like a sister to him, all females of Seracia were, and he would protect them with his life if needed. It seemed, though that Loccian had told him a good bit about Seracia. He would have to be at least half interested in the pack to join it, even if he was joining for her sake. Gerhardt tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"What you have heard is true, respect is extremely important, and freedom is freely given unless one abuses it." So far, no one had abused it to the point where Gerhardt had to come down on them, so he wasn't much worried about that with Bronze either. The conversation would lead to Bronze's strength, which Loccian confirmed with her own tongue. Gerhardt smiled at her and nodded. "Strength is prized in Seracia, and you certainly look the part of a warrior." However, Loccian would comment on taking him on as an assistant, and Gerhardt would further that line of speech. "If you would prefer that I should oblige you, whatever you choose will be fine." A silence would pass before the man asked a question Gerhardt had yet to address. It was curious, but the King answered it calmly. "I have no qualms with that, but I do ask that you inform me or a high ranking wolf before doing so." Loccian could be informed if Bronze did not wish to speak to Gerhardt, just as long as someone knew. Though he hoped that the man would find this a suitable home.


Image by Ruelle.

Bronze i


12 Years
04-14-2013, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 07:32 PM by Bronze i.)

Loccian spoke up quickly; it seemed as though the female wanted him to join Seracia more than he realized before. She complimented him, saying he could stand his ground. Bronze would tilt his head, letting his eyes rest on the female's for a moment. Her comment made him grin a bit -- surely he didn't look strong now, standing before Gerhardt, caked in dried herbs from obvious wounds, looking slightly exhausted from the journey they'd taken to come here. But he was sure he had strength left in him, despite his age. But she added that she wouldn't mind having him as her assistant, if he felt as though that was something he would rather do. Hopefully he wouldn't be rushed into such a choice... he was much more concerned with making himself comfortable first.

"I'm not quite sure I know yet what duty would be best suited to me," he admitted honestly, lowering his muzzle slightly to gaze at his forepaws. Was Seracia a pack of warriors? Were there wars to be fought frequently? Or were they generally peaceful wolves -- would the duty of a warrior be a boring choice? Ah, such questions he would ask in due time.

Bronze paused, gazing back up at Gerhardt. "I hope my question didn't come across the wrong way," he explained, furrowing his brows slightly. Loccian too seemed unsure why he had asked such a question -- it was likely most wolves would not be so bold as to ask about leaving a pack before even being accepted. "Pack life is not unfamiliar to me by any means, but I have been a rogue for a long time." His words were serious, but not at all unfriendly. "I have known packs who were much less forgiving of abandonment, so I wanted to make sure you were not of the same mentality. I'm truly not sure whether pack life is fit for me any longer, but I'd like to give it an honest try, if you'll have me." Bronze's words were genuine, and he smiled at Gerhardt. He was still a stranger in this man's home, and though he knew it would be a struggle to become otherwise, Loccian had given him hope that such a thing was a possibility.



04-15-2013, 12:05 PM

She stood silently, ears swiveling left and right to take in the words the King said and from the sounds of the land around them. She gave a small nod of her head as he resaid how respect was extremely important and freedom is given as long as nobody abuses it. Loccian knew that would not be a problem for her, she was very loyal to the pack and had no reason at all to disrespect it and its members, or abuse the gift she had. Matters changed to Bronze?s rank, strength being prized in Seracia and that the older male looked the part of being a warrior. When she commenting on him possibly being her assistant, Gerhardt had said whatever Bronze chose would be fine. That was good, he would most likely choose warrior which she didn?t mind. She only offered him to be assistant because she was unsure whether he would be able to continue being a warrior. He could also inform a high ranking wolf of his decision.

She had not turned her grey gaze onto Bronze, listening as he spoke about how pack life was unfamiliar to him after being a rogue for so long. She understood, it would be a big change for the male but she would be there to help him. She would help him get through the challenge, show him that pack life wasn?t all that bad and it had its good moments. He went on to talk about how other packs he had known who were less forgiving of abandonment.

Loccian stepped forward with a smile, her ears pulling to the side as she cleared her throat and lifted her head high, something she normally didn't do which made her feel a bit odd. Seracia is a good pack, not cruel like most. We are free but still have laws, respect those around you and don't put us in danger is really what we are like. She glanced over at the King, hoping he wouldn't become annoyed with ehr choice of words. She meant to talk good about the pack, it was good, the wolves friendly. I can show you around later, if the King is okay with that. She looked to him again for approval. I can show you the land and explain what Seracian life is like, go into detail with the laws and what is expected. Even go over the ranking system we go by. She had been looking at Bronze as she spoke, her head slightly tilted, watching him to see what he would do or say to that. Of course if Gerhardt was okay with all that she would do it, let him know what he would be getting himself into. She had reminded herself of something too, the ranking system. She had heard that there were some changes happening to it, she would ask Gerhardt a different time about it and see how the Queen was doing with her illness.



04-15-2013, 12:24 PM

The King wondered what path Bronze would choose. Obviously if he were interested in Loccian he would probably lean toward being her personal assistant. That job would certainly bring him into close quarters with the dame for hours upon hours on end. Oh, how nice it would be for Bronze. Of course, Loccian had been the one to suggest it, which meant she was not altogether put out by the idea either. The King could not help but notice a romance blossoming, but wasn't sure quite yet what to think of it. Bronze would speak first, commenting on not knowing where he felt he would fit in. It was a suitable response, and hardly one that the King had not heard before. A smile painted the monarch's features. "Not to worry about that, it's not something that has to be decided upon today. Perhaps you can spend some time getting to know the territory, the wolves, and decide if this is a place you can call home. Then, when that has been decided one way or another, we can talk about your placement."

He would speak on, addressing his previous question about leaving the Kingdom. Gerhardt admittedly had been taken aback by such a query, but had tried his best not to show it. As Bronze further explained, the King felt a bit more at ease about the situation. "Of course we will have you, and we welcome you, Bronze." He was going to speak on when the lady chimed in with her own agenda. She explained Seracia in layman's terms, getting to the root of the Kingdom. Gerhardt fell silent and allowed her to speak her piece, always finding it interesting how his subjects chose to explain their home. She would then offer to show Bronze around, and effectively teach him the ropes and ways of Seracia. Fair enough, and it would certainly give Gerhardt time to do other things. The King gave a nod. "That sounds wonderful, and I trust you wont have a problem with that, Bronze?" He would pause, but the question was mostly rhetorical. "If that's all settled, I really must be off to check on my wife. Loccian, I entrust you'll take good care of our newest member. If either of you need me for anything, you need only call." With that, the King pivoted and headed toward the heart of Seracia.

Exit Gerhardt unless stopped by Bronze or Loccian.


Image by Ruelle.

Bronze i


12 Years
04-17-2013, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2013, 09:22 PM by Bronze i.)

The meeting went far more pleasantly than he had expected. Gerhardt was certainly a respectable male, and Bronze was beginning to realize why Loccian seemed to admire him so. Even in their brief conversation, he seemed as though he viewed himself very much as equal to the wolves in his pack -- he treated them with respect. Cared about what they thought. Even seemed to care about what he had to say, though he barely knew him.

The King welcomed him, and Bronze let a gracious smile overtaken his face. He would never expect another to welcome him into their home, but Gerhardt did just that. Surely the male would keep an eye on him, make sure he wasn't simply taking advantage of Loccian's kindness and the fact that she was currently in heat. Perhaps he was a beast, even once called a tyrant -- but he would never harm another who had cared for him. Somehow he would repay Loccian's needless kindness, however he could. And Gerhardt's, as well. "Thank you, Gerhardt," he spoke honestly, his words accompanied by a dip of his head. "Not a problem at all."

She offered to show him around, and he nodded readily. He would want to find somewhere of his own to rest, for now. A safe place. Gerhardt retreated, and Loccian and Bronze wandered off to explore. She explained some of the more important rules to him, fleshing out what life was like in Seracia. Not at all unbearable.

Before the sun set, he found a place to sleep, to call his own. He offered Loccian a gentle nuzzle in the form of a goodbye, once again thanking her for all she had done for him that day. And with that the brute curled against the cool stone of his makeshift den, content to fall asleep once again.

-exit Bronze-



04-17-2013, 09:51 PM

That was it, Gerhardt had welcomed Bronze as part of the pack. A smile formed on her dark lips as ears switched at their voices before the King finally turned and left. After that Loccian had turned to Bronze, then walked off to show him the lad and discuss various things about the pack before finding him a place to rest. With a nuzzle she said goodbye and headed to her own den while the male rested up.



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