
You Wear A Crown But You're No King



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-10-2015, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2015, 06:08 PM by Sin.)
You Wear A Crown But You're No King-Blessthefall
Challenge Purchase

His plans were within reach, but something had been felt almost too easy at this rate. The majority of his followers were his family, the task he'd been seeking much too easy for his taste...he needed more. Perhaps a chance at watching someone potentially succeed or fail, the unknown outcome tugging at his mind. It was this day that he would make his way towards the battlefield, the morning light peeking over the horizon casting long shadows across the ground. Behind him, his mate and children followed. Squirrel had been ordered to stay behind to watch the babes while he was away for the time being. He hadn't really told anyone what he was doing until the night before, thus the anticipation grew. It would be thanks to Arian throwing someone else under the bus that he came here today. To satiate the part of him that needed a challenge of sorts, and he would be satisfied whether he succeeded or failed in this endeavor. The pack name had stuck in his head since, both Arian and Amachi seemingly hinting and goading him on towards potentially stealing the crown of an invisible group. If not for them, he probably wouldn't have known that they existed, not having seen hide nor hair from this group if ever. His son, however, had taken the chance to mingle among them once upon a time...and indeed, they would be a likely target regardless.

He stopped in the center field, amber gaze taking in the dawn's light as the sky painted itself with a variety of hues. The sun wasn't above the mountain peeks yet, it's golden glow silhouetting the majority of the mountain peaks that dotted alacritia, the dew still sat upon the few scattered sprouts and grasses within the battlefield. Rolling his shoulders as his fur rose against the chill of the morning, he turned to his family. "I care not what you do here, just don't distract me. And try not to get yourselves into too much trouble either." It was a simple request, gaze lingering on his three children but particularly on Paradox and Forsaken. Enigma seemed to be a bit more calm then the two, but he knew that when his siblings were riled up, he too often followed. They were an odd bunch, but he was proud of his children regardless. Taking in a deep breath of air, he faced the Eastern lands. This was the moment he had decided, the moment he would see if this group even existed or if they had melted into the pits of the world never to be seen again. It was the moment of truth.

Sending a howl into the chilly air, he called forth the primary leader of Threar. He wanted no lesser, for he wanted to see if the creature in question was a good and strong one. Should Sin fall, he would offer his respect to them. Should they fail, he would remain respectable, simply a victor...that is, if they even had the guts to show. His call was clear and crisp, nobody could mistake what the call was for. It resounded across the land for all to hear. He cared not who showed up, for his sole focus was on the one he beckoned to the fields of war.




5 Years
09-10-2015, 08:00 PM

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Ebony ears stood at attention as the call rang out from the battlefield.  Hárekr had been headed there to get in a little training when the unmistakable call of Sin went ringing through the air.  He remembered the ambitious brute who had shared a meal with him and given him a little tour of the Sparse Pines.  A curious individual, though not quite as curious as Hárekr himself.  Trotting toward the direction of the call Hárekr decided to see how the other man fought as well as if Sin's ambitions would come to fruition.  The challengee it seemed was the alpha of Threar, the pack that Yfir had recently raided.  This would be a most curious match indeed.

"Helllooooo Sin.  I see you're finally making your move.  I hope this will be a good showing." Hárekr moved to take a seat to enjoy the spectacle.  He'd keep his eyes peeled and quickly store information to take back to Yfir.  While Yfir wasn't necessarily out to make enemies they weren't the kind of pack to go around making allies.  Trade partners maybe but anyone and everyone was a potential target as Threar found out not long ago.  Sin's pack would not be excluded from the blood-stained whims of Yfir either. Though for the moment, should the other win, Hárekr hoped that they would be given time to grow large and strong. He still held the desire to fight this man, gods willing.

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-10-2015, 09:10 PM

He trailed behind his father with a giddy step. Excitement crackled in the air between him and his siblings, his fur stood on end as if electrified by it. He couldn't contain the grin that plastered itself on his maw, teeth glinting in the early light as he quickly trotted in between Forsaken and Paradox. Golden gaze kept on his father, though occasionally scanned the fields around them as the group walked. They had been told of this plan the night prior, something that had apparently been on the sire's mind for sometime. It made Enigma shudder with anticipation, and he hoped against all hope that they would succeed...and maybe he could wet his teeth with the blood of someone else who dared stand against them. He hoped it would happen, then that meant he and his siblings could have some fun.

The group would stop in the center of the battlefield, amber eyes watched as his father took a few steps ahead of them before turning his attention towards them to tell them not to distract him. Oh, they wouldn't dare distract him from something so important..."Of course father, but trouble always finds us. Just concentrate on your task, we can handle our own if need be." And of course, that would be true. The trio had trained plenty, and if it came down to it, they wouldn't go down without a fight. He sorely hoped that he could tag team with his brother and sister on someone else, but he wouldn't mind taking on someone on his own either. The possibilities could be endless should they get the opportunity. But for now, they would wait as Sin sent out a summons for the leaders that were being challenged, and once again, the shivers wracked his body as anticipation took hold.

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

09-10-2015, 09:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2015, 09:58 PM by Evelyn.)

The sound of the howl sent a shard of ice into his belly. His families pack was being challenged for, the pack run by his aunt and uncle. The pack who shared a border with him. Hackles rose as he stalked towards the caller, his white form weaving expertly through the terrain. It had been a long time since he had been to the battlefield, and his golden eyes rested on the red and white man who had called for his family. When he heard one of the watchers address him, he froze. Sin. Was that not the name that Arian had sent back with Starling to warn him of? Looks like he had warned the wrong wolf. Growling slightly, he took no notice of the other wolves around Sin, a wolf who seemed to coat himself in blood. Nor Novella or Firth had showed up yet, and the Azat was too tense to sit and wait. He stayed standing, his anxiety forcing him to start pacing back and forth, several feet away from the gathering group. He prayed to the stars that his family would show up soon, and he able to keep their pack. He was unsure if he wanted to share borders with a man who ripped away his aunt and uncles pack.


Art by Evelyn



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-10-2015, 09:46 PM

It was so convenient, residing in a territory so very close to the battlefield. When the call rang out, her ears pricked immediately forward in interest. A pack challenge? And then her head cocked to the side. Was that Sin's voice? Sin was challenging for Threar? Well, that was unexpected. After the way he claimed things had gone between he and Arian, it made so little sense for him to challenge for any other pack but Sonticus. Immediately, her ears laced back in suspicion. Had he been playing her? Lying about his relationship to Sonticus to hide it for some devious reason?

Valen needed someone there to observe... to learn how this played out so that Imperium could be prepared.

She held her pose for a moment before deliberately relaxing, letting a smile ease across her muzzle, her ears to jut forward and her head and tail to raise in a deliberately, almost insultingly dominant posture as she waltzed into the Battlefield. Sin was there, along with a group of young wolves she assumed by their resemblance and scents to be related to him. She seated herself neatly and glanced over to the young wolves; she let her eyes trail over them before proceeding to deliberately ignore them in a clear dismissal. Pfft. Babies. Mismatched eyes turned instead to Sin himself and narrowed playfully.

"I wouldn't have expected this from you, Sin... picking on a pack that hasn't ever had anything to do with you." She tsk'd, then grinned. "What are you hiding, Sin Armada?"

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-10-2015, 10:21 PM

Well well, this was really interesting, wasn't it? Even from her pack she could hear the call and quickly made her way to the battlefield. She didn't remember if she had met this man or not, but that was no matter, he was challenging for a pack. He didn't look like much, but it took something... big to impress Esti. Still, she was curious as to how it would all work out. Cascade seemed to know him well enough. Sin Armada? Esti wondered if his parents named him that or if it was a self claimed name. Either way, it was kind of hilarious to her.

Esti walked up somewhat close to Cas, shooting her a side glance and a crooked smile, "Friend of yours?" she asked, her tone amused. The titan woman wondered how or even if this would effect Imperium. Threar surely never had before, so if it fell to this Sin, maybe things would change. Esti hummed to herself slightly as she mulled over the thoughts, wondering if Valentine would show up as well. It was certainly something to mention to him if he didn't, though Esti figured Cascade had him covered.

There were other wolves, but Esti paid little mind to them. It had been a long time since she had seen a pack challenge. It had been since Erani and Valhalla. Man, so much had changed in that time, and here they were again, at the battlefield watching two wolves fight over some land and some piss borders. It was strange to think about that way. Esti needed to know more of this Sin and his plans before she could pass any more judgement. For now, this was simply an entertaining show.




Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
09-10-2015, 10:29 PM

Ashmedai felt like he was coming out of his skin. He hadn't been able to talk to his dad or Rhythm since that night. He tried to be scarce except when his mother called him to train, though they hadn't spoken about it either. When the call rang out, Ashmedai scurried to see what was up. There was a guy challenging for another pack? Could you just do that? Did you get the whole pack? What about the wolves that live there? Questions stirred through Ash's head as he loped onto the scene. He would have to ask Cascade about it la- "Cas!" Ashmedai's deepening voice called out, cracking somewhere in the middle. The boy trotted up to his mentor and loftily found a spot between her and his own mother, aiming to bump Cascade's shoulder lightly before he got too settled, "Oh, hey Mom, what's going on? Well, I know what's going on, obviously, but I didn't know you could just challenge for a whole pack? Can you just do that? Is he just doing that?" The stormy boy's jaws shut suddenly, cutting off further questions. For a half second, his jaw stayed shut, then it unhinged once more, "Sorry, I judt didn't know and I'm curious because it's cool. Did dad challenge for a pack, or can you just make a pack? I guess I never thought about it before, but, wow, I wonder who will win!" He smiled, looking at the challenger. Who was he challenging and when would they show up? What would they say and who would win? Ashmedai was so curious!


Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



5 Years
09-12-2015, 04:35 PM
Threar, for those that had even heard of the pack, was a peaceful place to live. At least it had always been intended that this would be the case, a pleasant little haven that didn't seek to cause harm to others or bring it upon themselves and for the most part the quiet pack had achieved their goal rather well. There had been that scare when Jupiter had returned to the lands with a vendetta against the Destruction family though it appeared that the reign had managed to pass by without really affecting Threar. There had been the recent raid, though truthfully it seemed that was more about food than any real disagreement between the two packs, that being said it had of course left them a little more wary of Yfir now. They were not the threat presently however, it appeared that Threar's worst problem yet was now upon them; a pack challenge.

Novella had never really known too much about the Armada family, many of them completely unheard of though she'd caught the stories of problems that Isardis had caused. With a relatively friendly relationship with some of the Adravendi wolves, Novella felt rather more inclined to side with them than the Armada family for good reason too it appeared not that she knew they were the current problem for her pack.

She felt a little unwilling to leave the newest of her brood though many of the pack had proven themselves decent babysitters in the past and she relied upon that now. Aslan had attempted to follow though she had forced her son to stay behind. For starters she sought to protect her children from any violence but more importantly if worst came to worst she needed someone there to get the pack out of the lands quickly.

With what felt like the weight of the world on her shoulders, Novella left her family behind and began what felt like the longest journey to the battlefield. The place wasn't one that she frequently visited of course though the trek on this particular occasion was one that she both hoped would never end and yet wished the event to be over swiftly.

A crowd had already begun to gather, mismatched eyes stole a glance at the staring faces around her. So many were strangers it seemed so odd that they would suddenly turn their attention to Threar now, perhaps rather sadistically only interested in the fight itself than the fate of the pack. One face brought her both comfort and worry, her nephew was a familiar face in the crowds and yet should she lose, he would be there to witness her failure. She would try to stay positive though it was definitely tricky to do but instead of concentrate upon Bass she would seek out now the wolf that had voiced the challenge.

He stood out, a pure white coat save for the blood stained marks that littered it. Perhaps it was this strange look or maybe it was the reason she now faced him but it was a little tricky to not be intimidated by his presence. The nerves she would push aside though a task made easier by the adrenaline already starting to kick in. She straightened herself, standing proud despite the reason for being here. She was no King but she was a Queen though never would she assign such regal titles herself. "Are you sure you wish to do this?" The words were strangely confident despite her own turmoil of bottled up emotions. Apparently leadership had filled her with more confidence that she even had been aware of herself, she knew she'd grown but this much?

ooc: I will need to have a little flexibility on this if that's ok, life can be pretty unpredictable at the moment but this will take posting priority, I don't want it dragging out.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-13-2015, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2015, 11:35 AM by Sin.)
Sin Hellstrom

After his howling summons, the crowd would start to trickle in. It would be a small crowd, oddly enough the majority would be Imperium, my they were nosy weren't they? The first voice to catch his attention would be the male he'd given a tour to in the North. Sin turned to his direction, a grin on his face as his chest rumbled with amusement. "Aye, it's around that time. I'm sure you won't be disappointed by the display." Not long after, a scent unfamiliar to him crossed his nose, and the heathen would find the source. Aahh, well wasn't this interesting. Judging by the scent of him, and the way he appeared...on edge, this must be a relative. Though Bass didn't say anything to him, Sin couldn't help uttering a smart remark towards the pacing Alpha. "Your worry gives off the impression that you're afraid. Are you afraid they will stay hidden like the cowards they already are? Or are you afraid that I'll break this family apart?"  Amber gaze locked on Bass for no more then a moment, laughter emanating from his cords as he enjoyed seeing the disturbance in his eyes.

This is the way things were supposed to be. The lands hadn't been shaken up in some time, and this was finally going to be an opportunity not put to waste. All the packs were living fat and happy, content within their walls without a worry or a care in the world. Whereas Sin liked to see chaos and turmoil, if only there were more challenges like this...more wars to spill blood upon the lands, or even better, then perhaps the world wouldn't be so...boring. It would seem then that a very familiar face would show, the woman seeming to throw her weight around wherever she went. Well, wasn't she the cocky bitch? Figuratively speaking, she was a woman and she always seemed to act like she was above everyone, but perhaps that was one reason he got along with her in some way. "Oooh, come now Cascade." A mock grin lifted his lips, shoulders shrugging as he gave a look that said 'you're one to talk.' "You can't really be a hypocrite about this, can you? I may have my quarrel with Sonticus but what was your reason for picking on them, hm?" He winked playfully at her then, "I guess we're bullies in our own right. Besides, the lands aren't meant for the weak. And this pack just happened to draw the short straw out of all the other choices there were. But if you're really curious, I do have my plans about Sonticus...but first, I must attain a pack to set that particular plan in motion" Literally. He had thought for days, and ultimately Threar had been the pick of the litter. A couple more from Imperium would arrive, but Sin would pay them no mind...especially when the young one fired off questions like an assault rifle, well wasn't he the lively one?

Time started to tick on, the blood stained beast staring out towards the East as the murmurs dulled down to an echo around him. Were any of the Eastern pack going to show? Or were they just that cowardly? Surely at least a member would come to inform him of some sort of disdain or surprise that their home was being challenged...or perhaps, they had simply melted into the backdrop of the earth never to be heard from again? Who knew. He was growing bored of waiting, and if he had to wait any longer then he would probably have marched into their lands and taken it then and there, but he chose to play fair right now. The early morning sun would rise higher, the mist dissipating around the field as the dew would evaporate off the miniscule plants and sprouts around them. His tail would flick with impatience, and as the minutes ticked by longer, he was about to assume that neither alpha would show...

But low and behold, one of them would show their face. The alphess of Threar  had arrived. But what was this? She was alone? None of her pack had come with her for support? What a shame...for his whole family save for the youngest babes had come to back him up, but her? She was alone it seemed. As she drew closer, he would lift himself into a dominant stance. Tail lifting over his back as his head drew tall. A half grin as she stopped not far from him. "Are you sure you wish to do this?" A stupid question, if he hadn't wanted to try he wouldn't be here now would he? A light laugh would fall from stained lips, scarred visage staring her dead in the eye. "What do you think princess? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure." His previous thoughts would strike, if she won...he would respect her for standing up for her pack like any leader should, however, if she lost...her pack would belong to him, and he might respect her all the same if she showed the strength that she wanted to keep her home. "It's about time you showed up, I was beginning to think the pack a bunch of cowards..after all, no one showed up to support you save for that pacing bundle of nerves over there, it seems." His muzzle cast briefly indicating towards Bass, but it was time to get the show on the road.

***Fight posts starts here***

Instinctively, his defenses would set in place. Legs would be spread equidistant apart as his joints bent to lower his center of gravity. Ears plastered to his skull as his head lowered to align with his spine, chin tucked. Likewise, his tail would flag out to align as well, hackles rising as they bristled along his spine. His toes spread, claws digging into the dirt for traction. Shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his jugular while his head pulled back slightly to roll the fat and fur of his scruff. Lastly, amber eyes narrowed as his maw pulled up to bare deadly fangs and wrinkling his scarred visage, brows furrowing to protect his face.

He no longer wanted to waste any time, he'd been waiting long enough for this moment...and longer yet for her arrival. With a loud snarl, face contorting further, he would kick off. As he attempted to close the distance between them, he would at first head straight at her as if he were going for a head on attack, however, the last second he veered to his left by two small sidesteps. His right shoulder would thrust forward, the man bracing for potential impact as he sought to slam his right shoulder into the right portion of Novella's upper chest. If he succeeded, he hoped that he could cause mass bruising and maybe even make her stagger. For every fumble and mistake his opponent made could potentially bring him to victory. Simultaneously, his head tilted to his left as his jaws swung right, gaping and frothing as he sought to place a bite upon the right side of the Queen's face. His aim was to have his upper canines grip her brow, and bottom canines sought to place their grip mark just below her jawline where it hinged. He sought to control her head, though anything could happen...should he fail, then he hoped that at least his jaws would "slip" and his teeth would thoroughly scar her pretty face.

As he endeavored for this, his right paw would rise; weight distributing evenly across his three grounded legs. He sought to slam his right forepaw upon Novella's right forepaw with as much force as he could muster. His aim was to potentially break her toes, if not fracture and severely bruise them. Today was a day of judgement, win or lose, he would strive to fight with all the will of whatever gods lingered in the skies, his adrenaline pumping and goading him on. He cared not for those watching at this moment, but he would give them a good show to start with. He only hoped that his adversary would fight with the same drive that he had, especially if she wanted to keep her home.

Sin VS Novella for Threar
Round: 1/?

Out Of Character Notes:Round count edit overseen by Evelyn.

The Judge


09-14-2015, 07:00 AM
The default time for challenges is 3 days and only 3 days. Extensions are no longer allowed on challenges due to trouble we've had in the past of them dragging out. Sorry.

ALSO, unless you agreed to the number in advance it is the challengee [Novella] not the challenger that decides the rounds.



7 Years

09-14-2015, 02:07 PM
The call went up, and Lillianna recognized it immediately. The sound alone sent shivers down her spine. A challenge. For Threar. The call was sinister and deadly, and the girl could not say she wanted to see this battle - yet, she found herself heading towards Threar anyways. She did not know Threar; she knew of Fate, and knew him only. They were Destructions, she knew that as well...

Paws sped as she spotted Bass; honing in on the man, she zipped over near him, eyes glued to the man in front of her, the one who was clearly challenging. White, with red-brown markings on him that looked rather... odd. A glance around showed four other groups of wolves: Sin's wolves, Imperium, Yfir, and then Threar. She recognized each scent, after having met at least one person from each pack - or soon to be pack - but her focus was now riveted on the white woman who faced Sin, proud, confident. Faced with the arrogance of the man who called, she found herself rooting for Novella - plus, she had no interest in sharing lands with a pack that had this arrogance. She would also watch this fight, for it had just begun, unfold; she would watch two expert fighters fight for two different things. One, for the life of her family, her children, those in her pack. The other, to claim that pack, to claim and rip what existed so he may steal it and start it anew.

"Speech" "Italian"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.


09-14-2015, 03:16 PM

The sound was like a knife to Allen's heart. He would rise, fearing the worst was going to happen. The challenge for Threar, knowing what the wolves there meant to Bass, had a mingling of anger and fear within his gut. He would breathe in sharply, cursing the world as he shifted away from the den. He said a quick goodbye to his family and that was it. Allen was on the move.

He would march to the battlefield with eyes narrowed slightly, searching for the challenger of Threar. His heart went out to Novella, to Frith, to their little ones. This wasn't right. At least in his mind he swore that this wasn't right. He would swish his tail angrily back and forth, his ears pinned against his skull in an irritated fashion. He would come stand behind Bass, whispering in the pale man's ear.

"If this man finds some way to win I promise you, Bass, that there will be hell to pay in retribution for your family." Allen was with the other through thick and thin. Even if it meant war, the calico gentleman was willing and able.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah


09-14-2015, 04:08 PM

The woman was silent, a supporter for Sin, without any doubt, as she sat not far from the man after his call. On one side of her the brown figure of her son, Forsaken, would sit in silence as well. My, what a show this was going to turn out to be. One by one spectators came, and Arietta would look upon them quietly. No matter what happened here today she was sure her mate had become an enemy of the public, but she had been expecting such. That was part of the reason she had left the children with Squirrel. Gaze would slide to Enigma, eyeing her son for a long moment. Would he be there to cause further trouble? Would Forsaken? Time would tell.

Arietta would look back to Sin as the battle began, settling in for a wait. These battles, well, there as never really any true certainty on how they would go. She would continue to wait, ready to move if need be. These things could very easily become a brawl of clashing ideals.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione


09-14-2015, 04:31 PM
"...InSaNiTy... The Weight Of The Air Is Torture...

...Psychopathy... Don’t Know Who I Am Anymore...

The young man was enjoying this. Watching as they all came in to see the show, asking questions, shooting looks. Ah this was brilliant. The young man felt a shudder of pleasure run down his spine as he glanced at his mother. How proud she must be to have a mate like his father, a man who could stand up and claim what he wanted without giving weakness to the enemy. Not that Threar had done anything to them personally but well, sometimes there had to be a victim on the road to success.

Forsaken would move, coming to Enigma’s side. He wore a sneer, his golden eyes aglow with delight. “How long do you think this is going to drag out? Do you think that the lady will even fight him?” He would ask, his voice quiet enough for just his brother to hear. No one needed to know their private conversations.

...InSaNiTy.. The Illusion Of Ignorance...

...Try And Stop It From Corrupting..."

The Judge


09-17-2015, 06:49 AM
And the winner is...

SIN. Due to Novella not posting in the allotted time the pack challenge has been defaulted in Sin's's favor. Novella must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out. Threar now belongs to Sin.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-30-2015, 01:58 AM
Sin Hellstrom

The crowd would be ignored as he endeavored to slaughter and pry the crown from the Alphess. However, he was rather surprised that he'd managed to strike head on. The woman fell unconscious, Sin's head on chest collision evidently too strong as it seemed to drive her to the ground. His teeth snapped on air due to her passing out, an irritated growl left his maw as he stepped back, form falling over her own as he stared at her. That was it? She didn't even so much as...well, it didn't matter. He waited a few long moments, somewhat hoping she was playing a trick and had something up her metaphorical sleeve. He wanted her to fight, to prove she wasn't weak...but it wouldn't happen.

Tsking as he shook his head, he scanned the silent crowd. Amber gaze fell on the nervous wreck in particular, noting now that his scent and the Alphess of threar were similar. With tail curling over his back and his head held high, he said not a word as he gazed back at his fallen adversary. If he'd known that all it would take was that one motion...he would have given her first move, but his drive to dominate often didn't allow that. With a single "hmph" he turned his back to her and made his way out of the fields. No words would be given to the others. It was clear who the victor was...ladies and gentlemen, Threar's downfall and Hellstrom's rising...

-Exit Sin-



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-30-2015, 02:05 AM
He watched as the crowd grew, though he stood back as if he didn't belong to the dominant side. He was aware that some eyed his family as if they knew who he was, but none of them could quite tell really. Enigma didn't quite bear sin's scent, he didn't spend a whole lot of time with the family really so there scents could not be connected. However, it wouldn't matter either way.

Ear twitched as Forsaken came beside him, amber gaze not leaving the scene before him as his brother spoke. It was a good question...he watched her, she appeared willing to defend her pack, but would she really? Almost as soon as He was about to respond, his father charged towards her. And in a matter of seconds, it would be all over. She had fallen unconscious. "Well, that answers that." A grin rose on pale lips as he nudged his brothers shoulder. "Come, we've lands to conquer." He copied his brothers sneer as he watched their father leave. Likewise, Enigma would trail off as well. In the opposite direction to retrieve the little brats as he had been instructed prior to this battle should they win.

-Exit Enigma-


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-04-2015, 09:35 AM
Cascade blatantly rolled her eyes at Sin's words to her, sticking her tongue out in a wry gesture. Really? Really? Was there a real comparison between a reconnaissance in someone else's territory in which no one got hurt, and a pack challenge? But if there was anything she'd picked up on in her dealings with the male it was that he was always right and always had an answer for everything. He was just no fun to play with.

"Hardly," she laughed to Esti. Were you friends with the snake you poked at just for fun? She didn't say so out loud, though. But his claim that he had something planned for Sonticus, now that was interesting. "Oooh?" she asked him slyly, drawing out the syllable. "Of course you'd tease with that. I hope you plan to follow through on it. It is so disappointing when someone chickens out of something you'd been looking forward to." She thought back to Dione, who'd tried to stir up trouble for Imperium then took off when things got a little hot for her. Such a disappointment that siege was.

But the alpha who'd appeared had entirely removed everyone's attention from their little conversations, and she settled back to watch curiously. The female had clearly been nursing pups recently, so Cas was surprised that she'd been the one to appear. Oh well, alphas always had to be ready to defend their packs, pups or no. Still, Cas winced in sympathy when the two pale wolves tangled and the defending alpha immediately fell. Well, there was a cautionary tale for you. If you weren't fighting-fit, pass your pack to someone who was until you got back to that point.

Well that was less fireworks than she'd hoped for. But now she could go back to Imperium and report to Valentine sooner. A shrug, and the dark female stood and trotted away without another word. Let Sin have his time with his family to celebrate their new pack however they happened to celebrate. She had things of her own needing doing back on pack lands.

-exit Cascade-
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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