
Subtle Lives


04-10-2013, 08:14 PM

It was early morning where the sun was high enough to light up the entire world, or what the wolves knew of it. The brute that had escaped from his new home decided to explore the South, he was to return later on that night or the next morning. Not that he was curious, he was just well aware of his surroundings. He wanted to know where to find certain food, what areas had great fish population, the best swimming holes, where to find herbs if absolutely needed. The male was loaded with information, but he still needed to learn. Maybe he can ask Gargoyle if someone can teach him the different herbs. In his mind all he was thinking about was the hot dame's that could help him. He was always hungry for love, but he could never be loyal. The male was obsessed with females, but he wasn't so wicked to kill one that didn't want his handsome body.

On his walk down to the south, he passed many areas, those of which were pretty much the same to him. He wanted more excitement than streams and meadows. So he came across a cave and decided it would fit to his standards.

He went inside the cave, the light from the entrance was enough light to light most of what he could see, but his paws led him into darkness. A skylight peeked it's way through revealing the thin tunnel that would fit two and a half of the brute. He slowly padded his way to the sunlight, his chestnut color glittered in the light and his deep icy eyes looked up at the cracks revealing the light source and his eyes let off a shine so beautiful the heavens sang.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-10-2013, 09:12 PM

Morning was the easiest time to slip from Valhalla's border and silently hope she would go unnoticed by her brother. For now the female would push Maverick from her mind, truly not wanting to put the boy she so adored in danger. But still she knew Syrinx was keeping a careful eye on her, fiercely protective of his sister and unwilling to let her fall into harm's grasp for even just a second. A gentle huff escaped her jaws as she made her way slightly north of her family's territory, content to escape to the depths of her own mind. The boy's scent still seemed to linger in her nose, the gentle feeling of his touch taunting her, begging her to reunite with him once again. But her mind told her to stay away; she had caused enough trouble for the boy, and she hadn't even defended his honorable intentions. She had simply watched as her brother had rushed to strike him, to drive him away from Epiphron with the snapping of his jaws. And for once, Epiphron Adravendi had been at a loss for words.

Guilt was an unpleasant feeling. Rather than face it, instead she would bury it deep inside her chest and smother it until the emotion faded. Instead she would let her paws carry her wherever they pleased, soon bringing her to a halt outside the entrance of a vast entrance to a cave.

Sapphire eyes would sparkle with childlike curiosity as her eyes scanned the darkness ahead. While the cavern could prove to be dangerous, she found herself exhilarated by the concept of venturing into such a mysterious place. The princess would lower her cranium to the ground, nostrils flaring as she sought to pick up the scent of any creature who might be lurking in the dark. No scent was detected, and with careful grace the female placed one paw in front of the other, beginning to venture into the unknown depths of the cavern.

A single russet-furred ear would flick as she slunk into the cave, the sound of her paws padding against the cool stone quiet, but faintly audible. Occasionally as she went, light would find its way through cracks in the stone, illuminating the cave faintly. As time crept on, her movements careful as she navigated the labyrinth of stone, her eyes began to adjust to the extreme darkness.

The scent of another would reach her unsuspecting nose. Slight wariness crept into her being, a gentle and peaceful bark offered. The aroma was musky, clearly that of a male, and Epiphron knew she was in no position to cause a fight -- she hardly knew how to find her way back out of the cave, at least not with certainty.


04-11-2013, 01:36 PM

The brute continued to stare into the glistening light. But the angels stopped singing his name from the skies as he was interrupted. A light bark erupted from the shadows. It was soft and subtle; it wasn't of fear, maybe a bit curious. The bark must have come from a female. Genesis did not sense the girl, but he let out a low welcoming roar to assure her that he meant no harm.

This was a chance to win one of his ladies, even if the girl was in love or claimed. He wouldn't pressure them, and he wouldn't want them to get angry or upset, but it was definitely worth a try in his eyes.

But setting aside his big plan to success, he turned around and walked back towards the entrance until he could find the dame. In total darkness he pushed his body against the wall to be sure he was following the path. He could smell her now, the wondrous smell of a Valhallan dame. And he continued to follow her scent unroll his head dropped to hers. The impacted of their foreheads colliding forces him to jump back a step. He searched or her eyes but the tunnel was so dark that he found nothing.

"Sorry.." He chuckled a bit, "I can't find your eyes." Through the darkness the male smiled charmingly, but it was completely invisible to the other wolf he had bumped into. So he stood there waiting for a response.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2013, 03:31 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 03:32 PM by Epiphron.)

No threat of violence erupted from the nearby male; instead, he let a low greeting of his own, voicing that he meant no harm to her. Epiphron realized suddenly how silly her impulsive decision to venture into such darkness was, and she silent wished Syrinx would appear, her brother, her protector -- but in her time of need, she was utterly alone. The notion made her laugh inwardly, the sound light and hardly audible at all. He seemed to have a knack for showing up when he was unwanted, and not being around when she felt she might need him.

But the stranger's sound echoed no desire to harm her, and the female would square her shoulders in a slightly defensive posture as she traversed through the halls of stone. This way, if he dared attack, at least she was in a position to defend herself. Eyes would blink uncertainty as she struggled to peer through the dense darkness, occasionally catching glimpses of light that struggled to climb through the cracks of stone overhead.

The male was never illuminated by the light, but remained wrapped in darkness. Epiphron hadn't realized he was quite so close until it was too late -- their heads collided with a painful sound that echoed through the empty cavern, bouncing off the solid stone walls. Instinctively she jumped backwards, lips curling as her expression tightened into a snarl... until she realized he was not actually attacking, but had walked into her by mistake. Unblinking sapphire eyes gazed at his shadow in the darkness, barely able to make out his figure against the background. Hopefully he vision would adjust quickly. "It's... fine," the female answered quickly, as though slightly shaken by the sudden encounter.

Her posture would straighten, quickly shaking her muzzle as though to compose herself. Sweet tones spilled from her lips then; all she had needed was a second to back away from the stranger, to reassure herself he was not going to harm her. "What's your name, anyway? This doesn't seem like a terribly safe place for a rogue to be wandering," she stated plainly, though her tones danced with something like jest. Was he a troublemaker, she wondered? What else would he be doing here? What was SHE doing here, anyway? Another gentle inhalation of the male's scent told her that her initial deduction was right -- his scent was untainted with the heavy scent of a pack.


04-11-2013, 08:55 PM

The dame's voice seemed a bit troubled, but it was soothing and beautiful; Genesis knocked it to the side. Though the wolf was part of Glaciem, the scent of his pack must not have overrode his musty rogue smell. Of course, it would take time for that to settle in. But as the female spoke, he listened to her words and watched them echo in the cave.

"I believe you are mistaken, I am from Glaciem."

His maw let out another chuckle, his head pulled into his chest but it was once again impossible to see. He had no image for the dame, all he knew was that she was from Valhalla, and Valhallan wolves were beautiful. He expected something magnificent, and he wasn't too far off.

"My name is Genesis, I mean no harm to you or anyone in that matter."

Though the brute was still obsessed to know what the dame's appearance was, he would have wanted to know the face of anyone he had met in the strange cave. Who just wonders into a dark cave? So he offered.

"We should be by light, I would rather look at the wolf I am talking to."

His voice was gentle and flowed through the tunnel in a low echo. If the male ever lost his sight, he would surely kill himself instead of living a life in darkness. He turned around slowly and hoped his tail would brush against her to welcome her on his journey through the cave.

"You can just walk forward and follow me."




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2013, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 10:27 PM by Epiphron.)

So he was not a rogue; he was from Glaciem. Her interest was instantaneously peaked; Glaciem was the pack that Collision had been visiting for so long, hoping to strike an alliance with the wolves of the northern pack. She wondered what prompted this one to travel so far south, away from his family. Still, she inhaled his scent, finding it still untainted by the stench of a pack -- perhaps he was new to the group? "My mistake, sir -- I do apologize," she replied promptly, her voice dripping with audible sweetness. The attitude was not forced, but rather came with a surprising ease, tones dancing with delicate coyness.

Still her gaze struggled to penetrate through the darkness of the cave, but to no avail. His outline, she noticed through her squinted stare, gave way to a rather large male -- larger than herself, at least.

"It's a pleasure, Genesis. My name is Epiphron Adravendi, and I hail from the Valhalla pack." Her tones changed slightly when she spoke of her name, of her family, as though the very thing was a prized possession that deserved all the adoration in the world. If only she could see the male's face in the darkness, see if any hint if recognition danced across his unfamiliar features. Did he know of her pack, her family? Her father was a legend in her eyes -- even Maverick had heard of Cairo -- and she was curious as to how vast the span of his legacy really was. Genesis insisted he wasn't planning to harm her, and though his words came across as genuine enough, she wasn't keen to approach him further in such complete darkness.

Rather than directly answering her question, he suggested they find somewhere more comfortable to talk -- somewhere they could actually see their faces. A gentle laugh escaped her parted jaws, agreeing with his idea thoroughly. "If you insist in seeing my face, your wish is my command." She, too, wondered what the male looked like. The creature turned, his tail aimlessly stroking her side as he went. In the darkness she flinched, the movement going unnoticed; she was unused to strangers touching her, but she wasn't entirely offended by the gesture. Epiphron turned to follow him, still keeping a careful distance from the stranger.

"Just don't lead me into a wall," she teased with a gentle chuckle, taunting him playfully for the mistake he'd made in walking into her just a moment before.


04-12-2013, 02:35 PM

The dame accepted his request and he started to walk, "I'll be sure to hit the wall before you." He let out a small snicker to show him putting in a joke just as she had. And he walked down the dark tunnel. His tail swayed a little as he walked and he brushed his shoulder against the wall once again to make sure he didn't get lost.

A skylight shown through the end of the tunnel. He picked up pace just a bit and started to trot. He turned his head back to look at Epiphron, his color started to show in the dim light and by the time he was under the light and stopped, he was a golden chestnut color and his eyes were an icy blue. As he came up to the light he looked up through the cracks to see if he could find the sky, and then he looked back at Epiphron with a grin.

The male only had heard Valhalla's name, but if he were asked he would respond with 'Val-what-a?' and so he didn't know any whereabouts of Cairo or his living legacy. But The male looked very much like the dame's father. His brown color struck him as so, but it had a bright tone to the fur that made him look almost nothing like Cairo. And so the two weren't even alike.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 09:42 PM by Epiphron.)

"What a gentleman," she teased with a faint grin, a light laugh escaping her jowls. Briefly she wondered what Syrinx would think if he caught Genesis conversing with her in the darkness of a cave. Epiphron didn't doubt that her brother wouldn't hesitate to attack the male. At the very least, he'd have a fit. Why was he brother so damn angry -- so protective, when he had no real reason to be? Did Syrinx chase Chrysanthe away the same way, following nearly every move she made, wanting to protect her? No, her sister was stronger.. she didn't need a protector.

As she and Genesis made their way out of the stifling darkness, she kept her own shoulder pressed lightly against the cave well, not wanting to bump into Genesis. Before long, a bit of sunlight peeked through the cave ceiling, and she followed the chestnut-furred male into the sunlight. She was glad to be able to make out the stranger, and a slight smile graced her delicate features as she slid near him.

Genesis didn't reply to her. The blank look on his face told her that it was likely he had no idea who her pack was. Ah, well. "What were you doing here, anyway? It really is a weird place to be wandering." Epiphron questioned the male with mild interest, her true curiosity masked behind a pleasant facade and a tender smile.


04-15-2013, 06:42 PM

Of course Genesis was a gentleman. even though the dame was joking it was very true; well he was more of a charmer but he would do anything to get that sense of love. Well, They both made their way to the cracks in the roof and Genesis absolutely admired her pelt. The red of her ear, the white that completely surrounded her; she was beautiful. Her eyes were a crystal blue that struck Genesis the most, He only then noticed the ivory on her paw that matched up with her head. He looked at her for a moment before answering, a grin on his face.

"What I'm doing here? Oh, I am very...interested in seeing all the lands of Valhalla. I wish to visit all the packs some day too, maybe take a visit with Gargoyle."

Maybe He could act like some sort of 'escort' for Gargoyle, It would be great to visit the other packs with him and meet other pack wolves. He would like to observe their behavior and see how it is different than back at home with Glaciem. Everything was so full of love there, no one fought no one had any sadness in their hearts, except for one. Arcane was very down with her old mate, Saix coming back from what seemed like the dead. But you just knew when Arcane was around, her sadness filled the hearts of so many Glaciens and Genesis felt bad for her. Of course he would just get right back up and find the next catch, he could never be 100% loyal.

He looked into the dame's eyes if she allowed him to and asked her the reflecting question.

"And what is a pretty little lady like you doing out here?"




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-16-2013, 09:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2013, 09:22 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's vivid blue gaze danced over the boy, noting his handsome appearance. She could appreciate his attractiveness, even though she was very much infatuated with Maverick. Their last meeting hadn't gone particularly well anyway, and she wouldn't mind a distraction from the confusion that plagued her mind.

Her own features were graced with a delicate smile; her posture dripped of confidence, her head held high on her small shoulders. Though he might not know of the Adravendis, she was unwilling to make the male forget her name.

She knew very little of the Glaciem pack, so she would not condemn him for his ignorance, for she was just as uninformed. Perhaps she should visit them in the near future, once news was given that an alliance had been settled upon. "Is Gargoyle your Alpha?" Epiphron inquired with genuine curiosity, shifting on her haunches slightly.

He returned her question, and the female's forehead furrowed slightly as she fought to find an answer. Truthfully, she was attempting to run away from her thoughts, but failing very miserably. The girl swore Maverick's scent was still heavy in her nose, his touch lingering on her from their meeting the day before. "I guess I just needed to be alone," she started, but then realized how terrible that sounded. Of course, she wasn't alone now -- and she didn't want Genesis to feel as though she wanted him gone. "I mean... away from my family for a bit. I have a lot on my mind these days, I suppose." Eos had returned, and she had heard rumors of Neo's return, though didn't have the mind the ask if they were true. She desperately missed the days when things were easier, and for a second she was reminded of vague memories of being curled against her mother and siblings, kept warm and safe at night. Growing up certainly had its benefits, but she couldn't help but feel nostalgic for simpler days.


04-16-2013, 12:13 PM

Who was Gargoyle? Surely the dame new as simple as that, she must have been here longer than he had. He gave a little chuckle, "Yes, Gargoyle is my chief." He looked at her with an expression like 'really?' But continued to smile and chuckle a bit.

Whatever this female was going through, Genesis could possibly relate. Well not necessarily because he killed his best friend for a girl that ended up leaving him. It was a waste of a life and a waste of his time.

"Oh, well I'm sorry there hun, is there anything a can do to help?"

Something inside Gen wanted to put a smile on his face, to make it like a subliminal message. But he didn't, he actually changed his face to a sincere emotion, almost serious but an expression saying 'I can help you.' And so Genesis looked at Epiphron and waited for her to talk, as long as she wanted to.
