
The Rhythm of my Heart



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-10-2015, 02:38 PM

Esti couldn’t tell if she was in a good mood or not. She had a small idea in her mind and decided to just go with it. Those plans were always the best plans anyway. She had been thinking, oh lord, she had been thinking. She had heard the rumors of Rhythm from Ashmedai, and he apparently from Vana, but what did that change? If Rhythm was weak or a traitor, or whatever, what did it matter? The alpha was in love with her and she was going to be bringing pups into the pack. Esti thought back to when she had learned she was pregnant with Ashmedai. She had been terrified and upset. It had seemed like the world was ending even with Valentine to help her. Sure Rhythm had Valentine, and probably had Valentine more than Esti ever had, but Esti remembered how she had holed up in her den and just waited to have pups. She wondered if Rhythm felt the same way.

Everyone had a general dislike towards the woman, it seemed, and Evangeline’s last outburst probably didn’t help. Did Rhythm have anyone else? Where had Revenge gone, anyway? Weren’t Rhythm and Revenge relatives? That thought hadn’t fully sunk in until just then. Suddenly, Esti could see small similarities and wondered if it was a Destruction thing. That aside, if her family wasn’t around Imperium, Rhythm was probably alone and maybe scared and, obviously, Esti could relate.

A fat hare hung from Esti’s jaws by its face. Its eyes were pierced by Esti’s left canines. Hunting in these lands wasn’t too terribly hard and Esti wasn’t hungry. It wasn’t like this was the first thing she had caught today. Nope. Definitely not.

Nearing Rhythm’s den, Esti sniffed about, making sure there wasn’t any company around. Gods forbid she was seen being charitable. After a moment, she was sure no one else was around and Esti called out as she approached. Her pace slowed, but she didn’t halt entirely. She would aim to toss the food at the entrance of the den before Rhythm could see it and ask if it was for her. She didn’t want the woman to feel all indebted, she just needed a reason to be there and obviously taking care of the pack’s future pups was a completely normal act and not at all kind or anything. It was an obligation, a duty. Esti was a dutiful member of the pack and was going to fulfill her obligations as a member. That was it. There was no other reason.




13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-20-2015, 12:20 PM
Rhythm was very much pregnant, though just by looking at her it might now have been what first came to mind. She was still tiny, quite a feat considering. The Destruction could still pretty much provide for herself, Imperium's lands were fertile and full of stupid prey. Despite all of that she still hadn't eaten that day. She'd hunted in the morning but had been unable to bring anything back. Now with the heat of the day waning she had half a mind to go try again, at least until the carcass thumped down at her doorstep.

Attention grabbed Rhythm didn't hesitate to emerge, curious about the bringer of such a gift. She was surprised when Esti's tall form came into focus. The pregnant she wolf would squint at the brightness of the day, but the look of gratitude was obvious. She didn't think anything more of the meal than just that. However she would become slightly perplexed that the woman hadn't dropped it and left. "Thank you for dinner," she'd smile softly as she grabbed the rabbit between her paws and started into it. Her back half still in the den as she made herself comfortable. Her eyes occasionally darting to Esti as she waited for what might be said to her this time.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-20-2015, 12:48 PM

Rhythm came out and Esti was a little disappointed that the tiny girl wasn't more stunned by her appearance and chari- duty. Well, at least she wasn't screaming for help or Valentine. She thanked Esti for the meal and Esti nodded, "Hadn't had the chance to come by and see how fat you've gotten. Figured I'd bring food in case you were stuck in your den." she joked as if she and Rhythm had been friends. Esti licked some of the blood off her maw, offering a lopsided smirk that quickly faded. Here went nothing, "Now look, I know what happened with Ashmedai, and we all know what happened with Evangeline, but I don't think I can survive off of children's rumors forever. I don't know what happened, I assume what happened, but I don't know. What I do know is that you're carrying the alpha's pups now and that's pretty much the most important thing to the pack- or should be."

Esti's tone was direct, but not necessarily hostile, "So if you wanna tell me your side of the story, go for it. If not, that's fine, I'm gonna take care of your pups anyway, like you did for me and Ash, but I'm not a healer, and if I give you herbs, they're probably poison, so don't eat them." she smirked again, this time, to herself, trying to imagine being a healer. She'd probably end up killing someone, which defeated the purposed of being a healer, didn't it? "Anyway, if no one else has said it yet, I know where you're at because I've been there except a little different."

Esti paused for a second, thinking about her own circumstance again, "Anyway, don't risk the pup's lives hunting, I'm big enough to do that for both of us. Between Valentine and I, you should get fat pretty quickly. Besides, it's a pack member's duty, right, so don't think much of it, okay?" Her voice ended on a sharper note with her last sentence. She wasn't here to raise suspicion or become some holy saint, so she didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. Esti was here because she wanted to be and because it was her duty to be here. The woman ended her little spiel, letting silence fall between them, wondering if Rhythm would answer her or call for the alpha. She didn't know what to expect from the little woman and she was realizing how little she actually knew about the alpha's sweetheart all together.




13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-20-2015, 03:09 PM
Esti offered an amusing retort about her weight, but Rhythm had no doubt the other woman only had a little joke to deliver along side her gift. She did explain herself though, and the answer for the rabbit was acceptable. No matter the reason Rhy was thankful, she'd been hungry. As she ate Rhythm would watch the black and white she wolf her ears perked as she listened to the oddly comforting words. Esti even brought up an opportunity for Rhythm to explain her side of the whole traitorous story.

The chocolate girl wouldn't say anything as she listened, eating her meal dutifully. She hadn't expected any of the words Esti'd given her, but she'd chuckle softly at the jokes and wasn't about to run her off afterwards. As she felt quite a bit more satisfied by her meal she'd sigh softly before answering her pack mate. "Thanks Esti, I really appreciate everything." Offering to be there for her, feeding her, having another pair of eyes to keep a look out for her babies. She wouldn't have ever guessed that talking to Esti would cause her to feel so much relief. "I.. um. Soliloquy was my cousin, and it was really difficult to accept Valen's actions against him. I went to heal him before seeing to Valentine." She had little else to say about it, slowly they'd moved forward from that moment and they'd grown stronger because of it. She still felt shame for it, but couldn't take it back. Moving forward was her only option.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-20-2015, 03:59 PM

Esti let a drawn out hum leave her chest as Rhythm finished speaking, "My only family is my brother, and I wonder if I would do the same in your position." She imagined Laufey de-balled by Valentine and couldn't suppress her snicker, "Probably not, but I see where you're coming from." She shrugged, "We all make mistakes, most of my life is a mistake, but you gotta make something out of it-" Esti snickered again, "-In your case, literally." Esti would sit now, feeling a little more comfortable, "I think you'll do fine, though. Just remember you family is here now- though I've heard you have a big one in Abaven." Her eyes would slide to Rhythm's form, then away, "Tell me, what's that like- having a big family? Like I said, I only have my brother, so... Is it as troublesome as I imagine?" she wanted to keep Rhythm talking. If this ended on an odd note, who knew when they would get the opportunity to talk again?
