


08-08-2015, 04:39 PM
Today, Juniper wanted to explore her home, find out the little secrets that were being kept away from her and the others. So the pup would set out, letting her parents know where she would be so they wouldn't worry then was bounding off. Carefully she took the path they had taken one their first day out, making her way to the deck of the ship and stopping. Eyes closed as the child took in a deep breath of the cold northern air, giggling when a few snowflakes landed on her nose. She didn't mind it though, the pup actually really enjoyed playing in the white snow, even if it made her cold at times.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-09-2015, 03:54 AM
With the permission given by their parents, Rivaxorus had found himself exploring as much of the ship as he could. Of course he would check in regularly with his parents, like Juniper he took a nack for exploring. However if any of his siblings needed him, he would be there in almost an instant. Sometime he would drop in to say hi to Amachi or Avalon. Even that new pregnant lady Arietta was it? Since Sin had come to the pack he wasn't sure how to feel about him, he couldn't be that bad being second in command could he? After all, not even dad was second in command and their mother was president above all things. Two of his different colored eyes locked on his sister though on the deck. Uncontrollably his tail started to wag back and forth and he charged straight for her. Skidding to a halt as he came within a few feet. "Hey Junip, you know I found this cool cave underneath the ship. It's near the back dens full of a bunch of pretty crystals!" perhaps if he showed her something cool, he'd be seen as cool. The puppy showed off some tiny sharp canine's, hoping that he could drag her along for some fun.


08-11-2015, 05:06 PM
Head swung around at the sound of somebody running in her direction, Juniper didn't mind if somebody wanted to join so she didn't get upset when she looked and saw that it was Riv who was coming by. "Hey Riv!" She barked happily, tail thumping against the ships deck as her brother came over. He quickly caught her whole attention when a cave was brought up, ears perking forward and eyes narrowing, a mischievous little smile forming across her lips. "A cave, hm?" She stood up and turned to face him, ideas running through her head at a hundred miles per hour. He said they were near the back dens and full of crystals, whatever those were. "Lets go check it out! Show me!" She barked, doing a small hop in place. The girl was up for finding new things all the time, and since things were a bit boring here this would give her the excitement she had been looking for.

Jack I


6 Years
09-05-2015, 05:39 PM
Rivaxorus couldn't resist the large grin that appeared on his face. Making his sister happy seemed to be the highlight of his day. As he started back down the ship into the hull. He would lead his sister to a large opening that could even fit amachi at the end of the hall. It was covered in ice though, so when he went to enter the cave his little pawpads felt it and he shivered. Moving on, he stopped in the middle of the large chamber. Covered in different colored crystals, it seemed to be the most amazing thing he had ever seen. Head moving around to take in the details. "It's like a secret hide-out ya know!" he jumped around in a circle. Sliding at one point around Juniper.

"Anata wa ima made ni fune ni subete no jikandearu koto no tsukaredesu ka?(Do you ever get tired of being in the ship all the time?)" he asked his sister in their native tongue that mother had taught them. He would take a seat closer to his smaller sibling. He knew he didn't like being in the ship all the time. Being outdoors was the best, even when he had gotten lost and some strange girl led him home when they went to visit grandma in Fiori. His small fluffy tail flicked back and forth.


09-11-2015, 03:54 PM

She followed closely beside her brother but going no further than his shoulder since he was the one leading them to this cool spot with crystals. Blue eyes looked around in awe when they had reached a large hole in the wall, wondering what could have been strong enough to break the strong structure. Question for another time, the girl would keep the thoughts to herself for now, giggling when they came across the ice on the ground. Juniper would try to slide across as Riv continued forward, taking careful quick steps then using her momentum to slide smoothly. It felt kind of nice on her paws.

Finally they would arrive in the large chamber, the girl's eyes going wide in awe as she looked at the crystals full of colors and covering the place. “Wooooow.” Mouthing the word, Juniper sitting back and just taking in the beauty that had been hiding beneath their home this whole time without her knowing. Riv's voice brought her back, head turning, chuckling as he spun around her and called this place a secret hide-out. “It really is! And it's so pretty Riv!” She barked, tail sweeping over the ice in excitement.

But Riv would ask her something, speaking in the tongue their mother had taught them, though she wasn't as fluent in it just yet like him. The girl would shrug her shoulders, trailing her claws along the ice before looking back to her sibling. (1)”Hai... Sore wa taikutsuna, kowai ton'neru.” She felt kind of bad for saying it but it was the truth, being inside all the time was boring and sometimes it felt like the place was getting to her, like she could hear voices down the hallways but see or smell no one down them. ”What about you Riv?”

(1) yes... it boring, tunnels scary

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

09-17-2015, 08:33 AM
As he looked at the large cavern, the pup would humm a little. A smile appearing on his face as she described it as pretty. Always happy to put a smile on his sisters face, he would wag his tail back and forth furiously so. Rivaxorus listened to her about what she said about this place though. Despite being born here she was right, the ship was huge and the outside was vast. There were no trees like he had seen when they visited Fiori. It was almost like this place was the dark place their momma had told them about. He didn't entirely understand what that meant, and he did have to trust those names he had instilled a little bit of faith in him. Though, what did he actually think of this place? "It is kind of scary." he mumbled.

"Momma told me about the wolf Zakuro from that religion she believes in. Kinda like.... dead wolves that are powerful or something." he furrowed his brows. "Zakuro is a mean wolf, he's got a rat's tail for his own. He's supposed to be the leader of that dark place you go if you are mean to people." his eyes scanned the walls, he looked at his sister then and bounced over to her. He would placed his nose on her shoulder and hug her. "But I know I'm gonna protect you from those scary things. Cuz' I'm your big brother." he smiled.


09-21-2015, 02:59 PM

The girl looked over to her sibling when he agreed, the ship was kind of scary. But did he hear the whispers and scuffling around like she did? Or was it something only for her, somebody hiding in the darkness and watching her like prey. The idea was chilling, sending a icy sting down her back. Maybe it was something she would have to talk to her mother or sisters about, see if they were experiencing the same thing because they were girls. Or maybe she could ask her brothers and father, they could be hearing the stuff too and just hiding it because they were suppose to be strong boys.

Riv started telling her about a wolf named Zakuro, the girl turning towards her brother and listening. The wolf was from their mother's religion, a mean man with a rat tail and the leader of a dark place for people who are mean to others. Was that what she was hearing, Zakuro watching her, waiting for her to be bad so he could drag her away from everyone. Juniper's ears pulled back at the thought, a new fear forming in her gut, making the girl become warm despite it being cool around them.

But then she felt something on her shoulder, causing the girl to flinch and find her brother touching her then giving a big hug. He said he would protect her from those scary things, that he was her big brother. Instantly her eyes began to water and lips tremble, closing her eyes tight and wrapping her forelegs around the boy tightly, burying her face into his neck. ”Don't let him take me Riv, please...” It was clear at this point that the voices meant more than it originally seemed, disturbing the child to the point where she was asking her brother not to let them take her into the darkness. ”I'm good, not bad.”