
om is the bow, the arrow is soul



5 Years
09-16-2015, 03:50 PM

Southern Alacritia was a place the wanderer had never been before, even on his migration from the lands. Upon his return, he discovered it by chance, and took it upon himself to explore as much as he pleased. While it was his intention to get back to Imperium in a timely manner (at least, timely in accord to his own knowledge of when he headed back to Alacritia), his mind slavered after the thought of new sights, new things. He couldn’t resist immersing himself in the new terrain.

After coming to rest at the creek nearby, Nagendra had continued on his wandering journey to find yet more water [Aspen Dam]. When the new creek came into view, he stopped where he was to observe from afar. The stream up ahead was staggered here and there by conglomerations of sticks and debris – beavers. In predictable places it swelled and its current was slow. Nagendra wondered if such was a proper environment for fish, since he had just found a decent creek for his favored prey earlier. Did beaver dams impede them too much? Even if there weren’t any fish here, he knew beavers had decent amounts of meat on them too.

A faint smile traced along his lips as he took a step forward. The grass and plant life bordering the stream was lush and thriving. However, he noted with mild curiosity, there was only smaller, shorter vegetation nearby. The trees all stood detachedly by some distance away, their pretty silver necks stretched tall and slim. Nagendra’s smile broadened as he traced several with his eyes. He decided that he liked those trees very much; they stood so uniformly, all neat, thin, pale lines amongst the green. It let the afternoon light in so nicely. It was a shame that this place was so far from where he once knew in Alacritia.  



9 Years
09-21-2015, 06:08 PM

It was by chance that he'd come here.

His wanderlust was great and, despite the fact he felt a dire need to return north to where his old pack lands had once resided, he'd come here instead to fulfill his need to explore. When he'd been but a child he'd only done so much exploring before having to leave the lands of Alacritia altogether. There was so much of the land that he had yet to see that he felt the need to see everything that he could before he turned too old to do so. His mother had lived a fair life, and his father hadn't been too much younger than Crusade when he'd passed as well. Really his life just depended on fate itself as there was no telling how long he'd live, especially once the onset of old age kicked in.

This place was particularly interesting to the fluffy brute. Trees stood in nice uniformed lines and they reminded him of birch trees once he thought about it. Of course thinking of trees his mind wandered back to the fluffy pine trees that resided in his old homeland when he'd lived with Glaciem and his heart longed for the familiarity of the cold plains. Of course this place was nothing like Mount Animi and the snowy north and the Aspen trees and warm weather was nothing but a testament to it. He had to quit pining for the old days as they were far behind him.

Instead he headed towards the sound of bubbling water in the creek and soon came across it. He drank his fill before surveying the area around him. It was really quite pretty once he thought about it. Green was always a nice color though when it came to plant life. Logs and branches littered the creek in clumps and judging by the smell it was obvious beavers were present here. He couldn't help but to shift excitedly on his paws at the thought of catching one. They were a bit oily at the fur but once you got past all that they were quite tasty.

So he traveled along the line of the water with his nose to the ground trying to find a more recent scent. It didn't take him long to pick one up and he followed it for a time before a new scent caught his attention. All it had taken was a shift on the wind and the scent of a male came to his nostrils. His nose quivered as he took in the unfamiliar masculine scent and he picked up traces of a foreign pack. Eyelids blinked across teal eyes as he tried to locate the male, but he quickly realized it was useless as the wind shifted once more.

Only after eyeing the area for a bit and finding nothing that he continued on with his journey of finding a beaver for lunch. Lucky for him it had only taken a few more lengths forward before he saw the sleek splotch of brown waddle into the river away from the carnivore. His tail waved softly behind him at the prospect of lunch and he paused on the bank as he pondered how to get to it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



5 Years
09-25-2015, 03:52 PM

Nagendra stood and pondered a while longer, let the fresh air filter in and out of his lungs some more. He dug his toes into the soft grass, and then turned to look back to the creek. Maybe he’d go downstream some. Veering off to his left, the brown wolf would slip past foliage and into the aspen forest. He wove through slender trunks and skipped delicately across the detritus-littered ground. He smelled passing plants idly, and brushed his chocolate pelt across a tree here and there. After a few moments wandering downward, he’d peel from the forest once again, having enjoyed his little detour.

Now emerging downstream, the first thing Nagendra would note was another canine figure. A stranger! A faint, cryptic smile spread across his face as he paused on the edge of the forest for a second. Shamrock green eyes studied the fluffy, monochrome creature with interest. He tried to assess whether or not it would be dangerous to approach. He looked big, but… there were no outward signs he could perceive that would indicate anything other than your normal stranger. His smile remained. Might as well take the chance. Striding forward he would approach and call out, his voice amicable and melodic, ”Good afternoon!”



9 Years
09-26-2015, 12:38 PM

Teal eyes were fixated on the beaver as it went about its home-building in the river fully aware of the predator watching it. Creed couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed as he stared at the tasty looking morsel. Even if he felt like getting wet, which he did not, he doubted he'd be able to catch it in the water unless he was lucky. He was aware that beavers had webbed hind feet to help them swim and they were much faster than he would ever be in the water. His only fair chance would be to catch one on land. He let out an annoyed huff and gave up on the idea.

He'd been so transfixed on the idea of a snack that he hadn't heard the other wolf approaching. At the sound of the voice and the soft padding of feet he turned his head abruptly to look at the new comer. The first thing he noticed was that the other male was smiling which was a good thing in his book. He smiled softly back giving an automatic tail wag towards the other. Creed was a sociable creature and so long as others were friendly he had no problem returning the gesture regardless if he knew them or not.

"Aye, tha' it is. Wha' brings ye this way?"

As he spoke he couldn't help but study the other male. He was only slightly smaller than himself, covering in considerably less fur, and clearly weighed a bit less. His earthen tones and simplistic pelt caught his attention and the piercing green eyes were the most noticeable and attractive feature about the male. He didn't linger on appearances too long though, realizing that he'd forgotten to introduce himself.

"My name is Creed."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



5 Years
09-27-2015, 12:27 PM

The stranger noticed him and smiled, his tail swishing. Immediately joy sprung up in Nagendra’s chest. Wonderful! One of his favorite things had to be finding a perfect stranger who was perfectly friendly. The tips of his teeth showed as he grinned softly, stopping at a comfortable distance. His ears tilted forward to the sound of an odd accent. He decided almost instantly that he liked it very much. ”Just exploring!” he replied. ”And, well, heading back to the mainland. But, taking a bit of a detour to explore,” he explained. ”The trees here are very pretty.” He glanced back briefly towards the aspens, and then back to his company.

The other wolf introduced himself, and Nagendra beamed. ”My name is Nagendra Bahri. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Creed,” his airy voice replied. ”What brings you here?” he would return the earlier question, shifting his weight to one side slightly. The other male, he noted, now that he was closer, was a far more complex mix of greys and blacks than he’d been able to see from afar. Black covered his nose, and dripped below eyes that were a bright green, like Nagendra’s own. He was bigger than the wanderer, and his coat exceptionally fluffy. Fairly handsome, he decided.



9 Years
10-25-2015, 09:42 PM

The other male was overly friendly and this pleased Creed. The smile remained on his face and his tail continued to swish. He quite enjoyed it when there was pleasant company around him. It allowed him the ability to easily make friends and keep a nice conversation going without the worry that the other didn't like him or vice versa. There was no awkwardness or struggle for conversation and he was grateful for it.

Nagendra seemed to have no problem explaining why he was here and Creed nodded absentmindedly. He himself was a bit far from home and would be heading back to the mainland soon but the territory was beautiful and he was right, the trees were lovely. It was a shame there weren't more of them in other areas. He quite enjoyed looking at them. The trees weren't the only enjoyable thing though. The river was nice and he was fairly excited about the beavers. Should he decide to linger in the area he decided he was determined to catch one.

He wasn't surprised when the question was returned and he already had his answer ready in his mind.

"Ah jus' fel' the need to ge' away for a while. So mah paws led me here, bu' yer right, tis qui'e beau'iful here. Reminds me of home."


[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



5 Years
11-29-2015, 03:17 PM
Sorry this took so long ;__;

Creed had similar reasoning. Nagendra smiled at the other wolf’s sentiment. He began to walk closer, heading to the right of the other towards the edge of the water. Such a lush place this whole island area was, he was surprised he hadn’t run into anyone else sooner. ”Do you live near here? Or, do you know if anyone does, for that matter?” he inquired curiously, looking over his shoulder for a second with a brow raised. He looked back over the water, examining the beaver dam again and all the reeds that lined the edge of the water. The places he’d explored here so far were bountiful – the perfect place to support a big pack. Maybe others didn’t know about this place. It was pretty far from where he’d originally been exploring in the mainland, if he remembered correctly.

He had begun to have a growing fondness for the dense vegetation of the southern continent, and wondered if he would be able to spare the time to come back here if he established himself in the mainland once more - in Imperium. Certainly, there were forests and the like up there, but here seemed more wild, closer to the heart of Mother Nature. Or perhaps it was just the isolation he liked so much.