
Faite Adravendi



6 Years

09-22-2015, 12:07 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Shrapnel
Age: 10

Character's Name: Faite Ethereal Adravendi
Character Age: 1
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 27 inches
Appearance Description: 27 inches - 76 lbs - lean
Faite is easily recognizable as a feminine creature. Her figure is quite sleek and svelte. She stands on long lilting legs and everything starting from her face all the way to her hips are quite narrow. She has a long slender muzzle and thin pointed ears. The largest part of her in terms of width would be her chest as it's clearly built for running. Her lungs have adapted to her lifestyle, hence the larger chest, as she can hold out quite well with bursts of speed. She's naturally bony on the lower portion of her legs and toes are. Despite being quite thin, in reality she's quite healthy and eats rather well. While being bony, she still has a bit of muscle to her residing mostly on her shoulders and haunches. She knows she's fast and she won't hesitate to use it to her advantage.

Like most wolves she's not thickly furred and the longest hairs on her body are around her neck, her stomach, her tail, and her haunches. She takes great pride in her appearance and it's not often that you find a speck of dirt to mar her appearance. Her fur is actually quite luxurious to look at as it holds the healthy sheen of a she-wolf who takes care of herself. Its silky soft to the touch and if a wolf had fingers they could easy brush them through the longer parts of her fur without them tangling up the thin hairs.

It's really hard to find out Faite's base color as she's rather colorful in terms of natural fur colors. Instead of trying to determine a base color it is far easier to just study her sections at a time. Starting with the darkest color on her frame, Faite ha black that travels from the base of her spine all the way down to her tail tip. It splashes her face on her muzzle and between her eyes and fades outwards. The toes on her front paws are black and her back paws are black all the way up to the knee before it fades as well. Deep brown and russet is the second darkest color and it adorns the rest of her face and fades down to the beginning of her neck, halfway down her body, and all the way along the rest of her tail. A hint of brown can be found along her back legs, but it isn't very noticeable. Last it fades from the black on her front toes all the way up to about a third of the way up her front legs. Last but least there are two different silver colors that Faite has inherited from her mother. Her haunches, down a portion of her back legs, and her stomach are a slightly darker silver while the front of her chest and front legs are a lighter shade of silver.

To top off the beautiful perfection of Faite's mixture of both Falk and Surreal her eyes are stunningly similar to her mother's. The right is a vibrant cyan while the other is a lovely gold that glimmer with the bright spark of life that Faite possesses.
Skills: Fighting and Intelligence

Proof of Purchases:
[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
09-22-2015, 05:18 AM
As per the adoption rules found here right in the adoption forum a readoption of a previously accepted character must have the same height, age, and birth season as when they were originally played. As Faite was originally 30" your profile will need to be changed to reflect that and her size changed to match.

We also require an ACTUAL ooc age, as stated on the form.



6 Years

09-22-2015, 09:50 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Shrapnel
Age: 19

Character's Name: Faite Ethereal Adravendi
Character Age: 1
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 30 inches
Appearance Description: 30 inches - 90 lbs - lean
Faite is easily recognizable as a feminine creature. Her figure is quite sleek and svelte. She stands on long lilting legs and everything starting from her face all the way to her hips are quite narrow. She has a long slender muzzle and thin pointed ears. The largest part of her in terms of width would be her chest as it's clearly built for running. Her lungs have adapted to her lifestyle, hence the larger chest, as she can hold out quite well with bursts of speed. She's naturally bony on the lower portion of her legs and toes are. Despite being quite thin, in reality she's quite healthy and eats rather well. While being bony, she still has a bit of muscle to her residing mostly on her shoulders and haunches. She knows she's fast and she won't hesitate to use it to her advantage.

Like most wolves she's not thickly furred and the longest hairs on her body are around her neck, her stomach, her tail, and her haunches. She takes great pride in her appearance and it's not often that you find a speck of dirt to mar her appearance. Her fur is actually quite luxurious to look at as it holds the healthy sheen of a she-wolf who takes care of herself. Its silky soft to the touch and if a wolf had fingers they could easy brush them through the longer parts of her fur without them tangling up the thin hairs.

It's really hard to find out Faite's base color as she's rather colorful in terms of natural fur colors. Instead of trying to determine a base color it is far easier to just study her sections at a time. Starting with the darkest color on her frame, Faite ha black that travels from the base of her spine all the way down to her tail tip. It splashes her face on her muzzle and between her eyes and fades outwards. The toes on her front paws are black and her back paws are black all the way up to the knee before it fades as well. Deep brown and russet is the second darkest color and it adorns the rest of her face and fades down to the beginning of her neck, halfway down her body, and all the way along the rest of her tail. A hint of brown can be found along her back legs, but it isn't very noticeable. Last it fades from the black on her front toes all the way up to about a third of the way up her front legs. Last but least there are two different silver colors that Faite has inherited from her mother. Her haunches, down a portion of her back legs, and her stomach are a slightly darker silver while the front of her chest and front legs are a lighter shade of silver.

To top off the beautiful perfection of Faite's mixture of both Falk and Surreal her eyes are stunningly similar to her mother's. The right is a vibrant cyan while the other is a lovely gold that glimmer with the bright spark of life that Faite possesses.
Skills: Fighting and Intelligence

Proof of Purchases:
[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
09-22-2015, 10:15 AM
Welcome to Alacritis!

Now that you're fully accepted, here are some important links you may find useful!

Guidebook, Adoptions, Gemstone Store

My focus needs more focus.