
this kerosene's live

Absinthe 1

09-23-2015, 08:01 PM

rat a tat - Fall Out Boy

The violet girl had been travelling at a lackadaisical pace with the cobalt titan she called friend. Now, she was approaching the first planned stop on the trip. The plethora of other places they'd stopped at along the way didn't count. The scent of the ocean drew her, cool breeze laden with saline promises singing a siren song. She loved the relief from the heat of summer the coast brought to her. Her step became lighter, jovial even. Underlying that intoxicating aroma, the disturbing musk of scent markings. The girl balked, stopping dead in her tracks. Ivory masked features twisted in horror. This is all wrong. Someone had claimed her home! Tentative steps carried her closer, inch by hesitant inch. How was she supposed to show Bacc where she had been born, and where everything had been happy for her?

Part of her really wanted to burst into tears, but just a smidge more of her decided anger was a more appropriate response. Stomping her foot against the deliciously cool terra, she vocalized her outrage. "No! This is all wrong!" She barked, kicking the nearest loose object with all her might. The branch tumbled end over end for a few feet, before rolling to a slow stop. Hissy fits weren't her specialty, but she was doing a damned good job of throwing one now. "Someone stole my home, Bacc!" She shrieked, glowering at the ebony coastline. It was close enough to touch, she could practically feel the soft volcanic sand under her toes. Old memories drifted back; not old enough to be hazy, but old enough to incite feelings of nostalgia in the lavender girl. She just wanted to see it again, and show Bacc all the cool stuff there! Lips curled in a snarl, tail whipping furiously behind her.

She whipped around to look her friend in the eye, expression stunned and angry. The backs of her mismatched eyes burned, but she blinked it away. "How could they steal my home like that? It's mine." the last part was rather quiet, by comparison. Just one more part of her youth was gone, and she probably wouldn't get it back ever. She wasn't getting her mama back, and her mommy was probably never coming back. Milli was nowhere to be found so far. It only seemed fitting that her home would be stolen too. Straightening up, she squared her shoulders. "Come on, Bacc. I don't care who lives here now," she declared, expression stony. "this was my home first, and we're going." Should Bacc object, this would most likely require a little more cajoling than she anticipated.




2 Years
Extra large
09-24-2015, 05:26 PM

They'd spend their days together, exploring all that Alacritia had to offer to them on their way to Abby's home. They'd seen nothing of her family thus far, but the rest of the sights had been impressive. He was going to go home with a whole new look on the world. This trip had been amazing, almost freeing. He felt as though he'd taken a step towards a brighter future just by taking a vacation. The lumbering pace matched Abby's and while he hardly noticed the pack scent as the neared the border his companion would come to a complete stop. He would slow, curiosity written on his slate features as she became transfixed on the scene before her. He didn't understand what was wrong, but with little patience required the girl would tell him that this was not right.

His hackles would raise as a snarl ripped over his features, if something was wrong he was going to fix it for her. "Someone stole my home, Bacc!" She looked like she was about to charge into the pack, but she'd quickly find him. Bacchus would close his lips, his fur refusing to return to a settled place as she went on. He was ready to follow if she wanted to go charging in. The voice of reason would not be heard in his mind. She finally made up her mind, and with little convincing Bacc would follow after her. "Better to ask forgiveness than permission huh?" He'd chuckle as he strode in behind her smaller purple form.
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5 Years
10-07-2015, 07:47 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The tail end of the summer season was settling in and Gale was taking advantage of the warmth while it lasted. Soon the temperatures were sure to drop and the coolness of fall and then winter would settle in in full force, and she was not at all sure that her fluffy big brother would still be there to curl up against now that he had a little sweetheart of his own. Of course, she had her own way of soaking up the rays. Sitting still and sunning had never really been her style, especially here where the winds continually tugged at her wispy fur and begged her to play. Her idea of gathering the warmth was a slow jog, good exercise for her restless legs but still not so fast that the summer warmth was lost to her.

Though the Algoma Prairie was more or less suited for it too, running along the beach posed less dangers. There was no grass here to hide hidden potholes or obstacles that would trip her up if she missed seeing them, and the dark, glittering beach tended to always have a playful ocean breeze. She ran with it, her tongue lolling in an expression of happy complacence while her tail waved behind her. It seemed overall like a quiet day, and she assumed the rest of her family was off doing their own thing, as they typically did, so she was not expecting to see another wandering about during her run.

Only she did. Very quickly as her grey-green eyes settled on the figures, she realized they were not part of her family. None of them, for all their colors, were cloaked in any shade of purple except her, and the other figure with his unique markings was entirely outside the line of her family. At a distance she could not tell if they had already ventured beyond the pack's border, but it certainly looked like they intended to. Abandoning the quiescent jog that she had been on, the small lavender-marked wolf sped up and ran to intercept them, offering a bark to get their attention if nothing else. She hoped they would stop; there was no way she could hold her own in a two-against-one fight.

She slowed as she neared the pair, eyeing them with a critical eye though she did well in keeping her customary crooked smile on her face. "Hey," she greeted, sensing a great deal of unrest and animosity that she could not place. Maybe she should have come with back up? "Welcome to Donostrea, the pack you're currently tiptoeing the border of. I'm Gale. What brings you here?" Hopefully they would not want to challenge her authority here. She only meant to stop worse trouble from happening before they well and truly trespassed.
