
Dragon Slayer[MEETING]



4 Years
09-11-2015, 12:38 AM

She had now given them time to settle into their new home. After she spoke with Avalon, and her children were safe she would coax them to join this meeting to know of the changes coming to their family. Sonticus would not be snuffed out by such simple things. She had told Surreal she was free to come to this meeting so she did expect to see her beloved cousin of sorts here. As she stood at a clearing behind the lake she raised her head in a howl for the pack and possible others who wanted to join. Since they were in need of members anyway.

As she lowered her head, she was filled with a sense of new confidence. Her howl was demanding and strong, no longer weak and timid unsure of her choices. She would smile happily as she wagged her tail mildly. Happy that this was their new home, with things finally in place. She would let Yfir and Imperium fade behind her unless they decided to provoke them fully. Sin was gone, and so was the slight stress. Now was the time to fortify themselves. They were a family, they had to work together.

ooc: Okay guys, due date for this meeting will be the 17th. That gives you seven days to post and this IS mandatory. Arian may punish you with probationary periods if you do not show with a good excuse. And those who wanna join are welcome as well as surreal.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
09-11-2015, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2015, 12:55 AM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

She was chewing off the last of her meal of deer when the howl came from Sonticus’ borders. Arian sounded strong and self assured, which pleased the silver and black timber Adravendi immensely. She pulled herself to her paws, bent, and tore a large hunk of haunch from the kill she and Regulus had brought down. Situating the meat in her jaws, she gave a muffled bark to her family, welcoming Regulus to join her. As he was to be her heir, she wanted Sonticus to know him as well as herself for the times when their borders would run alongside one another. And answering woof from her son told her he would be following soon. He just wanted to get a rabbit to bring to the meeting.

Surreal followed the ravine out onto the well worn path, following the trail toward the territory Valhalla had once claimed; Wolfpaw Lake. Her strides were sure, fluid, and for the time being, her season wasn’t giving her much trouble. She was in a generally good mood today. As she reached Sonticus’ borders, she dropped the haunch long enough to announce her arrival, before taking up the haunch again and crossing into the territory, following the old path toward Arian’s call. As she arrived, first to the scene, she nodded to Arian, dropping the haunch in the open area where it could be seen as she made her way to greet her niece. “Arian. Time to see how everyone behaves. It’s good to hear you sounding so strong.” She dipped her head, then shifted to sit off at the edge of the area, out of the way, but in a position where she could easily see the entire area; she wasn’t a member of the pack, nor did she have intentions of joining Sonticus. She was an observer, there to see how well the pack respected her niece.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-11-2015, 01:01 AM

She would not be far when Arian's call rang out, the woman coming in from one of her recent explorations, a bit of dirt and bits of grass clung to her pelt as she walked along. She was happy today, particularly about this day in general about what was to come. She knew what it would be about, and this day would be a special day for her. With that thought in mind, she quickened her pace around the lake towards Arian. She couldn't wait for what was to come, becoming an Adravendi...that was a huge thing in her life. She knew the Adravendi line well, there were good ones and bad ones, however, as she remembered the time where a pair had defeated her father and stolen away her home. That was the beginning of the changes in her life to start with, if it weren't for them, she was sure she would still be with her family. But alas, she would have a new family now, she would be a sister to Arian and she couldn't be happier at this moment in time.

As Arian came into view, Avalon gave a happy and delighted bark. Approaching her friend and giving an affectionate nuzzle. "Hi Arian, I must say the anticipation and excitement has kept me from sleeping much. I can't recall the last time I've been this excited!" She laughed a hearty laugh before settling down in front of the smaller woman, tail wagging as she waited for everyone to arrive and the meeting to start. She had almost missed the figure sitting off to the side, a slight tilt of her head wondered who it was, then it struck her that it must be the woman that Arian had mentioned. Perhaps she would get a chance to meet her after the meeting, but for now, Avalon offered a friendly nod in greeting to Surreal. And now, she waited.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


09-11-2015, 04:15 PM

Another meeting! Juniper was eager to join again like she had before they moved down here, quickly bounding away from the rock she had been climbing on but suddenly stopped and came back. "Oopsies, sorry Ivy." She giggled, reaching down and gently picking up a colorful rock between her jaws before turning and bounding back in the direction she was heading. Momma had called everyone together and the girl didn't want to miss it! So she moved quickly, bursting through the vegetation till she spotted her mother in a clearing along with two other wolves. Avalon and a stranger. New friends! "I'm hurr Mama!" She barked happily, slowing down and coming up to rub along her mother's leg.



09-11-2015, 08:04 PM

Cypress was living, breathing, and that in and of itself was of course a blessing. For a time ago he was almost dragged off, along with Hakku, away from his family. But he ended up being the lucky one. Able to escape. Able to come home to his wife and children. The man hurt, knowing that a member of Arian's family was carted away. But he would someday make amends, that he swore, and he would see to it that Hakku came home. The man would swear his life upon it.

He would arrive to the meeting dragging a meal for the pack. No major thing, just a young fawn to give them a bit of energy for a real hunt. Cypress would lay it before Arian and then come to her side, giving a gentle nuzzle to her cheek. "Hello my beloved." Avalon sat there before Arian as well, and a stranger whom he knew not. But there didn't seem to be any threat from her, so he would give her a gentle nod of greeting. "Ma'am." He'd look down as he saw Juniper come up to her mother, reaching down to give an affectionate nuzzle to his little girl.

"A new friend?" He would question. First a stick... now a rock.



09-11-2015, 08:10 PM

The woman moved with purpose towards the call of her alphess, feeling a bit lighter at heart. It had taken a bit of time, but she had settled into her new home in the west. It felt... right here. Something stirred within her heart when she thought of Secretua, but she knew that she had a new place here. It didn't mean that she wouldn't miss her old pack, but she could survive being in a new one. Especially with Ravine by her side.

The small woman would come in expecting to find the man already present, but alas he was not. Disappointment shown in her single eye for but a moment. Her gaze would meet with Arian, giving a respectful nod before sitting down. She had noticed the kill that someone had brought along too. Not much for a growing pack. It had her thinking.

"Arian, if I may... I'd like to propose holding a pack hunt soon. I'd be happy to lead it, if no one else is willing."

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'


09-11-2015, 08:17 PM
Cedric would start to head towards the meeting spot that his mother had called from, it was from the lake. After the training session Kreft had yelled at him for being scared of water, Cedric was now determined to not be scared of the water but it still scared him a little. Cedric would walk up to sit by his mother on the side that was opposite the water. Maybe his mother would realize that he hadn’t turned into a brick being near the water, he missed his mother he needed to spend more time with her. In Japanese he whispered to himself hoping that nobody else would hear “I miss you.”



9 Years
09-11-2015, 08:35 PM

Kreft would look up from his work with a glare, he was still busy rebuilding a den. He had put it off to the last minute still refusing to acknowledge this new place as his new home. He would regrettably heed Arian’s call, somewhere in the back of his mind he was glad that Arian was seeming more confident than she had been but that wasn’t his first layer of thought. He would arrive at the call to find four adult wolves already there, he would sit in the back of the group. His eyes would find their way to look at cedric, at least the boy wasn’t scared stiff by the water now. Kreft liked him and actually cared for the boy’s sanity but barely knew it himself, there were a lot of things that Kreft didn’t know about himself yet maybe the boy would help him find them.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
09-11-2015, 10:33 PM

The masked male would twitch an ear at the sound of the call. He figured his sister-in law would be calling a meeting soon, but he would make no motion to move right away. He was a man to take his time with things, doing it on his own time unless it was something he was calling others for. He had always been that way. Sure, some got mad at him for being late to a meeting, but really, his time was not generally used to rush to the beck and call of others. If they absolutely needed him, they would have to wait for him to show up. If he felt like it, that is.

The man would wait a while. Body still as he stared out over the waters from his log perch, simply contemplating about life. He had come far in his five years of life, plenty of good times and bad...though one memory would continue to haunt his life. Finally, after long minutes of silence, he hopped off his perch and made his way towards the meeting. His pelt had been neatly groomed as always, though the fur on top of his head continued to defy him by sticking up in all directions. As he neared the group, he looked over the backs of those present, and so far it wasn't very impressive but he figured it would be now that he had arrived.

He'd walk on the edges of the crowd, taking a seat on the direct opposite of the gathered group across from Surreal. He didn't know anyone but Arian yet, but that would soon change with the position he now held. Quietly, he scanned the group and wondered who he was in charge of. He wasn't quite sure who the Forces were, but whoever they were would have an early morning wake up call after this meeting was over.





9 Years
09-15-2015, 07:04 PM

  The man had arrived unusually late to the alpha's call. Normaly he would have dropped everything and come to her call, but he had been in mid chase after tacking and stalking a young fawn and her mother for over an hour. He wasnt going to stop after he had already started the attack.

The fawnhadnt been too hard to wrestle to the ground and kill as it wasmt even weaned from its mothers milk yet. The mother however had been stubborn and kicked him in the shoulder as he began dragging it off. It didnt take but a few seconds for the doe to realize that her efforts were futile.

Silently he would drag the carcass to where the other kill had been left before bowing respectfully to Arian and sitting next to his mate. "Sorry im late." he would say just before nuzzeling Akemi




9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-15-2015, 10:26 PM

"Let's see...upset stomach umm...what did momma say again?" She sat back on her haunches, the girl lost in thought as she stood among the trees surrounding the lake. She was trying to go over a few of the herbs her mother had told her would help with upset stomach, not that she had one but she wanted to remember in case her or her siblings ate something bad. With her sister Juniper finding all sorts of these objects she called friends, she was bound to come across something that might hurt her tummy. She was completely lost in thought before her mother's howl made her small body jump with surprise. Immediately, she jumped up and went bounding towards her mother, tongue hanging out as she thought about asking her mother about getting something she really wanted. She had been good, right? Her mother would help her right?

Bounding down the slope towards the gathering of wolves, her speed would not slow until she slid the last few feet to her mother, nearly colliding with Juniper as her tail wagged. "Hi momma! Is it time for a meeting? There's something I wanna ask you momma, it's important!" She reached up to lick Arian's face, jumping away then to cover Juniper's face in licks, and then turned her attention to Cedric. "Why don't you ever come herb hunting with me!? It's fun!" She pawed at his muzzle, bounding away then to sit between her father's paws. Looking up, she grinned at him as she licked beneath his jaw, snuggling against his legs as she looked out at the crowd. Auntie Avalon was sitting right there, and Holly couldn't wait to go herb searching with her like she had promised. Dual toned gaze glanced briefly at the others, all strangers to her but as a future healer, she would eventually have to get to know them. But for now, her mind was whirling with the potential excitement about asking her mother the question that had been bugging her mind.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

09-17-2015, 06:31 AM
Rivaxorus seemed to be lagging behind, that wasn't like him at all. Though, not that the pup would show much care of his punctuality just yet. Some of his siblings had already gathered, and this would be their first official meeting right? He hated to admit it, but his body was shivering with excitement. Already there was tons of food too! How exciting could this get as the large boy would hop over to the others. His tail wagging back and forth with a goofy smile on his face. Though he found himself sitting right next to Kakashi, the large male with slate blue markings something he had never seen before. His eyes widened a little blinking before his attention turned to his mother. Concentrate, his duty was to listen and learn. So that in case any of his sisters or brothers missed anything he'd be able to brief them about it later on. He was their big brother, he had to protect them.

Jack I


6 Years
09-17-2015, 08:09 AM
Gray paws stepped across the unfamiliar lands as he came to the call. Jack had not been around as of late, lost in his own thoughts about the world. It had taken some time to get used to the scents around her but it was no problem for the male. As he was more hyper aware of the locations of all these wolves, his toes spread for more information. The soft dirt welling up in his paw pads signifying that they were near the lake itself in a clearing. His nose picking up the scents of his fellow pack members. The blind man would come to seat himself in the middle of the group, ears pulled forward as he noted the scent of a female and a male not belonging to the pack however he could only assume that they were friends. As well as food, it seemed that they would be having a little feast to tie off this new move.

Still though, he couldn't shake this dreadful feeling he had. Maybe it wasn't Sonticus, however it wasn't as if he could predict the future. His nose raised high he would simply smile and wait for the things to be said that were needed. After all there was no harm in taking the time to relax and spend time with his pack mates. Something like that was dearly needed seeing as he had been seemingly "absent".



4 Years
09-18-2015, 07:09 PM

Arian would be proud of her pack, regardless of how small they had gotten. In the back of her head she couldn't help but to think. Was this really everyone?, it was odd not to see Amachi in the background. However, it wouldn't deter her, she would proudly stand there greeting each and every one of her wolves. Of course her children were present as well, which meant they would be assigned mentors this time as well. She cleared her throat, making sure to take Surreal's notes as she nodded her head to the family member. "That would be great Akemi you're free to do so when you think the time is right." Arian would say to her. "Seems like we're having a small feast." she giggled to the two wolves who had brought in kills. Then now it was time to get to business.

"Thank you everyone for coming, family and friends alike are joining us this afternoon. Surreal and her son Regulus who are my relatives." she moved her head towards Surreal and her large red son. "I do hope everyone is getting adjusted okay, but now is the time to talk about the changes I have made to the pack." Arian would then go on to explain the changes(Check the new rules/ranks if you haven't.). Pausing between information every now and then to make sure they got the most of it. "Note that I understand that I will not be giving free hand outs to my relatives. They will prove what they have, the same goes for any normal member of the pack. If you work hard you can get higher among the pack. With that being said, Kreft is no longer a commander." she would nod her head to kreft for a moment. "Cypress will be our Dream the lead beta. Avalon will be the secondary beta and.... I am adopting her into the adravendi family as my sister. " Arian smiled and stepped forward. "If Surreal could, take to be a witness of this." she pressed her nose against the large woman's shoulder before stepping back once more.

"Kakashi will be our Chain. Just remember that there must be frequent border patrols from now on." her tail twitched a little, not was the last matter she needed to attend to. "Now that some time has passed. I have decided that of my children Juniper and Rivaxorus have potential to take over the pack once they are old enough. Their mentors should be aware that they need to be mentored in all aspects including the political. Avalon, you will be Juniper's mentor. Rivaxorus Kakashi will be your mentor. As for my other children, Éponine will be going to Ravine. Cedric will be going to me and finally Holly will be trained by Cypress." Arian nodded her head. "Any questions or concerns?" Arian settled down on her haunches.

ooc: Next round is not required besides for the mentors confirming the pups as their pupils. I will require at least one completed training session(two for Juniper and Rivaxorus) with their mentors. Along with patrol threads I don't care who does it but if your wolf is a fighter there should be at least one active thread a week. It's okay if that active thread moves into the next week as long as there's one up. Thank you!

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
09-20-2015, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2015, 07:22 PM by Ravine.)

 The man would listen to Arian silently as she spoke, first to Akemi and then to the pack as a hole. She would talk about family and hw she had changed some things. By things she meant that Avalon was to be treated as an Adravendi, Kreft was no longer commander and the rest of her family was to earn their ranks. Sounded good to him because anyone could earn important ranks.

As for the pack hunt, Ravine would happily follow Akemi anywere. She was the lead huntress in their last pack and he hoped that Arian would give her that same trust and responsibility here. It wouldnt be but a few seconds and his thoughts would be pulled back to Arian as she gave mentors to her children.

Rivaxorus and Juniper, she had decided had potential to rule when Arian retired.  Therefore Avalon was assigned to Juniper and Kakashi was assigned to Rivaxorus. He himself however was assigned to Éponine. At first it had come as a shock to him. Why would Arian give him a student when he could think of better teachers. But rather than reject her request Ravine would give a nod and a small smile "ill teach Éponine what know as well as I can"

After a few minutes the name Surreal would click as one he knew. His eyes would survey the group of wolves atounf him until they came across the wolfess that was not part of Sonticus. He would examine her as though he were studieing for some kind of test. His vrows would nit together and one ear would lay sideways befor perking back up with realization. His brows would go up with excitement. He knew that wolf, he grew up with her. But rather than jump up and act lick a pup he would give her a bow of his head in greating.



09-21-2015, 03:40 PM

Papa nuzzled her head, making the girl lean up and lick at his chin while he was reaching down. He asked if Ivy was a new friend, to which she quickly nodded her head and set the rock down beside her mother. ”Yes! This is Ivy! Phil needed a friend after the move!” She grinned happily, tail wagging as the girl walked passed and rubbed along him before taking a seat behind the rock. Deep blue eyes went to the fawn her father had dragged to the meeting, mouth immediately watering, tongue running over her lips. Boy, she didn't realize just how hungry she was till now.

Holly suddenly appearing, making her sibling giggle at nearly being run into. ”Careful Holly, you would have stepped on Ivy!.” She pawed the girl's tail, nipping the tip with a large grin. She grew curious when Holly said she had to talk to momma about something important, her tail sweeping over the ground, brushing her shoulder. And another wolf joined, bringing another small deer! A feast today!

The meeting begun as mother spoke up, addressing everyone gathered then moving onto important stuff! She talked about how everyone had to work for ranks, and Kreft was removed from Commander. So that meant he wouldn't be teaching them how to fight anymore? Daddy was now beta, and so was aunty Avalon! Juniper would bark to this news, tail thumping against the ground. They deserved it, they were hard workers! Not only that but aunty Avalon was now their momma's sister! Juni didn't really understand that, only that now they were a bigger family.

A new person was a Chain... and her and Riv would be in line to take over the pack one day. Her dark eyes would instantly shoot over to her brother, wide and jaw dropped in shock. ”Riv!” She couldn't help but bark out his name, turning away to look down at her paws, then Ivy. She was a heir for the pack with her brother, and aunt Avalon would be teaching her how to do this... so much was filling her head that the girl had missed the fact that extended family, Surreal and Regulus were mentioned and sitting nearby.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-23-2015, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 07:21 PM by Avalon.)

She waited as the rest of the pack filed in, a new face she hadn't seen, eyes falling on the dark pelt of the man and she would give him a quick nod before Arian began to speak. She mentioned Surreal and the big red male sitting nearby, so that's who that was? The name Surreal was very...familiar, but Avalon would wait to speak to the woman until after the meeting. For now, she acknowledged them with a dip of her head before listening to the rest of the meeting. Arian had removed Kreft from the rank of commander, thank God...she didn't have anything against him, but from what she witnessed of his last session with the kids, he needed some brushing up on his own skills. She would name Cypress as beta, and her to work alongside side him. Her tail wagged happily as she swelled her chest up in pride. She would not let her down.

And then the big announcement, she sat up straight and tall as Arian strode toward her, touching her shoulder to mark her as an Adravendi. At long last she belonged to a family name, and she would force herself to not shed a tear at the thought. She gave a happy lick to her new sister, thanks and happiness clear in her eyes as she watched her sister return to address the pack once more. So much was changing...but it was all for the better. She would be named as Junipers mentor, and she'd gaze at the young girl as she grew excited about the events. "I'll teach her all I know, Arian." She watched the little girl with a smile, excited just as much as she was. Turning to the older Ravine, she dipped her head in respect. "Congratulations Ravine, this is a great opportunity!" She was happy. Her life was taking a turn for the better, and she would do her best to not let Arian down. Her belly rumbled then, as she remembered the prey that was here. With a wink to Juniper, she added "Come on everyone, now is a time to celebrate! Let us feast! You first, Juniper. I know you're hungry."

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


09-27-2015, 07:13 PM
Cedric was beaming with happiness, he had gotten paired with his mother. The boy didn’t pay much attention to the rest of what his mother had said it was mainly pack politics and new ranks of which Cedric didn’t find use in worrying about. His sister Holly had asked him to go herb hunting with him before his mother had started to speak, after his mother had finished her spiel he would look at his sister and smile. “I would love to go herb hunting someday, as long as mom approves it of course.” He didn’t want to be doing anything dangerous and if mom approved an herb hunting trip then he figured it wouldn’t be dangerous. Maybe they could go herb hunting with mom he knew she was busy but he wanted to spend more time with her and the rest of his siblings.



9 Years
10-03-2015, 12:34 PM
Arian was changing the pack system, Kreft approved of the new chain of command. Only when she announced that he was being demoted he was annoyed and angry, he bared his teeth in a soundless snarl. He had fought to earn his position so why should he lose it. He figured that in order to regain his position he needed to go out and fight more, it didn't even cross his mind that he wouldn't be trustworthy enough to put the right wolves on probation. The male would stand to leave the meeting, he had to go fight some wolves.

--Exit Kreft--
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]