
Prologue (Pt.2)



5 Years
09-30-2015, 09:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2015, 09:18 PM by Newol.)
Massive Attack - Teardrop

The brute made his way across the earth under paw with fluid motions that where almost as natural to him as breathing. Eastern Alacritis. He'd spent so much time here back when he'd been young. Shortly after the fall. He'd fled here to find safety from all the madness. He'd been here trying to muster in preparation for the creation of a pack back then. Times where a little different now. But he still knew the way well. He'd kept most of their traveling at night, Newol's path being safer that was, especially in this new unfamiliar Alacritis. Avalon had provided no shortage of endearing amusement to him that first morning. They'd nested down a few times on the journey here, and that first morning she had tossed and turned, sleeping poorly. He suspected that it was because she was afraid that he might disappear on her in her sleep. And on the second morning, she'd collapsed and slept like a boulder. Dead to the world beside him. It had been rather adorable to him. He was admittedly quite smitten with her in that state of puppy love as they called her. But he'd waited a long time for someone, and so had she. So they'd earned it, the both of them.

They where nearly there by the time that the dawn was bearing down on them again. He lead her up the side of the mountain down the familiar weathered path. There where several pathways into the Caverns, but he was heading to one specific one. Turning back to look over his shoulder every now and again to make sure she was still fairing well behind him. How many times had he climbed this path? Too many it would seem. He had never brought someone along with him, though. As many times as he'd ventured down his well know roads, he'd been alone for so long it had seemed. It was so nice to have someone at his side this time. After all the pain he'd been running from last time he was here. Now he had a different reason to be here. And it was a wonderful reason. The sky was giving way to a pale blue once he reached the end of the path. The sun would be upon them soon. Just in time. They would still need their night eyes to navigate the path through the mountain's interior.

Slowing his pace, He brought them to a small gap about three feet in distance. On the other side of the gap was an opening in the Mountain's side. Turning, he would walk up to the woman and press his nose against hers softly once again. His gaze not breaking from hers, smile in place. Such was his way of communicating for the majority of the trip. Body language and facial expression. It had been a challenge to explain to her that he'd gone an entire year without speaking and that he wasn't good at it right now. Turning back toward the ledge, he bound off at a hearty speed that he could generate in a short distance to build up momentum. Then he would kick off with his hind legs, effortlessly gliding the gap and landing on the other side inside the mouth of the cave. Turning back to face her, he would wait for his new companion to join him. So close now. So close to his old den. He wondered if it would still be the same as he had left it. This was very likely as it was well hidden. So close now.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-01-2015, 10:52 PM

Renewed energy poured through her body, the woman bounding after Newol with a smile on her face. They had run across the Plains, making a journey to a place special to the pair. The morning after that when it came time to rest, she slept hardly a wink...afraid he would disappear from her life should she fall asleep. She had been exhausted that night, but come morning as soon as Newol stopped them again to rest, she didn't even wait for him to speak before she seemed to have fallen asleep where she stood. It was nice having a warm body at her side. She had slept easier that night, knowing that he would be there when she awoke. She had nestled and snuggled as close as she could that night, as if she could melt the two in a concoction of fur and flesh. Although it was a strange sounding thought, she was truly happy that they could spend time together like that. She only wondered what he had in store when they got to the end of the road.

Dawn was approaching, the darkened sky was slowly being pushed away by the light of the sun. The air brought a shiver to her body, fur fluffing out to keep her warm as she trailed after him up an unfamiliar path. How had she been so lucky to have found him again? They were both so young when they'd first met...both strangers to each other, but that night had brought out the broken emotions she had been holding for so long. It wasn't meant to happen. She had never planned on falling in love at all, but that night...changed everything. Perhaps it was because they could relate in a way. They had both been through dark times, traveled a similar path, lost everything. And yet, they still fought on. Amber gaze watched as he moved, picking her way carefully as the sky shifted it's colors.

It would be a while yet before they slowed, but when they did she was met with a gentle touch. She gazed fondly at him, a word hardly said between them since the night they found each other, but she understood. He didn't have to speak for her to know. She had been the same before she met Arian. Amber gaze met green, the woman returning the smile as she softly licked his chin before he turned to leap to the other side. Hitching her breath, she followed his lead. Hesitating for a moment, she was afraid that she might not make it. Don't think about it, it's what he did. With a deep breath, she too moved forth and leapt across. Landing somewhat ungracefully on the other side, but she had made it. She smiled sheepishly at her slight had been quite a long time since she had traveled like this, but it was all worth it.


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5 Years
10-06-2015, 10:28 PM
The Cinematic Orchestra Arrival of the Birds & Transformation

A soft chuckle would escape his maw as she stumbled into the cave behind him. He'd gotten so used to long travel. She'd probably not been used to the sensation for some time. There where things Newol was impatient about. Covering ground was one of them so he'd become very good at it. Not everyone was the same though. The cover of darkness now familiar roads made for quick movement. It was a change of pace for Avalon, he was sure. But she'd done fine and he was glad to have her at his side once again. It had been too long sense he'd had someone at his side. And he'd been searching for it for far too long to start second guessing things now. All the right pieces where laid out on the table, now it was time to start piecing together the puzzle into the image that was meant to be. Now it was time to finally build the pillar of happiness he'd longed for for too long.

Meeting her at the entrance, he would nuzzle her softly, taking another breath of her scent into his nose. Turning, he would make his way through the tunnels. His pace was much slower now, head low, feet steady beneath him. It was highly unlikely that the mountain would change in his absence, but he wanted to savor this. These stone walls had been home, a layer of second skin around him. Where he could stomp and swear and yell and bellow his hatred for the world in privacy. And he had. Many nights gone to sleep with teeth locked and tears falling. But he'd always gone to sleep. It's funny, how he was suddenly able to count all the small blessing that had been afforded him amid the chaos. At the time though, his hatred had simply been too strong.

Their path would dip and head down deeper. It had been so long, and yet, his paws still guided him well. Avalon had only come this way by chance once, but he had done in daily. The sounds, the scents. They flooded over him and his breath started to catch hard in his chest. This was it. The urge. The tug to come here, he was starting to understand. He had to say goodbye to this mountain. He had to say goodbye to this place and step out of it for the last time. On his own terms. A faint light would start to form in the distance and he knew at once that he was closing in. A single shiver would run down his form, and though Avalon could not see it, he closed his eyes and walked the last leg on his own.

The images danced in his mind. Newol's long journey. He felt the warm desert sun on his back, the sting of the coyote's claws across his nose as a youngling fighting for his dinner. The burn in his legs as he ran head long through the sand storm. The first feel of grass under his paws as he came out the other side. The trees. His first time standing in a forest. Standing atop The Wall and talking with The Lady In Red... She'd been so beautiful... The Willows. His eyes fell on Erani again for the first time. Her warm smile. Her seasoned and experienced scent. He recalled his eyes opening on the first morning he woke up in the old den in the gorge. The first morning he woke up an Adravendi. Then the sting. The painful memories. The fall. A young cougar who'd been a Valhallen like him. Sharing a fish with the old man on the beach. Splashing in the waters of The Delta. It was pack land now. His lips pulled back in and his head raised in a blood curling cry for venginces in the deep mountain's belly. These all danced in his head.

It was over now. It was all over now. A single ray of light now pierced the thick clouds of smoke that had once covered Alacritis. The old war stories could be laid to rest in the coffin. He was no Zaraidd nor had he ever been meant to be. It was just a spring board meant to throw him at the Healer's feet. As he stepped through the archway and into the dim blue light, his eyes would slowly open. Before him he beheld a dome in the mountain with a flat floor, illuminated by a soft, faint, blue light. In it's center was a jagged but round pool of the most crystal clear water you could behold. In one corner was a pile of dusty, old pelts. His bed still there, hidden away inside the mountain. Slowly, he would approach the glowing pool. How long had it been? How long sense he'd seen this beautiful sanctuary? Walking up, he would lower his snout to it's surface. Eyes transfixed for a moment, awe and wonderment on his face. He would sniff it's surface before lapping at the water for a moment.

Turning, he would bring his head up slowly as he turned to look at Avalon. This was right. He'd waited damn long enough for it. And the world couldn't deny him that. His paws would move, carrying him back to the woman. She was still as gorgeous as before. As difficult as it was for him to speak right now, he knew the proper words for this moment. He knew just what to say and do. Gently, he would place his snout under her chin, a smile spreading his maw and the old gesture lost in the pages of ancient history. He would lift his head up to tilt her maw just a tad, and his voice would fall from his lips as he placed a paw on top of hers. "Will you stay? Maybe we can walk our common road together for awhile?" They where old words. But their meaning had changed none. He was thankful to have her at her side. Theirs had be only a fleeting moment, torn away from them in the grand scheme of things. But now they had a chance to pick up the page right where it had all stopped at.

Thing End Where They Begin, And Something Anew Starts Back Up Again.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-07-2015, 12:12 AM

Warm eyes met his smile, the woman feeling light inside. How long had it been since she felt like this? How long had it been since she even felt like this? When he nuzzled her, she nuzzled back. If she were a cat, she would be purring from the sheer happiness she was feeling now. She wanted so badly to tell him how she felt, how much she had missed this. But it was not yet time. Following him inside, she walked quietly behind him, matching stride as her shoulder occasionally brushed his hip. Yes, she had missed him dearly. And never did she think she would find him again, but here they were, returning to the place where they had first met. The place she had been lying down and crying, feeling sorry for herself. For the way her life had turned out. But it was all better now.

The darkness would swallow the traveling pair, drawing closer to their destination with each step. She was excited to say the least, in fact, it would be an understatement in fact. What she felt now could not be put into words. She had never felt like this before, save for the one and first time they had met. And she held onto it. Held onto the memories that she would never, and could never forget. As they walked, she would fall into a state of deep thought. The only sounds she could hear were in her head...the day she'd left the home where she had last seen her family. The cry of help as the pain ripped up her leg the day she had been taken. The maniacal sound of laughter from her captors. The sense of loss and giving up...and then the war. The fear she had that day, she thought she was going to die in a war she wanted no part of. Refusing to fight against the Valhallans that had done nothing to their attackers.

Then the sense of relief when Gretel's brother had come to their rescue. The Tortugans freeing them from the grip of hell. She had taken the chance to flee without hesitation, running to the safety of Seracia where even there, she had distrusted the wolves who tried to help her. Her trust had been broken since, afraid to trust anyone ever again...until he came along. He had been the only one she had placed trust in. He had been the only one she felt that she could let in. And she had. And it had felt wonderful, yet it hurt at the same time. Since they're departure from one another's lives, she had not loved another. Had not fallen for or even thought about mating or loving another. Her heart was a fickle thing, easily broken and not easily pieced back together. It had taken her years to trust someone...and it wasn't until she came across Sonticus that she had begun to find the strength to continue fighting. And she was. Her search over.

Amber gaze caught the stream of light up ahead, her heart pounding hard in her chest as she followed him into the open cavern. Standing just past the narrow opening, she stopped and looked around. This...this was where they had met. She looked to the pool of water, following him to its edge as he drank. She too would drink, after their long and hurried travel, she realized then how thirsty she was. Once she was finished, she took a few paces back to let him finish, the woman taking in the scenery again for the first time. She noticed the pelts in the corner, and she tried to remember if they had been here the first time they had met. But it was so long ago...all she could remember was the pool, his words...his touch. Her crying. She felt the nostalgia, never did she think she could or would come back to this place. But here she was.

Her eyes met his once more, allowing him to raise her head...much like the first time. His paw gently laid upon hers, the touch sending electricity through her she felt her heart and throat tighten. All her attention was on him. "Will you stay? Maybe we can walk our common road together for awhile?" His long had it been since she had dreamed of hearing it? Her breath caught. Those words...they were the same words he had spoken that night. Her answer then, would still hold now. Slowly she nodded, forgetting how to speak for a moment as she surged forward and wrapped her neck above his own, eyes squeezing shut as she embraced him. "Yes. I will walk with you for as long as you wish. And if that means forever, I will stay."

She fought back the emotions that threatened to choke her, but the more she tried to fight, the more they took over. Tilting her muzzle towards his ear, her lips would gently open as her voice whispered delicately in his ear. "I love you, Newol." How long...had she been waiting to say that? For how long had she wanted to tell him? She thought she would never get the chance...she thought she would die without ever getting to say it. But fate would give her a lucky hand for once. Quiet tears slipped from her eyes, she hadn't meant to cry. But oh how she had missed him so much. Her heart and soul hurt, but in a good way. And it would be to this man, that she would give her entire being.


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5 Years
10-07-2015, 06:52 PM
Diplo - Revolution (feat. Faustix & Imanos and Kai)
Her answer was much like it had been before. And it brought the same warmth to his soul that it had before. Their prior meeting had been a wonderful one. But it had been disrupted by the events that had surrounded them. Things where different now. They where both older, stronger, wiser. They would not be so easily disrupted this time around. When she embraced him though, those three words would fall from her lips. They didn't surprise him. He'd known. He'd known sense the first time they had met really. She was an individual much like him. He could remember the words he'd used. She'd been lost, like him. And there was still company to be found even when you where lost. It was found in those who where lost with you. They where still the same in that they had finally found themselves after so long. It had taken both of them a really long time to do so. But better late than never.

As she embraced him, he would simply reply with two soft words. "I know." That was all he needed to say. He felt the same. Deep down in his chest, behind all the reservations and caution, it was there. It was always difficult for him to say such things aloud, though this was partly in do to the fact that Newol had always been a physical creature. Words didn't exist any any dialect to properly explain his emotions. Allowing her her moment's embrace. But the brute had waited and lost enough. He wasn't going to waste any more time this time around. Stepping back from her, he would look her in the eyes with a very particular look. His eyes shining in the dim light, the corners of his maw held up ever so faintly in a passionate, serious smile. He stood before her, chest broad, head high. Standing in a way as to show off the well defined muscles in his shoulders and legs. No trace of fat to be found under his shorter, finer fur. His pelt was actually quite short in comparison to her. Do very likely to his desert upbringing. He met her gaze in a manor as to make his intent plainly known. If she was not in agreement, of course she merely had to say so. He would not force himself should she be unwilling.

Stepping forward, he would press his nose against hers, green gaze not leaving her amber eyes for a moment. as he pressed his lips to hers. His movements where slow, fluid, and direct. Showing no hesitation or second thoughts. All he'd ever wanted in the first place, oh so long ago, was this. Someone to stand beside him. Someone to share his life and his world with. Someone to weather the world along side. He'd gotten that in the way of his family, be this was something much more direct. This was a matter of sharing your soul with someone. Both of them had been here once before, but that had only been a fleeting moment of young passion. This was something much, much different.

Stepping into her, he would press his chest against hers, pressing his snout into the top of her neck, taking another deep breath of her scent as he placed his paw once again atop hers. Savoring the feel of her long, fluffy fur under his touch. She was warm to the touch in this colder cave. They where more than safe from the elements, but the Sun's warmth was to be found down here. He would lift his head and lick one of her ears as he waited for her signal to continue.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-07-2015, 09:42 PM

His words. Those two words would tell her what she needed to know. And she knew too, that after all this time it would be difficult for him to voice it out loud, but he didn't have to say it, because she could see it in his eyes...those glorious, beautiful green eyes of his. As she looked at him, she noted how he seemed to have been stronger then before. The curve of his muscles, the feel of them when they touched. She knew that she too was stronger then before. The pair of them, she felt like they had grown so much since they last met. And here they were, all grown up.

The man would press his nose against hers, their eyes sending sparks, things unsaid and that didn't need to be said dancing between them. When his lips touched hers, a fire ignited within her. One she never felt before, and she knew what would happen next. What she wanted to happen next. She had never ever shared this with another man before, had never found anyone worth sharing it with. But this...this would be the day. This would be the moment. How many women threw themselves at every other male whenever the opportunity presented itself? Tons. But her? She had saved herself for the day they reunited, and if they hadn't, then her father's legacy would end there. She had no desire to be with anyone else, her drive never tainted.

She gasped as he slid over so tenderly to her neck, pressing himself against her once more as she felt his paw slide over her own, the man's touch on her ear sending her body into electric shocks. How could a touch like that even do something this way? Perhaps it was the fact that they truly cared for one another, had truly...wanted each other. The contact was different from everyone else, never had anyone managed to make her feel this way. Her heart and soul belonged to this one, the male that sent shivers down her spine.

Gently, she trailed her own muzzle down his neck, lightly nibbling as she trailed up towards his own ear, pressing harder against him as her claws scraped the ground beneath him. She missed his scent, his touch, his warmth. As she drew her head slightly to the base of his ear, her body grew hot. Her heat driving her to throw caution to the wind. "I'm ready." She had waited long enough for this moment, she didn't want to wait any longer.


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5 Years
10-07-2015, 11:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2015, 11:19 PM by Newol.)
Intro - The XX

Time. Time was the cruelest and nicest mistress that this world had ever seen. Here he finally was. Hearing the two words he'd wanted to hear for what seemed like centuries. Newol had once turned his back on the entire world, disappeared into the wilderness, and locked his voice away, the wait had been so terrible. Now all the pieces where finally starting to fall together into the puzzle. It had been a painful walk. For he was determind to stay a good soul. The brute was imperfect. He could count the sins of the world around them and tell every single sinner why they where wrong. It was easy to let the black in your heart win through and become a tyrant. To say that everyone else had to hurt as much as you. It was satisfing, sure. But did the world as a whole really deserve it? No. This, right here, this is what the world deserved.

Happiness. The faint glimer of light in the darkness. For all his anger, for all his hate, Newol could honestly say that he was not a hateful soul. If given the chance, he would show a guiding light to those beset by wicked ways. As much as he hated what he'd indured. As much as he hated what others had to indure, he still believed redemption to be the sweetest justice of them all. It was a charming notion. But it was a hard notion. Righting your own wrongs was painful. Righting any kind of wrong was painful. But there was one wrong that would be righted here today. Because Avalon and he had been meant for each other a very long time ago. But they would not be denied this time. Here again, where it all begain. Newol was very good at adapting, moving on. It came from his refusal to simply lay down and give up. Sure, he'd lost her. And it had hurt. But at the time he'd been determind to carry on despite his lose. But she'd chased him in her dreams. This day. This day would be more for her than anything. She'd deserved it. She'd earned it. He could not say that he'd saved himself for her. He could not say that he had never walked this stage before.

But he'd never danced to this particular song, at least. Any women he'd covered in the past had simply been out of a fleeting moment of passion. This was very much different. This was a binding, much more permanent action. This was the joining of two souls. The most deep form of intamicy. In truth, he envyed her for that fact. Her first experiance being something like this after so many untreated seasons. It would be one hell of a thing to experiance. Taking one last look into her amber eyes, he would nuzzle her deep into the underside of her neck, breathing in her scent. This is what she wanted just as much as he. As so, they would both finally be rewarded for the long road they had walked.

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увядать для черный: Fade to Black



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-08-2015, 12:02 AM

She would release a held breath of contentment. Her tender nuzzling trailing back towards his muzzle as amber gaze met green. There was a flame reignited in her eyes, one that had been extinguished long ago. But it was back, and burning stronger then ever. This was the moment she had been waiting for, not just with anyone...but with him. She remained a Virgin until today, the woman wondering what it would feel like to be taken, to connect with someone else on a whole new level. Her breath hitched as he drew himself down her neck, trailing across her body.

She would press her body against him as he went, the heat in her body rising to an unbearable degree. Was this what it was like to anticipate such a thing? As he drew closer behind her, she felt his tender touch as she braced herself. She didn't know what to expect, but when it happened...she was introduced to a whole other world. One that was all that existed now. The real-world had disappeared as she plunged into a sea of happiness.

The gasp that escaped her was louder then expected, but but it was one of many that echoed throughout the stillness of the cave. She accepted this. She wanted this. She had been waiting for years to indulge in this moment with him. And she could be no happier.

-Fade to black-


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5 Years
10-14-2015, 11:16 PM
The two of them lay on their sides atop the soft furs of Newol's old nest, bodies pressed close together in a seamless unison of flesh. The brute's chest was pushed against Avalon's as he held her close, his front legs wrapped around her torso as he rested his neck under hers, nose buried in the fluffy fur of her shoulder, breathing in her rich and wonderful scent. His hips pressed against hers as he embraced her. All the waiting was over. After everything that the two of them had been through, the long walk was over. They had found themselves, and found each other. Newol had no plans of letting go of this any time soon. He'd wanted it for so long. He'd been sad when he'd lost her the first time around, yes. He'd moved on. Forgotten, forcibly. Made himself keep going. But now that he had found her again, it was like love at first site all over again. Accept now he had all the more reason to hold on the her and never let go.

The would likely be the last memory he had of this cave, and it would be a perfect memory. Shared with the woman he was now connected with. How many times had he tried to spark a relationship and failed? More than he cared to count. How many beautiful feas had he met in this land and longed for? Even more so. None of it mattered now. He had Avalon. He'd not grown this fond of another this quickly. It was like something from a fairy tale, a story that only happened to other people. And here he was coiled up with her now, close to him. Safe and warm in this hidden sanctuary away from the world. He could spend an eternity here if but given the chance. But he longed instead for something more. He longed for The Plains, and The Willows. And by the gods, if he'd managed to obtain this, then he would manage to obtain that. Surreal, Regulus, his adopted family. They would still be there when the morning came. He would find them later.

He had this moment to share with Avalon. On the cusp of sleep in this moment of romance and passion. His tail would coil around hers as he held her close to him. He had been gentle and easy with her, this being her first time. Of course, such was his nature regardless. This. This was most certainly one of those moments his sister had told him about, where the world got to pause and catch it's breath for a moment. In the end, he supposed that they would outshine all the garbage that had gotten in their way. After all, they'd found each other again after all these years. It was meant to be, it seemed. The two of them. He would pull his head back, licking her ear again, before pressing his nose once more against hers and looking into her deep amber eyes. They had returned to their life filled state it would seem. He'd managed to chase all the dull out of them and bring her back from the brink of despair.

He couldn't be more content with himself as he looked into those eyes. A soft smile would spread his lips as he held that gaze. Where the future went from here, he didn't know. But what every it held, he had that much more to fight for now.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-16-2015, 07:23 PM

She breathed softly, relishing in the warmth of his embrace as they lay atop his old bed as they caressed each other. Her breathing had finally slowed, heart no longer pounding against her chest like it had been hours before. Her eyes were closed as she rested her head gently on top of his neck, her heat succumbed to the man's touch, and he had been gentle with her, knowing she had never done such a thing before. And if she weren't so tired, she would probably do it again. But alas, now was a time for rest. She took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly as she felt his body shift.

She had waited for so long for this moment, and at last her dreams and wishes had been fulfilled. She had found her soul mate, and it wasn't something she felt was on a whim, no. She felt that they truly connected, soul to soul when they'd met so long ago. And if it wasn't meant to be, then they probably would have never found each other again. But they did, and they were happy. And the result of that happiness would show come next season. And she wondered what life would have to offer to them then. Eyed fluttered open when she felt him move again, his gentle kisses upon her ear brought her to raise her head as he pressed his nose against hers.

Amber gaze met green, a feeling of warmth and happiness filling her up more then she had ever felt before. Did he feel the same? Of course he did. He wouldn't use and abuse her, not him. He was something else, someone special. She softly nuzzled his cheek, licking his nose as she softly gazed at him, tail curling with his as she kissed him once more. Lowering her head, sleep threatened to overtake her as she buried her head into his chest, eyed fluttering closed as she whispered "I Love You."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!