
Time to welcome the devil's spawn


04-11-2013, 12:53 PM

It was time. After what seemed weeks with these infernal embroys growing in her belly, it was finally time for the she-devil to rid them from her body and bring them into the world. She had awoken this morning with pains in her side. At first she had merely thought they were muscle aches, since she had not been taking sufficient rest like a she-wolf expecting should. But as she had risen from her resting place, the pains increased, a pounding, almost stabbing pains at her withers. She had never seen another female give birth nor had she herself ever been in the position to give birth, so these pains were unfamiliar and unwelcome to the darkened female.

The place she had bedded down for the night did not seem adequate enough now for the she-wench to give birth. She did not want her birth to be something public. It was bad enough she had gotten herself knocked up because she had give in to her stupid body's desires; she didn't want all of alacritis to know that she had conceived the pups of some wandering womanizer. And so Destruction left her resting spot, heading to the soullest forest, a place she knew not many wolves dared to enter given it's harsh and unfriendly enviornment. It was the perfect place for her to come release the spawn she had carried inside of her for what seemed to be an eternity.

Limbs propelled the heavy, pregnant female through the dark forest, ivory, crimson ringed jewels flickering over the landscape, making sure that no other wolves were inhabiting the area. She wasn't sure what part of the forest she was in, but she didn't really care. Slow, deliberate steps were taken, gaze landing on a secluded spot, just barely visbible inside a knot of knarled roots, thorns adorning the brambles. It was the perfect spot. She could have the pups in there without the worry of someone trying to invade her space. And if they did, they would get a face full of turns as well as most likely get their throats ripped out by the angry mother. A birthing she-wolf was already a ticking time-bomb; trying to get near her while she was giving birth was just asking for a death wish. And especially from Destruction.

As she wiggled her way inside the little hole, the pains in her withers reached an all time high. A growl of frustration tore through her larynx as she settled herself down on the moist earth, contractions beginning to rip through her frame. Eyelids were screwed shut, jaws clamped tight as her contractions worked their way through her womb, pushing the product of the seed Bane had implanted in her. Three pups were the result, all tiny and vulnerable, covered in the plasma from the womb. There were all three males, two brown-ish, resembling Bane, both small and weak looking. The last one was large, the biggest of the trio and completely black like his mother, except for the rusty stripe that ran down his shoulders. He instantly began to cry out, wiggling around, trying to find a teat to suckle on and get a firm grip on life. The other two barely moved, their backs inflating and deflating the only sign that they were alive. Destruction would not breed weakness. Without a second though the devil of a woman snatched up the two newborns, severing their necks with a single bite. They went limp in her grasp, hanging uselessly from her powerful jaws. She rose slightly, using a forepaw to dig a shallow hole in the earth, dropping the lifeless bodies into before replacing the dirt over it. Once they weaklings were disposed of the woman returned to her spot, watching as her young look-alike steadily made it?s way to her belly, its tiny nose leading it to her teets, its mouth latching on as it began to suckle. Gaze moved away from the child and out to the forest, senses alert as she watched for anyone that would try to disrupt her relative peace.

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04-12-2013, 10:31 PM

What brought the male to such a deadly place? Only his paws would know. The seemed to wonder with a mind of their own and the male entered just about anything fearless.The soulless forest, exactly what the name subjected! How would you find wolves in here? You wouldn't. And so it led the brute to a place he would hide away years back, and wait for the perfect imbecile to walk on by. A wicked creature he was, but not anymore. He promised he would leave it all behind him, or at least give it a promising try.

A roar of pain struck through the forest very faintly; Odin stopped a moment thinking his ears were deceiving him. So he continued to let his paws be the footprints of his next adventure, and they weren't too far off.

Tiny cries came from close by, and Odin had not a clue what or where it was coming from so his nose started to lead. He stopped and stood, his ears flicking in every direction trying to find a trail. Soon after his nose dropped and he huffed in a load of air. It was hard to determine what smell he was after, it was so faint that his nose couldn't pick it up.

By the time the smell was strong enough that it was a few feet from him, he heard a movement behind him. He quietly peeped his head around the corner to see a black dame dumping puppies into the hole she buried. And though there were so many possibilities, Odin knew she killed them. She lay down next to her only living pup that looked somewhat like her and from a far distance Odin spoke.

"You will regret that later..."

Walk "Talk" Think


04-17-2013, 03:38 PM
She had chosen the soulless forest because of its remote location and the lore that came with its name. This was not a friendly atmosphere. No wolf in their right mind would willingly walk into a place like this unless they were searching for someone, needing to fight someone to they had completely lost their mind and wanted to die. It was the perfect place for the she-wolf to come and birth the spawn that had been growing inside her belly since the day she encountered the womanizer Bane.

She had figured no one would wander in and if they did they would simply walk past her chosen birthing spot inside of the nest of thorns. Only a stupid wolf would wander near something that could possibly harm it. Since arriving the she had not detected the scent of any other. Even after she had given birth to the pups, well pup now since she had disposed of the other two weaklings, the scent of another had not come up. And yet as she laid, her only remaining pup quietly suckling at her teat, the scent of another suddenly wafted into her nostrils. It was foreign, one she had never encountered before, belonging to an unknown male. Another womanizer looking to see if he could get lucky? Destruction wasn?t about to let that happen again. The next man that tried to get their way with her was going to get his throat ripped out.

And just as suddenly as the new male?s scent came to her, an accompanying voice rumbled from outside her path of thorns, warning her that she was going to regret that later. Surely the only thing she would regret was ever letting Bane have his way with her. Had the stranger seen her dispose of the other two pups? It was none of his damn business what she did with the spawn from her body. Darkened kissers pulled back over pearly daggers as she new mother rose from the ground, pulling the teat right out of the mouth of young Dillion, as she had named him in her mind, limbs bringing the female to crouch in front of the entrance to her birthing spot, audits pinned against her skull, a rumbling snarl erupting from her jaws as she spoke. Who the hell are you to tell me what I am to regret or not? she snarled, ivory, crimson ringed orbs watching the ivory, dual gemmed brute before her.

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04-17-2013, 06:12 PM

When the female noticed Odin had found her hiding spot, she was spitting mad. She hovered at the entrance of thorns throwing cruel words at him with force. Her lips curled to her gums and her evil red eyes pierced through Odin. The male seemed unaffected by her attitude. He stood there with a neutral expression across his face. He decided to keep the talk going, even though the new mother almost threatened him with her eyes.

"Oh, just a random passer-byer. You know..."

Odin took a few steps going around the entrance of the den of thorns, he didn't want to stir the female any more and kept his distance.

"...Been there, done that. One of those expressions, ehh?"

His eyes looked down at the ground but he watched the female out of the corner of his eye, he would go off guard. He could tell the dame had some kind of dis-connection with him, maybe she was one of those brute-haters? Who knew, maybe she was one of those anti-social wolves. But she seemed a little uneasy over him through her spitting voice. Odin looked back up at her with his purple and green eyes.

"Don't worry there, I don't want anything; I ain't ganna hurt you, settle down."

Walk "Talk" Think


04-19-2013, 03:36 PM

It seemed she could never find peace in this damn place. Everywhere she turned she was constantly running into wolves. Then again, she had chosen to come to this place, for what reason she still couldn?t understand herself, so there was really no use for her to complain about it. She should have expected that a place as huge as Alacritis, with its various packs, would be home to more than its share of wolves. She was fooling herself if she thought there was at least one place that she could retire to where she wouldn?t run into anyone. That was simply wishful thinking.

Despite her hostile behavior towards him, the stranger didn?t seem fazed. His expression was neutral, giving away no hint that he was afraid of what this she-wolf was capable of doing. Perhaps he just had a good poker face or really just wasn?t afraid. That was odd for Destruction. Anyone who saw her always feared her. She wasn?t a thing of beauty to look at; she was a killing machine. And yet he stood there calmly, talking to her as if there was no chance at all that she could lunge at him any minute and rip his throat out. He was either really brave for confronting the russet stained wench, or really stupid. She supposed she would never find out. Not that she cared to anyway.

Audits rotated forward to attention, catching the ivory male?s words as he spoke, explaining himself as just a random passerby. Well, seems like he was good at stating the obvious. Maybe there was hope after all for the idiots of the world. She spoke nothing for the moment, sensing that he was going to continue as he circled around her den of thorns, his voice continuing to assault her ears he spoke, his gaze lowering to the ground as he attempted to keep a respectful distance while trying to calm her down. So, he wasn?t as stupid as she?d thought. Maybe some wolves were actually smart and managed to keep their wits about them like this male here. Lips curled back over her dentures, making them disappear once again, audits rotating forward, not relaxed, just alert. Her outward appearance settled but on the inside she remained tense, ready to rip his throat out the moment he gave her reason to.

A soft yipping from behind her caught her attention. Dillion was trying to get to his mother?s soft belly, the moist earth not to his liking. Figuring she could easily defend herself and the young boy from her vantage point, Destruction rose, padding back farther into her nest of thorns, coming to sit behind Dillion, using one massive paw to gently guide him towards her, nestling him against her haunches. He crawled up against her hind paws, curling into a tiny black and russet stained ball, promptly falling asleep between her legs. Once he was settled she turned her attention back to the brute, her demeanor a bit more settled, jaws unhinging slowly as she spoke. How can I trust you mean me no harm if I don?t even know your name? Something was happening to the hardened killer. Her drive to kill and feel the blood of her opponent slide down her throat was minimizing, diminishing, becoming something of lesser importance. Was this what motherhood did to a she-wolf like her? She supposed she would figure it out eventually. Ivory, crimson ringed gaze was focused on the alabaster, emerald/violet eyed knight, awaiting a response of one was to come.

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04-20-2013, 09:52 AM

He watched as the same walked back deep into her den, he almost followed her, stopping in the entrance to continue to speak to her. The little whimpers of the new born pup gentle softened in the air. Odin could almost not bear it, it was so adorable. Even though the dame looked so threatening, she showed the affection for the young that she kept.

The dame didn't necessarily ask for his name, or did she? Either way the man would give it to her. "Oh a name? Well, that's an easy one."His eyes looked up at the trees that blocked any of the light coming through the forest. "The name's Odin."

When his eyes came back down to the mother and pup, he looked softly at the puppy who was almost hidden by his mother's pelt. His head cocked side way and moved around to see him a little more. "He is a cute fellow there." His stature then stood strong again, looking back at the female hoping she would give her a name as well.

When Odin was actually around others and had conversations with him, all have his problems went away. Well, they didn't go away, he just pushed them back into his mind. The male was always afraid of something coming behind him and ripping him apart. He was scared of finding others dead, he had killed many in his life time as well. He had raped many others including his own mother. He killed his mother, he killed his young, he killed every girl he was with. These fears always got worse in the dark, and what makes it better? Nothing. The brute suffered from bruxism and insomnia. Now all those fears that he held during they day, he had to deal with at night. Everything was hell for him, he wished every day and night as a pup that someone would just take his life and end all the pain, and all the fear he had. But here he was today, still suffering, but dealing with it all differently.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-22-2013, 03:23 PM

Destruction had never pictured herself in this type of situation when she arrived in alacritis. She?d figured she would have been recruited by some blood-thirsty alpha would needed remorseless killers and she would have been chosen and put to work right away. Much to her disappointment, that didn?t happen. It appeared Alacritis didn?t harbor blood-thirsty killers or if it did, she hadn?t met any of them yet. What a shame. Perhaps if she had she could?ve gone on a killing spree. Oh well. No use dwelling on the past.

The ivory male moved closer to her den of thorns, stopping just shy of the entrance, his voice moving past the obstacles before him to reach inside her den to her ears. She watched him quietly, assessing, observing, searching for any signs that would warn her that he was about to attack. Despite being a first time mother, the obsidian dame could feel a different kind of instincts stirring inside of her. The need to kill wasn?t dominant anymore, it wasn?t a driving force, a song singing in her veins. The need to kill was now replaced with the need to protect. She could feel the gentle pulse of Dillion beneath her and it was because of him that she could feel a shift inside of her. The little bundle at her paws was now the reason she was breathing. It was no longer to kill. To maim. To destroy. No, it was to protect him. The killer instincts were still there, they were just tucked away. She would only kill to defend her son were anyone to threaten his life. They would have to go through her before they could think of touching a single hair on his body.

The male?s voice broke her thoughts, ivory, crimson ringed jewels refocusing on his figure as he spoke, presenting himself as Odin. Odin. Destruction had never bothered with names before. The only names she had ever bothered memorizing had been the names of her fellow comrades. But since leaving her entente, the need for names had never really been big with her. Odin. She tucked the brute?s name away for later use, were she to run into him on a later date. She watched him for a moment, silent, as his dual colored eyes roamed down over Dillion, his vocals expressing his liking towards her child. His name is Dillion. And mine Destruction. That was how it was supposed to be like right? He said his name, then she said hers? The she-devil had never really had a proper conversation with anyone, excluding SwiftKill, Diabolitio and Oxia. Those all hadn?t ended very well.

She pushed her thoughts aside, focusing her attention on Odin, bending down for a moment to present a gentle lick to Dillion?s head, causing him to stir against her paws before raising her crown once more, gaze settled on Odin.

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04-23-2013, 03:07 PM

The colors of gravel and stone nodded his head almost as a bow. He looked up and watched as the Destruction licked her babies head, more of a comfort action. Odin took a blink as a memory flashed back into his head, making him space out of real life.

The pup and his mother lay behind the bushes to hide from the enraged male. Snarls and growls lifted into the air as his mother pushed him in close.

The air grew silent; the two waited for either male to approach, but not a soul disturbed them. The sound of leaves crunching flew off in the distance and the puppy's mother rose to her feet. Her eyes looked down at her son, a look of agony almost. The black pelted mother walked around to come out of the bushes and laid beside her mate. They grey and white pup followed her to greet his father, but the body was ripped apart and the pup's mother laid beside what was left. Blood smeared across her face as her nose rubbed against his; she then stood up and led her child away from the wreckage. The boy turned around and looked at his father one last time as the black female hit the top of his head with her tongue.

The male almost shook as he came back from the memory. The murder of his father left him scarred, he would never forget that day. His eyes met back with Destruction's once again as he let off another smile.

"Oh, um...Sorry."

Walk "Talk" Think


05-06-2013, 08:50 AM

Being here, with this child and with his foreign male was something certainly strange to the hardened killer. Civil conversations had never been a part of her future. She'd never imagined that there would be a time that she would be able to sit down with someone and actually have something of a conversation. Not only that, but she had never believed that she would become a mother. Being a breeder had never been in her agenda. That was left for other females. Not Destruction. Not a she-wench like her that had liked to drink her opponents blood.

Her thoughts settled as Odin's voice broke through, bringing her back to the present. Despite being lost in her own thoughts, she had noticed his demeanour slightly change, as if he were remembering something almost. The onyx vixen made no mention of it, knowing it was none of her business. She didn't care anyway, what he did or didn't do. He was simply some stranger who had chanced upon her and was taking the risk to actually engage her in conversation. His bi-colored gems met her own ivory, crimson rimmed ones, his gray/ivory lips splitting into a smile. The she-devil bristled, having never had someone smile at her before and not mean her any harm. It's fine.she said quietly, not really knowing how to continue the conversation.

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05-15-2013, 07:55 AM

It had been getting darker, it it might have been the time to go home. Odin wanted the female to be safe in her exit of the forest, but she should be fine with her new son. The thought of the dead children was gone off Odin's mind, and probably wouldn't come back for a long while. But at this time Odin would give the mother her space and maybe one day they could cross lives again. "I suppose I should get going. I hope the best for your new adventures with Dillion." and with that he gave her a nod then reconnecting with her eyes and giving another smile. He turned around and crawled his way through the thorns and ran off back home to Glaciem.

-exit Odin-

Walk "Talk" Think


05-15-2013, 11:49 AM

Destruction said nothing as Odin retreaed, his departing words gaining a nod of acknowledgement from her. She watched him leave until his gray and ivory pelt disappeared into the foliage, limbs folding beneath the dame as she settled hereself into her nest of thorns, Dillinger sleeping peacefully a her belly.

-exit destruction-

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