
Igniting The Stars



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-25-2015, 04:35 PM


Long had it been since he'd actually look up at the night sky, the scenery driving his darkened soul into a spur of the moment action. He would trail across the desert, sweeping into the Plains as he lumbered across the fields into an area more secluded. He didn't want the prying eyes of his pack to trail him, so it would be a deed done outside of pack lands. The children he was sure, were bedded down for the night, and it had been quite a while since he and his mate had had any alone time to and be together.

He generally wasn't one to do this, let alone show affection or any sort of relative thing, but over the course of time, the small woman had slowly been changing him. He walked softly across the damp ground, heading towards the waters as amber gaze spotted the small island in the middle. That would surely be the perfect and private little spot, although he would have to swim across, the summer air was quite warm and he was sure his pelt would dry rather quickly.

Slipping into the water, the waterfowl eyed him with suspicion as he quietly swam towards the Isle. Here and there the dull sound of an owl or other nocturnal creature could be heard, as well as the threatening splashes of ducks or geese, but he paid them no mind as he felt the ground beneath him once more. It was a very short swim, no trouble at all. Shaking out his coat, he ducked beneath the willows trailing branches as he found the perfect spot to call his beloved. Tilting his head to the sky, he sent out a haunting call for Arietta.



10-02-2015, 02:02 PM

Whether Arietta had changed for the better or not she didn’t know. She just knew that, because of Sin, she had changed for good. She was willing to stand on her own paws and act. She was raising her children with a careful, steady paw. Enigma was going to need some talking to about his actions with Obscoro but luckily all the members of her family were still together, still healthy and happy. Her youngest litter was growing well, though Shiro had her worried as of late.

It was because of him that Arietta was almost hesitant to leave the babies. While they were not necessarily babies any longer she still worried. She would fetch Squirrel, ordering the slave to pupsit while she went out with Sin.

It had indeed been far too long since they had done anything of this sort together. A moment of peace together where they could be alone, away from the prying eyes of the pack.

Arietta would slip through the waters as she followed her mate’s scent to the edge. She had followed his call out this far, and she wasn’t about to turn back now. She would cross, hearing the different squabbling of birds as she crossed onto the small island.

Arietta would come up to Sin as she arrived, head crossing under his own as she nuzzled against his chest. The femme would give a soft whine, her eyes shinning happily as she looked up at him. “Do you have something special planned for tonight, my love?”




6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-04-2015, 06:54 PM

He waited for a long while, amber gaze reflecting the small bits of light emanating from the fireflies that flickered about. This was...a different feeling. A different setting then the usual scene of blood and flashing fangs that he was used to. Arietta did something to him that no other could ever hope to come close to, and as soon as he'd begin to think about her, her form came slipping from the water. He watched her come closer, the fae slipping beneath his form to nuzzle and caress him. He still wondered to this day, why she had chosen to stay with him. Their first meeting wasn't...pleasant. He had forcefully taken her, forced her to submit to him in an act that would surely leave anyone else scarred. And instead of running when she had the chance, she had stayed. Waited for him even when he'd disappeared.

She was the most loyal of everyone he'd come across. Leaning down to roughly nuzzle her small bodice, he draped his head over her neck as he lightly nibbled the base of her shoulders. Something about Arietta always made him yearn for her touch, no matter how small it was. "My love, I do. It's been a long time since we've spent time together." He didn't know what it was, something about her wanted to make him show her how much he loved her. How much he...truly cared for her. He only hoped that she accepted what he had to give her.



10-08-2015, 01:54 PM

Arietta would breathe in Sin’s musky scent. Something about him had caused the female to stay. Originally it was out of fear, out of needing him. But as she grew stronger, as she grew more capable, there was something more. There was definitely love between the couple, a strange and unique love. The wolfess cared deeply for Sin and, in her own way, was changing him to being more of a caring man. A caring father through their children. Yes, they were good for each other.

She would close her eyes at his touch, shivering with delight at the light nibbles at the base of her shoulders. She would twitch her ears, listening to what he had say. “A night for just us hmm?” The femme would whisper, though there was no one around to hear them at the moment. “Well I have to say I’m a little surprised... But glad.” She would turn her head, licking his muzzle again. “I love you so, Sin.”
