
cracks in the pavement



1 Year
04-10-2013, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2013, 10:41 PM by Ardent.)

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Afternoon and the skies themselves danced with a new kind of light about the woman as she swept along the snowy grounds like an unnatural shadow in itself. paws trekked delicately over the tundra, leaving behind but shallow troughs that told the only tale of the wraith woman's existence in these desolate lands for but a few minutes before being swept away by the writhing wind which banished all markings from its beautiful pale canvas - daring any to mar its beautiful arctic reflection with reminants of their being.

The caverns themselves had beckoned to her, drawing her attention to the realm of ice and snow like nothing else. Whether it had been the callous glare of the ice against her physique that surrounded her like a crystal ball, or whether it had been the wretched beauty - she wasn't sure which had drawn her more. The thing about things of beauty is that hidden behind everything of exquisite beauty, there was always tucked away the ghost of a tragedy that only few knew. But what was the tragedy of this glorious realm? She'd find out.

For today she would become the queen of ice and snow.


No notes.

Admin account :**Edited as wrong post <3 Don't be concerned.



Extra small
04-10-2013, 10:52 PM

OOC: [ ]

He didn't understand the events of late. He didn't want to be this walking failure...this boy...almost man that seemed to fall into the threshold of evil. He wanted to be fine. He wanted to be pure. He wanted to perfectly represent the Adravendi name without a concern in the world, and yet, it seemed as though he failed. His ample steps would prod him across the earth, moving without much a purpose at all. There was something forlorn. Lacking. Dead. He didn?t know what it was. He was so lost by the ravenous anger that had consumed him. He had attacked another boy. Another male. Granted, with good cause -his sister- and yet, how could such a thing requite violence? Actually, to be perfectly honest, the truth of the matter was he attacked the man simply for speaking. Saying a name, and Maverick had not physically retaliated, but the slanderous words used against Valhalla. O it was enough.

He wasn?t exactly happy in such a destitute place, he needed an escape, a shadow to hide in whilst everyone else around him rejuvenated, got their gossip of his endeavors out. How shaken his sweet Epiphron must have been....letting the thought go the -near- man would lay his bestial frame against the concrete of the caverns, and lay his massive skull atop his paws. It took a long minute, a long who-knew-how-long until he let a scent take register to his mind, and then the paladin would search around for whomever was the cause of what was happening. ?Is someone there??





1 Year
04-10-2013, 11:06 PM

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Never had the woman put much thought into faith or miracles, and yet here in the cryptic caverns about her, she found that her thoughts had been heard by some unknown presence. Another called out into the icey cavern and it was with those notes that the wraith's paws lifted with purpose in search of the being that had coaxed such lyrics to echo and cling to the cavern walls, leaving the air itself tainted by its sound. It didn't take her long to find the young male, and upon seeing him she allowed her gaze of emerald to roll over his figure before sweeping back to his features.

Would he be her new toy for the day? Would he be friend or enemy? The young woman didn't know, and yet like an intrigued moth to a flame she drew nearer to him, her skull settled at level with the lithe formation of her spinal column, her pelt rising and folling, rippling and shivering as it shifted along the rolling muscles of the woman that caused her shoulderblades to rise and fall much like a lioness' when she's stalking something. Silence was all she greeted him with, yet those alluring eyes of hers never once left the features of his face as the quiet of her smile made its path along her lips. Such a smile was silent and knowing, taunting with knowledge, yet just what she had in store for the boy was unknown.


No notes.



Extra small
04-10-2013, 11:58 PM

OOC: [ ]

Like a silent ghost she would appear from the shadows, her body would meld forth, and if he had to guess, there was no way she exceeded him in age. Her body, though holding some kind of musculature, was particularly lacking in anything excessive, and where feminine curves were supposed to be, she retained a certain narrowness that spoke of immature bodice. As if he had quite a problem with that. The sire himself had reached his full height, however, his weight still had a ways to go, while yes, he was arguably solid, he was also, without argument, lanky.

Silence would become her main dish and the russet king would turn his own blue gaze into her chartreuse eyes and he would raise off of the earth, sitting and he would then proceed to wrap his tail around his limbs. Why...was she staring at that? A bit hesitant as to what to do the male would simply torque his head a bit and ask, ?Errr are you...uh, can you talk?




1 Year
04-11-2013, 01:36 PM

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

What's this? The male felt like questioning the woman? More interesting yet,he questioned something that many didn't ask until far later. He spoke of her ability to speak. Slow were the steps that drew the temptress towards him, never raising in their speed but always remaining an easy prowl of which allowed her to look this prince over fully as if hypnotized with a hidden secret that glittered within her eyes. These caverns held many secrets within them, yet the slaughter of those within the realm were their longest of kept secrets for even those that found the corpses usually fell to the cold's embrace soon after - doomed to enjoy the crystalline grave of so many others.

Death hadn't beckoned the girl yet, however, and she'd not drive this young male to his grave just yet either. For what reason should she harm the boy than that he looked at her in ways that she found most amusing of them all? He questioned her, yes, but to this she said not a single word, only to then lift paws to circle about the male's right side and come back up along his left, looking to his features, though more specifically towards his eyes. Scant shift of her caudal appendage was given, crown of the young dame's head seen to dip only in the slightest as she watched him. It was then that she leaned in slowly, allowing the softness of her obsidian lips to near his lobe as the hushed whisper of "Bereth.." was spoken for only his ears to hear.


No notes.


04-11-2013, 04:21 PM

Such pretty little things...

The serpentine female slithered through the ice caverns in silence, nails scarcely clicking on the hard ground. So much like home, so many memories of that first year of life... A chill ran through her spine and she paused to feel it's full effect, allowing her shoulders to roll back and for the muscles around her spine to convulse. A smile spread across ebony lips as head lowered and she carried on. Noise carried exquisitely in caverns such as these, such as the ones she had been confined to for a year at the beginning of her wretched existence. Never good enough for anyone else to see, stashed away like a dirty little secret. But she wasn't bitter, no. If not for that year she wouldn't be as good at what she did as she was. Wouldn't be as good at pinpointing the echoes of sounds in these caverns. Voices especially echoed here... That smile remained as she ducked below a icicle and slithers around another protruding from the ground. For once in the last few weeks she had a destination, though she had not planned to meet anyone in this desolate cavern there were voices ahead none the less. The called to her, drifting towards her like smoke and beckoning for her to follow. How long had it been since she had terrorized rouges?

'Bereth..' a soft whisper reached straining audits and a soft purr slipped from lips. "Such a pretty name dear..." she said softly as she came from behind the young female. Both, she noted, were young. And the male smelled distinctly Valhallen and before the young female turned to look at her a smile and a wink was shared with the pack wolf in front of the ice queen positioned before him. But it lasted only a moment before attention was once again turned to the pretty little thing between them. Vi sat delicately, almost mirroring the young male's position. Thick tail flipped easily over her paws to keep them warm in the ice as head tilted curiously. Ears would swivel towards the would be temptress now balanced precariously between two warring packs.




Extra small
04-13-2013, 12:16 AM

The man would allow silence to befall them both, and like he expected, it seemed to be a long moment before his partner dare enamour the environment with her light tones. He would perk his ears towards her as she uttered her title and seemed to relent to quieter existence. So lacking in disruption, and never before had he enjoyed someone?s company so much before. Clearly, he had been dazed, lost in a timeless trance, for her figure had completely revolved around him, before her name had been spoken, and yet he, had remained motionless as she examined his thew, his coloration, his grotesque design.

His body would sit a little taller as a new figure danced in, a graceful sort of demeanor to her otherwise powerful dance. Salacious tones dripped from her womanly chords and it was she who seemed to confuse the beast so. What was she doing? So lowly speaking? They were out in the open. Still, the older woman seemed to sit comfortably before him and she seemed to take a rather divine pleasure in the movements she made. His eyes would examine her and he would stare at her in wonderment. Had she also come to see a show? The storm raging in his heart would calm and his paws would re-position themselves father apart, and he would grow more relaxed. My, how he towered over the two females. He sort of...loved it.

Albeit Neo...he hadn?t really been exposed to the scent of Tortuga wolves, and to be honest, though her scent was vaguely familiar, it was not overly distinct. He shrugged it off, pinning her as something to be discovered and stared at her waiting to hear whatever it was that she clearly wanted.




1 Year
04-13-2013, 12:35 AM

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Lies spoken of the serpentine woman, for who would speak such a name such as Beherit to tohers, knowing that it was but the devil's name itself. No, a shortened version would do for now as her alluring gaze of emerald jewel strolled its untainted paths along the figure of the young male that stood before her. Yes, a nubile young woman she was, yet he a desireable male as well, but what caught attention of the dame was the scent. The delicious scent that coiled itself about him like a fine smoke - the essence of his pack. And yet in drawing upon his essence she knew they weren't alone.

The caverns spoke no lies as the scent of their frost and ominous glacial walls remained untainted save for by those that wandered their halls. Another scent still tainted the nares of the woman, swirling about her like a fine perfume before it writhed itself off like a mist - first scent drawing out its truths as the second sense took up the twitching of her harks the moment a dame spoke. The woman was older, told by build of a shadow the drew itself along he ground like a writhing omen near the woman's paws, and yet only once did she shift her skull off kilter to draw upon the sweet lyrics of the woman, sharp orb rolling itself within her skull to glance to the woman.

Curious. Ever so curious grew the young seraph, and yet never once was it hinted. No, she instead takes to sweeping out from between her dance partners, wandering but a medium-sized circle about them only to then drift up alongside of Viridana. What an intriguing female this dame was, and yet at the same time she seemed so plain all the same. The huntress knows better than to underestimate others, however, for devilry comes in all types of forms, most known as that of a woman's scent. A fellow assassin and huntress bears the air of this female, but it's swiftly brushed off in favor of the male again. Plume of the obsidian temptress sweeps the skies lightly before lowering its tip to drive along her ankles in a regal fashion befitting of a shepherd and she pauses where she'd began - settling just between the dame and hunter themselves.


No notes.


04-17-2013, 11:03 AM

Sharp gaze would trail over the younger wolves, resting heavily on the russet male and trail along his exposed jaw. There was a strength in him the she liked, a darkness that called to her. For a long moment she allowed her gaze to remain fixed on him before sliding over to the little minx that slid around him. She was quite the specimen, that much was for sure and Vi allowed her graze to drift along with the wraith as she slithered her way around them and then slowly to the red woman's side. Exquisite, she was simply exquisite and Vi wanted her, wanted all of her. Soft, sly smile slide across dark lips as eyes drifted over her lithe frame. She was beautiful... There was no doubt about that, from the way she moved to what Vi had heard of her voice when her name had dropped from those lips. Finally the little minx slid towards the center of them once more and Vi continued to let eyes follow, admiring the well toned muscle beneath that sleek pelt. She was a killer, there was something about her that just screamed it.

Takes one to know one right?

It was quiet here, nothing to be heard aside from the light breath that slipped from parted jaws. Did she dare break the silence? Or should she allow it to sit and grant her eyes the chance to do what she couldn't yet do with her body? No, she was very rarely one for silence, though she preferred it she had always been the talker of the duo and it was hard for her to shake that talent. "Stunning..." she breathed as she moved towards the temptress, allowing herself to do her own appraising circle around the female. It brought her dangerously close to the brute but she allowed her eyes to leave the dame and dance over his form in a silent promise as well. He was no forgotten. "Come with me dear, I know a place where you will be most welcome. Especially with your... potential" she purred, voice a soft whisper as she came before the female to speak, hot breath would brush the female's ears and words would slither in after. Vi couldn't be positive that this female was a killer but she carried herself in a similar fashion as herself so it could only be assumed. If not, she had great potential...




1 Year
04-22-2013, 03:50 PM

?You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.?

Lovely. Yes, lovely, but not beautiful, was the female of which stood near her. Beherit looked the woman over curiously, sweeping over the scarlet locks of her pelt to the rolling muscle that she knew would be hidden beneath its canvas before sweeping along the woman's limbs and back to her features of which were shaded in shadow itself. Such a beautiful creature was the woman, and yet Beherit found her to speak too much already. She saw the hunger in the woman's eyes, however, and though she did enjoy this, she resisted the temptation that was the woman's invitation.

With freedom, death, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy? andthe other matter of fact was that she knew far better than most that no object or being was so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it would not look ugly. And true was the fact when it came to women. Yes, women were divine creatures that could be so lovely and perfect as long as they kept their mouths shut. for as soon as they opened their mouth, they threw off the illusion of perfection that was silence found in a portrait of genuine beauty. For these reasons Beherit remained a silent lady most of the time, and wasted not her words on conversation unless truly alone. Still, the woman's invitation remained lingering within the air and Beherit realized that her softened lips were in need to address the manner.

Blades rolled beneath the woman's pelt and she lowered her skull, twisting it delicately off kilter upon its right side as her emerald stare looked between the two. Potential.. She bore plenty of potential in many areas, for she could be a queen if she so desired it, and yet the life of a wanderer is what she loved most. Eventually the dame's skull rises and with it her lips pass sweet lyrics bearing her opinion. "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request." soon sweeps the sweet song from her lips, and downy lobes of obsidian sweep forth on her skull as she gazed upon the temptress before her.

Collected she wouldn't be, for she was never one to mingle in the company of others for prolonged moments of time. No, a lone dove was she, that enjoyed the surprise and adventure of the realms about her - be they light or dark. Pleasure wouldn't be given to the dame by the denial of the woman, no doubt, but it was as Beherit felt. And her freedom was something she'd not allow to be snared from her.


No notes.



Extra small
04-30-2013, 12:53 AM

She was silent, that red heathen. Bewitching. He enjoyed in her that, physically, he saw so much of himself. She did not deter him, no, his mood deterred him from communication with them, and yet, the lyrics that spun from her maw were what became something that he had to fall weary of. She spoke nothing to him, and her compliments solely spun around the black female he had come to meet. A deepened scowl would enrapture his entire set of features and he would twist into dissatisfaction as a clear claim rolled from her lips. So, she was of a pack that believed so heavily on the those things? Unwillingly taking that which did not belong to them. Eyes would flood to Beherit. Waiting for her to give some sign of whether or not she wanted to truly go with the creature, and when the vocals that declared she wished to keep her freedom, rang out, Syrinx would rise from his feet. Nodding her off into the distance.

?Guess that concludes this meeting, eh?? His gaze drifted towards the russet woman and he nodded to her in affirmation before he was about ready to go, ?Syrinx Adravendi, I?ll talk to ya another time,? and with that he was ready. Muscular thighs pushed the beast from the ground and off he went, ready to venture back out and see what he could find. So long as he was not needed.

Exit Syrinx unless needed/stopped


05-01-2013, 10:39 PM

The black wraith slithered around Vi, emerald eyes slithering over her pelt in an oddly intimate way. Vi's sharp orange gaze followed her as well and even before the female spoke Vi knew her answer. It was a no, Vi could understand it and though a small part of her wanted to force this female to join her pack, to make Beherit her own. But the male stood now, drawing attention back to him and sharp gaze snapped to him. He wasn't allowed to leave... She stood slowly, all attention gone from the black wraith that had previously held her full attention. Syrinx Adravendi... She recognized that name, something about it made head tilt curiously as she took a few steps after him, red tail lashing at her ankles as she watched him depart. This wouldn't be the last time they met... "Toodles dear" she said easily before setting off at a lope after the male, leaving the ice queen in her tomb.

-exit Viridiana-
