
BFF to a good home



7 Years
09-30-2015, 07:23 PM

Cesar's BFF. They do childish stuff together. Roll in mud and dead bodies, screech loudly in the middle of the night for a nonexistent purpose. It'll be a real party. Kat gave him back, so he's up for adoption again. Gonna see how much of him Kat is okay with being reused (appearance, name). No deadline. He'll just sit here until someone wants him, I guess xD

Name: His name is/was Brutus, but I dunno if Kat wants that name back o3o So for now, maybe think of an alternative. He could have a formal name of your choice, or just go with whatever Cesar calls him, because Cesar will definitely give him a nickname regardless. Options include but are not limited to: Giganticus, Enormungous, Humungo, Whopper, and Jumbo-mumbo.
Gender: Male
Age: About 1 year old (maybe 2 now? not sure).
Appearance: Dark brown with a darker topline and darker eye markings and rings around his legs. He's also got pale lavender eyes c: 40" tall. Everything's been paid for.
Personality: Very quiet, subservient, a foil to Cesar's spontaneity, unquestioning, indifferent to "horrible" things, pretty loyal to Cesar right now, probs neutral alignment that might change with IC development - either for better or worse >:]
History: ??? Cesar found him all alone, then they started sort of following each other and ended up sticking together. I'd wanna say they had known each other for about a month now. You can decide what happened before Cesar found him, as long as it makes sense with his personality (e.g. no "oooh wow, super young wolf is super cool and killed his whole pack then went to brood in a forest and found Cesar.")

To apply:
Name: Pick one! Or stick with the old one, and we'll see if Kat doesn't mind :>
Age: I thiiiink he's almost 2
Personality: Expand to at least 150 words
Appearance: Expand to at least 150 words.
History: Optional. If you wanna decide on something for the beginning of his life, you can put it here. You don't have to though~

Also, he comes with a free table. And who doesn't love free stuff?

She spoke some encrypted garble again, hiding her words from him. It didn’t sound anything like what wolves normally said, and so Cesar concluded that it was nothing outside his vocabulary, but some different language entirely. ”Durr durr mikken ploppen urken durken,” he mocked childishly, sticking his tongue out again and crossing his eyes, his nose lifted in a little snarl. She would then step in front of him, effectively blocking his view as she tried again to bully him away. She was, as most were, taller than he was. Why did she feel the need to do this? Was her ego so sodden and pitiful that it needed a good stroking from bothering strangers? The beast furrowed his brow and spat again, ”Nnn-o. He ignored her comment about his naming of things, and with admirable agility and quickness (though minus points for grace), he scrambled off to the right about five feet, his attention partially flung at the deer thing for a few seconds. It was going down now, into the oozy depths. Its nose was still above, and its eyes – swimming with horror and agony. He could only give it a glance though, before he allowed his shifting gaze to keep tabs on the female again. His ears were folded slightly, his legs spread and bent in a practiced defensive stance, his center of gravity held steady and his muscles tense. Of course she would try something. And he wanted to bite her. Just not yet…

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
10-03-2015, 12:36 PM
Acrylic why!? D; I'm interested now...I shouldn't have looked at the adoptions board T^T


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
10-03-2015, 01:47 PM
Name: I wanna stick with Brutus!
Age: 2 years
Personality: WIP
Appearance: WIP
History: Much WIPness

My focus needs more focus.


1 Year
10-07-2015, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2015, 11:23 AM by Clever.)
Hello, please don't be discouraged by my newbie status. ;_; I haven't been very inspired to come up with a character from scratch. However, I am a very active roleplayer, just new to Alacritis and having trouble getting started. I really think this would be a perfect fit for me and the character, as I am prone to playing huge male characters with emotional indifference/trouble grasping the concepts of most emotion shown in others. I also tend to play very dark characters, and even have plans to get "Et tu, Brute?" tattooed across my back irl. The simple quote is tied to so much story, and it is beautiful- as is the plot I can see forming with these two. I am very familiar with the relationship between Brutus and Caesar, if that is what you were going for, and would love a chance at playing this character! I have no qualms if it doesn't work out, if you decide that I am not the right fit I will not fight/scream when you want it back-- I will understand, and I want it to be perfect for you! However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't more than a little hopeful about this character. His dark fur is perfect, I'll be in my element when I'm depicting him in my roleplay posts and the character's personality is already something I'm comfortable portraying! What will be new for me? Being a best friend and having potentially long-term roleplay, and I'm -really- looking forward to that!

Name: Brutus, Brute, Marcus, or Marcellus.
Age: If we can find out his original age, I would love to keep it the same! So, roughly 2.
While holding the physique of a noble gladiator, inwardly he is a dreamy spirit; ever calculating the world around him for opportunities to greater the odds for his own thriving survival as well as the survival of his people. He is pack oriented and is loyal to fault to his own genius, though passionately involves himself with those around him- as he is aware that all the power in the world would be nothing were it not for those close to him and their involvement. Cesar is, under his own consideration, his pack- having found Brutus in the forest after escaping an abusive father and showing him a new way of living life. Unapologetically, he is confident in his stable mind in comparison to the ill-willed nature he suspects in all others and will stand by his own judgement stubbornly. Although usually a quiet bystander, will use the intimidation of his size when he sees fit if his logic and eloquence fails to accurately sway those involved in his affairs.
He is intoxicatingly prominent among his peers, his tall skeleton setting the perfect canvas for his strong physique. Dulled edges of his usually thick coat would flare out from around broad shoulders, and again around the backings of his hinds to blend with his usually free-hanging tail. All of this was painted with the same brown tones as the forest he grew up in, blended richly dark along his spine and fading into lighter tones along his tender underside, blessing him with a wide variety of possible contributions to his natural stealth. Begrudging, oceanic gaze set the focal point of his strong jawed visage; light and never without shine, they were captivating little windows into his constant evaluation process of those around him. Thankfully, due to his wit, not many scars marred him to the point where his rather wildly thick coat could not hide them. Beneath the beautiful disarray of his usual in-shed pelt lied mostly the darker secrets of his youth, though ringlets encircling his ankles spoke volumes of the royalty bestowed to the bloodline he unfortunately was born into.
History: I want to work on this a little more, but I plan on him being raised a 'prince' to a tyrant King that had the same markings he does, though has never actually outright told Cesar of this. He is resentful of his father and his father's pack laws, having been beaten the majority of his life due to his innovative drive to improve the pack set on out-dated standards.

If there is anything you'd like to ask, or any concerns about the character I've wrote about, please let me know! Everything is subject to change.



7 Years
10-08-2015, 07:42 PM
Have at 'im, Deity! oAo He's yours.
*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.