
the great escape


04-13-2013, 02:33 AM

Huh, a place that actually was new. The steep hill had little falls that ran all the way down. Bored, with nothing really to do, the large brute took a place next to the water, laying down on the moist ground, enjoying the cool feeling that sunk into his fur. He lay on his back, front legs tucked up against his chest and back legs just kind of, chilling out. His tail slowly swished a little, content for the moment. The running water beside him was like music in his ears, a ray of sunshine hit his body, raspberry eyes hidden behind eyelids for the time being. The moistness from the earth beneath him cooled his back, while the sun warmed his stomach and face. It was a perfect balance. Chest rose up high, then deflated quickly as a happy little sigh was given out. Tongue lulled out from the soldier's lips, licking his chops for a moment before it was once again encased behind obsidian lined kissers.




04-13-2013, 02:57 AM

Paws dragged against the ground wearily as she trudged along through the forest. Baby blues could hardly stop to admire the true beauty of the place. The large girl had been more interested in escaping her home for a spell. Glaciem had become stifling. Ever since Saix had returned to re-join Glaciem she'd found the lace unbearable. All of it brought back painful memories that sh'd been trying so hard to get over. Her mate, her three children (not including the stillborn she had birthed), and overall the heart break she'd experienced through it all. She couldn't help but wonder if it was some sort of bad karma coming back onto her, but what on earth had she done to deserve it? Surely she had done nothing? She was a kind soul who didn't have the heart to hurt a hair on anyone's head unless they truly deserved it. Now she was nothing but a timid and anti-social mess who couldn't seem to pick up the pieces of her life and move on.

Her breath came out in ragged gasps as she struggled to catch her breath. Lungs inhaled and exhaled oxygen greedily as her pace had slowed and she began to recuperate. She was tired from running, but her breath slowly returned to normal and over time she came to a halt. She rested her hindquarters to the earth and began grooming herself. Any other day she wouldn't have cared, but she had always prided herself on her coat. She looked much different than her other siblings, save for Collision, and had always enjoyed the pattern the grays had taken on her pelt. Even the little white spot she adorned on her chest was kept to a pristine alabaster as she licked away any dirt or debris.

Content that she was presentable, for she had once again managed to distract her mind from such depressing thoughts, the girl's attention wandered elsewhere. A scent carried on the breeze and black nostrils widened to fully examine the scent. It was masculine and was rather close to her location. She couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from, but it seemed he was near a source of water. A part of her told her turn around and go another direction. She didn't want to meet any others. She was thirsty though so her bodily needs overrode her heart's desire and she strode forward to the falls.

It seemed as though she had miscalculated where the brute was. It was far too late to turn around. Already she could see a pelt decorated with browns, grays, and maybe a hint of cream. She was even close enough to catch a glimpse of raspberry colored eyes. She stopped suddenly, eyeing him from the short distance before moving forward towards the water source. An ear flicked in his direction and eyes flickered towards his direction as she gave him a respectful distance. The need for water still overrode anything else and her elegant head drifted downwards as she lapped up the water greedily. Tail hung low and an ear remained trained in his direction, half expecting a greeting of some sort like most wolves were accustomed to offering. Then again she was only assuming things. Anything could happen.



04-14-2013, 12:03 AM

He lay there quietly, just enjoying the mixed feeling of cool and warm. His eyes were covered up, ears just flopping a little, relaxed. His whole body received a shiver as he heard someone coming towards him. It was like a little warning for his muscles, to be ready in case he had to fight for himself. His eyelids opened up quickly, revealing those raspberry orbs. He pulled his head up, eyes falling on a very pretty wolf. She was dark grey and black, a white marking on her chest. Her eyes were bright blue. He twisted his body, letting his paws find the ground and pushing himself up into a sitting position. He let out a murr as he shook out his body, pinkish eyes finding the female.

His lips curled up into a smile as he dipped his head softly. Kissers pulled back to utter a deep voice, kind and confident (as always), Hello ma'am. How are you? He pushed off of the ground, haunches rising so that he was standing straight up, long, powerful legs holding his body up high. It was a little evident that he was a fighting machine. A soldier. His body had various scars all over it, and his muscles were well toned too. Maybe not obvious to someone who didn't spend much time around warriors, but perhaps for another warrior it would be obvious.
