
Bones of our Ancestors



7 Years

10-08-2015, 11:57 PM

Perhaps he had spoken too soon on his pride.

The more voices that rose to join him, the more rose to question him. His hackles stood on end, he had not thought that his pack would distrust him too much. They were supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, of sell swords waiting and ready to go to war at any point. His golden eyes would fall on Zell as he cleared his throat but did not speak, a single brow raising. "Zell? I will not force you to come, if you wish you can stay behind and help the rest with the young ones. After all, we will need able fighters to stand at the ready when this is all happening." His eyes then moved to Feli, he knew that the man would be disappointed in not being able to defend his home and pack, but he was needed back in Abaven. He was happy that he understood, at least some of his wolves got it.

And then all hell broke loose.

Bass stood frozen as the joint words of Sparrow, Harmony, and Shrike reached him. His own family, that he had thought would not question him, where doing just that. But that is what the meeting was about, right? He just needed to control his growing rage, this all seemed so out of character for them. His gaze would shift between all of them, and as he watched Starling leave and then Shrike go after him. He let out a huff of irritation, why state his words and then leave without getting an answer? It seemed like a cowards way out, to speak out and then leave. He didn't even know if Shrike would be there, and now he was gone. Blowing out a deep breath, he then addressed his pack. "I called you here to hear your opinion, but I cannot lie and say that this didn't surprise me. Abaven is supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, we are supposed to be ready to go to war at any moment, to be an aid to those who are fighting for something they believe in. Now, I also never asked you to follow me blindly, you are allowed to speak your peace. However, I am very much hurt and offended that you would say that I am leading you all to a simple death. From what I have collected at Sin he is the type of man that will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. It would be more dangerous to send in a spy, one wolf getting caught by a whole pack would be devastating. And Sparrow, we will not cast any harm to young ones or the innocent. If they do not fight us, we will not hunt them down and fight them. With your logic, I can ask you the same, if our family deserved to be torn apart and left without a home all because of what one man wanted. At that point Threar was not able to defend itself, but we can." He said, sitting down with a large thud. He moved his gaze to Harmony, dipping his head at her. "I do agree with you though, I will talk to Valentine and ask if we can combine our forces here if anything happens. That way there will be more to defend it. Like I said, I will not ask everyone to come, I will not force your paws to do something you do not wish to do. I have enough warriors to follow me that we can go to Sin's pack, and even see if they answer. We don't even know if it will come to a war. But when Abaven walks away victorious, we will be able to add to our lands, to expand our pack and take back one of our family lands. We can add more wolves to Abaven, and have more room for the rest of Threar's fallen members to join." He closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath. "I had expected more to be at my side, but perhaps I was foolish in all of this." He said with a shaky breath, finding it hard to keep himself in an upright position. "There is fear surrounding this man, and its not like we will hurt those that don't fight. I have a feeling that even if we win, he will rise again." Bass shuffled, his head still cast low. Fighting to take a deep breath, he finally raised his head and looked at those wolves still left. "I have decided that the siege will still go on. If you disagree with my reasoning, but wish to stay and help Feli and Dart, you may do so. If you disagree to the point where you want to leave Abaven, then please come and speak to me. Perhaps you misjudged me, or my pack. Abaven is supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, and I see a lot of that spirit here. But a lot of doubt, and fear. While fear is reasonable in the face of war, you need not be afraid of being forced to fight. I want to make that very, very clear. I am not a cruel man." Breaking off, he shook his head and just waited. He would call Imperium in a moment, first he needed to get his members under control.

Art by Evelyn


10-09-2015, 12:34 AM

"How quick you all are to turn on your own family, your leader, as if he didn't think of such things. As Bass said he is not a cruel man, and since when have any of you seen an act that could suggest otherwise by him?" Félicien would breathe in deeply. "I was not there for the fall of my family, nor do I know Sin personally, but I do know my family. Aunt Novella fell in battle against this bastard who targeted us without mercy. He was so ready to do battle, and because of him she had to leave due to her injuries leaving behind three young ones." Féli would call out over the meeting.

"Bass is not the enemy here." His voice would soften. "So let's stop acting like it. He wants to protect us, protect Abaven, from the jaws of a man who has shown nothing but mercilessness. Young or not, this pack needs to be uprooted. We don't have to harm them, nor the ones who will not fight, but that doesn't mean there won't be those who seek to rip the very life from our throats." Féli's words held a sort of edge to them.

Félicien would move to Bass' side, shooting glares into the crowd. "Starling might be young as well, but I doubt highly he is stupid. If an alpha, another alpha, is deathly afraid of this man, doesn't that raise ANY warning flags for you?" Féli would blow out.

"You should all be ashamed that you would question Bass on this. He wants what is best for his family, and carries a heavy burden on his shoulders. He has to care not only for Abaven, but for us remaining from Threar. Bass is not forcing you to fight, yet you all are acting as if you have no choice!" He would snap.

"So come now, who will stand with us? I will ask those of you again, since it seems you are unsure, what you will do. Will you stay with Abaven so that we may seek safety from the shadow that looms over us, or will you abandon the pack you dare to call family?"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen

Motif I


4 Years
10-09-2015, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 12:56 AM by Motif I.)

Motif watched in disapproval as the wolves about her bickered. She was sad to see Star leave, and nodded her head to Shaye as her young daughter moved after him. She was certain Shaye would be preparing and was grateful that her daughter had chosen the path of a healer and not a fighter, it would have worried her to death if Shaye had wanted to be at their sides in this fight. She shook her head again at the long winded speeches given by all parties – those with and those against. She rose from her place, other then Shai the wolves she had moved to stand beside had left – Star and Shaye. She would kiss her husband's cheek gently and move then to stand at her brothers side, to stand with Bass as he looked on at the pack, to show her infallible support. “You know where I stand” she told him, and it was all she needed to say. She intended to be at his side when he called Imperium, she would be his anchor and support, and a show to Valentine that Bass's own warriors would be in on this siege he called for.

Walk, "Talk" Think




9 Years
10-09-2015, 01:45 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 01:59 AM by Dart.)

>> much chaos erupted all around him, all the while he remained quiet as others argued and left in fits of fury. He shook his head at the way the girl, Lillie was it? Had acted. She was his peer, albeit a rank above him...he didn't like the way she acted. He would be sure to let Bass know later that he wasn't comfortable training under her if she continued to act this way, and from the way the arguments were going, it wasn't her first time. How disappointing, for a moment he thought she was kinda cool until she started arguing. This wasn't about passion...and when he heard her speak to Bass' kid Starling the way she had, his ears laid flat as he began to feel contempt for her. He would stand quietly as he shook out his fur, turning to look at her with a hardened gaze. If she wanted to act like a child, he would treat her like one. You got what you gave. "I think you should learn your place, which is among younger children. You've a lot to learn kiddo, and I'm afraid you lost my respect. You get what you give, fix your childish attitude. I won't be working with a child."

He turned around then, a motion to her that said ' talk to the tail ' and he would not be saying anything else to her. She could pout and moan and cry and growl all she wanted. He was done with her for now, until she earned respect. And if she chose to cause another scene here, he sure hoped Bass would do something instead of letting it slide...twice since this meeting. He gave a sheepish grin to his friend, hoping he could perhaps lighten the mood a bit. Bounding towards him, he brushed against Bass' chest to help him calm the obvious tension and anger that was building up inside. Dart could feel it. Turning towards the crowd, tail brushing his friends forelegs, he would address everyone else. "Look, there's always those who will agree and disagree. But really, you're all doubting Bass? Sure some of this might not make sense, some of it might...I don't know the whole story, but knowing Bass, he wouldn't just jump into a fray like this if he truly didn't believe it was worth it. You were asked for your voice, you said your pieces."

His gaze scanned over the crowd, pausing for a moment before going on. "I know some of you are scared, some of you want to fight for your own reasons...or just because you're all hot heads, I don't know. Point is, this is a time for trust and unity. Not to fight among yourselves. That would mean you're no better then the guy who felled your sister pack. Bass has a point. Strike first before you're caught off guard, protect your own. And trust in each other. Trust in Bass. Otherwise you run into battle with clouded minds, and that's what gets you killed. I speak from experience, and that's to you younger kids. I'd hate to see someone die out there because they weren't thinking clearly."

He turned to look up at Bass, determination in his eyes and a sly crooked grin on his face. "I'm with you, brother. Through thick and thin I'll always have your back. If you'll allow it, I would like to come along and fight side by side. Like it should have been. If your friends pack is to come here, I'm sure there will be plenty of eyes watching over the kids. It's time we kick some butt!"




4 Years
Extra large
10-09-2015, 06:45 AM

To be perfectly honest Karabela was thinking about mutton. Ok, well technically mountain goat. At some point the arguing continued and while valid points would be made it seemed no one would shut up. They'd just keep going. The point was share opinions not convince the whole of the pack to agree. Who wanted the whole pack to agree anyway? What were they sheep? And then her mind was back on mutton. She was going hunting for mountain goat at some point after the siege, of course she didn't think there was anywhere around Abaven where they lived she'd have to travel quite a ways.

Karabela rolled her eyes at the bickering intensified. Yup, like a family alright. Argued like one too. Starling's feelings were hurt and he left and so did Lillie and some other wolves she didn't know and honesty Karabela was ready to get up and go as well but the word of Imperium caught her attention and held her fast. A sudden jolt of nervousness raced through her at the thought of fighting alongside her own pack. She'd simply disappeared the night of her mother's death. No words, no statement where she was going, if she'd be back. At some point the grief swallowed her up into the night and her logic failed her but the fact remained that she had not asked permission to leave and there was no doubt in her mind that fact would be looked on with favor.

She also stayed just in case the warriors would be addressed and she fidgeted from paw to paw, irritated by all the speeches. She agreed with Bass about the fact they were mercenaries who shouldn't be so shy about war. Hell if they wouldn't go to war over a slight against the family what made them think they'd go to war against a war as hired blades against a pack that had absolutely nothing to do with them? And perhaps that was where the confusion lied. If Threar was any indication these Destructions seemed to be generally peaceful, private wolves ill suited for the mercenary life and thus there was conflict. They'd come to Abaven because they were family without a full understanding of what it meant to be a mercenary. Or perhaps it was the other way around? More wolves holding to the idea of family and only the alpha and a select few that wanted to see Abaven excel in the arts of war. Either way, in asking for honest opinions why get offended when some of them disagreed? That should have been expected.

Either way though the facts remained for her. "I'm still here. Standing. I won't lie to you I haven't been here long enough to form the strong bonds you all seem to share. My reasons for wanting to fight are mostly personal and I don't feel like sharing them. However, apart from being a pack of mercenaries that will likely be called to war against wolves they literally have no direct connection too, if that is indeed what this pack is," Did they all assume that they'd be commissioned on the side of righteousness and not evil? "with all these Threar wolves moving in we're short on resources. It's either expand or starting kicking wolves out and banning children. May as well take that land from the bastard that left these Threar wolves homeless in the first place." There, look at her participating! Could they get to the good part yet? She wanted to know if there was a battle strategy!

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



7 Years

10-09-2015, 07:14 AM
Starling would leave. Guilt would flicker in her, but she pushed it down; that was deserved. It was uncalled for. Shaye would leave with him, but she caught the look the girl shot at her. She barely heard Dart's words; she had already left and he'd be left talking to air. Still, it was enough for her to have to swallow a snarl. It would take mere moments for Bass to speak, and then Felicien... who said the same words she did, the same tone, perhaps even more snarly, and there would not be a single ear flicker. No, she would be told that she was a child, that she needed to learn her place. She speaks reason, sense, she told the truth. But no, she speaks up once - calmly, if loudly, and she is called a child. To learn her place. She freely admitted that she did not have the authority, that she was not the alpha, that she was a Gison. The only time, the only time she had spoken up was this one time. One time. And she needed to learn her place? If anything, Sparrow should, but no. She was Starling's sister, the daughter of Bass, and she would not be told otherwise.

Bitterness flowed through her, a rare hatred sparking. That she forced down as well, instead focusing completely on Karabela's words. They were right; Abaven was full. Abaven had no room for expansion - they were pushing the room their territories gave. She'd step forward after Lillianna, ignoring all those around her, to face Bass. "I am with you," she would pledge, voice low. An apologetic look would be shot towards Finch; she knew the girl would not be pleased. At this point, though, she was second guessing her choice to pledge her life to abaven - if this was her pack, if this was the favoritism, if this was the ignorance, she did not want to be part of it. She was disgusted, completely disgusted. She would perch on the other side of Bass, on the other side of Motif and Felicien, her eyes sweeping across the crowd, silent.

"Speech" "Language"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



7 Years
Extra large

10-09-2015, 10:46 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 10:50 AM by Lark.)
Lark had been one of the few to know about the siege before Bass had called them together. His gaze danced around, watching the expectant glances they gaze his father, feeling a slight nervousness flutter through the crowd at the solemn aura of the meeting. All he knew was that he was ready to fight for his family, to seek revenge on the wolves that had taken Abaven. He had been born for this moment, as far as he was concerned. Tinaro arrived, eagerly announcing his arrival in his normal fashion, while some of the others took a bit longer to arrive - he shifted his gaze to watch his aunt Harmony arrive, then Quelt, and a few others that included Shrike. He'd flash a smile at his brother, knowing he could use this opportunity to contribute more. Hopefully it would make him feel less uncertain about his place here.

When Bass began to speak, he would shift his attention fully to him, taking in his words greedily. His father had always been his hero, and he would not question his decision nor his words. His word was law, in his mind. A slight smile tugged at his lips, despite the serious tone of the gathering, and he felt his chest swell with pride. He knew most of what Bass had said already, but his ears would perk and his eyes widened attentively as he stood a bit taller. Bass assigned roles to some of the wolves, though many would be fighting - himself included.  He opened discussion as well, to see if Abaven disagreed, though many were quick to pipe up and say they would fight.

"I will fight," he spoke up loudly, firmly - though this was a decision Bass had made, he had weighed in on it as well and even if he had disagreed, he knew his father was both wiser and more level-headed than himself. If this was what they had to do, they would do it. Another surge of pride - for family, for Abaven - washed through him, but the moment of exhilaration was short-lived as someone spoke up in disapproval.

Quelt spoke then saying he wished he fully backed him. But.. how could he not? His head snapped, turning to him, his brows furrowing in confusion and frustration. He spoke more, saying this seemed like a personal grudge. That was fucking stupid to say! Lark felt his lips twitch as a snarl threatened to erupt, but he knew he would be punished for snapping at such a vital moment. The fear of disappoint his father was far greater than his explosive temper, and he bit his tongue - quite literally - forcing himself to stay silent.

Before he could even think of anything to say, wondering if he could contribute anything other than demeaning Quelt for publicly claiming his father wanted to go to war because of a grudge, all hell broke loose. Lillianna was quick to snap at Quelt, a fact that wasn't at all surprising to him.  But it was surprising that Sparrow spoke up too, and a frown touched his lips. Starling was quick to explain the depth of this man Sin's influence... and how much trouble he could mean for them. He knew his brother was not always  the best at communicating, but he said what he needed. "Sono fiero di te",  Lark would whisper as he leaned into Starling before he moved to the task at hand.

The drama seemed to just keep coming.. and coming.. and more spoke even after his father did. His rage grew, building in his chest and in his emerald glare as he stared at those who spoke, his jaws clamped firmly shut. Why did they all keep speaking, and reiterating the same points over.. and over.. and over? If this father wasn't here, if he didn't have the looming knowledge that Bass would surely be talking to those that had spoken out of turn or out of anger, he would've snapped. His gaze would dart to the side, before falling on Bass again.

"Stanno essendo stupidi," he would say quietly as he drew closer to his father. He had been practicing his Italian, since Finch had brought up that he didn't speak it much, and he felt it sounded far better than it did just a few weeks ago. His anger only grew as he stood here and listened to the pointless conversation. They were going to war, whether they liked it or not, because it was what had to be done. "Sono permesso di lasciare? Mi piacerebbe praticare le mie difese con Calypsei." Lark had no idea if she was interested, but he couldn't sit and listen to these idiots talk about his father being selfish and leading them to death. His head would snap upwards as he glanced in her direction, offering her a silent gesture with his muzzle, hoping she might want to leave with him, if Bass allowed them to.



4 Years
10-09-2015, 05:35 PM
A siege. An attack. Revenge. Though it wasn't his own family that had been overthrown, the male would fight alongside his pack, if only they would agree with their very leader. He opened his mouth to state his position, only to be swallowed in endless bickering. There were those who doubted the alpha's decision, seeming afraid to approach the new pack and those who supported the Azat. Couldn't they just all agree? Either way, he just wanted it all to end. After a sable female had finished speaking, who pointed out some important facts, the chestnut male stood and rose his voice before anyone could drown his words. Not that they would take him seriously, after all, who was he? "I'd love to stick around and argue and explore the many flaws in this plan, but I'm afraid the more time we waste bickering, the less time we have left to eliminate the danger. We're creating unnecessary problems out of this. The plan isn't the problem, Sin is. And if he holds - dare I say - peaceful intentions," he narrowed his electric green gaze on the slate man, before turning his head to look upon the rest of his pack-mates - so many different opinions within their minds. Would they taunt him? Would they judge him? They could do whatever they liked; this was his view of the situation. "What makes you think he'll stay like that? What's stopping him from becoming a threat? Not that he isn't already. He took over a pack he didn't even know. Was he logical? Did he know Threar's motives? It didn't seem like it. If he can do that, then so can we. After all, this is survival of the fittest; we're not here to play nice." Once his speech was over, which left him slightly breathless, he inwardly winced, preparing for the snarky remarks to bombard him. He sent a glance to Bass and the former Threar male, his vocals calmer yet retaining their power and meaning. "I was trained to fight; I will fight, and help out when needed."



2 Years
Extra large
10-09-2015, 07:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 07:59 PM by Calypsei.)

Calypsei sat there, still and slightly irritated as she listened to the wolves of Abaven question Bass repeatedly, her fur bristling slightly along her spine at some of the comments made. She had been trained to be impulsive and instinctive, following her gut feeling because it had never steered her wrong before, and therefore had given no reason to doubt. She had a feeling in her stomach, a familiar feeling at that, and it was for that reason along with the undying trust in the Destruction family that had led her to agree to the fight. Bass had taken her in when she was scarcely two season old and very much alone, but that wasn’t the only reason she would fight.

She would fight, because it was her duty. She would fight for Wren and Bass’ newest litter and Lark and Tinaro and every other member of Abaven because she had made herself a promise – defend her packmates with her life, because they were her family. She sat there rigid, unmoving as she forced herself to remain a stoical pillar. Her ears were perked, trying to listen in on everything being said. She thought she heard her name but she felt like she was just hearing a mix of things from the other wolves. She glanced at Tinaro as he spoke his piece. “My mind is unchanged in the matter. If you want to lay siege, then I will back you.” She agreed, knowing that this would be not only a way to prove herself, but it would prove that she could hold her own. Part of her worried that she might end up taking a fight too far, killing needlessly, though she assured herself that Sin and his pack had their reputation for a reason - beating Novella in a fight - therefore there was no risk of that. She'd be busy trying to keep herself and her two best friends alive.


Avatar Credit goes to euphoriclies on dA/Sarah on RoW



7 Years

10-09-2015, 08:13 PM

The voices that rose then were ones of unity and agreement, of wolves defending him and standing at his side. Soon enough his flanks were warmed by his fighters as they all stood beside him and defended him with there words. No, he had not been prideful of his pack too soon. Everyone was just being a jumbled mess. Feeling his strength return he stood, eyes first landing on Feli with a grateful nod of his head. He hadn't been in the pack long, but it wasn't hard to see that this man stood for family and that alone. Motif said her piece, and Darts words to Lillie made his eyes narrow slightly. He was going to have to talk to the whole pack once this was over, and there would be more words then to be said. But now he needed to focus on the plan, to get Imperium here and be on their way. He nodded to the fox, he would not stop a member from coming if they wished. He would be thankful to have his old friend at his side, to fight with him again. Bass couldn't help but smile at Karabela, there was no doubt that she was a warrior through and through. Lark came up next, commenting that they were all being stupid. He chuckled at the boy, and it pleased him to hear that he was using Italian more. His accents were more on point, strong, just like him. "Io respingere i combattenti in un attimo, figlio." He said softly, turning to cast his smiling face on both Tinaro and Calypsie. Through all the flaws of his pack, he was glad that it was so easy to see the amazing strength as well.

"Now that everyone has spoken, it is time to get prepared. Those who are staying behind, please go and begin to gather up the pups and take them deep into the territory. Come to me once the pups have been stashed away, and I will send any more to you after speaking with Valentine. Healers may go to Starling and help him start to transfer herbs. Fighters may go and limber up, work on your defenses and anything else with your spar partners. Loosen up, but don't tire yourselves out. Those who still wish to speak to me are still able to, and those who wish to wait here for Imperium can do so as well. The wolves who come are to be shown respect, I will not tolerate any fighting with the pack who seeks to aid us. Show them were they can limber up as well as where the water is." Bass dipped his head to everyone, allowing those who wished to go and prepare to leave. Stretching his neck upwards he let out a summons for Valentine and Imperium, allowing them across his borders and to the meeting place.


Art by Evelyn



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-09-2015, 09:50 PM

With Angel at his side and Imperium's forces at his back, Valentine swept into Abaven territory and made a beeline for the gathering. Much had been promised to him; an IOU to be used at his convenience and his pick of the opposing pack's wolves. The Rex was excited about the prospect of a siege and the opportunity to flesh out Imperium's slave ranks. If they could lay claim to a few good hunters he'd go home happy. Of course the opportunity to show off the skill of his wolves was a reward in and of itself. With each victory their name spread farther and farther.

Reaching the meeting place, Valentine made his way over to Bass. He'd left Sirius, Renhett, Kyarst and Lysis behind with the kids and specific instructions to guard the borders, and given the rest of his forces, with the exception of his tier one and two members and the Servus Hati and Integra who were required to attend, the option of joining him in the siege or staying behind to guard the pack and tend to the wounded upon their arrival home.

For a second Valentine was quiet as he ran an assessing gaze over the Abaven wolves, noting the various expressions that littered the crowd. Finally he rumbled to Bass, "We're ready when you are."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Mercy I


5 Years

10-09-2015, 10:06 PM

Mercy would not pass up a war, even if it was for this stupid pack. The girl grumbled as she fell into step behind Valentine, hesitating only when she got to the borders. Eww, even their scent markers stank. Nose wrinkling, she caught up and it wasn't long before she was in the meeting space. Purple eyes scanned the area, and she nearly rolled her eyes at the mix of moods she could sense here. Aww, did the little pale man have a hard time rallying his members together? Poor baby. Taking a deep breath, the girl shut off all her exterier emotions and kept a calm, steely face. She had been in a siege before, but it had been a sour disappointment, the pack hadn't even shown to the call. But this time, oh this time. She trembled with delight, excited to sink her teeth into some wolves. Her gaze landed on Valentine, and she stayed near his flank, elongated tail wagging slowly at her hocks. It was hard to not get excited by all of this, it had been a good long time since she had been in a battle like this. Now, they just needed to hurry up and get on with it all.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



5 Years
Extra large
10-09-2015, 10:16 PM
Evangeline trotted beside her mother a couple steps behind her daddy and Angel, excitement and a certain... smug sort of satisfaction radiating from her. Bass had some trouble and what was the first thing he did? He ran to Imperium for help. And what if they'd said no? There was a feeling of power in knowing how much Abaven needed them. Though of course... they wouldn't have exactly said no would they? Imperium was restless for a good fight, and besides Rhythm probably would have batted her big purple-blue eyes at Valen and they'd have been there anyway. But Abaven didn't have to know that! She stopped when her father stopped, and swept her eyes over the assembled pack. She didn't quite stop a sneer from lifting her lip, but it was subtle. Relatively. This rag tag bunch was what they had to work with? A bunch of midgety yearlings and a handful of scattered adults? And... what on earth was that? A fox? They had a fox in their pack? She sent Angel an incredulous look, tilting her head significantly toward the little beast. They were supposed to fight alongside a fox? And Lilliana? She hadn't even fought back when Vana went after her, how were they supposed to expect her to fight with them now?



7 Years
Dire wolf
10-09-2015, 10:31 PM

Dutifully following along beside his father, Angelus was one big walking bundle of nerves. He wasn't scared of fighting - that was something he'd grown up with - but this would be the first time he ever participated in a real conflict with very real life and death possibilities. He didn't fear for himself exactly, but those he cared about and those he would be up against. Today would be the first day he faced someone with the intention of doing them significant harm. Honestly he didn't know of he was ready. He would do it, though. Whatever it took to see Imperium to victory, he was willing to do. Nerves or no nerves.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-09-2015, 10:34 PM
Cas' tail and head were at a distinctly jaunty angle as she bounced along behind Valen and her son, Evangeline trotting intensely at her side. War! The word seemed to ring beneath every pawstep as the pack surged forth from Imperium toward Abaven. War! War! A manic grin of excitement stretched across her muzzle. She'd felt this way when they'd attacked Lydovne, only to be disappointed when Dione had let the pack fall without so much as a whimper. Surely, surely Sin would not take the coward's way out like that midgety green traitor had. Surely Imperium would get their war.

She liked war.

The pack crossed Abaven's border and stopped among the Abaven members, and Cas' mismatched eyes glinted excitedly. That wasn't to say she missed the snide glance Vana sent around, or her look to Angelus, and Cas sent her a look and nudged her meaningfully. "Don't even think about ruining this, Evangeline Imperialis," she hissed at her daughter. "You will not be causing a ruckus with Abaven when we are this close to getting a good war. Behave. Save it for Hellstrom."
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-09-2015, 10:40 PM

Rhythm had fallen in line, but as they reached the gathering she would not keep herself within the group of warriors. She'd brighten as she caught sight of her brother and sisters standing together and she would make her way towards them. Rhythm would be at their side when they strode into battle. She had taken her time in making the decision, but as her gaze fell upon her family she knew she'd made the right decision. This was not some war fought on someone else's doorstep, this was for her family.

Her body was recovered from the pregnancy, she hardly looked as though she'd nursed at all the past summer. Rhyme and Rhys had quickly brought her back to tip top shape and she was eager to test herself again. For Bass, for Valentine, for her family's lost pack.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-09-2015, 10:50 PM
Hati stumped along at the back of the pack, eyes gleaming a fierce gold beneath the skull he wore - a bear's skull, THE bear's skull, the bear that had claimed his nephew and Daegmar's lives. Young Atreides Armada had accompanied him on a quest to find it mere days before, and he had spent his free time since obsessively cleaning and shaping the skull to fit on his face without sliding. The comforting weight of the skull all but blocked out his ghosts.

Now, he was the bear.

The pack stopped, faced the pack they were to join in battle, and from the back Hati lifted his heavy head to stare hotly at Abaven's alpha. He'd bested this wolf once before... before. Before he'd lost everything and lost himself. Before he'd been broken and Valentine had reshaped him, reforged him with a new identity. Hati's tongue darted out across his lips, caressing the smooth ivory fangs of the skull that rested there. He was the bear; he served Valentine Imperialis. He would follow him to his war and he would rend Valentine's enemies apart. He was the bear; it was his purpose.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



7 Years

10-09-2015, 11:10 PM

It didn't take long for Imperium to start to show up, and his golden gaze scanned the small group that stood on his lands. He was taken aback when he saw Hati march in, a bear skull now sitting on his face. Damn, he didn't expect to see that face any time soon. Shaking away his shock, he turned to Valentine. "Thank you for coming so quickly Valentine. Harmony had a good idea of bringing our young ones together along with the ones chosen to stay home and watch them together. More of a joint force in case anything goes wrong." He knew that it probably wouldn't, but it was always good to be careful. Just like his sister he didn't want to leave his niece and nephew alone, or his own children. He stepped forward to nuzzle Rhythm briefly as she appeared with the crowd as well, a little surprised to see her here so soon. But of course she came, this was her family as well. "Is there anything you would like to discuss before we move out?" He asked smoothly, eyes flickering over Cascade for a moment. They all looked excited to be here. Except for Hati, but he had the feeling that that man never felt emotions like that.


Art by Evelyn

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
10-10-2015, 06:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2015, 06:25 AM by Birna I.)

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight
Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger

Moving with powerful purpose, Birna strode behind her alpha on the way to Abaven. News of Imperium's participation in Abaven's siege of Hellstrom had stirred the warriors of the larger pack to action. Birna was excited but she did not show it, her exterior remaining stoic. Her rank was still that of Libertus and it was something she had vowed to change before winter. Much like Integra sought to be free of the servus rank, Birna sought to officially be recognized as a warrior and the siege was her chance to prove it. There was so much riding on this. She wasn't going to let anyone down.

Her gaze would linger for a moment on Mercy, wondering why the girl seemed so hesitant and irritable. She wanted to be a warrior did she not? If that was not the case she should've stayed at home. Birna intended to lead Imperium's warriors one day and she could already see that this girl was going to be trouble…. especially lingering so close to Valen's flanks. She just hoped this wouldn't be a repeat of the drama in Imperium's last meeting. The girls needed to focus on fighting the enemy, not snarling after each other over their alpha's loins and who had access to them.

Everyone else seemed to be a mix of excitement and fear and Birna felt a soft smile tug at her lips as her own excitement started to crack through her exterior. Excitement and pride. Imperium made their entrance, strong and good in number. It was time again for Imperium to send a clear message to the whole of Alacritia what their power actually meant and she was proud to be a part of it.

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



4 Years
10-10-2015, 06:24 AM

Save your tears
for the day
when the pain is far behind

Integra trotted after Birna, a mix of nerves settling in her gut. A siege? Some part of her mind was dimly aware that she was trotting off to war but most of her couldn't believe she actually was. It felt like someone else was going, not her. However, the promise of possibly breaking free of the slave rank did fill her with some hope despite the nerves. She'd been well-trained and she was no tiny, petite little thing. She was built like a warrior, much like her mother and father and it was time to show the alpha what she could really do.

As they arrived Integra moved to take a seat but paused as she noticed a familiar face. "Raba?" She glanced at the other girl quizzically. She hadn't seen Karabela in Imperium now that she thought about it but the other girl had been prone to wandering, to think she was now a member of Abaven? She quickly took a seat as the Abaven alpha began to address them.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]