
No fun in boring



3 Years
Extra large
08-15-2015, 07:15 PM
She paced, she brooded, she sent her mouse to do near impossible errands day in and day out. Roselin was exceedingly bored, and she absolutely loathed the feeling. It was easy to be bored with a feeble world such as this when you see yourselves as gods, as something so much higher than the natives here. Their willows were peaceful, sure, but every day like that was incredibly boring. So! She sought something to put the adrenaline in her veins, to push her body so she didn't get too much weight on her (oh the horror!). She needed to stretch, to exercise, and so far the only place that she knew of that could do such a thing (other than her brother of course) was the silly battle grounds. It was almost comical how these wolves chose a field of all places to congregate and practice their battling. So, she would play by their rules, and beat them all in the process.

With her gentle, yet oddly darkened smile she trotted from her willowy home once more, stepping along to find the battlefield. She sat in her chosen spot, her delicate and fragile looking body sitting perfectly with one paw before the other and her back straight. Her eyes were half lidded as she gazed around, searching for someone that could be worthy enough to be her opponent, or someone that needed to be tossed down several pegs by her prowess. She didn't look like she could be a fighter, despite her incredible height (that may or may not have aided in her belief that she was above everyone else). But she had more than enough faith in her skills, and she waited, rather impatiently, for someone to be stupid enough to face her in battle.

Ros v _____
For spar

[Image: iqznma.png]


08-15-2015, 07:36 PM

Of course he noticed when his sister took leave, it physically pained him to be away from her side. So when he felt that she had moved too far away, be broke into a trot and fell behind his dearest sister. Did she really think that she could go anywhere without him? The thought was laughable. Although he was curious to where she was going, but soon she followed a rather familiar path. Ah, the battlefield. Again? She had just gotten into a fight with one of the lesser beings not that long ago. Letting out a rumbling laughter he settled in a few paces behind her, head tilting slightly. "Twice, Ros? I really must be getting really boring." He teased, a brow rising above his blue eye. Of course she wasn't, they both knew that it was a silly question. He was her only equal, they would be lost with each other. "Bite this one a little harder, eh?" He added with a chuckle, having complete faith in his sister. He only hoped that she would face a wolf who actually held a challenge, the two did get tired of winning all the time.

OOC ; Ambrose is just here to watch! He won't interrupt or post during the fight.



5 Years
08-16-2015, 09:16 AM

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Hárekr had heard of the battlefield from his packmates, a land where anyone who wanted to fight could go to sate their battle lust. He knew he should probably train with some of his pack mates but Háre always did have that streak of wanderlust and after the festivities of the Blót he felt he could do with a little physical activity. He need to work off the fat…. and the mead.

As he trotted along in search of an opponent a shift in the breeze brought with it a delectable scent. Was a shield-maiden hungering for blood nearby? Shifting course the viking male headed in the direction of the scent and soon came upon a fair sized female of an unusual pelt. Goodness… she was even taller than him by a few inches. Well, that wasn't too surprising. The wolves of Alacritis seemed to grow unusually large. She also seemed to have another large male with her bearing the same distinct markings. And both had odd-colored eyes! Well now, Hárekr was not such an odd creature in this land. And the pair? Twins? Oh how fun. And both were such a treat to look at.

"What radiant creatures grace these weathered lands with their presence? I am Hárekr Kaltharsis, I don't suppose either of you are interested in spilling a little blood? Or both, I don't discriminate." Hárekr winked with a grin on his face as he waited for an answer.

Hárekr vs Roselin Rd. 0 of 2?



3 Years
Extra large
08-22-2015, 06:43 PM
Roselin smirked to her brother as he questioned her, and all she did in response was shrug a delicate shoulder. She was quiet as she waited, rolling one shoulder and then another as she set her balance as a shoulder width distance. She moved like water, flowing easily into a battle stance, as if she was born to fight despite her delicate appearance. "Now now, brother.." She said softly, lightly, her smirk spreading across her face as she watched a man approach. "You lose the taste of the best, if you don't expose yourself to the worst every once in a while." She practically purred as the man approached, jovial and teasing. His voice was like nails on a chalk board to her, but she smirked anyways, watching him. She had the height on him, but she was thin for her size, seemingly delicate. Her power was in her strike, like a snake that could down an elephant. His words didn't swoon her, because she knew the truth behind them before he even spoke. She'd flex her paws, nails digging into the ground as her head slowly lowered, lips pulling back in a delicious smirk. "The one you shall be fighting today is me..." She shifted, bending her knees slowly and coiling her muscles. Eyes wound narrow slightly as she gazed at him.

"And the only one who's blood shall spill is yours." She hissed before kicking off, eating the some 10 feet between them in a wind breaking speed. Lips curled back to show sharp white canines, ears flowing back as she ran. Her shoulders would push forward, pushing the excess skin along her neck to protect it as her hair rose on end. Her hackles, too, rose, giving her a much more impressive appearance, like a cobra flaring to appear larger. Suddenly she threw on the breaks a foot before him, toes digging in as she skidded, tail flaring out behind her as a rudder, forepaws moving to break as her rear swung around to her right (his left). She snarled as she surged forward on bent hind limbs in her twist, facing his left side. She aimed to ram her broad chest into his left side with aid from her momentum, along the delicate rib cage, shoving her left shoulder forward both a lance and to protect the side of her neck from his jaws. She hoped to ram the bone of her shoulder between two of his ribs, if her thrust hit square where she desired. Chin would tuck before she snarled, aiming with gaping jaws towards his Illium bone (Ref) where his two hip bones met. She hoped for a solid grip, to dig teeth into tender flesh. During this shove and bite combo she would reach with her right forepaw to try and hook under him, aiming to wrap around his right hind leg and tug it from under him in hopes to disrupt his balance. Her own spread evenly to the remaining three limbs.

Ros v Harekr
For spar



5 Years
08-30-2015, 08:50 AM

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Hárekr's eyes glittered, his grin widening as the female stepped forward to challenge him.  She seemed to wrap herself in a shroud of arrogance and Háre ran his tongue lightly over his teeth, filing away that flaw.  Overconfidence could be the greatest enemy.  Of course, there was always the chance that she lived up to her pride.  Just what was he in for exactly?  Either way, he couldn't wait to find out.  

Hárekr braced his defenses, mismatched eyes narrowing as his brow wrinkled, ears slicking back tight against his skull.  Head and tail moved to align level with his spine as his chin tucked slightly, neck scrunching back and shoulders rolling forward pushing fur and fat over his neck.  He moved his limbs equidistant apart, weight shifting evenly across them, the muscles coiling tightly as he lowered his center of gravity, abdomen tensing in preparation as his hackles raised.  Hárekr's toes splayed as his claws dug into the earth.  He was ready.  She stated the only blood spilt would be his.  Oh?  Well…. they'd just see about that.  He was going to enjoy painting her red.

The woman would charge fearlessly head on and Hárekr would wait patiently like a spider in a web.  Gaze carefully watching her as he prepared to spring.  Then, just as she started to slow her momentum his powerful legs would uncoil and he would charge to meet her, his upper body twisting to his own left (his hind end sure to follow him around) in an attempt to keep them facing each other as her own hind end shifted to his left.  Ros's slow down in momentum giving him the time he needed to make his own move.  

Hárekr attacked, legs propelling him violently as he his upper body lifted slightly, weight shifting to his back legs and his tail spreading out stiff behind him.   Hárekr attempted to slam the upper portion of his chest into the center of her chest aiming to cause bruising and perhaps knock the wind from her [counter].  At the same time his upper body lifted is forelimbs would lift off the ground, avoiding her paw attack as he moved to try and wrap his left foreleg around the back of her right elbow and his right foreleg around the back of her left elbow his abdomen tightening for added balance as he hoped to gain hold and pull her into his chest slam, possibly unbalancing her.  Simultaneously with his chest slam Hárekr's head would tip up and to his right as as her's tipped down to bite the shorter man and his ivory fangs would seek to catch hold of her lower jaw, his upper fangs along the middle left side of the lower jaw and his lower fangs along the right [counter].  He wanted a solid grip from which he could fracture the woman's lower jaw and bring this fight to a swift and brutal conclusion.  

Hárekr vs Roselin Rd. 1 of 2

ooc: *HUGS*   I wanted to play with counters sorry if this post is super annoying!  D:

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."

The Judge


10-10-2015, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2015, 03:50 PM by The Judge.)



0 for clarity:

  • -2 “forepaws moving to break as her rear swung around to her right (his left). She snarled as she surged forward on bent hind limbs in her twist, facing his left side.” This positioning is very vague.
  • -2 “...the bone of her shoulder...” Which part of the bone of her shoulder? The front? The side?
  • -2 “She hoped to ram the bone of her shoulder between two of his ribs, if her thrust hit square where she desired.” Where is that exactly? Which two ribs?
  • -2 “...aiming with gaping jaws towards his Illium bone where his two hip bones met.” Unfortunately I can't look at refs and without it “where his two hip bones met” is a little too vague for me.
  • -2 “...aiming to wrap around his right hind leg...” Where around his leg?
5 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “...the some 10 feet between them...” This distance wasn't mentioned prior to this
  • -2 “eating the some 10 feet between them in a wind breaking speed.” You're not giving your opponent time to react.
  • -2 “Suddenly she threw on the breaks a foot before him...” Same as above.
9 for defenses.
  • +0 “...rolling one shoulder and then another as she set her balance as a shoulder width distance.” Not sure what this means
  • +1 “...nails digging into the ground...”
  • +1 “...her head slowly lowered...”
  • +1 “...bending her knees...”
  • +1 “...coiling her muscles...”
  • +1 “Eyes wound narrow slightly...”
  • +0 “Lips curled back to show sharp white canines...” I personally don't count showing teeth as a defense
  • +1 “...ears flowing back as she ran.”
  • +1 “Her shoulders would push forward, pushing the excess skin along her neck...”
  • +1 “Her hackles, too, rose...”
  • +1 “Her own spread evenly to the remaining three limbs.”
9 for attack.
  • +2 for chest slam
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip attempt
  • +1 for paw swipe
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Roselin's round one total: 33/50

10 for clarity:

  • All clear!
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “The woman would charge fearlessly head on...” Nowhere in Roselin's post does it say she came at him head on.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
8 for attack.
  • +2 for chest slam
  • +2 for elbow grabs
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Harekr's round one total: 47/50

ROSELIN: 33/50
HAREKR: 47/50

And the winner is...

HAREKR! Roselin must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


*waves hands* Damage? What damage?


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For Arin: You lost points from a little bit of every category, but you definitely lost the most in clarity. My suggestion is to be as specific as possible, add detail whenever possible and leave nothing to the imagination.

For Lunar: Not sure what to tell you...maybe, stop being such an awesome fighter? Yeah, I'll go with that xD In future fights I would like to see the type of fight listed alongside the participants and the rounds in each fight post. Since two out of three was listed I decided against defaulting this fight in Arin's favor, but it is a defaultable (that's totally a word) offense.

- By [Lazuli]