
What Dawn Brings


10-18-2015, 06:19 PM

The man would wake that morning with a goal in mind. Not just any goal, but one of the utmost importance. As he stirred, he would be careful not to rose Nona or Noen, his wife and son. No, today was the day for his daughter to be by his side. He had not spent as much time as he would have liked with his children, due to their sickness and relocation, but now the man was trying his best to make up for lost time. It seemed like just yesterday the little ones were so small that they couldn't leave the den. Now... they were ready to begin learning.

Allen had heard from Nona that his little girl aspired to be like him. Just as their son aspired to be like his wife. Allen would gently blow into his daughter's ear, whispering to her. "Wake up, my Alna. Today is a bright new day." Allen would whisper to her. "We're going somewhere, just you and I." Allen would pull back, his dark gaze shining as he looked down happily at his little girl. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



2 Years
10-18-2015, 07:30 PM
Alna was laying comfortably against her mother and brother not noticing her father stirring however she was awake just enough to hear him whisper into her ear. Just hearing they were going to get to go somewhere just the two of them sounded like a adventure. This in itself excited the young girl as she quickly tried to stand up and get ready to go but however there was a pause as she yawned and stretched before she would press herself up against Allen. There was a wide smile on her maw as she wanted to shout out in response but to be respectful to her brother and mother she would whisper just like Allen did with her, "Love you pa, where we going today?". Her little heart was fluttering in her chest as the excitement swelled within thinking about all the places they might be going.

Alna would however be patient to find out just what Allen had in mind but no matter where they went she was just happy to be spending time with her father. From being ill and moving around Alna didn't get to spend much time with her father but now it seemed like it was going to be a stable life here for them to spend time together. Her little tail was wagging at what seemed like many miles per hour just because of how excited the pup was to finally spend some one on one time with her pa. Oh how Alna yearned for some time to spend with Allen and here was that opportunity to do so.


10-20-2015, 04:02 PM

Allen would chuckle softly as Alna whispered back to him. “...and I love you as well, my little princess.” He could tell by the tone of her voice that his little girl was excited. Why shouldn’t she be? It was one of the first times that he got to spend with his little one since she had gotten sick. But now was the time to make up for lost time. Allen would motion to his daughter to head outside, not wanting to risk waking Noen and Nona as they slumbered on. Noen would get his turn, and hopefully he wouldn’t be too jealous about not being chosen to come out and spend time with him first.

As Allen got outside he would turn to wait for Alna. Once she too had emerged from the den he would lean down, continuing to speak softly to her. “We’re going to go on an adventure today, Alna. I’m going to teach you how to fish... And we’re also going to play some games. Sound good?” Allen would wink. “It’ll be a day just for us.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



2 Years
11-15-2015, 10:33 PM
Alna would be a good pup and listen to her father as she would move outside of the den with Allen. Gently she would press herself up against him and listen intently to what he had to say next. Games... Adventure!? this got the girl really excited most of all because it was just going to be a day for just the two of them. Finally they would get to spend some time together after all since her pa was such a busy body up till now. Not today though this was her time with Allen and that was something she would take pride in. What kind of games though she wondered and thus brought about her question, "Pa... what kind of games? and fishing that sounds like fun but anything with my pa should be fun!" her voice picked up with her excitement.

Knowing full well that her brother might be a little sore that she was the first to go spend time with just Allen if he found out Alna hoped that their mother would spend some alone time with him. They were lucky to have Nona and Allen as their parents or so Alna thought anyways. Eventually though she and Noen would go see uncle Bass together so he could see them and how they've grown so far. Hopefully he wouldn't mind having them come to visit him if they came back to Abaven lands for that visit. Possibly she would get to see the den they were born in and get to know the land a little bit better but whether they would get to stay permanently was another question but paying a visit to their uncle Bass couldn't hurt. This was something else she wanted to know, "Pa... will me and Noen get to see uncle Bass again? could we visit him so he can see how big me and Noen have gotten?".


11-25-2015, 08:17 PM

Allen would chuckle as his little one spoke. What kinds of games? “Why, whatever games my little girl wants to play of course!” The gentleman was glad that she was so excited. Nothing made him happier than knowing his little girl was happy. Excited. She was doing so much better in Borealis then he expected, and for that Allen was grateful. But, the inevitable question would leave his daughter’s lips sooner than expected and Allen would lower his ears slightly. Oh Alna... Sweet child.

“Someday, my little one. But not now. Right now Uncle Bass and daddy... Well... We had an argument. But trust me, daddy is going to do everything he can to set things right. Someday we’re going to be able to go home.” Allen would move a paw over Alna’s back, hoping that this would be enough to comfort the child. “...and hopefully that someday will be soon. But for today... It’s just you and me, okay?”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



2 Years
11-26-2015, 06:25 PM
Alna frowned at the response that she had received from Allen about not being able to see uncle Bass soon but that didn't put a damper on the girl's spirit about eventually seeing him. Feeling her father's paw on her back helped brighten the mood again. Now for games to play one in particular came to mind and that was as she turned her head to give her father's paw a kiss as best she could and then dart away from him, "Tag!". Even though she was at a severe disadvantage in speed and how far their strides were when running Alna wanted to see what her father was going to do. Somewhere deep within Alna wanted to come at her with his full speed and make her work to catch him but at the same time she wanted him to take it a little easy on her. Either way it was a game and a chance to also practice with her father. This was something she wanted to do with Allen for awhile now and this in a form of a game was that chance to have fun and practice.

Hastily on young legs the young girl would make her way to the nearest pool of water that she knew about that had fish in it. Going from a smiling face to one that said come and get me when she turned to look at Allen the words came out and hopefully they wouldn't offend Allen, "Come and get me, Pa you old fart". Again she would dart farther away from Allen but still within sight as the pup would get closer and closer to the pool of water. Surely Allen would catch her after that comment of her's but most likely she knew that Allen wouldn't be offended and instead tease her a bit about the comment.


11-30-2015, 09:45 PM

Allen would give a soft laugh as his daughter initiated the game. Tag! Oh my, how many years had it been since he last played the game? His dark eyes would shine as he let her get a headstart. At least until he heard the “insult”. He’d grin even wider at that, lowering his front half to the ground in a play stance. “An old fart, am I? Well that must make you a little whippersnapper!” Allen would call back, lunging forward.

Now the chase was on. He’d check his strides carefully, not wanting to overtake Alna too quickly. He wanted to keep the game “fair” after all. The calico gentleman would let out a laugh, ears perked forward and tail wagging back and forth. Fun. It had been too long since he was able to just have some carefree fun as well. He’d reach out for Alna as he got closer, doing his best to tag the child’s left hind leg.

“I’m gonna get you!”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



2 Years
12-02-2015, 02:35 PM
Little whippersnapper eh? Allen did have a good comeback to what she called him. With a grin Alna had a plan in mind to try and pull him into a trap if he tagged her something that might give her the upper hand in this game. After a little bit of them running she picked up on her father not using his full speed to catch and another thing was to take into account that she was her daddy's little girl so surely he wouldn't pick up on her trap. Slowly Alna would slow herself down just so Allen could tag her and then with an attempt to make it look like she tumbled Alna would fall and come to a rolling halt on the ground. Alna would attempt to make a yelp to mask the fact she wasn't really hurt by it at all. Hopefully if she did so well enough it would draw him into tagging range but just to throw into the mix of making it as real as she could Alna would let the fake tears come into play. Oh the game was on to see how her father would act in response and hopefully he would come in close enough before the jig was up.

Not only was this a game of tag to Alna but a chance to test her wits against her father. She knew he was really intelligent and brave as well as many other things but this time it was a match of speed and wits between just her and Allen. Oh what would her mother say to Alna trying this tactic in a game of tag with him would she just tell her that the faking a injury a cheap way of winning or would it be a sort of pat on the back in using what you can to succeed. Perhaps the old fart wouldn't even see his little girl trying to pull this stunt. How would he take it after finding out it was a ploy all along to draw him in. All that Alna had to do now was keep up the act and stay right where she was without moving too much besides to keep him in her sights.


12-09-2015, 05:40 PM

Allen had to admit -- he was having fun. But the moment Alna tumbled, rolling onto the ground and letting out a yelp, his heart leapt to his throat. Before he was a playmate he was her father, and his worry for her would only grow as he moved in close. Tag was no longer a concern, only making sure that his little one was alright. Allen would furrow his brow, his voice soft when he spoke. “Alna hunny? What hurts?” Perhaps he’d get Nona to take a look at whatever it was too. He’d flick his ears back, fighting back a whine of worry. It would figure... Just when they were merely trying to have fun!

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



2 Years
12-09-2015, 07:04 PM


Alna felt bad when she heard her father's voice. Perhaps this wasn't the best way to pull a trap on him but the show had to go on as she would reach out to him and boop him on the nose gently with her paw, "I'm ok and you're it". Alna would roll over and lick the side of Allen's muzzle as an apology surely he was going to get her now for that. The pup would make it up to Allen later maybe explain why she pulled the ploy that she did. For now she would move closer to her father and press herself up against him. To make up for what Alna did the lass would do everything she could right here to show that she was sorry, "I'm sorry for making you worry pa... I just thought if I could do something to bait you into coming close enough for me to tag back it would be that but I didn't think it would have that effect... I'm very sorry".

Not once but three more times she would tell him that she was sorry. Oh how Alna felt terrible for worrying Allen like that knowing that her father cared about them deeply like a good father would for their pups. Perhaps if the the game continued he would feel better again but this time without her using that trick. Something brought a smile to the girl's lips again, "How about we go fishing like you said we would... there have been some things I'd like to talk to you about pa but lets do that over some fishing, hmm?" there were still some questions that were still unanswered and perhaps this would be the best time to ask. What could she ask first was a challenge in itself something about Uncle Bass would come to mind.


12-14-2015, 09:40 PM

Allen would blink with surprise as Alna suddenly paused, tapping his nose with her paw. She was alright? But that yelp! He would frown deeply, furrowing his brow as he gazed down at his pup. The little troublemaker... What was he going to do with her? Such a ploy, whether a game or not, had scared him. “I know what you were planning, Alna, but... You need to understand that crying out in false pain can cause others to not believe you when there really is a time you are. It shoots down your credibility.”

Allen would give a lick to Alna’s head. Oh his little daughter... She truly hadn’t realized what she had done would have such an effect. It made his heart ache at her innocence. She and Noen were both truly such wonderful little ones. He was blessed to have them.

As the subject changed to fishing and talk Allen had to wonder what his little one wanted to speak with him about. “Sure. Let’s go to the water.” Allen would offer, starting off at an easy pace.

“What are you up to, my daughter?”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah