
knew you were trouble when you walked in


04-13-2013, 09:43 PM

It had been so long since she had seen her family. She missed them so much. She could see her mother's face, her father's face... Her little sister. She could remember their smells, the way their voices sounded. It made a small smile spread onto her face, memories flashed before her green eyes. She giggled at a few of them. But she had had to leave. Why? She didn't know. Her father told her to. Said that it wasn't safe there. She had run away quickly, just in time to hear a few little screams. But she thought that she was imagining it, so she kept running. She didn't know what had happened, she didn't think anything happened. But she didn't understand why her sister couldn't come with her.

A deep breath was drawn in from parted kissers. Ears lain back against her light brown head. Green eyes were open wide and bright, trying to forget about her family for right now. Her small, skinny legs carried her over long grass, coming up to above her shoulder. Her tongue lulled from between her lips, a light pant coming from her, chest rising and falling as she trotted through the dense grass. Her eyes found something strange, she cocked her head to the side, a confused whimper coming from her lips as she sped up, going to inspect it.

Coal black nose took in the scent. It looked like... Well, she didn't know what it looked like. It was wood, she could tell that much from the scent. Tail lifted from off of her legs, wagging slightly as she pawed the wood with one leg. She whined lightly as her dull claws scraped against it. What was this thing?


coding by mie , image by sammy , credits here



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-13-2013, 10:15 PM

She ranged through the grass, eyes scanning for plants she needed to add to her stock pile. Her heavy belly rippled now and then as her unborn litter kicked and rolled in their confinement. She was giving Valhalla?s herbal population a break from her constant gathering, letting it grow back, or reach the right season or ripeness to harvest.

Her white fur gleamed with good health, and the glow of pregnancy was fully set in upon her. Deep blue eyes were gentle, alert, and bright with the healthy gleam of a wolf from a strong pack. Long legs slid into place to set her paws to the ground. Despite her middle-staged pregnancy, she retained her gracefulness, in fact, she even gained some. The gentle grace of an expectant mother.

Her head lifted as she caught a scent. Wolf. Female, and young. Around Cairo?s children?s? age. She decided to follow her curiosity?s nose, and altered her course. It wasn?t long before she came upon the pale brown, almost blond female. The young female was pawing at some strange piece of wood, giving soft noises now and then.

Erani sank to her haunches and studied the young one with gentle eyes. Truly, she was too young to be a dispersal, but her scent held no pack?s smell. Not Tortuga, nor Seracia or Glaciem, or Lentajin, though Erani had no idea what they smelled like. She was alone, this young lass.

Erani cleared her throat softly, a non-threatening sound, then spoke. ?Good Day, young Miss. What is a young one like you doing all alone out here?? Her tones were velvet-like, soft, low and gentle, accent a mix of British aristo and Scottish lilt and burr, her scent one of herbs and nature, mixed with the masculine smell of her mate and the heightened estrogen of a pregnant mother. She was a large female as\t thirty six inches in height, but she held nothing but a calm sweetness and a welcoming smile.


04-13-2013, 10:44 PM

She spent a little while, just pawing at it, trying to figure it out. How weird. She whined one last time before she heard a voice behind her. Her tail wagged a little more, ears perking up high on her head as her head turned, tongue still lulled from her lips. She pulled it back into her mouth, lips curling up to reveal pearly white teeth in a soft smile. She looked over at her, not answering the question right away. Her belly was rounded, causing Wisteria's tail to wag a little more as she padded over to her quickly. She stopped a few feet from her, leaning her head towards her, neck outstretched as she took in the older woman's scent. She let a little murr go through her throat, erupting into a high pitched bark of greeting. Her tail continued to wag as she walked to the side, looking at her larger belly. She smiled brightly, trying to lick the side of her stomach with a happy little whimper.

She pulled away, paws dancing on the ground with excitement as she whined lightly, bright green eyes filled with joy. She hadn't been around another wolf in forever. It was so exciting! "Hello!" Finally she spoke, not really answering the question she had asked her. Wisteria's voice was a soft whisper, like it always was. Not because she was whispering, just because her vocal chords would not allow her voice to speak any louder. It was strange yes, but it had always been like that.


coding by mie , image by sammy , credits here



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 12:08 AM

The young female turned, and Erani immediately noticed the lack of fear, and was greeted with the same friendliness as Asheni. The young lass showed no fear, coming right up to Erani and stopping to sniff. She seemed to notice Erani?s pregnancy, and her already wagging tail wagged harder. She spoke beautifully with her body, but where was her spoken voice? Erani gave a gentle whuff to the young one.

The little one gave Erani?s swollen sides a lick, and was rewarded by the sensitive reactions of the unborn life within the white healer. The belly rippled and rolled visibly for a moment, then settled into a lull. Then one moved alone, and settled back into sleep. Erani couldn?t hold herself back. She bent her head and aimed a lick toward the friendly youngster?s shoulder as she pulled away. For a moment, the youngster danced as though so excited she couldn?t sit still. And then? There it was. A soft, whispered, but definitely spoken hello. Nothing more, but it made Erani smile.

?My name is Erani. I am the Lead Healer of Valhalla, a Pack nearby. What is your name?? Her tail thumped encouragingly against the hard packed earth of the range as she gazed at the young one. Who was she? Where was she from? What must have befallen such a sweet, friendly child to leave her wandering alone? Erani?s heightened maternal instincts made her want to take the little lass home. Cairo would understand that reaction, but Collision? What would he think? His actions had been so? She couldn?t find a word for how they made her feel.


04-14-2013, 12:28 AM

Green-blue eyes widened a bit as the belly that she had just licked moved around. She let out a surprised huff of air before the small pups inside settled back down. Wisteria was a bit surprised to be licked by the older female, a bright smile settling across her inky lips. The woman before her spoke then, tail wagging the whole time. Lips parted then, soft voice once again leaking out. "It is really nice to meet you Miss Erani. My name is Wisteria."

She had no idea what the female was thinking, that she would like to bring her home. Maybe that could be fun though, it would be nice to have a home. But having a home would also make her miss her family all the more. Wisteria's tail wagged some more, feet dancing around a little bit still. Her whole body quivered for a few moments. "Congratulations." She smiled brightly, eyes alight with genuine happiness for the wolf. She looked to her stomach again, head cocking to the side. She was pretty curious about how her belly had moved. Obviously the pups inside had been moving around, but they were so little in there, how did they move such a large wolf's belly around?


coding by mie , image by sammy , credits here



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 12:54 AM

The softest chuckle left Erani?s throat at the younger female?s reaction to the movement caused by her tiny lick. Her own lick to the youngster was rewarded by a bright smile, and an introduction. ?Wisteria. You have a beautiful name.? The compliment was genuine. She?d seen wild Wisteria flowers. Beautiful and sweet smelling.

Wisteria spoke her congratulation to Erani?s belly, and the white healer smiled. ?Thank you, Wisteria. They?ll be a pawful, I?m sure. They?ll be born late this Summer.? She studied the young female, still wondering. ?Do you have a pack, Wisteria?? She had to ask.


04-14-2013, 01:05 AM
sorry for shortness

Her name was beautiful? Really!? She grinned happily, she too had seen the flowers for which she was named after. Her sister had been named after some as well. "Thank you, ma'am." She giggled lightly, head tucking a little as her green eyes looked up to the other's blue ones. She talked about the pups then, she wouldn't doubt they would be hard work. But she already thought Erani was going to be a good momma. She was nice, that was for sure. The question made her frown lightly, a shake of her head answering for her. "No ma'am. I just came here today." She wouldn't explain about how she had been told to run away from her old home. Not unless she was asked of course.


coding by mie , image by sammy , credits here



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 01:39 AM

A smile pulled at her muzzle at the bashful reaction to the compliment. Then Wisteria showed the first unhappy expression as she asked her question. The answer was as Erani had suspected. Wisteria had no one. She was alone in a world that could tear her innocence to shreds and leave her battered and terrified.

?Would you like to be a part of Valhalla?? There was no way she could allow the young female to wander alone when Valhalla had both room and prey to feed many. And warriors enough to protect a small, innocent girl. Her mind drifted back to when she had been only a year old, lost and wandering like a mindless leaf on a lake, pining for her lost family.

There wouldn?t be a high rank for Wisteria like the others, but perhaps Erani could teach her the Healer?s Craft. She had the sweet temperament that made her likable. Erani?s tail wagged decisively. She would bring this one home, and if Cairo, or Collision permitted it, and she could hardly see how they wouldn?t, she would take this young one into her own den, teach her, and later add to that teaching with self defense lessons.

It was up to Wisteria to take the chance.


04-14-2013, 01:46 AM

If she had known that Erani had been left alone too, she would probably like the white female all the much more. They had something in common, not that Wisteria had any knowledge of that, obviously. Wisteria didn't really like to be alone, she was very social and kind. Innocent too, though that wasn't always a good thing. She was too trusting and naive, hopefully it wouldn't come to break her in the future.

Valhalla? Was that a pack? It must be, she asked if she wanted to be a part of it. She cocked her head to the side, she didn't want to be alone anymore, that much she was sure of. "What is Valhalla like?" The smile on her face was enough of an answer, she definitely wanted to go! If Erani was there, she assumed it couldn't be too bad. She seemed so nice! The older wolf had even licked her!

coding by mie , image by sammy , credits here



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 02:09 AM

Erani?s hopes were lifted when the young girl?s smile returned, and she asked about Valhalla. Erani obliged her.

?Valhalla is my Pack. When I first came to it as a four year old, it was in a land known as Ciroc, and was called Starlite then. Then a kind of cataclysm happened, and Starlite came to the land we were in before here. Alacritia. We renamed as Valhalla. Then, it was led by the best Alpha a pack could ever have. He?s still here, but he?s stepped down. His name is Cairo. Valhalla is a pack based on the virtues of Family, and the bond of that virtue. I was even considered one of Cairo?s family, when I raised his children after their mother died.

?Back in Alacritia, one of the mountains in the northern territory erupted. Most of the packs there, including Valhalla, got away safely. We came here, to Alacritis. We are based along the southwestern coast. Our territory is Vast, rich with prey, but we have one horse that no one is to hunt. She?s my brother?s friend. She?s as friendly as you are, and as sweet. I think you?d like her. My mate is Nova. Don?t let his size frighten you. He?s a sweet heart under all those scars. He?s a good male, and while I haven?t seen his skills on the battlefield, I know he?s a wonderful warrior. I, as I said, am the lead healer in the pack, and I?m training a sweet young male who I count as a son my Craft. His name is Preston.?
Erani turned and began walking, waving her tail in a gesture that welcomed the young lass to follow and hear more.

?Valhalla is beautiful. My family. Cairo?s saved my life more than I can count. We are made up of Warriors and healers. The current Alpha female is a healer, even. Her name is Soleil.? Erani led on.