
1,000 Yard Stare



9 Years
10-25-2015, 12:16 AM

He felt defeated. His entire body ached with pain, screaming at him to stop. But he kept moving, painfully...slowly. Blood trickled from his nose, dripping to the ground and seeping into his mouth. His dead eyed stare saw everything and nothing, his legs trembled with each step. He was a ghost walking through a wasteland, no place to go and no place to hide. Not from himself, at least. A violent cough wracked his body, blood spattering on the ground as he shook. Unwanted tears streamed down his eyes, breathing ragged as he continued on. God his body hurt so much. The fall he had taken at the Fenrir's Maw was brutal, and he had been met by two females who seemed like they would kill if given the chance. Somehow, he had slipped away. His blood and sick trail no doubt going unnoticed by those who crossed his path after he had passed them by.

His paws hurt, his legs hurt. Everything hurt. And yet somehow, he struggled on. A broken leg and various other broken bones did nothing to stop the self torture he continued to seek. He deserved it, didn't he? For abandoning his mother. His brother. His brothers face had never left his mind since that day. The nightmares didn't stop. It had driven him mad with the thought that maybe he deserved all the hurt and pain he found himself in, the world punishing him for abandoning those he loved. Was it a curse? Or just bad luck on his end? Slowly and carefully, the male picked his way down a worn path. His left hind leg was broken, so he walked with it lifted from the ground. His fur was matted with blood and dirt, for he had failed to take care of himself since he returned. His form now emaciated, and he was sure he looked pathetic. Probably too pathetic even for a stronger being to want to even touch him. He was sure the crows and vultures were revolted at the sight of him.

The dull echo of a waterfall rang in his ears, the male took a long moment to register it, but when he realized what it was, his parched tongue drew across cracked lips. Pressing onwards, he would strive to find the source that called to him. It would seem to take him longer then normal, but eventually he found what he was unintentionally looking for. Dull gaze looked upon the falls for a moment before he wearily closed the distance to the shallower end of the pool. Step by agonizingly slow step, he had made it. As he leaned down to drink, his legs would finally buckle beneath him, bringing his body to fall ungracefully into the shallow water with a splash. And yet, he was too exhausted to get up.

With a whine from the blossoming pain, he would drink as much water as he could muster. The cold liquid sliding down his throat as he greedily took it in. A few coughs in between, but he would keep drinking. When he finished, he felt a little better. That is, until a sudden heave of his body brought him tearing up and gagging. His Maw opened painfully wide, stomach pumping out what he had just stomached. He wretched, nothing but water and bile escaping his body. When he finally finished, his body shook and his temperature seemed to drop. His body shivered, that had undoubtedly sapped whatever bit of strength he had left. He knew he should get out of the water, the colder temperatures nobody's friends when night fell. But he was too exhausted to move. Resting his head against the shore--his nose barely above the gentle current -- he would slowly drift off to sleep. The sun set, bringing night to fall upon the land. Maybe...just maybe, this is where he would die.



7 Years
10-25-2015, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2015, 09:57 PM by Evelyn.)

It was sad that the falls were no longer claimed by anyone, but a small part of the tiny woman was glad that she was now free to come about when she could. With the drop in temperature suddenly she had been on a desperate hunt for any herbs that she could find, before they all wilted away and died. But the falls always seemed to be thriving in herbs, the damp environment letting the plant life cling there for a little longer. So she moved on, paws already muddy from her earlier diggings. It would seem that her tri coloured coat was hardly clean anymore, and she spent most of her waking time on the hunt. Tonight she was looking for nothing in particular, just hoping to find anything that she could being to dry out. Making her way to the waters edge she poked her nose at the ground, the scent of earth greeting her right away. But there was something else that clung to the dirt. Sickness. Pain. Blood. Amelia's red head shot up right away, deep blue eyes squinting to see further in the dying light. That is when she saw his massive form, hardly above the chill of the water. Letting out a squeak, the tiny woman hopped across the river and landed neatly on the other side, quickly making her way to the fallen beast. The scent of sickness did not offend her or send her running, it was what she lived for. She had been surrounded by it ever since she could remember, and her nose did not turn away from it.

Amalia was not a big wolf, she was quite tiny and did not have a lot of strength. But this brute needed her help, and she couldn't leave him here to die. Poking at him with her nose, she managed to grab as much of his scruff as she could and pulled backwards. Grunting, she thrashed and strained her muscles, but could not make the dead weight budge. Oh boy... Huffing, Ama prodded him again, she would start seeing to his other wounds as soon as he was away from the water. "Um, mister? I really need you to get out of the water so you don't get hypothermia. If you could manage, and to then lay flat out on your belly. You look pretty beat up and I need to be able to assess everything. Again, if it's no trouble!" she said softly in her sing song voice, before delivering one last prod.