
Risk Taking



3 Years
10-24-2015, 05:09 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It had taken the young white wolf some time to gather up the courage to make an active step toward his future. Where the last opportunity had come to him and, in a way, swept him right along with it, this one had done so quietly, even leaving him with time to think and ponder and choose when the time was right for him. Miksa was not at all sure if he was making the right decision - as much as he wanted to hold on to the hope that Threar and its leaders might one day return, that day did not seem to be close at hand, and he needed someplace to be in the meantime, someplace new that he could become a part of and do something worthwhile with his life.

As he walked quietly, slowly along, his expression solemn with deep thought, he wondered what he was getting himself into. The grey wolf, Surreal, had appeared kind and generous, sweet in a big sister sort way, but proud and ambitious in ways that he had not seen in Frith or Novella. Was it possible she reminded him a little of Odette, the woman that had taken over as leader of his first pack that brought him back to his birthplace in the north? Maybe that was it. Hearing Surreal's ideas for her future pack had brought him back toward that youthful sort of optimism filled with potential that promised of something greater to come. And right now, lost and floundering to get his feet under him again, taking up with something that presented itself as a solid anchor and beaming beacon of the future gave him hope.

The west was a place that he had never passed through before, and Miksa could not stop himself from glancing around him while second guessing his direction. Was he going the right way? Were they just north of the path he was making, or just south? Had they moved? There was no guarantee he was going to find them, even when he did reach some sort of end point to his journey. It would have been his luck to travel all this way and find nothing but the opposite shoreline to the one he had lived on previously. He sighed, hung his head as he walked, and though his mind was full of negativity, he did not stop, clinging to his determination that he was going to make this journey, put forth this effort to try and find a place for him to fit, even if it failed in the end.



7 Years
10-25-2015, 01:25 AM
Surreal Adravendi

There were so many things that still needed done. But she was taking things one step at a time. Among those staying with her and her family, she was evaluating them, trying to decide where they would best fit within her pack. Faite was home, and Castiel. It felt right to have most of her family back in place, and yet there were still sticky points; Sin’s maiming of Arian, and the plans Surreal intended to undertake in order to ensure he paid dearly for the attack on her niece, and for taking their home. But those initial plans wouldn’t be able to be acted upon until Celestial was up and running smoothly.

She padded silently, working on her Wood Craft, and the art of traveling without sounds through the terrain. By now, she had wandered the Estuary so often that she knew it well enough to know precisely where to set her paws. As she made her way along, the wind brought a familiar scent to her nose and she paused. Miksa. The ex Threarian male she had met on her last trip East. So he had decided, had he? She turned, slipping toward the scent, circling around to come behind the male, but still down wind, and finally, in a manner similar to her mother, she stepped into pace with the young male, offering a gentle woof of greeting.

“Miksa. How are you?” Her uniquely accented, warm voice was gentle, welcoming, as she allowed him a little personal space and a conversation. They had time to talk.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-25-2015, 02:58 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

His thoughts consumed him as he traveled, taking turns with his need to scan his surroundings in order to make sure he did not accidentally bypass the place he sought. It made him all the more anxious to think that he might miss his destination by simply being inattentive, but at the same time he could not shut off the inner dialogue that looped through his mind. It was important to him that he evaluate his decision, to give it the proper thought that it needed and deserved. It was far too big a choice to be made lightly, but the closer he got the more he started to believe that no amount of time would be enough. Questions would always return or rise anew. It was just his way.

And his latest choice was quietly creeping up behind him, downwind and silent. It took the woof for him to realize Surreal was there, and too surprised to stop Miksa continued to walk as she fell into step at his side. She was just as he remembered, still friendly and kind, and the casualness of her question caught him a little off guard. "I'm...I'm okay," he answered, going for a truthful answer as opposed to one that exaggerated his health and well-being. He was as good as a loner without anyone to lean on could be, he supposed. Realizing he must have found the place he had been searching for, Miksa slowed his stride to a stop, feeling as if the impending conversation was better suited from a stationary position.

Bringing up the subject, however, no matter whether his intentions in being there had already been determined, felt like something that needed to be done with a little more tact than to jump right into it now. He thought for half a second, trying to decide what else he might say to be polite and carry the conversation along, and reiterated Surreal's own question back to her. "How are you?" Was she well? Was she still planning on forming her pack? Was there still a place in it available to him? The questions tumbled about in his mind, waiting their turn, and Miksa swallowed nervously as he did what he did best and listened.



7 Years
10-25-2015, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2015, 09:31 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

Miksa’s answer was returned with a smile and a gentle “Good.”, and as he slowed, she stepped a few strides ahead, turning to face him and seating herself as well, flicking her tail to settle about her hips, posture straight, but relaxed. His return of the question was one that she pondered upon for a few breaths. Despite all the problems that had arisen lately, she was well; she had her family, her friends, and a plan. She was healthy, sound, sane. And despite what some might say, at six, she was still in her prime of life.

Finally, she nodded. “I am well, Miksa. Though I do think we’ll be moving soon. My mate is blind, and he’s not adjusting well to the Estuary.” here was a sad note to her words, quickly shaken off as her smile returned, mismatched eyes noting the slight show of nerves in the young male before her. “Celestial will still be rising. And my offer is still open to you, and all of those who once were Threarian.” A home, a place where they could work for the betterment of their pack. Of course, lax attendance to their duties would be dealt with strong penalties. And her own family were not exempt from this rule.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-25-2015, 10:18 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Miksa made himself follow Surreal's lead and sat down after she did, casting a quick glance around them. Aside from her, he had run across no one else, though it was evident by the scent of the place that others lived here, not as a pack per se but definitely as a familial unit. That was encouraging, as was her general good mood, and it gave him promise that things could be as well for him too if the welcome he had been offered previously was still open to him.

Surreal's voice as she began to answer him after a short pause brought the youthful male's attention back around to her, and he listened attentively as she informed him of their impending move and her husband's condition. Blindness was new to Miksa, and his brow puckered at the center in a thoughtful gesture though he said and asked nothing and instead maintained his silence. In due time, if it was meant for him to, he would learn better how a wolf was able to live with something that he considered to be a debilitating condition.

As he had somewhat expected her to, the grey woman brought their conversation back around to the pack she still intended to create - news that was a great relief to Miksa - and assured him that the offer she had made to him was still extended his way. He and everyone else who had been displaced by Threar's disbandment still had someplace that would welcome and offer them sanctuary. His nervousness visibly relaxed, though a little of it still remained as he wished he had made more of an effort to keep in touch with those that he had lost from the pack. How many of them had been left alone and lost as he had been? How many of them might continue to be that way because they did not realize the options available to them?

"Thank you, Surreal," he muttered with wholehearted thanks, tipping his head slightly in a gesture of sincerity. "I...I think I'd like to stay." It would be odd trying to adjust to a new family, so many new faces, but if he had done so already so many other times, he could do so again. And he would hope, as he had then, that he would never have to again. "I wish I knew what happened to the rest of the pack," he added guiltily, his tan ears folding slightly as he thought of it. Was it foolish to consider searching for them, for a chance at reuniting them someplace they could try to start over? It was something he would need to think on.



7 Years
10-25-2015, 10:29 PM
Surreal Adravendi

His thanks held so much sincerity that it made her smile. The gentle smile only widened as he accepted the offer to stay. However, she shared the same wish as he did, that they could locate the rest of the scattered Threar wolves, make sure they had made it to safety, and offer a home to those who had no place to go. Where had Frith and Novella gone? Were they alright? What of their children? Those were thoughts that had been rolling through her head since she’d first realized Threar was lost.

She turned her mind from the thoughts for now, however, gazing at Miksa with a keen eye. “What vocation would you be interested in taking on within the pack when Celestial is running? Are you best at hunting, Fighting, or Healing? Is there anything you wish to learn more of?” None of the questions were rushed, and her voice held no pressure, giving him the freedom to answer at his leisure and think about his answers. Judging by his build, she was hazarding a guess at fighter; but there were stocky healers, thin fighters, heavy built hunters. He could easily be one who leaned toward healing.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-25-2015, 10:39 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He was drawn from his thoughts once more by further questions that Surreal had for him, questions that were involved with him fitting in to their future ranks and finding a niche that suited him. The answer came with a small pang felt inside his chest. "I'd been learning fighting," he informed her, his tone touched by a shadow of sadness. Threar had been the place where he had finally taken off in his training, learning more by practicing under Frith's patient and hands on teaching style and even more when he had leaped in to assist defending their home from the invaders who had shown up to raid their territory.

Miksa wanted very much to begin training again, particularly now that his old wounds had more or less healed over. The wound that had pained every movement of his jaw initially was nothing more than a scare, the scratches across the top of his left paw completely gone, and his left shoulder no longer caused him to limp. But remembering the injuries did trigger something else that he had almost forgotten. "I was kind of interested in learning healing too," Miksa admitted, "I was hurt in the pack before..." He paused, struggled a little, and only shook his head. "I was hurt, and one of the pack healers tended to it. I don't know what he did, but it helped a lot. I've been curious since." And since his main focus was intended to be fighting, he reasoned, being able to patch himself up afterward would come in handy.



7 Years
10-25-2015, 10:59 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened as he spoke, giving him her unwavering attention. So she’d been right in both senses. He was learning to fight, but he had an interest in healing. That would delight Kavdaya, and she thought Regulus would be happy to have another male around that was his age that he could spar with. Who would be best to continue Miksa’s fighting training? Perhaps she would take him on herself. There was a no brainer as to who would take on the training in healing. She smiled, decision made.

“Well, I can continue your fighting training, and my cousin, Kavdaya, is a fully trained healer; she’d be happy to start teaching you what she knows. She’s white, six inches shorter than myself, and she has a mark between her brow points colored a light purple.” Since no one else had a mark between their brows, she doubted there would be any confusion. “I also have two sons who are very interested in learning to better their fighting skills. Regulus, my eldest; he’s easy to spot. and Tornach, my younger boy. I’m sure they’d love to help with sparring practice.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-25-2015, 11:16 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Miksa had hope that his answer would be satisfactory and that it would enable him to continue down the path that he had already designated at a young age would be his. He already assumed fighting would be a part of pack life in Surreal's eventual claim simply from the strength of the promise she had made when speaking of the wolf who had caused Threar's disbandment. Those sort of things would not be said from a pack that took a wholly pacifistic approach to confrontation and conflict.

He was not disappointed either. She assured him that his fight training would continue, even going so far as to designate herself his instructor. It caught him a little off guard, but did not quite surprise him. Even in Threar, Frith had been the one to take over in fight training, guiding the pack through Miksa's first lesson and feeding the boy's confidence to the point he had been brave enough to show up in the pack's defense when they had been under attack. He nodded understanding, feeling more of his worries being put to rest. Perhaps coming taking up with this budding pack had been the right choice for him after all.

They even had someone available to train him in healing, a wolf that Surreal described as white, shorter than her, and with a purple marking set on her forehead. That sounded descriptive enough that he ought to find her with no trouble, and as he nodded once more he breathed out in a sort of overwhelmed sigh. He had never truly expected everything to take off so quickly, or for his future plans to be set so quickly. Teachers, peers, everything was already laid out for him. He just needed to meet them all and find how he fit in the mix of it all.

He almost did not know what to say. He had already expressed his thanks, and he felt certain that the full weight of everything was visible on his awestruck expression. "Okay," he muttered weakly, more or less at a loss. His yellow eyes blinked as he thought, and added with a touch of candid embarrassment, "It's sort of a lot to take in at once." But at least it all held promise, a start to a better future, a new one but a good one nonetheless.



7 Years
10-25-2015, 11:33 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal could tell that he was surprised at her choice to be his mentor in fighting. A small grin flashed across her jaws as he spoke. “I’d imagine it is. Just understand that I want to see you working hard to be a cohesive member of the unit and of Celestial.” The reminder was spoken calmly, without aggression. But there was firmness behind the gentle tone. She stood, stretched, and gestured with her tail, inviting him to follow. “I find moving helps my thoughts flow more easily.” She offered in an offhand manner.

Her mismatched blue and gold gaze studied him. “How are your hunting skills?” Another good hunter would be a boon to the unit, and to Celestial in the future. A mouth that could help feed itself was more useful than one that simply hung around waiting for a share of a kill it had not helped to bring down. His value in the pack would only grow stronger the more ways he found to help out and become a part of the unit.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-25-2015, 11:52 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her smile did not, thank goodness, come off as any way superior or smug as Miksa tried to wrap his mind around everything that was very soon going to become part of his life, and hew as glad for it. He could understand how it was that this woman had been friends with Novella and Frith, and wished somehow that he might have been privileged enough to see them all interact, to watch for himself how his previous pack leaders had gotten along with Surreal and what their thoughts were on her plans for a pack of her own. To have their guidance and council would have been so helpful, but he had to satisfy himself with simply knowing they had all been friends, or at the least good acquaintances.

Being a functional part of the pack that Surreal intended to create did not intimidate the pale colored wolf, and he nodded to show he understood and accepted the terms. It was all rather exciting, really. Scary, certainly, if only because he would need to adjust to a new pack, new wolves, and new ways of doing things that would surely differ than those that he had just gotten himself acclimated to. But, as he continued to tell himself, if he could adjust once, he could do so again.

As Surreal rose and gestured that he follow, Miksa hurried rose to his paws and fell into step with her, once more turning her bright yellow eyes on their surroundings. This was not going to be the pack's territory once they became established, he reminded himself. He was awfully curious to know where that would actually be, but let his future leader ask her question first. Hunting? "I'm...okay at it," he admitted truthfully. He could scrounge up a quick meal when it came to it, enough to feed himself, which was all he had ever really been conditioned for. "I've never hunted with a pack before." Was that bad? Would it hinder his position here? He hoped not, and was eager to learn if it meant carrying his own weight enough to earn the pack's respect.



7 Years
10-26-2015, 12:10 AM
Surreal Adravendi

As they walked, Surreal listened to Mika’s answer, highly appreciating his honesty. It was a good sign of his character that he didn’t try to make himself sound better than he was, or more impressive by saying he was a damn good hunter. As he asked if not having hunted with a pack was bad, she shook her head. “No, not al all. I’ve only been in two multiple participant hunts in my life, and I’m six years old. We held one one the shore of the Estuary a little while ago.” She grinned at him. “It can be very fun to coordinate your movements with others to bring down what nourishes the pack.”

Regulus and Zuriel had often made quite a good team, going on their first hunt when they were barely a year. It made her proud of her children that they had retained so much knowledge of what to do in a hunt. Regulus on his own was still a fine hunter, patient, knowing how to conserve his energy and keep the prey running without rest or food or water until the animal was so exhausted that it either gave up or had no energy to run when the final charge was made. “How much of the fighting do you know thus far? I’d imagine you’re well familiar with the basics?” She cocked her head to look at him, listening to whatever answer he might provide with interest.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-26-2015, 12:22 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Every doubt that he conjured up seemed to have something set in its path to thwart it from gaining momentum and permanently damaging his confidence. While he was honest about his minimal hunting prowess, Surreal assured him he would do fine in a pack setting with what he knew. Apparently large hunts were not something that took place all that often, and it relieved him to know just getting by for himself would still be satisfactory work. Miksa smiled a little, trying to express his gratitude and growing hope for how things would likely be once he, and the rest, became official members of the this pack.

He lapsed into silence as they continued to move, finding the quiet companionable between them. This was good. He liked what he was getting himself into, what he now expected the future would hold once they were established and functioning as a pack would function. And he was glad to have another kind individual to lead him along. That was something he could honestly say about the leaders he had chosen to follow: they had all had good hearts.

Eventually she rounded their conversation back around to his first choice in vocations, and Miksa considered it a moment before he answered. "I think it's the basics," he stated a bit hesitantly. Was that what Frith had taught him, or was there still more that he ought to know to be considered "mediocre?" "I learned some fighting in the raid too," he added after a second's thought. There was nothing like the hands on approach to really drill in all those practice sessions, and once life finally settled down and he felt stable enough again he intended to start taking up sparring to really test his mettle.



7 Years
10-26-2015, 12:36 AM
Surreal Adravendi

His hesitant answer was received with a nod as she continued along the path, paws automatically falling in a sure yet careful order, finding places where sound wouldn’t issue. “That’s a good base to start from. Can you name the most important defenses to me?” May as well begin the lessons right away. She listened for his answers as she paused to allow a small flock of birds to flap past; no need to alarm them and start a cacophony that would drown her new pupil’s voice out.

She enjoyed teaching others. She also enjoyed learning. It went paw in paw with leading, sometimes. She was always open to new ideas and techniques in fighting, new languages, new hunting strategies. Anything to satiate that hunger to know a bit more, and a bit more than that. It wasn’t for the matter of power, so much as she wanted to be better armed for the future.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-26-2015, 12:51 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She was definitely encouraging, which he liked. She did not belittle any shortcoming that he had, but only offered ways in which he could improve, means to making himself a better hunter, fighter, healer, and a better asset to the pack. He liked this new mentality, and suspected it was the same sort of thing about Glaciem and Threar that had made him happy in those packs too. All in all, he felt very optimistic, which was a startling change from how alone and disheartened he had been before he had decided to travel out west.

But he was completely caught off guard as she issued him the challenge of beginning an impromptu lesson right then and there. Miksa's yellow eyes went wide as he stared at her, pausing half a moment just to see if she was serious and as he realized she was he began to wonder if maybe he did not know all the basics that he said he did. Tan ears folding back, he furrowed his brow and felt his mind crumble under the sudden pressure. Defenses, defenses. These should have been easy. "They come to you much easier in a fight," he said, embarrassed and somewhat guilty for having such trouble with something that should have been easy.

Come on, you know these, he told himself, swallowing as he tried to clear his mind enough to focus and draw them up one by one. He let his thoughts take him back to the fight he had been a part of, and tried to recollect what it was that he had done as he was being charged. "You need good balance," he started to say, sure that was what had kept him on his feet during his fight, "or else you'll go down. And you should protect your vital points." Was that a good start? Did he even know how to explain all of these things that had just come so naturally to him in the moment? Did he even remember all of them to begin with? He glanced over at Surreal uncertainly, hoping that he was at least on the right track.



7 Years
10-26-2015, 01:00 AM
Surreal Adravendi

His surprise was palpable, clearly caught off guard by her sudden lesson. Good. He could start to learn to think on the fly. She nodded in agreement at his first words, but waited until he spoke slowly, again nodding. “Very true. Now, what are the best ways to keep your balance, and protect your vitals?” She asked, stopping as they came to a wide, level area and turning to face him. As she waited, her paws spread slightly, spaced evenly as her head lowered and jer jaw tucked slightly, clear hints, and a teaching aid to better bring them to his mind, while demonstratng

Her body was relaxed, not tensed as though to start a fight, but she watched him with a smile, ears perked and ready to hear him speak. She was keen to hear what he knew so far, to know what to build onto. She wanted to see his foundation in action at some point in time, very soon.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
10-28-2015, 12:20 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Anxiously he awaited feedback, keeping pace with Surreal as she nodded her head and offered affirmation for the defenses that he had listed off. A little breath of a sigh exited his muzzle as he received that small bit of confirmation, though it was still not enough to fully alleviate the whole of his worries. Miksa had only just decided to join this strong woman's pack and already he was being thrown into an impromptu lesson of the very nature that he had been eager to get back into. While he would have been thrilled under more structured conditions, the suddenness and unexpectedness of it unsettled him and left him feeling entirely unprepared. He only hoped, if she continued to ask questions, that they would not disappoint.

Rather than asking a question that required another verbal response, the grey wolf requested a demonstration of what he had been speaking of, and stopped to take on a stance that the nervous boy recognized even though he was only partially familiar with it. As if by instinct, he reacted in kind, stopping and squaring his stance while tucking his tan ears against his head. A look of nervousness ghosted across his face as he kept his bright eyes fixed on his newest instructor, and with a swallow he too lowered his head and chin in a protective motion.

Though she did not outwardly imply any intended offensive maneuvers would come, Miksa worried Surreal still would act. Her teaching style was entirely unfamiliar to him, and since he had no idea what to expect preparing himself was the safest precaution that he could take. Belatedly remembering that he was supposed to be answering a question, he struggled a moment to match words with the movements that he had already made, casting a quick glance at his own paws as he evaluated his stance. "Stand square, and low," he added, sinking just a little into his stance as he said it, "with a good grip on the ground. Guard your throat, ears..." Drawing a blank, Miksa fell quiet for a few seconds before he said thoughtfully, "I'm missing others, aren't I?" He had to be. There had to be more than that. What else had he done in his previous fight?



7 Years
11-02-2015, 08:02 PM
Surreal Adravendi

As Miksa began his demonstration, the silver Adravendi watched and listened with keen eyes and ears, nodding as he listed those he knew. As he finished, she smiled. “You are. Try rolling your shoulders forward, and scrunching your neck back to add a layer of fat over your neck and bunch your scruff. On top of that, lift all of your hackles, from the back of your head to your tail.” She demonstrated as she spoke, lifting her hackles, letting her shoulders roll forward to guard her lower neck while she scrunched her neck back against her shoulders, rolling her scruff into a layer of defence. “These will make it more difficult for your opponents to get as good of a grip on you as they might wish for, and protects your vertebrae and nerves.” She described easily, taking her time to allow him a chance to absorb all she said.

“Now what of your tail? What defenses do you feel would best suit you?” Was he a more defensive fighter? Would his tail be tucked to protect his belly, or would he fight with his tail flung level with his spine for balance? She herself was the latter, tucking only when needed.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
11-21-2015, 01:56 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Miksa felt the pressure of the impromptu lesson but tried to quell it as best he could. Despite his worries, Surreal did not look at him as if she was about to pounce, but rather with patience and a critical eye that evaluated everything about his stance and posture. It was different than the way Frith had tried to teach, where he had happily not been the focal point of the lesson, but he tried to remind himself now that the one-on-one lesson would be beneficial. Here, nothing he did would go overlooked, and everything would be brought to light. What better way to learn was there?

Still, it made him a little uncomfortable. The feedback he received, however, was good. What he was able to recall on his own was met with a smile, and without ridicule a new list of defenses were offered and even demonstrated for him to pick up. At Surreal's prompting, Miksa did as she suggested and rolled his shoulders forward, allowing the skin and fur to bunch there and offer protection. It felt awkward to raise his hackles when he was not the least bit afraid of offended, but he did as she said, if only to partway down his spine. At any rate, he felt better being told these things, and nodded his head in understanding of her teaching.

Moving on, she brought up the positioning of his tail, and once again Miksa felt lost. What did he prefer? What had he done during the fight he had taken part in? He struggled for a moment to remember, still feeling as if that whole sequence of events had become a blur, and eventually shook his head as he lowered his bright yellow eyes with a look of embarrassment. "I don't know."



7 Years
12-22-2015, 05:33 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Miksa listened, responding by demonstrating the defenses as she prompted him. She could see that he wasn’t accustomed to raising his hackles at will, rather than by instinct alone, and made a side note in her mind to work on it with him, mismatched eyes roving over his stance and frame. At his nod, she smiled. He seemed to be a quick learner. At his embarrassed answer regarding his tail’s positioning, Surreal smiled again, gently. “It’s okay not to know something, Miksa. You can always learn it. No need to be embarrassed.” She shifted her position to he had a side profile view of her frame, and demonstrated the positioning of her tail.

“Our tails come in useful for balancing us; a flick of the tail at the right moment, say while you have one paw lifted in the front, or hind to stamp, hook or swipe at your opponent’s legs, can help you keep from toppling over. You can also tuck it to protect your belly and genitals from attack; the fluffy hairs can make a good buffer against teeth even if it might hurt like hell.. Tucking your tail can also defend the tail itself.” Her mismatched eyes flicked to his face, a smile brightening her expression. “Try the positions with yours; see what feels most comfortable. We’ll be sparring eventually at some point during your training.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think