
Beneath her skin[PRIVATE]


04-03-2013, 06:14 PM


So many things had changed in the mans life. He was now Alpha male of Lentajin, had two wives, well one was about to slip out of his grasp, and pups on the way. Not to mention it had all happened within a matter of days, maybe a week? He'd never been one to have a good conception of time. But here he was, within the borders of an entirely different pack. Power burned within his veins, the instinct to rule drove him mad. He wanted so badly for Newt to somehow vanish, that way he could completely control the pack, but he knew that would never happen... Or could it? He needed to get closer to her, crawl beneath her skin so he could become her master, not that bitch Zara. Once that was done he would have total control. Heavy paws carried him though the pack, the barren wasteland begging for moisture. Since the drought the search for water had made the members desperate; including himself. He was very dehydrated, and he imagined Newt was as well. They needed to get away for a while, maybe a day or two, so his plan could go into action. Not to mention Newt needed hydration in order to stay healthy for the pups. But for now, he would remain within the pack until the pair became more comfortable with each other. The mans head swung back, muzzle lifting toward the heavens. A deep howl bellowed from within his chest, expanding across the territory for all to hear. He was calling for his wife, alpha female, and the mother to his pups; Newt.


04-03-2013, 11:30 PM

The heat was brutal. It pulled at her skin and made her mouth feel as if it would dry up and fall clean off. Her ears were pulled back with her distress and her tongue lolled out the side of her jaws. She needed to find water. She could feel her mind breaking over and over again. Illusions danced before her eyes. A laughing crow that seemed to mock her and threaten to consume the life inside of her. She had snapped at the air several times in an attempt to consume the illusion but it eluded her. Something called to her. What was it? Were the flowers speaking again? No, their songs never sounded so desperate. What was that sound? Kaios.

She knew it was he who summoning her but why? Had something happened? Aggravation pulled at her body as she followed the direction in which the sound had come from, least she thought so, and soon enough found her dark husband. Her violet eyes were sunken in with the lack of hydration. She felt heavy with the weight of her children growing in her womb. They would come soon enough but she needed to find water soon or risk losing heir lives or worse, affecting their minds and development. She didn?t want deformed children and she would kill them if it happened.

?I feel as if the pups are sucking me dry.? She groaned. She could feel her head swimming and the world around her was tittering. She fell on her ass for a moment and slide down to the ground. Her head falling into her tiger size paws. ?I cannot take this heat much longer. I fear the safety of our young if I do not find liquid time soon.? She confessed, she wanted to carry the pups to full term and enjoy them with their father. Soon enough secret would be having pups as well and she hoped the woman would bring them by for her young to see. She was certain her pups would enjoy playing with their half siblings. She felt no animosity towards Kaios for impregnating multiple females. She had told him he was free to do as he pleased and so was she.


04-04-2013, 06:12 PM


Finally the mammoth dame came into view. Dehydration was swallowing her whole, it was obvious she was disoriented and in desperate need of water. Her body was sucked up except for her growing belly, eyes sunk into her skull, her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth. ?I feel as if the pups are sucking me dry.? "They are. They will only continue to suck everything from you until you're completely dry." He wondered if she had ever carried a litter before, she didn't look like a whore, but then again, looks could be deceiving. A devilish lady killer like himself didn't look like a psychopath on the outside, but he was one! Can't judge a book by its cover. He watched her fall onto her haunches, and from there dropping to lie on the ground. ?I cannot take this heat much longer. I fear the safety of our young if I do not find liquid time soon." His mind wandered for a moment. What would happen if she lost the litter? She wouldn't be in heat until her next cycle, a year away. He couldn't risk it. "Come, we will find you water, but not here. We need to leave the territory." It was true, there was nothing left here for them, at least not until the drought was gone. He took a few steps toward the border, his muzzle pointed toward the direction Wolf Paw Lake was in. She would enjoy it there.


04-08-2013, 01:44 AM

Everything was spinning. She closed her eyes and groaned. Why was this heat so unforgiving. She could feel the distress her pups were feeling as they rolled over and over inside her. It was uncomfortable and her agitation was growing as the taste of ashes and blood stuck in her mouth. His words were so distant. What had he said? She looked at him with confusion. Who was he again? God had it come to that? Was she back to that horrible place where faces meant nothing and all that mattered was the blood. Blood would tell her whom she couldn?t recognize and remind her that they truly were familiar. She pawed at her head and took in a steady breath. She knew him, something told her so, but she was so confused. The damned heat was toying with her sanity, or rather what little she had.

?What did you say?? she asked, her voice was horse and scratchy. Her eyes felt so heavy. Sleep sounded like a good idea. Something told her no. She had to get up and leave. Find water and cool herself down. Hadn?t the stranger told her that they should go? She struggled to remember. He had said.. Said they needed to find water. Yes, that sounded right. She struggled to get to her feet. The weight of her pups seemed so heavy. She stretched her body as she stood on shaking legs. She needed to get moving. Why was he coming? Who was he? The light wind brought no mercy from the heat but brought with it his smell. She closed her eyes and pulled it deep into her lungs. oh, he was Kaios, her mate. She remembered now.

?The head is warping my mind. I forget and then remember and then forget again. We need to go. Champion can watch the pack while we leave.? Her voice sounded so tired. Like she was working over time and still she had things to do. Her tail flicked behind her as she looked at him thoughtfully. ?How are you fairing?? she questioned, she cared about his well being. He wasn?t allowed to go drop dead on her. No, she would wake him from the grave and bring him back. He was her first mate and this was her first liter. That meant something to her even if it didn?t mean anything to him.


04-09-2013, 04:53 PM


He watched her, taking notes on the way her mind and body reacted to this heat. She seemed very disoriented. She looked at him, violet eyes filled with confusion. There was a look in those eyes, one that made him feel like she had forgotten who he was. His ears pressed against his skull for a moment, then flicked back forward. It didn't hurt his feelings, but, it didn't bother him that she had forgotten the father of her children. How could she forget the blood that had been shed the day he impregnated her? She wore the scars that he had littered all over her large frame. Had she really forgotten? She needed to get out of here. ?What did you say?? Her voice was so scratchy he could almost hear the words fighting to crawl up her dry throat. "?The heat is warping my mind. I forget and then remember and then forget again. We need to go. Champion can watch the pack while we leave.? Champion? Who in the was that? Must be a new member, one with a good rank to say the least. He didn't question the queens judgement. ?How are you fairing?? "Same as you obviously. I haven't left these lands since you dragged me here without a fight. His tone was very sarcastic, harsh, and scratchy like her own. He turned away from her. Was he... honestly developing feelings for her? No, that wasn't possible. He would never feel something for anyone. He needed to care for himself, that's it. So what attracted him? Her looks? Her clam? The power? He didn't know at this point. But he did know that he couldn't show her his emotions. He needed to keep the chaotic reputation he had built. "Lets go!" He snarled impatiently. He was very thirsty.


OOC: Okay, so I went ahead and moved this to wolfpaw lake so we can continue there :


04-11-2013, 02:04 AM

A moment, a pass of time, a shade of skin, and it brought her so much relief. To say the role of guardian was taking it?s toll on her was an understatement. She had never thought her destiny would have been to become a queen. Always before she had been a pawn. He came into her mind and for a moment the pain of loss didn?t hurt her. Was she moving on? Something sentimental seemed to be filling her and it was an alien emotion. She knew nothing of affection by other means then through violence. Perhaps it was the hormones dancing around in her head. Was it making her think that maybe, if she cared enough, this could be real. They could be real. Would she ever ask for monogamy? She didn?t think so. Though it was traditional for wolves to mate for live, at least the alpha pair, she was secure in herself and her abilities not to hound her claimed mate from taking over females to bed. Already he had done so with Secret and yet she had not. Perhaps it was just in her nature to be monogamous. She had no clue as she had never had a mate or pups before.

Her ears fell back as she panted heavily. The travel was exhausting but she was determined to make it to the pool, for the sake of her unborn pups. What the damage of the heat could do to them was unbeknownst to her. Soon the rich aroma of water pulled into her nose and she closed her eyes with a shudder. Was she imagining it? Were the flowers speaking of neither things that were there nor here? She shook her head, no her senses wouldn?t lie would they? She eyed her mate for a moment and she couldn?t help the nip that came to his side. She needed to taste blood. To remember him, she never wanted to forget him again. Blood would tell and she would remember. It?s how she remembered Zara, yes he had bled her that night but she had let him. She hadn?t allowed her own fangs to taste him. She only nicked him a little, just enough for a small drop of blood to grace her tongue, and she sighed. She looked at him with no signs of apology. She had become his willingly. If she had fought him, then he would have been more bloody and broken then he could have imagined.

?Blood is like a map for me.? she explained, she wouldn?t feel guilty for the nip. It was a sign of affection for her. However, she felt an explanation would be good as they continued towards the aroma of water. ?It tells me who is with me, Reminds me of them, and tells me that they are not to be forgotten.? She said with a sigh. She was forgetting less and less these days. Was it a side affect of her pregnancy? What ever the reason was she was enjoying keeping her mind at ease. She still had her moments but she never truly remembered them. ?I forget. The sun is the sun and not a wall of light pushing the darkness away. That the ground is solid and not broken if you walk just right and find the side of tomorrow. I live between two worlds. Not that anyone can see but me but they are there none the less and only my master can keep me from losing myself from the other side.? She mused, Lothair had kept her sane for so long. She had almost loved him. She missed him but not the same reason a woman misses a man. She missed her strength and adoration and feeling of purpose. Perhaps that?s why she no longer missed him. She had them all now and all on her own. Well, not on her own but she continued to keep her mind sane all on her own.

OOC: sorry for the nip, it just kind of came to me xD newt said DO it. if you have any objections let me know and I'll edit it.


04-11-2013, 06:08 PM


He trotted next to his new wife as they made their way toward the only pool of fresh water nearest to the pack. He wasn't necessarily exhausted or drained of all energy, but the heat was taking a tole on him as well. He really needed water. He looked at Newt... She was the only woman he had ever met that out sized him. It was so... odd. He had always towered over bitches, making it so easy and simple to get his way with em. But her.. she was so.. weird for lack of a better word. A big ball of confusion looking for a place in this world. Was he the same as she? Was he a lost void in this empty space, looking for that one connection that would keep him stable? Fuck no, he wasn't about to turn soft. That just wasn't him. He turned his head back forward, ears flicking on all directions as new sounds appeared here and there. Then his attention quickly snapped back to the bitch who had just bit him.

A small amount of pain surged to his side, blood dripping out of the minor wound. He instantly turned to her, teeth bared, jaws snapping. So, she wanted to play this game? Then he could play back. Sharp canines sunk into the flesh of her shoulder nearest to him as he bit down and ripped away. He was intending to inflict a little more damage than she had done to him, but only because she had lashed out for no reason. A deep growl bellowed from within the mans chest as he eyed her, waiting for an explanation. Here he was, actually giving a fuck about someone, and this is how he's repaid? No wonder females were only used for fucking. They were crazy! Then she gave it to him. Blood made her... remember? Damn, she really was a nutcase. "Trust me, you wont forget me. You want my blood to remember? Then you'll pay me with scars. That way when you see your reflection you'll never forget me." It was a understatement honestly, because he had no intentions of going any where any time soon. How could she forget someone who was constantly reminding her of who he was? Then she brought up her master. Zara... "That bitch doesn't own you, I do. Get that through your fucking head Newt." Newt might believe she was Zara's, but in his eyes, she belonged to him. It was a big disadvantage to him though, his wife thinking she belonged to some woman. If Zara told Newt to chase him off, would she? Or would she stick up for her newly claimed husband? He didn't know as of now. He surged forward, the scent of water enticing his senses. Then he saw it; a large body of water that glistened beautifully against the sunlight above them. He turned to look back at Newt who was hopefully trailing not too far behind. She needed the water more than he did... And he would make sure she got it.


04-13-2013, 10:59 PM

Blood, it dripped from the reaction that he had displayed. She closed her eyes with her rapture. It was never enough and always so alluring. The call of death was a song she often sang. Not out of desire to leave the world but simply to feel that edge. Just one more cut, just one more bite, just one more break and she would fall with her pleasure. She shuddered as she listened to his respond. Her ears fell back. He didn?t understand. She didn?t need to bleed him often to remember. She had done so now and she would remember. It was a complicated matter and she didn?t feel the need to explain it further. Maybe only she could understand it.

His second comment about Zara made her just blink at him. He wanted to be her only one did he? The thought swirled around her mind for a moment. Zara had been the reasons she was queen now. Had she not ordered her to fight Sade then she wouldn?t have been the current queen. Their relationship was strained from her absence and it was very possible it would break entirely if she didn?t keep her hold over her. ?Careful what slips from your mouth.? She warned. Who knew who was watching them. Little birds often flew to their masters and whispered half-truths to ensure their own desires. She didn?t want unnecessary blood shed. The confusion was evident in her eyes. Where did her loyalties lie? She was so sure of whom she served and whom she protected. Now the line was graying and she was unsure whose side she would stand on.

?Kaios..? would you fight for me? the words never left her mouth as the smell of water hit her nose. She felt like all of a sudden her mouth was made of sand. That if she spat it would be nothing but dust on the wind. She couldn?t help the hunger that filled her as she took off. Her run was odd to try and compensate for the extra weight her unborn pups were adding to her. Soon enough she touched the water and allowed a few deep swallows to fill her. Her head turned to ensure that her mate was indeed following her. He needed water just as badly as she did and if she had to drag him to it she would.

Down in Mexico...


04-13-2013, 11:12 PM


"I don't care who hears me" A growl ripped through his throat when he said this. He honestly didn't care. If Zara wanted his head... good luck bitch, because he would give her a fight she'd never forget. He's rip her eyes out of her sockets as long as he got to keep Newt. God... did he really mean that? What in the hell was happening to him? He shook the thoughts from his head. He just needed to... roll with the flow. Maybe he would enjoy. Newt said his name, and it seemed like she was going to say something more, but she didn't. Instead she took off toward the water, so of course he followed. He watched her get in first, but he did not fully get in. Instead he lapped up a few drinks from the lakes bank, then he looked up, waiting for her to do something. His lips curled into a sly smile.


04-13-2013, 11:37 PM

God it felt like liquid ice running down her throat. She had needed the liquid badly. She could feel the pups moving about in her womb. It was an odd sensation and sill slightly disturbed her. Why did mothers do this over and over again? Maybe she would understand when they were not just thoughts and were reality. She never could tell what was reality and what was illusion. No, Champion had told her she knew she was pregnant so it had to be real.

He had come, just had she had hoped, no knew he would. It was an odd sensation knowing that she had a mate. She had only ever had a master never something more. Did the master enjoy a little intimacy with her? Yes, that had happened but they were nothing but her owner. They has always been so careful not her give her children and she had never objected. It was amusing how different her life was becoming then what she had always accepted and wanted. Perhaps she was growing into a better wolf.

?I never wanted to be queen.? She said honestly, her violet eyes focused on him as her crushed velvet coat seemed to move about her with a passing breeze. ?Zara had ordered me to fight Sade.? She said thoughtfully and she couldn?t help the laugh that escaped her lips. ?The mad queen would show face, the brilliance would stand behind the throne and whisper what was to be done in her ear.? Her voice held some odd emotion. Perhaps she was wondering if it would have been wise. Would she have cared about her wolves? Ghosts words echoed in her mind. ?Seracia's king knows nothing of his members. Wicked, vile, cruel.? She didn?t want to be like that man. She didn?t want to not know her wolves.

?I don?t think I could go back.? She said with a fulminate tone. Her violet eyes seemed to burn with her rebellion. She could protect Zara, could even follow orders if told but she would not give up her role. Not now. She could almost laugh at the power pull that was happening over her. She wasn?t as aware as she ought to be but in time she would see it. ?I feel I?ve come to enjoy having something to care for? she said honestly. Her tail wagged gently behind her with her contentment. Her ears twitched as she looked him over, ?Why did you claim me?? she asked, she knew she was not the most breath taking wolf in the world. Cerberus knew how many times Fable had told her own ugly she was. That no one would ever love her or ever want her.



04-13-2013, 11:58 PM


Apparently it was confession time. Which was fine, the queen obviously had some things to get off her chest. He listened to her talk, and she went on about a few things, including Zara. As she spoke he drew closer, entering the water until he was beside her. "Zara is a coward who had you do her dirty work. She doesn't give a shit about you. She lost to Sade, and because she couldn't accept the defeat, she sent a larger wolf to try again for her." It was true. Surely many members of Len had figured it out by now, and hopefully they would retaliate against Zara if she ever decided to rips Newt's power away. He himself certainly wouldn't stand by and watch it either. He watched her tail wag behind her large frame and he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face. But then, she asked an odd question. Why had he claimed her. Honestly, he didn't really know. At first he had just wanted another prize to claim as his own, but now... The whole thing was... odd. Sure, he had claimed Secret, but their relationship had been no where near real. She hated him, even his name left a nasty taste in her mouth. But Newt... She actually wanted to be around him, she enjoyed his company. Maybe fate had brought them together? Newt had been the only other wolf relativity close to himself. "Erm..." He didn't know what to say, so he would bullshit it. "I... needed something new." In reality he did want something new, but he felt like there was more to it that not even he could describe. "Why didn't you fight me?" He was curious to know why she didn't, he felt like the pups weren't the only reason why. He inched toward her, stopping when they were inches away. Then it happened: before he could stop it his tongue caressed the tip of her nose, giving her a little kiss. What the fuck? Had he just showed a female affection? What in the hell was happening! He looked at her, a blank expression on his face. What would she say?


04-14-2013, 04:28 AM

She mulled his words over around in her mind. Was Zara truly a coward for asking her to take on Sade? It was never in her nature to question her masters before. Good or bad whatever role they needed her to play she did it. Now she was her own master in a sense. She still needed to feel the pricing of skin and the love of violence was far to great for her to break. What ever her masters reason had been for her to fight the little queen she had no regrets. She was here and she bore the thorn crown adored with roses. Not the former queen and certainly not Zara. She had placed her own twist to the pack and had found many coming around the borders and testing her. She chuckled at the thought. She had made her laws and she had kept them.

The next question seemed to be harder for him to answer. Her ears twitched as he searched for the words to give her. What had she wanted to hear? Maybe, that the first night had meant something? No, she had chalked that up as a burning desire that needed quenching and he happened to be the one to quench it for her. She was no hapless romantic, who thought childish thoughts of love at first sight and all that bullshit. Maybe she wanted to know she was not the ugly thing her sister had drilled over into her head over and over again. Whatever the reason she was not expecting his answer. He wanted something new. She tilted her head to the side with the words. She was unsure how to decipher them.

His next question made her turn to look at him. Nothing betrayed her thoughts in her features. She wondered if she had learned that from her father. For a moment her body froze at the thought. Something screamed in her head and she was lost in the darkness again. It was only a second but it startled her. She shook her head of the distant scream that seemed to still echo in her mind. ?Well, I didn?t want to risk a still born. Battle can cause detrimental effects to unborn pups.? She said, though as he thought that had merely been one reason. ?Maybe, I just want to be claimed? That you came and demanded something of me made me simply want it? Your other mate, former mate,? she corrected, ?Loathed you. I don?t know why. You have done nothing to me for me to detest you so as she does. I enjoyed our random encounter and simply felt it was worth exploring.? She said with a smile.

She wasn?t the type to lie but she could bend the truth if needed. She did no such thing today and she nearly jumped out of her skin when he kissed her. It was so sudden and she couldn?t help the laugh that escaped her lips. Her paw pushed against his chest in a playful manner and all conversation slipped away. She allowed a kiss to grace his muzzle in return and moved towards the waters where she lunged into them sending a hard splash of water to flow in different directions in an attempt to hit him.

Ooc: I fail at short responds xD


04-14-2013, 11:10 AM


He waited for an answer to his question, and when he got it, he wasn't exactly sure what it meant. obviously the pups were her main priority, but what's this about she wanted to be claimed? Then she went on about Secret and he nodded in agreement. "I've beat the shit out of her more than once." His mind flashed back to their fights. The one where he had torn her scruff in two, the other where he reopened scars he had given her. She didn't enjoy the pain like Newt did, so she hated him for the blood he shed. She just wasn't like Newt. After he had kissed her he was surprised with her reaction. She laid a playful paw upon his chest as she giggled a bit. It was... kinda cute. She returned a kiss of her own along his muzzle. Wow.. A girl had never kissed him before. They usually snapped at his neck while he fucked the shit out of them. This was... nice. She lunged at him, but he didn't move. The mammoth sized dame tumbles over him, sending them both underwater for a moment. Instantly he came back to the surface, playfully nipping in her direction, aiming to snag her ear or nose.