
Dawn of a new day



7 Years
10-29-2015, 10:37 PM

It was a poetically dark and moonless night when the restlessness became too much for the tear marked rogue. His thoughts would bring him to the entrance of the den and his paws would wear flat the earth before it. There was a hole in his heart that marked the absence of both the brothers of his litter and the almost maternal need to reunite with both of the wayward children of Cifer and crusade. His hitch in his plans was the youngest of their litter. It was like crucible to wonder off for days or even weeks at a time. He was sure his brother had a wondering spirit, yet no matter what the three of them endured or the directions they wondered they always ended up back together again. It was like following an invisible string that tied then together. They where a proud family, with a rich history and and parents to remember fondly. They had heard stories of their childhood home throughout their entire lives and he was honestly surprised it had taken this long for creed to scratch the itch that had been on him for years. Cross had stayed behind to wait for their wayward brother to return to them but days had turned to weeks and their was no sign of their youngest litter mate. Eventually, in the evidence of the worn earth cross was restless and impatient to be off, to follow in his brothers footsteps and return to the lands that had birthed them. Creed wanted to find lost family, cousins and the like. He and cross both was sure there must be some out there, their mother had been one of three siblings and he knew that gargoyle at least had sired a litter.

Eventually there was nothing to do but leave evidence of their departure and clues to where they might be found. When cru eventually returned to them he would find them and know where to look - he had grown up on the same stories as creed and cross both. Casting eyes to the star lit skies he would whisper to his late mother "let us all be reunited in the end, as we have before in years past" the ache of his mother's loss had never truly left him and witnessing his father die of a broken heart a heavy burden. He kept both close to his heart, their rich history and strong hearts would live as long as he had breath in his body and strength in his bones. He kept his almost prayer like whispers to his mother secret from his siblings, unwilling to open old wounds or tempt them into thinking his words the mark of insanity.

There was nothing left to do now but track down creed and hope that crucible would find his markings and in turn follow their trail. Perhaps his mother also might hear his words and guide their brother home to them - stranger things had happened. His entry into alacritis was not a difficult one, their parents had never kept it's location locations secret from them. Day had started to dawn when his tireless steps had taken him into new lands, or old ones depending on how you viewed it. Walking into alacritis had been the easy task, he would have his work cut out for him in finding his brother. Haven taken the shortest path here he had hoped his brother might have entered first the same land and had left trails for his brother to find. It would be some time before he would have the light necessary to track his brother and instead decided to raise his head and howl on the chance his brother might be close enough to hear the call.
