
Oh Right, The Mission



5 Years
10-29-2015, 01:45 AM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

Gale was almost certain she had never traveled out this way before. Rarely did she leave the pack lands, except when she was feeling particularly stir crazy, and even then she typically restricted her romps to locales that were close to home and not far from the protective watch of her siblings. Free spirit of the air or not, her family kept her grounded and prevented her from fully running off with the wind as it raced away from their home.

But it was with purpose that the little grey and lavender wolf ran into the heart of the west, her tongue lolling from her mouth and her stride a comfortable lope. Somewhere in this wide world that surrounded Donostrea was one particular wolf, brown in color with green eyes and a cat who traveled with him. He was known as Rudolph, and he was the father of the young child that had ended up on their doorstep looking for his absent parent. She had longed since the beginning of her role as Aertus - the messenger of Donostrea - to put her quick feet to work, but she had never expected that chance to arrive in the form of a lone pup.

Grey-green eyes panned left and right as she slowed her step, dropping back into a quick trot as she approached a particularly rocky stretch of terrain. Well, this was interesting. Her purpose might have been of a search-and-rescue sort, but there was definitely something very curious about these rocks that jutted up and balanced precariously over each other, with everything bathed in rich, earthy tones. I wonder if he's here, Gale mused absently, still mostly distracted by the new scenery. Maybe when she was less pressed for time she could return and explore the place at her leisure. Reminding herself of the child that waited expectantly for her return, Gale sighed and kept a vigilant eye out as she moved further into the territory of the Redwater Rocks.



7 Years
10-30-2015, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2015, 01:34 AM by Cross.)

He walked hand in hand with his mother through the red water rocks. The soft white of her coat that brushed against the similar luxurious shade of his own caught the sun in brilliant and almost blinding flashes and he was caught by her beauty. His mother was, hands down the most beautiful woman in his life. The gold-green of her eyes was vibrant with life, even in a face closed in serious thought. In times he reflected that her and his fathers relationship was like a fairy tale of love and loss. “Mother," he began, catching her attention and her familiar eyes would shift to his own. “Do you remember the name of Gargoyle's children? Anything that will help me find them?” he wondered, pausing and tilting his head as she answered him and he nodded his head thoughtfully “hmm” he said thoughtfully “I remember that story” his lips smoothed into a smile as he began shifting his feet and moving once more.

It was oddly therapeutic to be in the presence of his mother, she always had a clear and straight line of right and wrong. She always said she gained it from her own mother Clash, who's goodness had overcome the evil in her mate. There where other visitors of course, most where less pleasant, more gentle and welcoming. The duo fell into silence after that and after a moment he turned his head again, to find that she was gone. He sighed and cast a look up at the clear, starless sky, and his tilted head and soft smile held the taste of remembrance. He didn't still his restless feet, but continued to pace the unfamiliar lands.




5 Years
10-31-2015, 01:04 PM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

She traveled and traveled and found no sign of other life. Or at least no other wolves. There had been a few small lizards that darted away as Gale passed through their rocky home, and she thought she had seen the tail of something dive into hiding as she had rounded one bend in the path she followed, but there was no brown wolf with green eyes and a cat following behind him. Maybe she had chosen the wrong location. Maybe he was on the entirely opposite end of the continent. Or maybe he was in a neighboring territory, just out of sight and out of reach. Gale pursed her lips as she slowed her pace and thought about how difficult her task was, but did not despair. She only tried to reconsider her plan of action.

With her thoughts buzzing, she padded quietly between the rocks of the Redwater territory, convinced that she would find no one. After having so little luck so far, it seemed likely no one had decided to come through this rather inhospitable territory in favor of passing through another place that offered better amenities. But she was wrong. As she walked, she spotted another figure pacing through the rocks as well, a tall black and white figure that seemed considerably more lost in thought than she had felt. Gale hesitated as she saw the individual, noting right away he was not the brown wolf that she was after. But maybe he had seen him? Or, if she was incredibly lucky, knew where to find him?

Gale turned and loped after the stranger, offering a quick bark just to get his attention. He had a longer stride than her, maybe, just because he appeared taller, even at a distance, but she knew he would not get ahead of her, not with her speed. She smiled even before she reached him, ensuring she presented herself in a friendly manner that would hopefully coax information out of him as well as portray her pack in the best light possible, and spoke an amiable, "Hey," as she approached and fell into step beside him. "I'm sorry to bother you," she explained, "but I'm looking for someone. Have you seen a brown wolf come through here?"