
Moon's Rising in the West

Viridian 1


3 Years
11-03-2015, 12:49 PM

silver fur was soaked with brackish water as the Memoire girl found her way up the beach. As she pulled herself from the water she'd pause at the edge of the surf to shake her fur free of the excess liquid. She'd attempt to take in a few deep breaths as her chest heaved with the effort of keeping her oxygenated. She'd blink her bright lavender eyes as she took in this unfamiliar land. She'd been born here, but that didn't mean she remembered any of it. She'd smile eagerly into the wind, finding herself looking for Solar so they might share the moment together. He was nowhere to be seen however. Viridian would be reminded why she'd come back here, to find her sibling.

Solitude had held her tightly in its grasp for the last moon, she'd followed what trail she could find, but had lost it not long after. Solar was out there somewhere. She'd not seen any clue that might hint something bad had befallen him, so Faun would not give up the belief that he would be found. With her grin now wiped from her features the silvery creature continued up the beach, long limbs carrying her further from the water but not away from the desperation of her quest.



3 Years
Extra large
11-03-2015, 10:16 PM

The beach still called to him sometimes, having been surrounded by the lapping waves for most of his short life. Having grown up on the island with a few others had been a bit of a sheltered life, it wasn't until he had swam to the mass of Alacritia that he had learned life's hard lessons. So there were times that he missed the innocence of his childhood, not that it was really over just yet. So with careful steps he padded slowly along the shore, his minty green eyes watching the ebb and flow of the tide. He had done a lot in the short time that he had been over here, including meeting a very... special friend. His heart gave a pang that Starling wasn't here now to explore the shores with him. He could tell him the story of his childhood, or at least what he could get out with his broken speech. Ears pulled back against his gray skull, but he shook the feeling of loneliness. It was nothing that he didn't know, although he did miss the wolves that he had been raised with. Maybe he should go back soon, visit his ailing mother and see how his father was holding up. Not to mention his aunt and uncle, and their kids as well. With a swish of his tail he looked forward again, only to stop in his tracks.

A very familiar silver and black form slipped out of the water, stepping up on the very beach that he stood on. He blinked his eyes several times as he tried to see if he was dreaming or if she was really here. He hadn't seen her since he left the island months again, and really didn't expect to see her so quickly. He very well could be dreaming, he wouldn't put it passed himself that he had an episode and knocked himself out again. But as she began to move, long legs bringing her away from him, he knew that she was really here. Letting out a sharp bark his ears pulled forward, his legs finally listening as he began to trot towards her feminine form. "Faun? That really you?" he asked in his gruff voice, pausing as he reached her side to push his nose into her damp neck. She still smelled of home, with a mix of salt that still clung to her fur. "Come to join me?" He asked again, pulling back with a small chuckle. Viridian had been a year old when he had been born, both of them born in the winter time. In fact, their birth season was fast approaching, which had him frowning at her damp form. She could catch a cold like that. Without saying anything, always preferring to show his emotions through actions instead of words, he leaned against her to offer some of his warmth. His grey coat had grown thicker with his time in the North, and he fluffed it up against her.

"Talk" "You" Think

Viridian 1


3 Years
11-04-2015, 10:31 AM

Leaving her sheltered life for the first time had come as quite the surprise from her parents, they'd lingered with them this long they'd started to doubt that Faun and Solar would ever leave. When Cathaoir left their island the idea had escaped her mind, but he had left and said goodbye. Solar was gone with little trace. Had he followed their younger cousin out into the unknown? Viridian had no idea, but with all of their parent's left to keep safe the island Viridian would not give up until her sibling was found. That determination was very much alive and burning within her, and with her focus positioned fully upon him she wouldn't notice the form watching her.

The sound of a bark seeking out her attention would halt the silvery goddess in her tracks as the familiarity became more apparent. For just a small moment she thought he might have been Solar, but as she turned her features and caught sight of his pale form she knew this was her cousin. She'd move to meet him half way, feeling consoled slightly in his sudden presence. The girl would lean into his touch as the boy's nose would be pushed into her neck. She'd sight softly, though this was not Solar it felt good knowing she could find at least one family member.

"Come to join me?"

She'd smile brightly at his words, finding herself leaning into his soft coat for warmth. The ocean had been quite cold, but she'd been warm from exertion. Now that she was more still and the wind blew upon her a slight shiver would run up her back. "Kind of." She'd answer as she nuzzled him back. "Solar... went missing. I came to find him." The concern for him was obvious, back on their tiny island you didn't have anybody but family. Solar was her best friend, she couldn't just go on with her life not knowing where he was or what had happened to him.



3 Years
Extra large
11-05-2015, 02:53 PM

It was so good to see her, it settled his heart and his mind. He had hardly ever had trouble with his emotions around the people he cared about most, and there was no sign of his inner demons right now. He hummed softly as she returned his affections, the stoic and silent type he was. Not often did he speak too many words, finding it hard to explain himself. He felt better through actions and reactions, his parents had always relied on his body language more than his actual words. There was a point where his parents thought that he was mute, until he had forced his broken, twisted speech on them. There were times when he actually wished that he lacked the ability of speech, perhaps he would be less awkward then. But Viri pulled him from his inner thoughts, minty gaze snapping to her attention as she snuggled into the thickness of his coat. Her words gave him pause, a deep frown set on his black lips. Solar had left as well? He had thought that Faun and Solar would be staying on the island for a while to come yet, neither had really expressed too much interest in coming onto the main land. Well, not that he had heard about anyways. It wasn't like he asked all sorts of personal questions or shared his insight, he just... acted. It was more than obvious that Faun was concerned for her brother, as many family member would be. He felt his own worry bubble in his chest for his cousin, Alactria was a large land mass and it could take many months to search everywhere. Not to mention that if Solar moved in one direction and Viri in another, they would have no hope of every running into one another.

After several moments of silence, breathing in the crisp air as he tried to dry his cousin, Cathaoir was lost in thought. He hadn't seen hair nor hide of his darker coated cousin since he had left the small island that they all grew up on, hadn't even happened upon his scent. Well, he hadn't even really done what he had come to these parts anyways, fear of rejection making him keep away from finding his half siblings. He had learned where they were, and kept that information locked away. He just... he wasn't ready yet. "Haven't seen him..." he mumbled finally, swinging his head around to hang across her back, a mighty sigh leaving his lips. "But I can help." Cath offered. He had been here longer, had been able to do some exploring in his time here. He knew some of the land, and some was more than Faun. Even though they had been born here, he had been told that they were little when Alpine and Twig removed themselves from the landmass and continued to raise their pups on the island. He doubted that Faun had many memories here, but once again he didn't know the inner workings of his cousins mind.

"Talk" "You" Think

Viridian 1


3 Years
11-05-2015, 04:31 PM

Viridian would lean into his touch, reveling in the closeness. She'd been almost as close to her quiet cousin as her own brother despite the age difference. Living in such proximity for the majority of the last two years really helped that relationship. It felt good knowing he was doing well, with his thick coat and sturdy appearance she had no doubt he was living well. Sighing softly into his fur when he finally answered her she realized she really shouldn't have expected anything more than that answer. She didn't know where Solar was. Too much time had passed for them to even think about tracking the darker sibling, but there had been that chance..

She wouldn't let herself dwell on how impossible a task was ahead of her, but she would happily accept Cath's offer. "I wouldn't be able to thank you enough," there was obvious relief in her voice as he gave her his help. Two sets of eyes would be better than one, Solar wouldn't stand a chance of keeping away from this pair. "Have you been living close by?" She'd ask curiously, while she wanted, needed to continue her search she had a moment to catch up with her cousin.



3 Years
Extra large
12-04-2015, 07:50 PM

He grinned at his cousin, nuzzling her soft cheek as he offered her all the warmth he could offer. He knew that it would be hard to search this whole land for just one wolf, he had been trying to do that ever since he got to the mainland. But for his family he really would do anything, anything at all. It was easier for him to give up on his own search for now, he had never met his half-siblings and did not feel the draw that Faun did to her brother. "Any plans?" he asked softly, not going to just leave her in the dust with all this. He could hear that she was more at ease now that he had offered his help, which made him relax into her even further. She asked about a home, and he shook his head. "Haven't really settled. Been moving, always." He said softly, looking away from her and towards the horizon. It was hard for him to really settle with his goals in mind, but he had an intention to join a pack in the North. He had been lingering near the borders, but had come down here by sheer chance, and he was glad that he had. But when he looked back at her his minty green eyes were sad, his head lowering slightly. "How's mom?" Cath asked in a very small voice. Othello had been feeling unwell when he had left, and he feared that she was only getting worse. That is why he had come here, to find his half siblings and let them know that their mother could soon be passing on.

"Talk" "You" Think

Viridian 1


3 Years
12-20-2015, 02:00 PM

She would lean into his touch and soak up the warmth he offered to her. While not an incredible amount of time had passed since she'd last been with her family it felt good to feel his warmth and familiarity in a strange land. "Any plans?" She'd sigh heavily as he asked if she had any sort of plan, she was winging it. "Hoping and praying?" That was about as far as it went. She was just here to search... She'd ask if he had settled anywhere and he'd answer her negatively. Home was back with mom and dad and uncle cru and othello. There was no home here. He'd ask about his mother as the conversation drew ever closer to that place. "She's about the same as when you left. We still don't know what it is that grips her." She'd say quietly, knowing the potential the sickness held.