
The Story of Our Life



5 Years
11-07-2015, 02:57 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2015, 09:27 PM by Caeli.)

This was something she had been meaning to do. Astrea had no idea whether or not if it was needed, but not with the new generation wondering around in ignorance she knew it was time. Time for her to call the family together to have a bit of a story time.

The star Dreamer knew she had failed her family when her brother's family was born without her to guide them. Both of her young nieces ran around, confused and hurt, hurt in the soul to their ignorance of their nature. But this was not just about them, it was also about the elder generation, they needed to be together, they needed to celebrate their origins and a nice story telling was the best way make sure all her more recluse siblings joined in. She wanted to bring them all together, she wanted to see all her siblings in one place... Well those that where still here...

Astrea moved down from her perch, her eyes turning to the now setting sun. This was the time of magic, the transition from the sun going elements to the moon night owl ones, this was one of the few times in the day that the majority of her family was awake, and also the time of day where most of them was home.

With the best time in place she moved to the best place. Even though she longed to gather her family on the cliffs, close to that which called to her but she did not feel that for a meeting such as this that was a good location, it was sacred to her and a few wolves but not all of them, it was not a balance of the elements that a gathering such as this needed to be... No the best place was the on the beach, the very location Voltage presented the beach to his family.

Astrea drew near to the meeting place and the rock that Voltage called his own, with the amused smile on her face she leaped up onto the rock and then lifted her head, calling to her family, wanting to gather them around. She wanted them all, she wanted to celebrate their nature and unique upbringing. She wanted to bring them together with a story that was their story, a story that she learned on the very island that they where all born.

ooc. I would like for everyone to be here, I donno if Arin and Sea wants to make this mandatory or not but even if its not I still would like the whole family to gather.

PS. Since Illume's disappearance this is a way to cheer the family up