
Amathena pups

Athena I


9 Years
11-15-2015, 02:04 AM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2015, 02:07 AM by Athena I.)
Yep. It's legit. Athena and Amalia (little a little assistance from Leo) pups are happening and they will be born on December 5th. We have two free pups. I'm for sure taking one and Eve might, but we want to see if anyone would be interested in the second pup just in case! Keep in mind that Eve and I have been waiting on Amathena pups foreeeeeeeever so we're going to want whoever gets this pup to keep them active. (I mean, I'm not unreasonable. My life gets hella busy, I get it.) If they become too inactive I will ask to take them back and will readopt them. Now on to the good stuff, yeah?

Coat colors: Gray, black, orangey russet, and white. You could possibly throw in some slate blue if you really wanted to, but it's not preferred.
Coat patterns: Athena and Leo both have pretty minimal markings. Athena is solid light gray with black markings on her ears and under her eyes. Leo is solid russet with one white ear and one white stocking on his front leg. You can pull from these, but I'm not opposed to more adventurous markings. You can look at Athena's family and Leo's family for ideas for markings too.
Eye colors: Blue, green, red. You can do lighter or darker shades of these colors too. There are also fairly strong lines of various kinds of split color eyes and two different colors of eyes as well if you wanna go that route.
Build/size: Athena is 36 inches tall and Leo is 33. Again, I'm not opposed to them being bigger, especially since there is only two pups, but I'd prefer it to be a little more realistic.
Examples: Here's some designs I played around with when I was making mine. Feel free to use them if you want!

As far as names go, I'm pretty open to everything. My pup's name is Jayne, which is Amalia's middle name, and her middle name is Aaren, which is the girl version of Leo's first name, Aaron. If you'd like to follow that kind of theme and do a reference to one of their names or even name them after Leo in some way then feel free. You could also go with some kind of Englishy sounding name like Amalia Jayne or Aaron Leopold. You could even go with some kind of greek god/goddess name like Athena! Totally up to you! I'd like for the last name to be Adravendi or Adravendi-Armada. I think I'm going with the latter for Jayne.

Personality shouldn't be darker than neutral. They're going to be growing up in Fiori, which is a neutral pack, with Athena and Amalia who will both love them to bits and will be surrounded by extended family most of the time to look out for them so make happy peeps!

So, if you're interested, just fill out this pretty little form! We will probably make a final decision on who gets no later than December 1st.

<b>Appearance:</b> a refrence picture and at least 100 words
<b>Personality:</b> at least 150 words
<b>RP sample:</b> 100 words maybe? Nothing too intensive

p.s. if you wanna see my pup click here



4 Years
11-15-2015, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2015, 04:17 AM by Varda.)
Name: Diana Lea Adravendi-Armanda
Gender: Female

It appears her physical form favours traits that of her Adravendi side, falling in between her mothers' heights at thirty inches tall. As time will tell, she won't grow to be an impressively tall woman though will remain at a petite weight of ninety pounds. Lanky legs support her slightly dainty yet curved frame - a body more beneficial for running rather than combat. Small tea-cupped paws finish elegantly long limbs; nothing of her body being overly large or noticeably disproportioned. Her facial features are sharp and distinct - a narrow muzzle and well-defined cheekbones. Despite her slim size, she is well-nourished without any bones protruding from her skin, contributing to a healthy shape.

Painted with a simple palette, a smooth cream is the most dominant hue upon her pelt. This ivory remains even across her entire body, not a shade darker or lighter anywhere to be seen. Without a clean cut, her head and right ear are swathed in a rich russet, abruptly finishing just below her chin. However, she still takes after her Armada dame, though perhaps not as noticeably. Front paws are swallowed in an inky black which rises above her ankles like socks while it also thinly outlines her hind toes. A dark emerald shines from her eyes, a colour carefully crafted to ensure it doesn't overpower the rest of her body yet complements the rest of her features.

Like most children, her fur is adorably fluffy - puffed out to create a little walking cloud. Some of this fluffiness will retain as she matures, though the majority of her fur will become more sleek and silken, still velvety soft to the touch. Glossy at times, her fur can sometimes sparkle and shine when caught in the sunlight. She is quite conscious of her appearance, though far from being vain. Well-groomed and clean she strives to be, though allows the occasional mud puddle to stain her pelt. All for fun, of course.

Personality: Alignment-wise, she'll be at neutral good

Antisocial - Diana is the opposite to a social butterfly. In fact, she is an antisocial earthworm, wanting to bury herself deep beneath the surface, away from the sunshine. She appears at times boisterous and loud though only around those who she is comfortable with such as family and a select couple friends. However, as the seasons pass she will become more quiet, timid and reserved. She'll tend to ignore strangers and walk away rather rudely, hoping she won't need to greet them, let alone engage in a conversation. It won't be a surprise if her mothers have to embarrassingly prompt her to say hello whenever meeting someone new. Though when it comes down to the chat, she prefers to listen than to share. If any questions are thrown at her, she'll respond shyly with simple and short answers until she falls silent once again, desperately hoping for it all to end. It's like she has a split personality - social and relaxed around only those she trusts.

Solitary - Making friends isn't her thing. It's not that she doesn't want any friends in her life; no, she loves the company of friends. She just doesn't know how to approach someone, let alone start a conversation. Sometimes she'll spend hours trying to come up with a suitable question to ask, though when she's found the perfect opportunity to befriend, she'll be like a rabbit in front of headlights - frozen. Perhaps it's her lack of confidence interfering or the worry of making a complete fool out of herself. Then there's the fear of interrupting someone, or being judged and disliked at the first encounter. In a nutshell, making friends worries and stresses her, and that's why she can be found by herself a lot of the time. In fact, she's quite an independent female, even as a child, and is most content on her own. There's no such thing as mucking-around or misbehaving when she's alone. However, as mentioned before, she does like friends, though only wants the friends to befriend her. No effort or stress required, she just wants the nicest of canines to swoop over and tuck her under their wing, regardless of how unlikely it seems.

Hypersensitive - To her misfortune, she suffers from emotional hypersensitivity. This means she is more sensitive than the average wolf, and can react differently to normal-seeming situations. Emotionally, she is quite fragile; the slightest crack and she can lose it. In most cases, she results in crying, no matter how hard she tries to fight back the tears. She loathes crying, and doesn't want others to think of her as weak for releasing her feelings, so she'll try to hold them back. Some triggers include pain, physical or emotional; failing or disappointing someone; arguing with someone and strangely, receiving compliments from others. Sometimes talking to a stranger can bring tears to her eyes, even the most pleasant of discussions. Although many wolves get upset after being bullied or harassed, Diana takes it to a whole new level. She takes name-calling and put-downs too personally, believing there truly is something wrong with her when in reality, bullies just seek attention. She's unable to brush memories aside and push on with her life; she just allows them to crush her confidence and self-esteem. Even recalling negative experiences can bring the tears back, like as if she's reliving the memory all over again. It's the small memories like those that she should be able to move on from and ignore that she will remember throughout her entire life.

Truehearted - She doesn't allow her emotional fragility to prevent her from contributing to her pack, in fact, she is loyal to the core. Intelligent and mature, she models important values such as charity, perseverance and honesty. Devoted, never does she slack with her studies or training as she prioritises education rather highly. She strives to reach her personal best; determination fuelling her to make a positive difference and be of use to her pack-mates. Accepting and respecting everyone for who they are, she would never dare harass anyone or start a useless argument. With natural curiousity, fascination and the desire to learn, there is no mistake that she won't go unnoticed in Fiori.

RP sample:

She was awoken by a weight nudging her shoulder, and with the sunshine filtering through the den's entrance, she could make out the shape of her sister. Fluttering her eyelids, she leaned closer to the other babe with wide-eyed curiosity. Jayne always had great ideas every day, and Diana admired that. In fact, she looked up to her sister; she was her idol.

"Come on, Di," she coaxed gently, whispering into the timid girl's fur and leaning on her form. "Let's go out and play."

This excited the creamy pup immensely. Although she didn't display much of it aside from a couple wags of her tail and a shimmering green eyes because of her quiet nature, on the inside she was indeed looking forward to this expedition. Just her and her sister, exploring side-by-side. There was no other way she imagined spending this glorious spring day. "Jay Jay ~ " she softly yet happily sang as she waddled out of the den, following steadily behind the ashen child. She obviously had something planned, and no matter what it was, the placid girl would always remember each day.

~ app finished



8 Years
Other species
11-18-2015, 07:17 PM
Name: Levy Gajeel Adravendi-Armada
Gender: Male


Levy is a simple man with a large build to him - of course as a pup starting off as a chunky fluff ball. While not the largest in size, he still has a bit of weight on him. Muscle contrasting against it as well. While it can fluctuate with season and prey, he will generally be more on the heavy side of things. The majority of Levy's body is covered by a brownish orange color that runs within his Mama's(Amalia) side of the family. His entire head being engulfed like an image of his Mom's(Athena) colors as well. His ears are the same gray, then tipped with a dark almost black color. Lastly his left paw is tainted with the same black color like his ears. Levy's tail is a solid white color, moving more than the tip.

Levy's eyes are a light green color. Almost looking on the lime variety of things it's easy to see how he feels through these eyes. Not that he would hide anything anyway - the male takes pride in all of his appearance. His voice will come out as a smooth deep tone, and it will be unmistakable who he is.

True Neutral

Levy is a curious pup, always yearning to learn something new about the world and himself. Close to his mothers something he'll always want to do is protect them and his siblings. However he is a very adaptable pup - a chameleon if you will. Anything to please anyone he'll fold and mold whatever he see's to assume what they would like the most. Which can warp him in any way depending on how he is raised. All he knows is there is a lot of stuff he does not know and that he wants to discover it and hold it dear. Levy has a very bad temper underneath his ball of fluff. It takes a lot to push his buttons, but biting and snapping when under pressure isn't below him. Which means, harming his family. Or when cornered he may just be the worst kid you ever came in contact with. However he hates confrontation, and would avoid a fight at all costs. Or even getting in trouble.

RP sample:
Levy yawned as he spread his paws out into the dirt of the den. His pink tongue flopping out of his mouth as he finally opened his green eyes for the morning. It took him a moment to finally notice that it was not actually morning though, the sun was already halfway up into the sky. Making him scramble up to his paws he felt his heart beating up against his chest. Why hadn't his Mom or mama woken him? Of course they could have always been busy, or maybe he looked really tired from exploring last night. Stepping out of the den, he perked up his head and tried to use his nose. Over sized paws trying to walk him towards what he would assume was the scent of his Mama.



9 Years
11-19-2015, 03:32 AM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2015, 03:38 AM by Xephyris.)
Name:  Griffin Leonardo Adravendi-Armada

Gender: Male

Appearance: I really like the 2nd design if I may use that? He stands at a regal 38" and weighs in at a sturdy 145 lbs. A handsome russet hue covers the majority of his body from head to tail. However, all of his legs are white, from the paws up to the elbows on the forelegs, and from paws to thighs on the hinds. He also has white markings below the lower lid of each eye. The eyes themselves are a vibrant sky blue, and very expressive of everything within his heart. Griffin has a very masculine frame, with broad shoulders, heavy bone and thick muscle throughout his body. His skull is large, though not out of proportion with his body, while his muzzle and ears are both of medium length. His neck is long and powerful, holding his head at a proud angle. Although his legs are long and graceful in appearance, the strength in the limbs is obvious - his stride can cover ground swiftly and effortlessly. His torso is brawny and well-muscled but in an athletic manner rather than a bulky, heavy way. The rusty colored tail is long and flowing, adding to his appearance of grace, athleticism and flexibility.

Personality: Either Lawful Good, Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral (start as Neutral Good and see where character development goes!). Kind, good-natured, generous, humorous/goofy, honest, hard-working, determined, protective and devoted to family. Griffin wants to be the best he can be, looking up to the adults in the pack and admiring their strength, courage and knowledge. He's not sure what he wants to be yet, but he is determined to learn as much as he can and do his very best for his family. He wants to provide and protect, and will grow into a very reliable, devoted family man. He is optimistic and likes to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. He is generally good-natured and humorous, enjoying a good laugh with friends and to see those around him smiling. He is honest and would never feel right omitting information or making up stories, even if it would get him out of trouble. He would rather take responsiblity for his actions than try to cover his tracks. After all, he would expect the same sort of truthfulness from others. He holds nothing back and at times he can be blunt but he only wants the best, and feels that sharing the truth is the only right thing to do. However, it is not his intent to cut down others with his words, and he will do his best to make amends and give confidence back to anyone he has hurt. He holds the values of life, hope, truth and honor close to his heart, and these are things he strives to uphold. (Would change/add more as he develops!)

RP sample: The young  boy would bound along to the edge of the territory, looking past the mangroves to lands he'd been warned not to venture off to. But he was so curious! His baby blue gaze would wander across unfamiliar lands, paws itching eagerly to explore. However, his mom's words rang in his ears. You better not dare go beyond the boundaries I've shown you! Amalia would warn. Don't worry, mom, I won't go too far... I'll be home before anyone notices I've gone! he'd think to himself, convincing himself that he was oh so clever and stealthy for coming this far. His russet tail would flag into the air, a white paw reaching across the border. Curiosity tugged at him as he placed his paw down, but guilt began to claw at his heart already. What would Amalia and Athena think if they found out he'd disobeyed them?

He pursed his lips and drew back his paw, pouting to himself, still conflicted. He really wanted to see what was out there, but he didn't want to disappoint his mothers, nor any of his mentors.  Why couldn't they just take him out to explore, if they thought it was so dangerous for him to be alone? Was he really so small that he couldn't be expected to go beyond Fiori territory? "I feel fine!" he exclaimed to himself in a boyish temper, "They should trust me to go out on my own. I've seen like four moons already, I'm not a whelp!" He huffed and puffed to himself before deciding to turn around and stomp back toward the mangroves where everyone else would be. Why couldn't he just go off on his own? Well, not today, but one day he'd do it, he'd explore new worlds on his own and be the strongest, most fearless grown-up there was!

Athena I


9 Years
11-28-2015, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2015, 04:38 PM by Athena I.)
Eve and I decided that Millie will be getting Diana! Thank you everyone for your apps! I'm sure this won't be the last Amathena litter <3

Mille, they will be born on the 5th so we have a week till the due date! You can go ahead and get her account all set up and stuff and I'll be sure to send you a link to the birthing thread when it's up