
Hm... fish.[OPEN]



9 Years
Extra large
04-09-2013, 05:19 PM

A beast lumbered along the delta, large paws moving over the flattened grass, violet eyes scanning the water for one of her favorite meals. She was here for one reason, fish. Yeah, some probably would think they were okay, not the best thing out there. Zanire kind of agreed but maybe she was in the mood for it because of a craving she had been having. She searched for the perfect spot, spending a good hour just walking up and down until she finally found a suitable spot.

She sat patiently, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, catching the fish between her deadly jaws. After a few minutes some showed up, jumping out of the water, then vanishing into the depths. Eyes narrowed, focusing. Another jumped, she lunged forward, smacking the decently sized fish out of the water and onto the nearby bank. She lunged forward, pinning it down with a paw and quickly bit into it's head, killing it instantly. After she was sure it was dead she lay it on a nearby rock, then went back to the water to catch more.

ooc: Quick and crappy but oh well, wanna get her out there and make her active.



04-10-2013, 09:19 AM
It was an overcast day - something that the Sovari appreciated. The sunlight was hard on her eyes and her skin, the delicate female would much rather be awake during a cloudy day. Normally she would be dozing off around now, but the sound of rain from earlier had kept her up, and instead of sleeping she had watched the water fall from beneath the trees within the den she had made herself. Within the following hours she had emerged from her sleeping quarters, and greeted the gray day with a small smile. Perhaps she could do a bit of wandering, before the sun came out and she found herself feeling lethargic.

The sound of rushing water was pleasant to her ears, the faint splosh of jumping fish could just barely be heard over the sound of trees and bushes dripping from the rainfall. Io enjoyed moments like these - when the air was crisp and it seemed that morning had come a second time. Birds were chirping in the surrounding area, making a fine ruckuss that nearly brought a laugh from the albino. Suddenly taken with a wave of thirst, Io wasted no time making her way toward the delta, leaning her head down to take a drink. When she lifted her head back up, magenta eyes widened at the sight. Quite a few yards away, was a large brown bear who seemed to be fishing. She watched the creature, completely taken aback with her mass and strength.

When she caught her prize, Io silently cheered, her lips pulling into a smile. The beast sat her lunch down on the riverbank, and the albino wondered just how many she was going to catch. Curious, she dared to step closer, stepping into the water and making a splash that was probably loud enough for the other to know she was there - that was, if she didn't already. A part of her was terrified - because there was little out there more dangerous than a bear. Yet she wanted to get a closer look at how the creature fished - perhaps she could use the skill for herself should she learn something new.



9 Years
Extra large
04-11-2013, 10:04 AM

Violet eyes stared down into the water, following a fish that swam about. Catching every flick of the tail, the bubbles that escaped its mouth. You had to be careful with this type of prey, any little thing could send them swimming into deeper water or hiding in the mud. A vibration from a footstep, your shadow, getting too close, saliva dripping onto the waters surface. That was why she stood completely still on the bank, eyes watching closely, body ensing up, prepared for the perfect moment. There! The fish had turned, heading towards the bank, giving Zanire the best moment to strike before it decided to turn around and swim into a different direction.

She lunged fast, not taking her eyes off the fish for a moment as her head dipped into the water. The moment her nose felt the liquid her jaws parted, lips pulling back, teeth closing around the fish's midsection. Just as fast as she striked she had retracted, pulling her large paw out and onto the bank beside the other. Her head turned to the side in a smooth movement, jaws parting, letting the fish slip out and land in the cool grass where it would not be able to flop back into the safety of the water.

A splash from a little down the river caused the beast to pull her head back, lowering her front half down a few inches before pushing against the ground, shifting her weight onto her back legs. Standing on all four she was about a little taller than a normal sized wolf, but now that she was upright she towered over just about any animal that might have tried sneaking up on her at that moment. Like this, she would seem more intimidating than she already was. Identifiez-vous! Her voice came out as a warning growl rumbling from the back of her throat, eyes narrowed, falling upon the sight of a white wolf with oddly colored eyes.

In most cases, someone of her kind would have run the wolf off because she had her catch here and it snuck up on her, but Zanire had been helped and raised by wolves. With the contact she had with them, it caused this bear to be more friendly towards them than she normally would. With that she realized that this wolf would not understand her language, she would have to use the one Arya had taught her. With a twitch of her nose she looked the shewolf over, coming to the conclusion that she was not here to steal her food or attack her, if she was she would have done it instead of obviously making noise.

Stupid wolf, you are. This language was still something odd for her to speak, and so, to wolves it would be broken, not very fluid but still understandable. Her eyes grew a bit softer the longer she stood there, deciding the wolf was no threat what so ever, so she dropped down to all four with a heavy thud without breaking eye contact. Meet different bear, they attack, not like you kind. Bears did not like wolves, they were annoying with their howling and spraying their smell everywhere, even attacking bears in numbers to take their kills.

Instead of questioning the wolf she would just let it speak, see what it wanted, if it wanted something at all. Most approached her because they needed advise or help, and she would usually help them, did this wolf hear about her? Je doute qu'elle a fait ... Je ne m'inqui?te pas vraiment non plus, tant qu'elle ne prend pas mon poisson. Looking over her once more the bear finally turned away, swinging the front end of her body to the side, large paws moving over to where she had dropped the fish. With a paw she pulled the flopping fish she threw over to the rock where she had the other, turning around so she could face the wolf, plopping herself down with a heavy thump. Violet eyes focused back on her as she sat there, a paw laying on the rock with the fish, waiting to see what she wanted.



04-14-2013, 03:31 PM
She was cautious and curious as she watched the other from where she stood. There was space between she and the enormous creature, the albino made sure of that. Perhaps the creature would let her watch her, so long as she kept her distance. She was hesitant as she stepped closer, just once, but jumped when the bear seemed to react to her presence. Io's breathing quickened slightly, fearing the worst for a moment. The other's growl and upright position should have been enough to make her turn and leave. Io had been wrong, this beautiful creature would not let her sit and watch, she had no place here just as she had no place in the sun. Still, there was something peculiar about this behemoth, she could almost understand her words.

It wasn't something entirely strange, as Io had spent more time listening to other creatures than wolves. She could understand the calls of birds and insects, what they meant and how many were gathered - but she did not translate this into words. With this bear, she was memorized, staring as she spoke to her after looking her over. The albino was completely still within the moment of silence, not knowing whether to run or stay put to not further anger the bear. Yet... after the first words that she swore had meant for her to stop, to identify herself, she didn't seem to be angry. The other dropped down ontl all fours again, and Io let out a shuddered sigh.

"Regardless, I have nothing against your kind." She said softly, "I did not mean to disturb you though. I was simply curious, about the way that you fish." It was best that she explain her motives early on, although there was something that pricked the back of her mind, reminding her that speaking with a bear was not an entirely normal experience. Yet the small she wolf had not run, and was instead watching the other as she left her place in the river and instead sat with her hard earned meal.

"You mentioned other bears, but you are different, are you not? You understand me." And she could understand her. Why was that? Was it a tale that the other was willing to tell?



9 Years
Extra large
04-15-2013, 10:51 AM

An ear flicked forward, a brow raising as she told the beast she had nothing against her kind. Maybe, not all wolves were the same of course, some wanted to either kill a bear or be scared and run off at the first scent of it on the wind or just a glimpse of one moving through the land. Most of the time they left Zanire alone, choosing to make her aware of their presence with a bark or growl so she wouldn?t attack, then slink off into the land. This made her feel good, it meant she wouldn?t have to scare them off or have to beat some sense into the wolves, something she hated doing since she had grown up with their kind. With that said, you could say she has respect for them, more than most bears did for sure.

The wolf explained that she didn?t mean to bother the bear, causing her to blow air through her nose slightly with a smirk. The wolf was just curious about the way she fished. Perhaps she never learned the technique for catching them, most likely since she looked to be pretty young, maybe a year or two, so she would?ve been out on her own not that long. Most wolves didn?t leave their birth-pack or parents until the age of one, sometimes two and they didn?t really fish, it just wasn?t on their list of meals, mostly hoofed prey. If she behaved, Zanire would consider teaching her how to catch them, but would have to alter it so that she could learn the wolf way. Each species had their own technique when catching prey.

Finally she got to asking the beast if she was different since she could understand her language. This caused the bear to give a nod of her head, shifting so that she sat straight up with both front paws planted on the ground before her between her back legs. Different, yes. Bears be alone, they like it and only talk bear. Me, she lifted a paw, touching herself on the chest. I meet wolves when young, they help when I hurt. I stayed with them, like not being alone, they teach me wolf talk. Her paw pulled away and was set back on the ground beside the other. Wolf talk hard, that why I sound? funny, broken. She explained to the wolf, nose twitching slightly before she turned her head away to glance down at her fish.

Zanire was not one to telling her life story to people she didn?t know. One, she didn?t like telling people her business, her life was her life and if she felt like telling somebody then she would. That was why she only told the wolf a little bit about herself, because she asked how she was different. What she told her was enough for that, not too little and not too much. The second reason was for if she just met somebody, why would she tell a complete stranger about her past? It was stupid, she saw no reason for telling them. Yeah they were nothing, she wouldn?t meet them again in the future or become best friends with them, but still. Would you tell a stranger you had sex with somebody? No, that was personal stuff.
