
Puppy Love


04-13-2013, 07:51 PM

The plains, early morning. He ran through their plans in his head, half wondering why he was even here in the first place. There was hardly a chance she would show up. Why would she? That precious brother of hers had her wrapped around his paw. There's no way she'd go against him a second time. Still, she had seemed willing for a time, at least before Syrinx had showed up and blown everything. Of course, he wasn't totally to blame. Valkis had certainly thrown a wrench in their otherwise pleasant afternoon. His brother.. his body physically shook when he thought of him. Maverick was surprised he'd gone four days without throttling Valkis. Luckily he hadn't had the chance, as he hadn't seen hide nor hair of his brother since. He was thankful for that.

The plains were large and expansive, much unlike he'd expected them to be. A plain in his mind was smaller, and not quite so wide. The verdant grasses that rose up easily to his chest or higher in places would not allow him to spot her with much ease. Could he risk a howl? If her brother had tagged along it would certainly give away his location.. but what if they missed each other altogether? He couldn't risk her thinking he hadn't shown up, although he was still betting that she would stand him up. After a long deliberation, Maverick tilted his muzzle upward and let out a gentle howl, hoping to call her and only her to his side. A rustling shortly followed his howl, and Maverick wondered if it was her. Epiphron? He would say at almost a whisper, with a slight flicker of his tail. He would be happy to see her, but at the same time he was still fuming with her lack of action in their last meeting. Why hadn't she defended him in any way? Syrinx could have killed him!

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-13-2013, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 04:41 PM by Epiphron.)

Don't think that it's fine

I lie because this distance is poison

It fucks with my mind

The vast expanse of the plain extended before her in all directions. Had she been stupid to suggest this as a meeting place? How the hell would she find Maverick here? Epiphron Adravendi's posture was significantly different than usual as she wandered about the territory -- there was a visible apprehension in her step, a hesitation that she often did not often display. Was it worth meeting with Maverick, and risking his safety, just for a brief moment of bliss? Her affection for the boy clouded her judgment, and for the last few days she'd found herself dwelling on the meeting to come with a strange mixture of anxiety and excitement. Part of her truthfully wanted nothing more than to run away with the boy, to find somewhere they could hide and talk for days, to learn everything about each other, every inch of him... but another part of her knew that Syrinx's threat was very real, and her brother would not be swayed by Epiphron's assurance that Maverick meant no harm to her.

Epiphron had never seen Syrinx act like he had, when he'd found her and Maverick together -- but in all fairness, there had never been an opportunity to. The ties that bound the family together were strong, definitely unbreakable; she'd spent so little time with wolves outside of Valhalla that her brother's protectiveness had just begun to show. But she did agree his anger was unwarranted, but ought she cause a scene over her brother's honorable desire to keep her safe?

The girl's mind whirled with confusion as she wandered, wondering whether Maverick would show at all. And if he did, she'd feel very much at a loss for words -- or so she thought. The female wandered carefully, senses heightened, on alert if her brother chose to follow her again. A gentle sigh rolled from her parted jaws, slightly frustrated as she failed to find the boy right away. It would've been easier to simply meet at the ravine again, and then decide where they ought to go. Epiphron had been inclined to give up, to cut her losses and return home, when her perked ears caught the faint sound of Maverick's tone.

The gentle sound brought a familiar joy to the girl; her muscles tensed with excitement and she felt her soul lighten considerably, despite the anxious knots she felt in her stomach. Her white-furred tail flicked idly behind her as she quickened her pace. His scent was heavy in the air, not at all hard to follow.

The boy appeared in her vision, and despite what her brain told her, she briefly ignored her worries. If he has here, it meant he wanted to try -- still, despite her brother, despite the distance. Despite the fact that they both knew that they really ought to not be together. The unspoken fact hung heavy in the air as Epiphron made her way toward him, with much less fervor than she'd displayed at their last meeting. The female found her muzzle pressing into his neck, inhaling his scent with vague desperation as though she needed to remember that he was, in fact, real. When she pulled back, her sapphire gaze would search his own, though the emotion within was contained.

"You look as though you didn't expect me to show up," she said, her voice a mere whisper. "I know you question the sophistication of my family, but I would never betray my word to you." Her voice was a bit catty, as she looked at Maverick with seriousness, pulling away from the sudden embrace. The immediately joy she'd felt at knowing he did care had subsided slightly as the boy's bitter words echoed in her mind. Despite her obvious affection toward Maverick, an insult on her family would not be forgotten so easily.


04-14-2013, 06:14 PM

The rustling was still present, but no immediate answer came. Maverick backed up a pace, unsure if what was coming at him really was the girl of his dreams. If it wasn't, it could be something far worse. A bear, a mountain lion, or even just an unfriendly wolf. No, he would believe it would be her, even though half of him refused to try. Then, she appeared, looking as gorgeous as ever. She embraced him before he could even draw in a breath, their bodies touching, melting together. Holding in what little breath he had left, he tried to imagine what it would be like to be with her forever, to never have to separate or go back home. He wondered if things would be less special if he were with her all the time, wondered if they'd get old, routine. And yet, something told him he'd always have his breath stolen away every time he saw her. She whispered to him, her words only now making sense in his mind, and then brought up his comment with a snarky quip. Maverick backed away as she did, his ears folding against his skull, tail whipping behind him.

At least I said something.. he would retort with a swing of his tail. She had remained all too silent upon every meeting that her brother had infiltrated, and had never once come to his immediate aid. Oh sure, she'd whisper tones into her brother's ear every now and again, but could that really even be considered an honest effort to protect Maverick? He was risking his life every time he came to meet her, what was she risking? He knew he'd been in the wrong to bring up Neo, but at the time it had seemed like the only thing that might work, apparently he'd been a fool to think that way. Then again.. only fools fell in love, right? He clicked his jaws shut and quickly unhinged them once more. Where's your bodyguard anyway? Waiting in the shadows until you've had your say before he comes and rips my entrails out? He was being spiteful, and snarky, and everything that the boy didn't stand for, but he was irritated. Maverick feigned a look into the darkness behind her, but could see nothing beyond the tall grasses. This was not the way he'd intended things to go.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 08:21 PM by Epiphron.)

I am unraveling, unbearably empty,

and if this ground gives way

I just hope that you catch me.

Epiphron immediately felt regret for her overly bitter retort, wishing she had just buried her face in Maverick's fur and never pulled away. She wanted so badly to retreat into his pelt and escape there, forever. But she was unable to let Maverick's comment go unnoticed, and as her blue gaze locked with the other creature's green stare, she felt the irritation welling up within her throat. Briefly her teeth would bare, revealed under parted lips, but the expression was short-lived. She was irritated, but she did not hate Maverick. Not at all.

At least I said something, he retorted with a surprising quickness, and her own tail lashed behind her dangerously. A fire was growing in her eyes as she watched Maverick, a passion unlike anything she'd known. Even upon her own mother's death, she'd mourned silently and solemnly, never a creature of excessive anything, especially emotion. But as she watched the russet boy before her, watched his ears flatten against his skull and his own tail flick behind his larger frame, she felt her chest clench. The girl swore she felt the rapid pounding of her heart, beating against her ribcage, echoing through her entire body. "Do you really believe I'd let Syrinx actually hurt you?" Her voice was low but threatening, bitingly sweet, and yet serious beyond compare. Her brother had struck him once, but she was not so passive as to let her brother mutilate Maverick. No, she cared for him far too deeply to let that happen...

"Syrinx did not follow me," Eyelids narrowed over sapphire eyes, watching Maverick with an incredulous look. "I was sure to be more careful this time. If you think for a second I'd purposefully put you in danger, you have a lot to learn about me." Eyes would flash threateningly. Of course they had a lot to learn about one another, but it seemed Maverick was doubting the very reason that she'd promised to come here again; because she cared about him. "And I know you don't like Syrinx, but you obviously have no respect for my family, regardless of not knowing a damn thing about them..." An insult to her family, to the Valhalla pack, was an insult to the core of her being. Despite the anger flowing through her, somehow she still wanted to rush forward and embrace the boy with all her might; the conflicting emotions were confusing and annoying and her mind whirled with all of them as she watched Maverick, waiting.


04-14-2013, 08:52 PM

After he'd spoken he already regretted it, and yet some part of him did not. Why was he always divided in his thinking? Why was he always unsure of his true feelings? What he knew was this.. he wanted her and no one else. A fire blazed in her eyes as she realized what he'd said. The boy knew his mistake, but like always it was too late. Her actions mimicked his as her tail whipped back and forth behind her. This was not how he'd pictured things at all. She would retort, almost challenging him to think differently. Had he thought she would let Syrinx hurt him? Maverick wasn't sure. He snapped at my face, and you did nothing. Not a thing. He paused, trying to figure out how to word the thoughts in his head. I know how deep love for a sibling can go, She had to know that he understood, he had a sister too, but if Kamala hated Epiphron like Syrinx hated him, Maverick would do everything in his power to make his sister see things differently.

I'm sorry, he's just.. you didn't know he was following you last time. His words changed direction halfway through his speech. His mind was reeling over the situation. How long could he stand this agony, the uncertainty if they would ever have a future? How long could she stand it? Would she even try? He stepped forward, trying to narrow the uncomfortable gap between them. I do respect your family, my father has spoken highly of them, and he scarcely knows them. I just.. with Syrinx acting the way he does, and looking at me like that.. how am I supposed to feel? Tell me how I'm supposed to react, Epiphron. Tell me. If she knew all the answers, than the least she could do was enlighten him. Tail flickered behind him nervously, restlessly, and frustratedly. They met once a week, sometimes twice, he did not want to spend this time fighting, though he wasn't sure how they could stop now. An uneasy feeling swept over him as he fidgeted where he stood.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 09:34 PM by Epiphron.)

Can you tell me what you want to hear?

I won't say it

Let's check to see if we're still on the same page

Blocking out the bad parts

Dodging all the long shots

Anger shone in Epiphron's vibrant blue gaze; she felt tears welling up in her eyes, but held them back. Why the hell was she getting so angry at a boy she was supposed to care for so deeply? She'd never experienced such intense emotion -- anger, sadness, whatever the hell it was -- for anyone, even her family. The girl would lower her muzzle towards the earth slightly, eyelids narrowing further as he spoke, as though scrutinizing the russet wolf that stood before her. "It wasn't as though he seriously hurt you," she nearly snarled, though her voice was low. If Syrinx did happen to be near, and she so deeply hoped he wasn't, she found no reason for him to hear her biting words. "He didn't even draw blood." That wasn't the point, and she knew it... but if Maverick couldn't deal with a slight scratch, she wondered if he would be able to handle whatever else might try to keep them apart. Though she said this, she was well aware that Maverick didn't care about the single incident of being snapped at, but the entire situation as a whole. "If you can't survive a simple scrape, I'm not so sure you can handle whatever it might take for us to keep doing this. This is just as difficult for me as it is for you." She glared at the boy, though her posture leaned towards him slightly, as though she was holding herself back from rushing into him and wrapping him in her embrace.

"You might understand how Syrinx feels, but you... you don't know my brother. His intentions are pure, albeit misguided." Her brother, the future Alpha of Valhalla, the cynical boy with the lower jaw that was forever revealed, the skin around the bone missing forever. Her brother was different, but of how he was different she was not sure. But how fiercely protective she felt of him. She would defend the boy to his death, despite how tainted he might be, even if his actions should be condemned. But she was unwilling to think of what would happen if Syrinx really did hurt Maverick -- was her brother capable of such a thing?

The girl's voice quivered a bit, the moisture in her eyes visible as she lifted her crown to stare at Maverick with a burning intensity. "He.. he won't see things differently, you don't understand. You're not..." Not of Valhalla. Epiphron didn't have to even bring up the possibility of her marrying a wolf outside of her pack, because she knew her family would settle for no less than a Valhallan husband for her.

Wait... marriage? Were her feelings for Maverick so strong that she found herself even considering such possibilities already? "He just won't, Maverick." Instinctively the girl's gaze swept the land behind Maverick, attempting to search the tall grasses, as though looking for her brother. "It's not worth fighting with him. He's..." Syrinx was the heir, he could be crowned Alpha any day that Collision saw fit. It's not worth arguing with him, she wanted to explain, for the boy was higher rank than she and he could ruin any chance she might have for climbing the ranks. But was that more important than any future she might have with Maverick? Was she really so damn concerned with what Syrinx might say, or do, if she stood up to him? Was she really so vain? The answer was yet, but she couldn't admit that to the boy. Not when she really cared for him, when she didn't want to stop seeing him.

"I don't know what you're supposed to feel, Maverick," she said after a long moment of silence, her voice audibly quivering. Epiphron was perhaps wrong in not defending Maverick's honorable intentions to her brother, but what other option did she have, if she wanted to see him again? "I shouldn't have even came here. This was a bad idea..." Her tone wavered, from sad to angry all in one sentence, but her eyes still shone with tears that threatened to spill. She felt stupid for caring so much, for not defending Maverick, felt stupid that her brother found the need to follow her like she was a child, stupid for everything. The feeling was altogether unfamiliar and unpleasant, and her vulnerability made her want to flee the situation entirely, not sure quite how to face it. She couldn't feign a strong demeanor now, not around Maverick, as hard as she tried.


04-15-2013, 11:41 AM

Why? Why was she being so difficult all the sudden? One minute she'd rushed to him, embraced him and acted as if she was just as fool headed for him as he was for her. And now.. now she was griping at him and acting as if he was pathetic and childish. He was childish? It was her brother who bit into anyone who didn't do things his way. It was she who hunkered behind him while he did the talking for her. Had this been her plan all along? To do what she willed and then have her brother do the dirty work? No, he refused to believe that, though some part of him wanted to. It doesn't matter if he hurt me or not, Epiphron. He could have killed me if he wanted to, and I really think he wanted to. What's to stop him the next time, or the next? If she didn't start acting like Maverick was worth something her brother would probably kill him the next time, or the time after that, or whenever the beast with no bottom lip wanted to. I've seen worse than a scrape, it's not even that that's bothering me. Though physically, very little harm had ever come to him in his year of life, he had seen horrors, lived through them, and thrived. He knew worse things than having fur torn away.

I beg to differ, I don't see my family threatening you. Sure, Valkis showed up once, but he's just talk. It's not like anyone on my side would ever think of hurting you. He was livid now, not exactly with her, but with the situation. He'd taken flack from both sides, been attacked and humiliated by his own mother, and by her brother. She was no worse for wear than she had been in the start of things, and in fact, she might be better off. He'd been chastised, brutalized, humiliated, and threatened, and all she had to show for it was her brother keeping a bit closer of an eye on her. How could she say things were just as hard on her?

Pure? How can wanting to kill someone for simply being near you be pure? He shot daggers into thin air, not bothering to look her way. He knew if he did he'd melt where he stood, and he couldn't afford that. He wanted to be mad - needed to get it all out. This wasn't how he'd intended things to go, but he couldn't change that now. It was time they stopped acting like children, it was time they got their feelings straight. I'm not what, not an Adravendi? Of course he wasn't, it'd be sick and twisted if he were. Burning lime gaze shifted to her, but he didn't melt as he'd anticipated, instead, he saw uncertainty on her side. He knew she wasn't purposely trying to make his life difficult, but he also knew she wasn't making the situation any easier. He might if you tried, these words weren't laced with steel like the others, instead they were calmer, almost defeated in tone, pleading, in a sense. Couldn't she at least try? Didn't she owe him at least that much? Did she owe him anything at all?

Ears remained hunkered to his skull, feeling uncertain and unsure of everything he'd ever known. Hurt filled his eyes as she said it wasn't worth fighting with him over. What she meant was, Maverick wasn't worth fighting over. He turned his gaze away, eyes burning and welling up. You mean I'm not worth fighting over. He wasn't a fool, he knew what she'd meant, even if she hadn't meant it that way. If he was worth it she'd have done so by now, and she hadn't, so he wasn't. His head dropped in altitude, tail following suit as he willed himself to just turn away, to flee and never return to this spot again. I don't either, he retorted, the uncertainty of it all clear in his opaque voice. She spoke of regretting coming, and Maverick bit back the urge to give a snarky 'maybe you shouldn't have' reply. He knew he didn't mean it, it was just his emotions talking. Instead, a silence took over, accompanied only by their breathing.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-15-2013, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 12:46 PM by Epiphron.)

While part of her hated feeling so weak, so vulnerable, for standing here nearly shouting at this boy she had such strong feelings, staring at him with her eyes welling with tears, part of her wanted more. More of what? More of Maverick, certainly -- more of this argument? No.. but the passion was thrilling and made her feel more alive than ever before. She couldn't turn and leave, no, not now.

Maverick went on, his own words quivering with anger at her lack of action. He didn't get it; he didn't know her family. And at this rate, he never would. Her vision blurred as she redirected her gaze, his rage seeming to grow with every word he spoke. The way he spoke of his family -- his 'side' -- made her chest clench painfully. Their families were not just packs, but sides. Opposing sides, in a sense, despite their neutral status -- at least for Epiphron, the fact that Maverick was of Seracia meant they would simply not be together. Not easily, not without a fight.

He went on, insulting her brother once again. The feeling was so unpleasant that she, too, kept her gaze fixated on a single blade of grass that separated them from each other. The girl let him go on, feeling unusually speechless despite that rage that burned inside her own chest. He was disappointed in her, for not standing up for him. It was really an awful feeling, disappointing someone she was supposed to care about.

"You mean I'm not worth fighting over." The pain was audible in Maverick's words, and Epiphron was not heartless enough to ignore his suffering. No, she couldn't. Her sapphire gaze drifted to his face slowly, still welling with tears that threatened to spill at the slightest disturbance. "I never said that, Maverick," once again she nearly shouted at the boy, her words rolling into a dangerous snarl. Teeth peeked out from under parted lips, disbelief etched on her face. "Do you ever wonder what the point of all this is? I know we haven't talked about it, but my family sure as hell won't take kindly to their daughter falling for a boy from Seracia. Do you wonder when the fun will wear off? When you're crowned King, will you want really anything to do with me? Surely Seracia won't be impressed with their King running off every week to meet some girl from Valhalla. I can count on that." The elephant in the room was that neither of them would be inclined to leave their packs, and this made the whole situation a lot more difficult. Her own tail seemed to wilt, curling dejectedly between her hind legs.

"I just... fuck, Maverick. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I can't keep you off my mind, even though we last saw each other just a few days ago. I don't understand." Was this what love felt like? If so, it was amazing and awful all at the same time, feeling so vulnerable and passionate and everything all at once.


04-15-2013, 01:05 PM

He couldn't stand this. If this was love he wanted no part of it. The agony, the pain, the torture, was it really worth the few moments of glorious bliss that sometimes - but not always - followed? He'd known this was coming, knew it from the start that one day they'd be torn apart, wrenched from each other's sides , forever to live their life by their families codes of conduct. But what if he didn't give a damn about that anymore? What if he wanted her, and her alone? Lately she's all he could think about, lately.. she was everything that made up his mind, his body, his soul. Forget being Prince, forget becoming King. What did it all mean if it meant giving up on her? It was plain and clear that nothing would ever be so painful as this, and half of his mind screamed at him to just run, to turn around and flee and forget about love and life and happiness. To go home, crawl back to his father, be his perfect little puppet and one day rise to wear the crown of Seracia. But what use was a crown without a queen? What use was it trying to hard, being so good, working so fervently if he had nothing to show for it at the end? Sure, he would be remembered as a King, would be remembered as part of the legacy of the Mathias family, but who cared about the Mathias' if he couldn't even bring forth heirs to further the lineage? Oh sure, his father would probably see to it that he had grandchildren one day, but the thought of having children with anyone but the woman screaming her head off of him at this very moment seemed horrendous. Children? Had he really gone that far in his thinking, to imagine the pitter patter of little paws on Seracian grounds? Who was to say she'd even want to come to Seracia? It was painfully clear she was tied endlessly to Valhalla, and he to his Kingdom.

So what was the point of it all? What was all of the agony for, if not a relationship laid to waste? She retorted, but her words were all but lost to him. Sure, she hadn't said it, but she'd sure as hell meant it. Snarky comment caught in his throat as he remained silent, brooding. He would shift his weight, fidgeting where he stood while she formulated another reply, this one as biting as the rest - but even more so since it had been his exact thought. Do you really think a crown could make me forget you, make me give up on whatever the hell this is? I don't care what Seracia would think of me running off to find you, we can cross that bridge when we get to it, but I'll be damned if there's no point to this madness.. There had to be a point, there just had to be.

To quote your words, 'this is just as difficult for me as it is for you'. He would utter with a far more emotional tone than before. You're on my mind every second, do you know that? Even when I'm supposed to be doing something, accepting someone, or making myself productive. You have never once left my thoughts since I first laid eyes on you. I get distracted, I daydream, I think about the future, I remember the past. Epiphron, I don't know what this is but I know it's real. It hurts, it stings, and it makes me want to just give up but then I don't, because I remember the first time we met, the first time we kissed, the feeling of when you wrap yourself around me. Damn everyone and everything else, Epiphron. I. Want. You. He huffed as he finished, not realizing the serious lack of breathing he'd experienced while voicing his feelings. It had all been a blur, and he hoped to whatever god there might be that it was coherent enough for her to understand. He wanted to rush forward, to embrace her, to give every part of himself that he hadn't already given to her, but he stayed still.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-15-2013, 02:33 PM

Her mind whirled, torn between what felt like every emotion imaginable. Her ego shattered into what truly seemed like a million pieces. Not only had she pissed Maverick off in her silence, in her passivity towards Syrinx's actions, but she had disappointed him and hurt him and his pain shone like fire in those green eyes she found herself adoring. Even looking into the depths of those eyes was painful, and she swore she felt a single tear trickling down her cheek. Damn this. Why was it that Maverick made her feel everything so strongly? Nothing else in the world had made her so angry, so upset. She'd only actually seen the boy on three separate occasions, other than this one, so why did he matter so much to her?

"You think that now," she retorted bitterly, her words seething angrily from her throat. "You don't know how being crowned King will change you, Maverick." It hadn't changed Collision, but she knew power could corrupt even the most innocent of creatures. She knew she, too, desired power, wanted to be higher in Valhalla, wanted recognition, wanted to be known as more than just Cairo's daughter. Was she willing to sacrifice that for a chance at being with Maverick? It seemed neither of them were willing to, but at the very least they were willing to work around it.

While most wolves would find their anger subdued by Maverick's next words, Epiphron's reaction was surprising even to herself. Maverick began to confess how much he cared about her, claiming he thought about her literally all the time. Not only that, he admitted he wanted her... how much, she really didn't know, but she was certain he hadn't told her anything like that before. Why did Maverick care so much about her? She was well aware of her beauty, of the fact that she'd been endowed with a pretty face and an appealing body, and a sweet voice to match. But certainly Seracia had a female of comparable beauty, a woman that Maverick wouldn't have to struggle so hard to be with.

The feeling of conflicting disappointment and extreme importance set her off, a low snarl slipping from Epiphron's throat. Her eyes burned with tears as she watched Maverick, shifting slightly to lower her muzzle. It felt so useless to fight about this, when it felt like they would forever be forced to sneak off and meet in private. The future she envisioned with him was not possible, it would never be. "Just go." Blue eyes watched him with unbelievable adoration, mixed with tears of anguish and fury. Epiphron was fairly certain she couldn't speak any other words to him. Her throat tightened, any words she tried to speak bubbling up as a dull growl.


04-15-2013, 04:37 PM

It seemed they were doomed to an argument. They were both too fired up and frustrated, but the problem was.. they were frustrated not at each other, but at the situation. Only, they couldn't take it out on the situation, so they yelled at each other. Very much like kids, they were not seeing things clearly. Then again, who in love ever thought clearly? Three meetings, four counting this one, and already he had pledged his love to her - though he'd never actually used the dangerous four letter word. No, he wasn't old enough to use that word, surely he wasn't. I'll think that always, he retorted almost spitefully, with a flash of fangs. She couldn't tell him that he'd change, that he'd be different or worse off for being crowned King. How much different could it be than being Prince, anyway? Sure, he wouldn't have to live in his father's shadow and he could do whatever he wanted, but hell, he practically did that now anyway. You don't know either, so don't assume the worst.

Why did women insist upon thinking the worst of their male counterparts? Why were they always so pessimistic? Of course, it wasn't like he had all that much experience with females, but he'd been around them enough to know it was true. His mother certainly thought the worst of his father at times, and she always seemed to be pessimistic about his ideas. He was surprised his father could deal with it. Maverick thought surely it would drive him mad if he was in his place. He waited anxiously, wondering what she would say, how she would react to his confession of feelings. Surely that would quell the anger that raged in those cerulean eyes. Surely, surely...

He had been wrong, so very wrong. The fire flashed in her eyes, frightening him, worrying him. The Prince shifted his weight, leaning back as if she were somehow repelling him, forcing him away. Words bit into him and he stifled a whine. She wanted him to.. to leave? After what he'd said? It wasn't enough that he'd just pledged his love and loyalty to her? She wanted no more of him. She must've thought this was all a game, a silly little game. Well if she thought that, she had certainly just won. Fine, he would snap, jaws clicking together forcefully as he pivoted and turned, meaning to move away slowly in case by some miracle she wanted to stop him. He didn't want to go, he never wanted to go.

Exit unless stopped.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-15-2013, 07:56 PM

She realized her mistake too late. Epiphron had already told Maverick to leave. After he had admitted how much he would go through for her, how deeply he cared for her, she'd snarled angrily and told him to leave. She reminded herself all too painfully of her brother Neo -- a creature full of excessive rage and anguish.

The female bowed her head, dipping her muzzle low to the ground. Any other wolf of the right mind would've found her anger quenched by his honesty. Maverick had spilled his heart to her, given her so much more than she had offered him. Somehow the boy was so incredible, she almost felt as though she couldn't live up to him. He was putting his life on the line to see her, and what was she doing? Risking a slight humiliation when her brother found her? Her own weakness only made her feel even more frustrated. Her own actions seemed out of her control; she wanted so badly to just stop fighting and enjoy the brief time she had with Maverick, but she found herself snapping at him and snarling like a pup.

And he turned to leave. He wouldn't fight it... she'd been the one to tell him to leave, after all. Tears still burned in her eyes, blurring her vision. The thought of Maverick actually leaving sent her into something like a mental panic. What if she wanted to see him again? She wouldn't dare go to the borders of Seracia to find him, and how else would they manage to find each other? The possibility of a future without Maverick was terrifying.

Epiphron wasn't sure quite what came over her, but fear of being abandoned gripped her tightly and refused to let go. With a swift motion she leaped after Maverick, attempting to pin the boy to the ground. It would not be painful -- the ground was padded with grass and soft dirt -- and she did not want to hurt him, but she refused to let him slip away. Even if she had told him to. Even if he wanted to.


04-15-2013, 08:12 PM

Leave, leave. She'd told him to leave. What kind of a joke was this? What kind of heartless witch was she to turn him away after he'd spilled his guts in a pool for her. She'd spat at him metaphorically, become infuriated after he'd pledged his life, his soul, his everything to her. He'd let his guard down, let the walls thad built up fall like Jericho, and she had laughed in his face - metaphorically, at least. He wanted to turn around, to have the last word, the last laugh, but he didn't - he couldn't. A sigh rang from his lips as he paced away at a sluggish pace, clearly, almost certainly trying to get her to change his mind before he was really gone, before he was gone for good.

Oof! She hit him like a ton of bricks, quite literally.. in fact. He went sailing toward the earth, slamming into it with full force, but finding it to be softer than he'd imagined it would be. With a thud he lay there, stunned, noting her weight on top of him. She had tackled him, honestly and truly tackled him! Maverick just lay there, unsure what he was supposed to do. Did she mean for this to be an attack, the beginnings of a spar? Or was this a last ditch effort at trying to keep him here after she'd told him to leave?

Shifting his weight slightly he maneuvered to his side, so that she was still on top of him but not pinning him face first into the dirt. Twisting his head around, he craned to place a kiss on her cheek, or muzzle, or anywhere he could possibly reach from this angle. Deciding to lighten the previously tense moments, Maverick spoke up in jest. You know.. I'm getting mixed signals here.. A light chuckle shook his frame as his unhinged jaws allowed the sound to bubble forth. It felt good to laugh, things had been too serious before, too.. emotional.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-15-2013, 08:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 08:37 PM by Epiphron.)

I gotta feel you in my bones again

I'm all over you, I'm not over you

I wanna taste you one more time again

This life is way too short to get caught up and all mixed up

Epiphron couldn't believe herself. Had she really struck Maverick, even if it hadn't been particularly rough. She still had leapt forward, attempting to tackle him to the ground, and she had succeeded. Never had she been particularly physically violent, and she surprised herself by even tackling the boy she cared for so deeply and pinning him to the ground. The girl's limbs were quivering quite obviously as she stood above the boy. Her eyes, glossed-over and distant, watched him. Her voice had been a low snarl, but the sound that suddenly escaped her throat was nothing more than a desperate whimper.

She really did care for Maverick, so deeply. Knowing what obstacles would face them was frustrating and upsetting and made part of her want to give up entirely, but her heart wouldn't shut up as hard as she tried. Epiphron wanted Maverick, all to herself, never to share him with someone else. What would happen when he took a wife? Surely a woman would need to lead alongside him, if Seracia was mind, but as Maverick shifted beneath her, she whimpered again, painfully aware of the effect he had on her. The charming boy shifted to place a simple kiss on her cheek, and she swore she would melt right there. He had her wrapped around his paw, and she couldn't get away from him, as hard as she tried.

A slight smile crept onto her lips, though her features were still markedly unsure, confused and hurt. "Yes, you're giving me plenty of mixed signals," she teased very softly, straining to look him in the eye. She shifted so he move more comfortably, not wanting to pin him down completely. "I'm sorry, Maverick," she whispered, tones pleading and desperate. Love was stupid, but the girl found herself addicted to the feeling. The terrifying thought was how easily he could hurt her, if he so choose -- so terribly easily. "I don't like this. This sucks, a lot..." Her lower lip quivered a bit as she looked down at the larger wolf. "But I don't want you to go. I don't want you to ever leave, Maverick." Epiphron couldn't understand why she felt so attached to him, but she didn't care... her feelings didn't need justification, especially if they were returned. This was not the self she knew. She was supposed to be strong and contained and serene, not this teary-eyed pathetic shell of a girl, but around Maverick she felt different. Very different.


04-16-2013, 04:36 PM

He was glad to be able to lighten the moment, even if any minute now she might snap at his face or go nuts on him again. He hoped that his jest might somehow change the route they were headed in. He had a bad feeling if something didn't change they'd end up leaving and never meeting again. Maverick wasn't sure he could handle that - though by all means he felt like it might be the best measure to take. Was that the best option? How easy could it be keeping this up, sneaking away from their families, their homes, just to see one another for a few hours? Maverick was Prince, and would surely have duties to attend to as he aged, and Epiphron was training to be lead warrior.. wouldn't she have things to do as well? And what would happen if they met other wolves while apart? How long could they kid themselves? Maverick was growing more and more unsure by the second.

But the feel of her on top of him, hovering just over him so that she wouldn't pin him entirely, was amazing. She created in him a sense of hope, of love, of pure and genuine happiness. Not even his title of Prince had come close to giving him any feeling like that. Oh I'm the one giving mixed signals? He poked in her direction with his muzzle, his jaws unhinging to let a laugh slip from his chest. Whatever you say, gorgeous. She apologized and his brow furrowed slightly. He thought they'd just gotten past that, and here she was bringing it back up. Still, it was nice to hear her apologize. It does suck, but.. so does life. He paused, trailing off for a moment. But I think life without you would suck even more. He could not have been more correct. Life trying to be with her sucked incredibly, but life without her.. he had a feeling that would suck so much he didn't even want to think about it longer than he had to.

Lifting his head up he would reach to press whatever he could against her cheek, hoping to comfort her. She was feeling vulnerable, he knew, because deep down he was feeling it too. Tongue would slip from his jaws as he sought to shower kisses upon her, anything to make her know how much he cared. Don't worry, he whispered in a deep, manly tone. I wont leave as long as you don't ask me to. Another feeling was creeping up on him, this one stirred in his back half, looming and teasing him. This positioning wasn't helping, but Maverick wasn't about to complain. A devilish smirk crossed his features, but he wiped it away - hopefully before she could see. Ah, the thoughts of a teenage boy.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-16-2013, 06:03 PM

Maverick gazed up at her with such intense adoration she felt like she could collapse at any moment. The girl shifted so her paws were not on top of Maverick, but rather on each side of him, and he moved so he could get a better view of her. Often this position was one of submissiveness, subordination, but Epiphron had never felt so equal to anyone in her life. She supposed this was how couples generally felt; it certainly was how her father and mother had always acted. The boy beneath her was rather defenseless right now, just as vulnerable as she was. It made her heart beat rapidly in her chest, her breathing slightly shallow as she stood above her.

"Yep, all your fault," she teased very softly, the smile that begun to grace her face strangely tender. How badly she wished she could bring Maverick home with her, introduce him to her family, let him live alongside. And she was sure he wished she could return to Seracia with him, but for now they would be separated by distance and their families and whatever else threatened to come between them.

Her eyes, once filled with tears, had brightened considerably as she gazed fondly at Maverick. She lowered herself slightly, letting her smaller frame press against his own. The feeling of his fur against her own sent a shiver up her spine, her smile widening slightly. Then she lowered her muzzle, so her mouth was positioned directly near his ear. Her tongue slid from parted jaws to caress the side of his face very gently. "Then you're never leaving." She didn't mean that in the literal sense... they both knew they had to leave. But that was what she wanted, and at the very least she meant it metaphorically -- she wanted to be his, for a long time, and was fairly certain he wanted the same exact thing.


04-16-2013, 06:26 PM

He wondered how long they'd linger like this. Him, lying like a pup submissive upon the dirt, her, hovering just above him like a bright white angel. Perhaps this was all a dream, he'd wake up soon in the warmth of his den, his head resting on his paws, or on the dry earth below him. Yes, he'd wake up any minute now, any second... Lime eyes blinked three times, but she didn't vanish, nothing changed. He wasn't dreaming! A sly smile crossed his lips as he shifted his position ever so slightly, coincidentally sending a shiver down his spine which lingered in his nether regions. Sensations like this were new and foreign, but certainly not unwanted. She would tease him, causing him to wriggle beneath her playfully. Clearly I'm the one to blame.. no wonder you tackled me. Maybe you'll make a decent warrior after all. Is that still what you're going after, princess? The word rolled off of his tongue in a sarcastic manner, lingering in the air with a joke he knew only she would fully understand. She was a princess by all rights, she just didn't happen to carry the title with her. But what kind of princess chose to be a warrior, a mere knight bent only to serve the Kingdom? A devilish smirk graced his features.

She leaned into him and for a moment he thought he might explode from the added pressure. Not because it was bad or painful, but because it was so excruciatingly euphoric. How was it that a touch, a simple touch, could send him to nirvana and back in a split second? Did his father feel this way when Adette got near him? Not that those two had been close by any standards lately. In fact, Maverick hadn't seen hide nor hair of his mother in the better part of a week or more. Funny, he'd have to check into that... later. Wouldn't dream of it, he said with a tone that was both serious and adoring. But the elephant still lingered, stomping all over his hopes and dreams. Just how long could they keep this up, and more importantly, how long would they want to? If the wanting to didn't overlap with or extend past the attempting to, he was sure they were doomed. Where do you suppose we go from here? It was a metaphorical question, hinting at where their relationship was going, not them in the physical sense. In fact, the boy had half a mind to never leave this position again, loving the feeling of her gentle pressure on his chest and underside. It was a side of him rarely ever touched by another, and he felt as if it was special, just for her.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-16-2013, 08:24 PM

Epiphron was normally confident, so sure of herself -- but in the face of this, the experience of the strange warm feeling that flooded her body and made her skin tingle at the slightest touch -- she was at a loss. Certainly she was not afraid, but hesitant, confused. She'd only so much as harmlessly flirted with a male before, never anything more. Never. She felt painfully inexperienced, and she was fairly certain Maverick wasn't any more enlightened than she. But the girl wasn't bashful in letting their bodies connect, thrilled at the feeling of skin on skin. She swore she felt a whimper slip from her jaws as he shifted beneath her to a more comfortable position for the both of them.

"I think something along those lines," she answered him, eyes sparkling as though mischievously. "I truthfully haven't been able to find much time to train. I blame you for that." The girl pulled back slightly to look him in the eye again, placing a kiss upon his nose. "If I keep spending so much time with you, you'll be responsible for keeping me in shape. No more of this laziness."

Truthfully, the girl wasn't terribly worried. Valhalla wasn't in dire need of fighters -- and at the rate they were meeting, Epiphron would keep perfectly fit from endless walks, the ones that seemed to take hours, that she took to see him.

His question was sudden and honest, and she found her voice caught in her throat for a moment. "I suppose you don't mean right now," she teased, because right now she wanted to do nothing but lay right here with him, preferably for the rest of the day. But every second together made it more likely that Syrinx might find them, or even Valkis, or whoever else might make it their goal to separate the two youngsters. She slid closer to nip at his ear, unaware of how awkward the position might've looked, the two wolves pressed belly to belly. All she knew was that she loved it.

"Perhaps... you should meet Erani. She's like a mother to me. If I asked her, she wouldn't tell anyone about us, not until I'm ready. I really don't know how long we can go sneaking off for hours at a time without explanation." Erani would be honest with her, she knew it, but the woman cared so deeply for her that she wouldn't try to ruin something that truly made Epiphron happy. This wasn't the way things were supposed to be, and she knew it; she should've fallen for a Valhallan boy, life would be so much easier that way. But the girl had realized at a young age that life was never easier, and only got harder with time.


04-18-2013, 08:24 PM

Blame me for whatever you want, doll. Your brother already does, He smirked, letting her know that while he was chastising her brother's nature, he wasn't trying to disrespect him. Maverick certainly didn't want to drag them into another fight, he was just trying to be clever. But there was a big difference to being clever and being wise. Mav was sure he hadn't found the fine line between the two yet in his year of life. Keep you in shape? I could think of a few ways we could make that happen.. A devilish smirk wrinkled his face as he wriggled beneath her seductively - hardly knowing what he was doing, but liking it all the same. The boy was naive in the ways of love - particularly the intimate ways - but that didn't mean he couldn't learn.. or experiment. Eyes continued to twinkle as he tried to put on an innocent face, knowing that she probably would scorn him for his blatant attempt at wooing her. She could act like she didn't like it, but he knew deep down she did. She wanted it just as bad as he, but had more self control than the boy could boast.

Not right now, I'm pretty comfortable where I am. Another smirk and another twinkle in his eyes. He was being bad, wasn't he? He liked this side of himself, mostly because he never got to act like this at home. If he even tried to let slip a seductive joke it'd probably end in a stern lecture from his mother or father, or some funny looks from any number of Seracians. It just wasn't proper, but damn all the courtesies of home. He was in the rogue lands, with a pretty girl, he'd be just as vulgar as he wanted to. She broke up his thoughts, mentioning meeting someone. Erani. She mentioned that Erani wouldn't tell anyone about them, and Maverick considered it. On one hand it would be good for her to be able to get away without her brother tagging along. Why would he be suspicious if she were leaving with this Erani? Still, it would mean chaperoned visits, and certainly no physical closeness like this again. Could they risk it for privacy, or should they take the easy route with supervision? If you think it'll keep that brother of yours from ringing my neck, I'm willing to give it a shot. You think.. she'll be okay with me? His real worry was that Erani might disapprove somehow, and send him packing, never to see Epiphron again. He wasn't sure he could get over something like that.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-20-2013, 10:50 PM

"Shut up," she teased gently when he brought up her brother, leaning down to nuzzle the side of his cheek gently. She certainly knew they had a lot to talk about, perhaps regarding her brother, and her lack of action in protecting him -- she realized now she had been dangerously passive, and should've spoken up on his behalf. But both of them seemed more than willing to ignore the more important things, and instead focus on enjoying each other's company. As long as Maverick was in the same mindset, she would be more than content to be as irresponsible as he was. At least for now, until they had to discuss their plans for the future, when they would meet next and if they would continue in slight secrecy, or whether she would need to talk to her brother...

Her attention was arrested from all of these thoughts as the boy beneath her cracked a joke that seemed to make her face grow hot and a shiver run down her spine. Though she was as confident as a creature could be at such an age about most things... well, she, too, was quite ignorant about love and relationships and everything else, but she wouldn't deny that Maverick made her want to learn. Not with just anyone, but certainly him in particular. Teasingly she bent closer to nip at his ear, her teeth firm but gentle. "I know there's a few ways we could make it happen," she repeated with a gentle laugh, her voice low in his ear, a mere whisper. "But that doesn't mean it will. Maybe, only if you're lucky." The girl was merely teasing, feeling comfortable enough to return his direct flirtation with some of her own.

The girl's own expression was one of slight mischievousness as she pulled back to gaze at him, tail wagging quickly behind her. But the motion would waver slightly as they began to discuss more important things. As much as the girl truly wanted to hover over him forever, she was growing slightly tired -- it'd been quite a trek here, after all -- and she shifted off of him, after planting a simple kiss on Maverick's lips. She went to rest on her belly beside him, unwilling to break the eye contact between them.

"I know she'll be okay with you," she said, very surely, though her expression became slightly more serious. "I do think she'll want me to tell father about you, if I'm planning on seeing you more, but... I don't think she would stop us from seeing eachother. She'd want me to be happy."