Thread Closed 

Oh Look Its a Contest!



11-29-2015, 10:29 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2015, 08:00 AM by Tealah.)
Hear ye, hear ye!

We are now officially opening a very important contest: Alacratia's Next Top Pack!

We are down four packs right now and staff have decided that we will be holding a pack creation contest. The rules are simple: You must not already have a primary alpha, your would-be alpha character must be a year old, be a wolf or a canine over 23" tall, and must have a mere fifty posts to qualify. No activity requirement, no follower requirement. Just fifty posts! Simple! Just one catch:

You must fill out and post in this thread a nomination form to include all of your potential pack's information and some form of explanation as to why your pack should be chosen. You have two weeks from today to get your nomination in - December 13th at 11:59 PM we will close all nominations! No nomination may be edited after that point or will be disqualified. Any nomination not finished at that point will also be disqualified. All the nominations will be put into a poll, and we will hold a site-wide vote for everyone's favorite pack idea!

There will be two prizes given out. The second highest scoring person will receive their pack, with their choice of land! So if the second highest gets their pack, what does the first highest pack get? They get their pack too! But they get not one, but TWO lands of their choice! That's right, folks, we're giving out two separate packs here, so step right up and apply now!

edited to add: if your desired alpha character does not currently meet the requirements you may still post your pack here. As long as they meet the requirements before we close the contest! Otherwise they will be disqualified from the voting round.

<b>Alpha:</b> <a href="URL">Name</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b>
<b>Proposed color:</b>
<b>Proposed lands:</b> (first and second choice)

<b>Why You Should Vote for Me:</b> (what makes your pack unique? what sets you apart and above the other packs?)

<b><u>PACK INFORMATION</b></u>

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>: Rank
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 2 Rank</b>: Rank
[b]Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>: Rank
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>: Rank
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 5 Rank</b>: (if any)
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 6 Rank</b>: (If any)
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Laws</b>: What will your pack laws be?



7 Years
11-29-2015, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2015, 04:50 PM by Surreal.)
Alpha: Surreal Adravendi
Proposed name: Celestial
Proposed color: #ab9db2
Proposed lands: Vericona Plains, Wolfpaw Lake

Why You Should Vote for Me: I suck at sales pitches, but here we go.Cue the soundtrack, guys!

Celestial has had not just months of thought and effort going into its creation, but years. Since the loss of Valhalla's challenge, I, and Surreal, have been plotting and planning since before I left TN to come home. It's taken four versions, plus a little tweaking just now to fix a few errors I missed in spelling, to be satisfied with a rank layout, names, and descriptions.

I suppose what may make it unique is that it's bringing back Valhalla, but under firmer leadership. Surreal wishes to emulate both her mother and Cairo Adravendi during the strongest periods of their reign, as well as her adoptive sisters, Chrysanthe and Epiphron.

I hope to be active toward the other packs, hold many gatherings among them, and hopefully help boost activity for them as well as Celestial.

Plus we have cookies. Come to the dark side. Surreal is waiting.


Tier 1 Ranks Contents List: Archangel - Right Wing - Consort
Tier 1 Rank: Archangel
Description: The Leader of the pack. This wolf’s word is final. They must be versed in the Old Tongue (Irish Gaelic). They must be well versed in politics, and be available to the pack at all times. The Pack comes first for this wolf, before all personal happiness. Meetings called by this wolf are mandatory.

Tier 1 Rank: Right Wing
Description: This wolf is the secondary Alpha, essentially. This wolf does not step beyond platonic boundaries with the Archangel. He or she is there to help lead the pack, may call meetings in the event that the Archangel is unable to do so, and can answer Pack Challenges in the Archangel’s place if the Archangel is unable to meet the call. This wolf can accept new members, give out punishment where needed, and promotions. (As the Secondary Alpha, this character must make up at least four of the Mandatory ten Alpha Pair post requirements per week.)

Tier 1 Rank: Consort
Description: This is the mate of the Archangel. The bearer or sire of the Archangel’s children. The Consort has the authority to test new members and accept them if they prove worthy, promote or demote members, and call meetings. While the Right Wing is the Archangel’s Alpha support, the Consort is the Archangel's emotional support. The Consort is the wolf who has the greatest privilege; that of being the Archangel's most trusted confidante. The Consort is privy to all the closest secrets of the Archangel; all the Archangel’s fears, worries, hopes, and dreams. The Consort is expected to be loyal to Archangel and pack to the utmost. And while the Consort is not the secondary Alpha, she or he is still as much a leader as the Alphas. (As a Tier 1 member, this character must have at least 4 posts per OoC week)


Tier 2 Ranks Contents List:  Shieldmaiden - Shieldknight - Future
*Note, The Shieldmaiden and Shieldknight are equal in rank. Also, if they happen to become  mates, their firstborn may inherit the Beta rank. They must also have won at least four spars or fights to obtain this position in the pack.

Tier 2 Rank: Shieldknight
Description The Male Beta. Both Betas are the secondary heads of the pack under the Alphas and the Consort. They have many of the same powers: They may call meetings in the event that the Leaders are unable, or at the behest of the Leaders. They may accept new members who have passed the joining test. They may not, however, give rank adjustments beyond the level of Tier 3, but may suggest their choice of Apprentice to carry on the Beta line. However, the Alphas have the final say of whom will train as the next Beta. *See note above under the list.

Tier 2 Rank: Shieldmaiden
Description:  The Female Beta. Both Betas are the secondary heads of the pack under the Alphas and the Consort. They have many of the same powers: They may call meetings in the event that the Leaders are unable, or at the behest of the Leaders. They may accept new members who have passed the joining test. They may not, however, give rank adjustments beyond the level of Tier 3, but may suggest their choice of Apprentice to carry on the Beta line. However, the Alphas have the final say of whom will train as the next Beta. *See note above under the list.

Tier 2 Rank: Future
Description:  Quite obviously, this is the Heir of the Archangel and Consort. This can be male or female, and will undergo Leadership training as soon as they are able to learn. They are taught politics, manners, and the Old Tongue, as well as speech skills. They are also encouraged to learn any foreign language they encounter.  They are Required to learn every skill; hunting, fighting, and healing, and study in politics and pack relations. They may not call official meetings, but may call small pseudo-meetings to practice their leadership skills. They may not accept new members, but may seek out wolves that may be an asset to the pack and bring them to a secure meeting place to meet with the Archangel, Right Wing, and Consort.


Tier 3 Ranks Contents List: Master Legionary - Master Healer - Master Hunter - Harbinger
*Note: The Masters and Harbinger are all Equal in Rank.

Tier 3 Rank: Master Healer
Description: The two wolves most skilled in the Craft of Healing. They must be active, keep their dens stocked with herbs, and continue to expand their knowledge of the Craft as often as possible. They are required to hold Healer based meetings once every OOC month.

Tier 3 Rank: Master Legionary
Description: The two most skilled warriors (Must have won at least three spars), in charge of keeping the rest of the warriors trained, fit, and active. They must hold Two Fight training meetings a real life month in which all warriors have arrived and participated. They are to join the Leaders and Betas in patrols, morning and evening (Not all of these must be threaded; perhaps a patrol thread per month, otherwise we can assume they have joined these patrols each Evening, and Morning.) and must make patrols with each other during the day. (A thread between the two per two real life weeks).

Tier 3 Rank: Master Hunter  
Description: The two most skilled hunters in the Pack, in charge of ensuring the pack stays fed, and arranging hunts. They are required to train those wishing to become hunters, and hold hunts twice a month.

Tier 3 Rank: Harbinger
Description: The masters of the Emissaries. They are in charge of those of the pack designated as messengers. As Harbingers, they are the wolves entrusted to carry the most important messages to allied packs if the Leaders are unable to go themselves. They must embark on endurance runs once a month, and lead the Emissaries on a group endurance run every two months.


Tier 4 Ranks Contents List:  Legionary - Healer - Hunter - Emissary

Tier 4 Rank:  Legionary
Description: The warriors in the pack. These wolves are expected to stay fit, train hard, and attend any and all battle training sessions, barring illness or injury. They are expected to uphold the values of the pack, to keep their noses clean with rogues and other packs, and to assist in battles and sieges.

Tier 4 Rank: Healer
Description: The healers and healers in training of the pack. They are expected to help the Lead Healers of the pack in matters of the packs health, be present at all healer meetings and lessons,and to make sure the pack is well stocked with medical plants.

Tier 4 Rank: Hunter
Description: They are the hunters in the pack; expected to play out their duty as providers for the pack. They must be able to work as a team during a hunt, and be just as capable of taking down smaller prey on their own. They are expected to attend and and all group hunting lessons and hunter meetings.

Tier 4 Rank: Emissary
Description: These are the messengers of the pack. They are tasked with bringing messages to various members of the pack or taking messages to allied packs, especially in the event of a siege. They must be agile, swift, and have great stamina, and a very sharp memory. They must train daily to keep fit; this includes navigating areas outside of the pack borders to such places as mountainous terrain, and making endurance runs.


Tier 5 Ranks Contents List:  Ancestor - Mother - Unit - Apprentice - Progeny

Tier 5 Rank: Ancestor
Description: The Elders are wolves who, even though they are no longer able to perform the duties of the younger wolves, are still to be treated with the highest respect. They are the ones with the wisdom to pass down, so listen to their stories, and learn. They may still take on pupils to teach things such as politics, manners, healing techniques, and history. Usually wolves of the age of eight - ten.

Tier 5 Rank: Mother
Description: Pregnant or nursing females. These wolves are to be respected, and fed first after a large hunt. Even when a large hunt has not occurred, hunters are to provide for the females who have no mates, and those who are mated to a female carrying their pups are expected to take full responsibility for that female’s meals, as well as her protection.

Tier 5 Rank:  Unit
Description: The members with no particular rank, or have just been accepted into the pack. They are expected to work hard to move up in the pack and to be an asset to the pack, rather than being just freeloading mouths to feed. Whether it’s helping provide for the pack, or dabbling in fighting or healer training, they are to make themselves useful.

Tier 5 Rank: Apprentice
Description: Youths who have reached a year in age and are ready to train beyond the basics in the skills needed to be an asset to the pack, or to survive if they decide that life beyond the borders calls their names. They are expected to train and study hard, be a useful individual in the pack, and abide by the laws of the pack.

Tier 5 Rank:  Progeny
Description: The children of the pack. They must be treated with love, cherished,  protected, and yes, disciplined. They are to be taught about manners, pack laws, and of course, how to speak, as well as baby lessons for hunting, healing, and fighting. The parents are, in main, the ones most responsible for their care, and if the care is found lacking, or the parents do not want the children, or are killed during a hunt, battle, or illness, The Leaders will either adopt them, or give them to a mother who will take the best care possible of them. Basic training begins at three months of age.


Tier 6 Ranks Contents List: Punished - Prisoner

Tier 6 Rank: Punished
Description: The ones who have erred. These are wolves who have broken a rule, slacked in their duties, or erred in other ways. They may have a chance to redeem themselves by working hard, and completing punishing tasks. Those who do not, will be thrown from the pack. Another term for these wolves is ‘Omega’.

Tier 6 Rank: Prisoner
Description: The Prisoners of a war, or wolves who have trespassed and done harm to the pack. They will be held in a remote location, well away from the inner pack territory, and will be held for up to a season, unless they win a fight to free themselves and win. Good behavior merits earlier release. Just don’t come back.  


Tier 7 Ranks Contents List: Deserter - Turncoat

Tier 7 Rank: Deserter
Description: Those who have up and left the pack, either on bad terms, or without any warning or permission from the Archangel. These wolves are to be attacked if encountered anywhere near the pack, and driven away.

Tier 7 Rank: Turncoat
Description: These are wolves who have not left the pack, but have passed inside information willingly to any packs Celestial is at war with, thus enabling harm to Celestial in doing so. If found out, these wolves will be punished through maiming, particularly the damaging of the vocal chords, full blinding, or removal of the tongue; the tools of deceit. Once maimed, they are banished from the pack, and added to a list announced to the pack on which any wolves that must be attacked on sight reside.


Tier 8 Ranks Contents List: Inactive

Tier 8 Rank: Inactive
Description: Those who have gone dormant, have been set inactive, or whom’s players have gone on hiatus. Purely an OOC rank. Will have a real life grace period of two weeks before characters in this rank are removed from the Pack.



-:One:- “Everything has a Price.” The Archangels word is the Law, in this pack. You would do well to heed that word. The Archangel is at liberty to discipline those who break pack Laws. The Archangel may also add, change, or remove laws as he or she sees fit, so pay attention at meetings; any changes will be brought up there, as well as reasons for the changes.

-:Two:-  “Your Presence is formally Requested.” All Pack Meetings called by the Archangel, Right Wing, Consort, or Betas, are mandatory. Unless you are too ill to leave the den, or too young to leave it, you must answer the call and gather at the Meeting place. This is not optional, and those who miss meetings without a good excuse will be demoted, and if the lax behavior continues, will be forced from the pack and asked never to return unless they can do better than before. Second chances will be rare.

-:Three:- “Don’t start a Pissing Contest unless you’ve got what it takes.” Challenges for higher ranks up to Tier 2, while not un-encouraged, should be well thought over, and made with good reasons behind them; not for personal gain or personal vendettas. Challenging for ranks above Tier 2 will not be allowed. The Archangel and Right Wing must be made aware prior to the Challenge, and be present at all rank challenges, or the outcome will be considered irrelevant. The Challenger must have reached the requirements needed for the rank they wish to fight for.

-:Four:- “STAY OUT OF MY TERRITORY!” Trespassers who ignore the territory borders will be met with force, and possibly maimed, should they show any further disrespect to the pack, or refuse to leave when told. Respect the borders, or reap the consequences. If you don’t want to come away missing a limb, stay out of the Territory, and respect those who greet you at the borders.

-:Five:- “Romance. Passion. Sex.” Taking mates from outside the Pack isn’t discouraged, nor is it particularly encouraged, either. Permission must be granted by the Archangel and Right Wing before a litter may be conceived, and any pups birthed from a rogue will belong to the Pack until they reach one Year of age. Those who take a mate and birth a litter without seeking this permission will be dealt a punishment, and possibly castrated. Those who do the aforementioned anyways after being told no, will be castrated, demoted to Punished rank, and their litter will be taken from them, to be raised by the Archangel and Consort, or another willing high ranked pair. You have been warned.

-:Six:- “Young, Impressionable Minds.” Basic baby training for Progeny must begin at three months of age. These lessons must include healing, fighting, and hunting, as well as continuing lessons of speech and manners, (which should have begun as soon as the puppies can see, hear, walk and talk), and the laws of the pack. Once the child has reached a year, more advanced training must be studied and adhered to until they finish their training in all paths, or have reached two years of age and have moved up in the pack.

-:Seven:- “There is no substitute for hard work” All Unit members of the pack are expected to pitch in and pull their weight, whether it means helping keep the pack fed, gathering herbs with the healers, or helping train the Apprentices in fighting. Work hard for the betterment of the pack, or get out. Hard work will be rewarded with promotions, while slacking will be punished by demotion, or banishment from the pack.

-:Eight:- “Keep in touch.” All members are to inform the Archangel, Right Wing, Consort, or Betas when they intend to leave the pack borders; even if it’s only for a few hours. Those with high ranks must especially adhere to this law. Those who neglect this Law will be punished, either through demotion, or banishment from the pack if the behavior continues.

-:Nine:- ”Don’t turn your back on us.” Leaving Celestial to find something new, or feel that Celestial is not the place for you is all well and good; but if a wolf leaves the pack without informing the Archangel and gaining permission from the Archangel, they will be considered a Deserter, and will be attacked on sight should they set a paw over the territory border again as though they still lived there. Leaving is okay; just ask first.

-:Ten:- ”Prove yourself worthy. Wolves wishing to join Celestial must undergo a test to judge their worth and ability. Hunters must catch a prey animal (Say a hare) in order to prove that they can hunt. Healers must correctly solve an illness on an imaginary patient. And Those wishing to join as a Legionary (Warrior) must spar with one of Celestial’s better fighters. (If the hopeful loses by more than ten points, he or she will be refused. The hopeful will be taken in as a Unit to undergo training if they show promise by losing by less than ten points. If the hopeful wins the joining spar, however, they will be allowed in and immediately be awarded the rank of Legionary.)

-:Eleven:- “Keep our secrets secret, and your lips sealed.” In times of war, wolves of Celestial will be required to keep their heads about them when speaking to strangers; one never knows exactly whom they are truly speaking to. Keep facts and information that would be useful to an enemy pack to yourself, or risk becoming an accessory to the harming of Celestial. Those who willingly spout inside information to enemies will be dealt with in a severe manner; maiming via removal of the tongue, damaging of the vocal chords, and full blinding of the eyes are all likely outcomes of treachery. (Tongue removal and vocal cord damaging will of course have to be agreed to OOC)

-:Twelve:- “We are One. We are Many.” Pack members are expected to interact with one another, and make friends within the pack. Whether it’s spending time together while gathering herbs, or playing a game, or hunting the next pack meal, the Archangel wishes for Celestial to be a seamless, working unit of companionship, camaraderie, and close friendship. While Meetings are a mandatory thing for the Archangel and High ranks to share any news of changed rules, upcoming hunts, training sessions, and other small meetings within the pack, this is also a chance to spend time with the pack as a whole. Use it wisely. The pack is also expected to get along, and any who cause trouble will be dealt with.



3 Years
Dire wolf
12-01-2015, 11:40 AM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2015, 12:02 PM by Mithras.)



Argead Dynasty: Ruling house of ancient Macedonia from about 700 to about 311 bc; under their leadership the Macedonian kingdom was created and gradually gained predominance throughout Greece. Their tradition, as described in ancient Greek historiography, traced their origins to Argos, in southern Greece, hence the name Argeads or Argives. The family's most celebrated members were Philip II of Macedonia and Alexander the Great, under whose leadership, the kingdom of Macedonia gradually gained predominance throughout Greece, defeated the Achaemenid Empire and expanded as far as Egypt and India.


Proposed name: Argead
Proposed color: #FD942D
Proposed lands: Wolfpaw Lake & Druid's Moor
Why You Should Vote for Me: You should vote for me because as the pieces of my life fall back into place I am ready and raring to take Alacritis by the horns. I have led a pack before (which was at the time the most numerously populated) and have experience managing the events and posts required. Those who remember Ebony at it's prime will recall the 10-15 posts I did a day for Raisa. I can promise you all that this pack will be lively, and bring more than enough inspiration and excitement to our site! I believe that the idea I've come up with for this proposed pack is unique and will cater to a wide range of play styles so that there will be a little something for everyone! So without further ado...

Argead is pack for wanderers, intellectuals, the curious folk, those looking for something to prove. A pack where brilliance is celebrated in equal measure with strength, cunning, ingenuity, and devotion. Argeadians do not shy from a challenge, and they refuse to live life to anything but the fullest. This pack is designed for those who want to leave their mark, who want to be respected and revered for what makes them unique, for those who want to bring those unique skills together in one place in search of a better future.

Argead will be a hub of learning, philosophy, and trade. Great respect will be given to lively minds, to teachers who are willing to pass their wisdom on to the fertile minds of the generations to come. Argead will be a center of commerce, where outsiders are encouraged to join in and share their own experiences for the betterment of all. Those skilled in the art of war will receive laurels and accolades for their protection, and those skilled in the creative arts will expect the same. Argead welcomes all who are willing to come into it's collective arms as a family, regardless of background or alignment, so long as they harm none within.

In regards to fellow packs, Argead will be largely neutral. Action will be taken against those who threaten the safety of their members; they will rarely, if ever, seek to do harm without provocation. They are far from pacifists however, and this allowance should not be taken lightly. Argeadians seek a better life for the realm as a whole, not only for their members, and when threats are made to their allies, or when advantage is taken over the weak and unsuspecting, you may expect nothing but hellfire and brimstone.

In summary, Argead aims to be a beacon of hope and prosperity where all can find a loving and trustworthy home, whatever their calling in life may be. They will be supported and encouraged to follow their own path, and to advance the whole for the good of the family. They can expect strength and protection in even the darkest of times, and a legion of brothers and sisters to stand at their side.

Argead is a pack that is planned for longevity within the site. This is a play style that we are all familiar with, enjoy writing for and interacting with, with a few added features that will make it truly unique. Just as the ancient city Alexandroupolis cultivated higher learning and encouraged the progress of mankind, so too will Argead. Great emphasis will be put on working with other packs. Wolves of all pack alignment will be welcome at their lessons, and twice yearly I would see to hosting Forums where all are welcome, rogue or pack wolf, to share in a feast and impart their knowledge unto others, in any school of learning or lore.

Argead aims to test the limitless creativity of us all as site members, to see what we can build together, and to make the marks we will leave behind us!


Tier 1 Ranks: Vasilias, Vasilissa, Diadochos

VASILIAS: The Vasilias is the leader of all. In many cases he expects to be trusted as an equal, but in all cases his word is to be seen as law. The Vasilias will wish to be informed of all transactions between packs. He is trusted with the well-being and safety of every pack member, and expects members to be mindful of this responsibility. Acts of war and alliance are not to be made by anyone other than him. Accepting new members may be done by him and few select others. This rank cannot be challenged for. (The responsibilities of this role may be interchanged with the Vasilissa, depending on who is primary alpha.)

VASILISSA: The Vasilissa is Queen over all but the Vasilias. Pups she births by him will be first in the line of succession. Acts of war and alliance may be initialized by her, but are not considered formal until accepted by the Vasilias. She is expected to be active in the care of pack members and coordination of pack events. She is to be treated with the same respect given to the Vasilias. Accepting new members may be done by her and few select others. This rank cannot be challenged for. (The responsibilities of this role may be interchanged with the Vasilias, depending on who is primary alpha.)

DIADOCHOS: The Diadochos is the heir apparent. This rank can be changed at any time by the Vasilias, but the line of succession claims that it will be his firstborn child, or the firstborn child of his Vasilissa. The heir is expected to have a mentor in every school of learning and to apply themselves heartily to the application of their learning. If the heir is one year or older, they will succeed the Vasilias. If not, Argead will pass to the Vita until the Diadochos comes of age. This rank cannot be challenged for.

Tier 2 Rank: Vita, Symvoulos

VITA: The Vita is second in command. They are given the task of managing affairs where the Vasilias cannot be directly present. They are expected to be his eyes and ears, to work closely with him to manage pack affairs and coordinate both events and movements in times of war. If the Vasilias does not have an heir or child fit for the line of succession, or if the present Diadochos is under one year of age the Vita will rule Argead until a suitable member of the Vasilias' family can be found. Accepting new members may be done by him/her and few select others. This rank cannot be challenged for.

SYMVOULOS: 2 Positions Available. A Symvoulos is a trusted advisor and counselor. Typically they are the most revered in their school of learning, one being taken from the arts of war and one being taken from the intellectual arts. They will be called upon frequently to counsel not only the upper tiers of leadership, but any pack member should they require tutelage or advice. It is their responsibility to review those in training and to convey to the Vasilias and Vasilissa when they are ready for promotion. They are also considered trusted diplomats and may be sent to treat with other packs. This rank cannot be challenged for.

Tier 3 Rank: Prota Polemistis,  Prota Votano, Prota Kyverno, Prota Logios

Prota Polemistis: The foremost wolves who have trained in the art of hunting and/or war. Some of these are warriors both fierce and true, tried by battle and proven a hundred times over. They head the training of young wolves looking to follow in their footsteps, and are responsible for overseeing mentors, or possibly becoming mentors themselves. They will be primarily responsible for vigilance in protecting the borders and going to war if the time should come. Others are skilled in the art of tracking and dispatching prey. They will be expected to lead pack hunts and ensure that the wolves of Argead are properly provided for, as well as mentoring and overseeing mentors to ensure that the next generation is properly trained. (Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Expert rank in Fighting or Hunting)

Prota Votano: The foremost wolves in the art of healing. These wolves will be responsible for keeping Argead well supplied with necessary herbs, as well as leading the training of young wolves looking to follow in their footsteps. They will be expected to follow up with mentors and ensure both the Meso Votanos and and Neos Votanos are receiving the necessary guidance. (Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Expert rank in Healing)

Prota Kyverno: The foremost scouts and diplomats of Argead. They are expected to know the territory's layout like the back of their forepaws, and to be familiar with the layout of Alacritis in general. They are encouraged to wander past the pack's borders and interact with rogues and other pack wolves, so long as they do not bring trouble back to their own lands. These wolves are trusted to be delicate and wise when interacting with others. They are expected to mentor and ensure other mentors are acting in good faith with their students. (Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Expert rank in Navigation or Intellect)

Prota Logios: The foremost intellectuals and scholars of Argead. These philosophers have reached great heights by delving into the mysteries of the world. They are historians, tale-tellers, keepers of myth and legend. Often the wisest Argead has to offer, these wolves will be expected to counsel others, keep Argead's lore and legends, and treat with other pack wolves. They will mentor and oversee mentors to ensure the next generation receives a proper education. (Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Expert rank in Intellect)

Tier 4 Rank: Meso Polemistis, Meso Votano, Meso Kyverno, Meso Logios

Meso Polemistis: Wolves in the heart of their training as warriors or hunters. These wolves are given guidance by those who have achieved Prota, but are also expected to begin training those younger and less experienced than them. They will be expected to attend lessons when hosted by their mentors or other pack officials, and to be active in pack events so that they may further their knowledge and understanding.(Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Intermediate rank in Navigation or Intellect)

Meso Votano: Wolves in the heart of their training as healers. These wolves are given guidance by those who have achieved Prota, but are also expected to begin training those younger and less experienced than them. They will be expected to attend lessons when hosted by their mentors or other pack officials, to frequently collect herbs so that Argead's supplied remain well stocked, and to be active in pack events so that they may further their knowledge and understanding.(Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Intermediate rank in Navigation or Intellect)

Meso Kyverno: Wolves in the heart of their training as navigators or scouts. These wolves are given guidance by those who have achieved Prota, but are also expected to begin training those younger and less experienced than them. They will be expected to attend lessons when hosted by their mentors or other pack officials, to frequently take their apprentices beyond the borders, and to be active in pack events so that they may further their knowledge and understanding. (Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Intermediate rank in Navigation or Intellect)

Meso Logios: Wolves in the heart of their training as scholars. These wolves are given guidance by those who have achieved Prota, but are also expected to begin training those younger and less experienced than them. They will be expected to attend lessons when hosted by their mentors or other pack officials, to spend frequent time with the youths of Argead to teach them myths and histories, and to be active in pack events so that they may further their knowledge and understanding. (Promotions may become available when a character reaches the Intermediate rank in Navigation or Intellect)

Tier 5 Rank: Neos Polemistis, Neos Votano, Neos Kyverno, Neos Logios

Neos Polemistis: Those who have only just begun learning the art of the Polemistis. They are expected to be in frequent contact with their personal mentor and even those unassigned to them. They are expected to attend pack meetings and lessons whenever they are hosted, and to attempt to ply their craft in their own time. A wolf may achieve this rank by notifying a Prota, Symvoulos, Vasilissa or Vasilias.

Neos Votano: Those who have only just begun learning the art of the Votano. They are expected to be in frequent contact with their personal mentor and even those unassigned to them. They are expected to attend pack meetings and lessons whenever they are hosted, and to attempt to ply their craft in their own time. A wolf may achieve this rank by notifying a Prota, Symvoulos, Vasilissa or Vasilias.

Neos Kyverno: Those who have only just begun learning the art of the Kyverno. They are expected to be in frequent contact with their personal mentor and even those unassigned to them. They are expected to attend pack meetings and lessons whenever they are hosted, and to attempt to ply their craft in their own time. A wolf may achieve this rank by notifying a Prota, Symvoulos, Vasilissa or Vasilias.

Neos Logios: Those who have only just begun learning the art of the Logios. They are expected to be in frequent contact with their personal mentor and even those unassigned to them. They are expected to attend pack meetings and lessons whenever they are hosted, and to attempt to ply their craft in their own time. A wolf may achieve this rank by notifying a Prota, Symvoulos, Vasilissa or Vasilias.

Tier 6 Rank: Avevaios, Prota Neolaia, Neolaia

Avevaios:  A wolf older than six months yet undecided in the school of learning they wish to pursue. It is encouraged that a wolf choose their path and begin contributing to Argead in full as soon as possible. It is frowned upon to linger too long in this rank. Uncertain wolves may wish to converse with the Prota or Symvoulos ranks.

Prota Neolaia:  Children of the Vasilias who are not heir and are as of yet undecided in the school of learning they wish to pursue. Often this means they are of a very young age. It is hoped that children will exhibit curiosity and passion in regards to their future. Creativity and curiosity should be met with praise and encouragement.

Neolaia:  Pups birthed by those in the general population, who are too young to choose the school of learning they wish to pursue. It is hoped that children will exhibit curiosity and passion in regards to their future. Creativity and curiosity should be met with praise and encouragement.

Tier 7 Rank: Apostatis, Doulos

Apostatis: This demotion can be given to any wolf regardless of rank or regard if they infringe upon Argead's laws. All punishments will be given at the sole discretion of the Vasilias but the ranking is so that the wolf may be known to all who cross him or her as untrustworthy and of low moral countenance.

Doulos: A Doulos is a slave taken by a member of Argead. While they are considered under the protection of the pack, they are not to be thought of as of the pack. They may be prisoners of war or have brought harm to a pack member. These wolves will be held as such and expected to obey the will of Argead wolves until they are released by the Vasilias. Their lives are considered forfeit, and crimes committed by them will be severely punished.


#1. We Stand Together: The family comes first. Pack members must feel safe and confident in their fellows, and must be able to trust them with their lives. Treachery, omission, thievery, lying, consorting with enemies, and committing harm without reason are all considered treason and will be punished swiftly and severely.

#2. Respect is Mandatory:  Regardless of rank or reverence, all pack members are to be treated with the respect one would afford a family member. You do not have to love them, or even like them, but you are expected to be civil and understanding with every wolf within the ranks of Argead. Futher more, the word of superior ranks should be seen as unyielding, and is to be obeyed without question.

#3. Protect the Family:  All threats, large and small, are to be brought to attention. Wolves of Argead are expected to put themselves at risk for one another, knowing all others will do the same. When issues concern wolves from outside the pack ranks vengeance is expected to be swift and severe, but never unprovoked. Actions that put pack members in necessary danger will likely be punished.

#4. Enrich the Future:  Argead is to be a center of trade, thought, and progress. To make it so members are expected to be active in their learning. Great rewards and accolades await those who prosper, whereas shame and sorrow will be afforded those who do not. Wolves are expected to host and attend lessons frequently (at least once per season) and to be prompt in their activity in pack events.

#5. Caution, not Cowardice: Argead wolves are expected to act with pride and to carry themselves with the strength of their fellows behind them. This is to be a shield which provide courage where fear might have taken its place. They face the uncertain future with head held high. When a call for help is heard, answer knowing that every good deed counts for something. When a hostile makes a threat, answer this as well, knowing that there is a legion behind you.

I would be happy to answer any further questions! Thank you for you time and interest, your support is greatly appreciated!~

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



2 Years
Extra large
12-01-2015, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2015, 11:52 AM by Bacchus.)

Alpha: Bacchus Armada
Proposed name: Hovan
Proposed color: #264c73
Proposed lands: The Marble Wash and SS Antiox

Why You Should Vote for Me: We needs the dark packs! I also really miss having a pack of my own. With busy season drawing to a close i have plenty of time for alpha posts and all the fun that comes with that. While Hoven as it is now is rather new I've been thinking about a medieval-kingly like pack structure for a good long while. Plus, who doesn't like Armada-run packs ;D

Overview: Hoven will be rather militaristic, they aren't incredibly interested in making friends but they will be more than eager for trade. Created mostly to house those who live on the darker side Hoven will not be for the faint of heart as most of the morality has left the hearts of its wolves only the King's laws hold them from a life of chaos. A gathering of the superior race Hoven strives to attain greatness so that they may pass along that excellence to the next generation.


Tier 1 Rank: King (1) (Alpha)
Description: The number one wolf, they have the final say in every decision within the pack's structure.

Tier 1 Rank: Counselor (1) (2nd Alpha)
Description: Hoven's second in command, this wolf is the most highly trusted by the King. His opinion will be held close to the same esteem as the King's himself. When the King is unavailable this wolf has the authorization to accept new members (By claim or otherwise), promote and demote ranks, punish existing members, but may not change any decision previously made by the alpha. May free slaves. (May be Challenged for or inherited by a Lord/Lady)

Tier 1 Rank: Queen (1)
Description: The wife of the King, this wolf will be expected to be strong in both mind and body with incredible loyalty. Also very highly trusted by the King she is expected to be exclusive with the King. Her opinion is highly valued and she is expected to produce the next heir. She may accept new members and demote members, may not free any slaves but her own.  (May not be challenged for)

Tier 2 Rank: Grand Prince/Princess (1)
Description: The chosen of the King's children to take over the King's position when he is no longer able to lead, steps down, or dies. Much is expected of them especially loyalty to the crown, impeccable manners, and grace. Those that fail to meet these high standards will be stripped of their Royal name. This rank is meant for learning, and does not hold the full responsibility of a tier 1 rank. (May be challenged for by offspring of the king and queen however the rank will default to the oldest male heir.)

Tier 2 Rank: General (2)
Description: The highest ranking fighters within the pack this wolf is not only experienced in battle, but strategy as well. This wolf needs a cunning mind, impressive battle moves, and complete loyalty. These wolves oversee the training of Knights and occasionally promising Soldiers. May accept, promote, and demote new and existing embers. May not free slaves. (May be challenged for by Knights or inherited by a Lord/Lady)

Tier 3 Rank: Judge (∞)
Description: This rank may only be attained by wolves over the age of 7. As you are expected to perform a life-time of service to your king you may expect a comfy retirement (If you can get there with out dying) with the duty of judging the prisoners and aiding the King with your opinion. (May not be challenged for and may be abstained from until later years if you wish to keep your previous rank.)

Tier 3 Rank: Field Master (1)
Description: Lead hunter, oversees pack hunts, hunt training, and pup hunting lessons. (May be challenged for by all or inherited by a Lord/Lady)

Tier 3 Rank: Knight (∞)
Description: The experienced fighters within the pack, these wolves have proven themselves through battle and training. These wolves are expected to train most of the soldiers as well as the King's offspring. (May be challenged for by proving yourself against a current Knight or being tested by a General.)

Tier 3 Rank: Shaman (1)
Description: The lead healer, the Shaman will oversee all healers trainings and will be the only wolf (with the possible exception of the Counselor or Queen) to heal the King's wounds. An incredible amount of trust is placed on this rank. This wolf should be an expert in their craft covering all fields of medicine. (May be challenged for, however it will be non-combatant.)

Tier 3 Rank: Prince/Princess (∞)
Description: The legitimate offspring of the King, their mother will always have been a queen. These wolves may challenge each other for the future crown, but if no challenge erupts the crown will default to the oldest male heir. The offspring of the King are expected to learn as much as they can from the tier 3 ranks starting when they can leave the den. As they age they are expected to join in the tasks of their teachers until they ascend to a higher rank. Much is expected of them especially loyalty to the crown, impeccable manners, and grace. Those that fail to meet these high standards will be stripped of their Royal name and potentially be maimed. (May not be challenged for)

Tier 4 Rank: Lord/Lady (∞)
Description: The offspring of wolves ranking tier 3 and higher, the standards they are held to are very much similar to that of a prince or princess. Their actions are held against their parent's name and a similar punishment will be given to a Lord or Lady that misbehaves as would be given to a Prince or Princess. (May not be Challenged for.)

Tier 4 Rank: Handmaiden/Servant (∞)
Description: These wolves work closely beside the tier 3 ranks. They are expected to do every task asked of them by wolves of ranks higher than they. Frequently held by freed slaves. This rank puts you in close contact with higher ranking wolves, after building a relationship with those you serve it is very likely to be promoted into more trusted positions. (May be challenged for by members and slaves)

Tier 4 Rank: Soldier (∞)
Description: The main body of Hoven's army, these wolves know how to battle but usually lack in experience. They are expected to train with knights as well as begin training with the Adolescents. (May be challenged for)

Tier 4 Rank: Priest/Priestess (∞)
Description: The healers of the pack, they are expected to train closely with the Shaman and learn every aspect of healing, however they may choose a specific area of expertise. (Non-combatant challenge)

Tier 4 Rank: Paramour (∞)
Description: This rank is held by the King's concubines and mistresses. They are expected, like servants and handmaidens to do every task asked of them by tier 3 and higher wolves. When not fulfilling their primary duty they will be expected to persue their choice of field. (May not be challenged for)

Tier 5 Rank: Huntsman (∞)
Description: This is the citizen rank, all wolves yet to move up in the ladder will be expected to participate in hunting for their pack.

Tier 5 Rank: Adolescent (∞)
Description: The young of the pack that have yet to choose their rank. At 1 year old they should choose where it is they wish to study. Until then they are expected at all lessons.

Tier 6 Rank: Slave (∞)
Description: Those wolves taken as personal property, they are expected to stay within pack boundaries and to obey every command of their masters or higher ranking wolf. They are never to harm a member of Hoven and are able to be punished by any rank of wolf. Are expected to hunt for the pack. Will need to work hard or challenge for the right for freedom.

Tier 6 Rank: Prisoner (∞)
Description: Those captured by war, for hostage, or punishment they will be watched 24/7 and are expected to do nothing but sit and await their trial or release.

Tier 6 Rank: Exiled
Description: Not a real rank, but those who have not been killed after their transgression. Most often will be given a scar above the right eye to remind those of Hoven: this is an enemy.

Tier 7 Rank: Inactive
Description: OOC Rank

1. Loyalty to Your King: Complete and utter compliancy with your King is the first law. Obedience, compliance, and strength will earn you favor. Treason is the highest of offenses.

2. Protect the Pack: Protect the Pack's members, borders, and secrets with your life. Trespassers are to be claimed and maimed if you wish, no questions asked. You are expected to defend yourself but causing unauthorized chaos is strictly forbidden. If you find that Hoven is not to your liking you may leave whenever you wish, as long as you best the King (Or another approved wolf) in battle.

3. Respect and Honor is key: Your best behavior is always expected within the ranks of Hoven. While blood and chaos are a treat to be savored by all it is important to think and plan out the carnage beforehand. Any activity performed in the name of Hoven will be first approved by the King. You must own up to your actions, and if word is brought back to the King of bad behavior abroad you will receive trial. If found guilty you will receive punishment from the King and will be handed over to be dealt with by your accuser.

4. Marriage/Divorce: Often encouraged to produce legitimate heirs (the offspring of a Paramour or Slave are not considered legitimate heirs) it is not a requirement of the wolves that live within Hoven. Depending on rank a ceremony will be performed by the King himself, the Queen, or the Shaman. The offspring produced from these marriages will be born into the Lord/Lady rank. If a marriage has not been performed the pups will be placed in the Adolescent rank.
Most of these marriages will have been from arrangements intended mostly for the betterment and continuation of superior blood lines.
A divorce will be granted by the King only after a convincing argument from both parties is made. Previous offspring of the couple may keep or be stripped of their Lady/Lord rank depending on the decision of the highest ranking parent after the divorce is complete.

5. Slaves: May be claimed by tier 2 and above wolves, they may claim them for themselves, the whole pack, or another individual. They are to stay within the pack borders unless accompanied by their master. You have full say on the laws that they must live by and are expected to with hold the laws of the pack as well.

6. Challenges: Will be overseen and approved by the King, ultimately the choice is his own. Maims during the attempt will be allowed, however to the death is highly discouraged.

7. Training: Those who hold the Huntsman rank are expected to attend every lesson until they are promoted. Wolves between the age of six months and one year are also expected to attend these lessons until their field is chosen.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-01-2015, 10:59 PM
Alpha: Amachi Mackury
Proposed name: Lockwood
Proposed color: #aa541e  - it’s a brownish color
Proposed lands: Kamui Delta, Sunset falls

Why You Should Vote for Me:
I really can’t give a definite reason why you should vote for me. I probably annoy a ton of you xD BUT I like sharing my idea’s and if you like em then why not! This pack is different in a way where it might look plain but I want to promote wolves interacting with each other within the pack to strengthen their skills. It’s mercenary/fighting type pack I know we have a few of those but I’ll just see how it goes. They also really like to fight - tournaments will be held regularly. I also hope to see more skill building(points ect.) earned from this pack. As well as a fun way to develop characters.

The kingdom on fire

“Shine Razor eyes, before the walls come down. Wilder than lions, louder than sound.” - Lockwood wolves are the image of physical strength. They take pride in their decisions and everyday lived is a new day given thanks for. To protect your own and along the way and take out a piece of life for yourself. They make it their mission to have wolves develop and grow, even if it takes a unit in order to do so. Potential is key - sloth is your enemy. Though the pack itself is not a place of haven, it is no perfect place on a high pedestal. Punishment is dealt and many wolves may find a darker set of life. Neither leaning left or right, but if you give the pack a bad name - they are ruthless in their nature. What you make of the pack itself, is entirely what you make of it.


Tier 1 Rank: Arkanbar
Description: The Arkanbar is commander and chief of the pack, the primary alpha and the what’s what. They make primary decisions - guide and persist on wolves in the pack. Their word is law, if you gain the Arkanbar’s respect you’re in for a nice life.

Tier 1 Rank: Nepher
Description: The Nepher is a year old heir to the throne. It does not have to be one of Arkanbar’s children. Any youngling that has caught the alpha’s eye and is seen to be a prime example of what the pack represents will be placed in this spot.

Tier 2 Rank: Trek
[b]Description: The lead beta, the Trek is the most trusted wolf to the Arkanbar. Is usually their mate - or otherwise a good friend. They can accept and deny members, and during the Arkanbar’s absence, sickness, or otherwise they can call meetings. They have the right to call training - and are trusted to be able to declare war or otherwise try to keep the peace. Essentially, they are the pack’s police officer.

Tier 2 Rank: Wicker
[b]Description: Lead healer, highly respected and expected to be helpful in all cases of herbs. They can call training of the healers and hold general lessons for the majority of the pack when needed. They are not to be considered weak, they make sure our children are born safely, and that we don’t die from our wounds.

Tier 2 Rank: Preto
[b]Description: The preto is also a commander, they can accept and deny members. However they are the back of the line beta’s. They have more authority than the Wicker but they also are in charge of pack hunts - and collective festivities when it comes to organizing them. In times of war, they are the entertainers and keep everyone’s minds at ease.

Tier 3 Rank: Nerma
Description: The official soldiers of the pack. They are fully trained and ready to be dispatched at any time. These wolves are the brute force of the pack, they are at the front lines and battle ready at any moment. They also have bid their loyalties to the Arkanbar.

Tier 3 Rank: Saer
Description: Healers among the pack, fully trained just like the Nerma. They can handle births as well as any healing needed. It’s also saying that they are fully trusted with the lives of the pack.

Tier 3 Rank: Flight
Description: Wolves who don’t do much fighting or healing but have proven their loyalty and worth to the pack. They can consist of hunters and messengers alike. Even those who are seasoned in the ways of intelligence or political matters. They are members who have claimed a permanent spot within the pack.

Tier 4 Rank: Sherva
Description: Soldiers in training, usually assigned to a Nerma(Nerma’s can have more than one Sherva). They have not yet pledged their loyalty but are wolves of all ages ready to be taught. Some wolves can stay in this position for all their lives, they aren’t sent to the front lines and usually are second resort.

Tier 4 Rank: Piol
Description: Healers in training, they are not allowed out on the field without a Saer with them. They can help with sickness and mild wounds within the pack lands. They are not allowed to heal outside wolves without permission of their superiors.

Tier 4 Rank: Ashes
Description: Wolves who are “flights” in training. Wolves who have decided to stick around in the pack but don’t fit in with the healers or fighters. This goes for wolves still trying to get their ropes in the pack. They hunt, and are expected to do any task asked of them if simple enough.

Tier 5 Rank: Sticks
Description: Pups under a year old, the youth of the pack. At two seasons old they are expected to attend regular training. The wolves of Lockwood will not be lazy nor weak.

Tier 5 Rank: Cross
Description: Cross are wolves within the pack but have not decided whether they are staying or not. This is the default rank upon joining as well - but is reserved for travellers in need of a place to stay for a few months. Not much is expected of them other than respect towards the pack members and the helping with taking care of pups and other tasks.

Tier 6 Rank: Ryker
Description: Prisoners, slaves, wolves who have broken the law and no longer have rights within the pack. They must stay in pack lands at all times and are susceptible to maims and other injuries if they do not do as they are told.

Tier 6 Rank: Frisk
Description: Deserters, wolves who have left after taking their vows or without permission at all. Attack on sight if seen near the territory.


01.Speak loud and clear, Do not mumble your words. As a member of the Lockwood pack you are representing strength. Everyone has one - and you should realize yours. Never speak without hesitation, otherwise it means you regret something you may be saying.

02.Participate, There better be a damn good excuse you stayed in the den for that event or meeting. Even if you’re sneezing up a storm everything is mandatory. If you aren't dying at least show up, watching is still learning.

03.Pull your weight and more, If you can handle yourself within the pack that’s great. However we thrive on unity, we are a pack and as it entails if you want to raise in the ranks. Show Lockwood what you can do for more than yourself. Ask not what the pack will do for you - how will you be involved in building a better future.

04.Punishment is swift, Breaking of the rules will lead you to a straight path to the Arkanbar. They decide the punishment - and it will fit the crime. Nothing is below Lockwood. Even public shaming - just keep your tail in line.

05.Protect our borders, Border patrols are to notify the higher ups of any wolves at the borders. Anyone can entertain a potential pack member, but has to wait for the appropriate rank to come and settle things. If said wolf is a hostile entity… go for the eyes.

06.Animal Impulses, Lockwood wolves are all about strengthening your skills. Who you fall in love with is in your own time - though it’s not suggested you go running around with other pack wolves. Should a female within Lockwood become pregnant - the pups belong to Lockwood no questions asked.

07.Challenge one another, It’s clear sometimes we don’t get along. Wolves may solve their disputes in a fight if that is what they wish. However! A healer and a tier 2 or above wolf must be present during the duel.

08.Laws are Fluid, Remember that the alpha’s word is also law. However these set rules can always change. Depending on the pack members behavior it can become hell to correct behavior that is undesirable.
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years
12-01-2015, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2015, 11:27 PM by Cesar.)

Alpha: Cesar Gallus
Proposed Name: Phantasm or Wretched Ichor uhgIcan'tdecideyet
Proposed Color: #B7B5AE
Proposed Lands: Whisperer's Gorge and Whistling Willows

Why You Should Vote for Me! A spontaneous and chaotic pack! It would give a great option to wolves of darker alignments, as well as bring general excitement to Alacritis (you guys know how Cesar is, so there’ll always be something random happening). Of course, he’ll be incompetent, but that’s the fun in it :U As for h ow the pack itself would be, think of maybe… like a band of raiders but with a bit of a lost boys feel to it too – not too many real rules, lots of roughhousing, a good deal of childishness (and hopefully it would last at least a few weeks before getting smashed by someone else’s pack for pee-tagging their borders xD). Very different from the usual organized and proper pack that's made to protect the family/carry it on, etc., and I hope that would be a welcomed change.

Pack Information


BOSS (1)
Description: Really great. Top dog! Leader! Gets to boss everyone around, and no one can boss him around! Yeah.


Description: The Boss's most trusted companion. He or she has the second most authority in the pack and can call meetings as well as suggest rank promotions and rule changes. They can organize events and missions and banish wolves who’ve wronged the pack. This is who is next in line to lead should anything bad happen to the Boss. Probably should have pretty good leadership skills, since they'll have to make up for everything Cesar


Description: A leader in their particular division. Captains have definite authority over everyone beneath them in their division and may choose to have a Deputy if they wish (essentially their own second-in-command). They have mild authority over all others below them (e.g. the Stitcher Captain should be shown respect by all in lower tiers, but doesn't necessarily have the right to command anyone of the Killer or Stalker divisions.


Description: Essentially a second best/second-in-command for the division Captains to choose, if they so wish. Mostly serves as a prestigious title, although Deputies do have more authority over the tiers below them. This tier will likely be unused unless the pack grows large enough. There is no Shadow Deputy because of the small size of the division.


KILLER ONE, TWO, THREE, etc. (Unlimited)
STITCHER ONE, TWO, THREE, etc. (Unlimited)
STALKER ONE, TWO, THREE, etc. (Unlimited)
Description: The main body of the pack. Wolves in tier five are simply ranked by division and number within their division. Stitchers and Stalkers will be ranked in order of expertise. Killers will be ranked by Killer Hierarchy (see "Tier Five" in the Hierarchy section below).

Killer One - Wolf A
Killer Two - Wolf B
Killer Three - Wolf C
Stitcher One - Wolf D
Stalker One - Wolf E


INITIATE (Unlimited)
Description: Someone who just joined! Might go through a bit of hazing and be given a random task to complete to prove true loyalty and officially get in. Before they are fully inducted, they must choose a field to work in. Children remain initiates, studying for their division, until they reach a year old, at which time they can finally be full-fledged members of the pack.  


PRISONER (Unlimited)
Description: Could be a prisoner of war, an unfortunate someone captured from outside, or a pack member who has done wrong and needs some good old fashioned humiliation. Prisoners are mostly used for entertainment, left to the cruel whims of the pack, or for whatever else they might seem useful for (likely bait for ambushes or other random uses, since they could hardly be trusted with real work). A prisoner might be designated to someone in particular as a reward – a personal slave. Besides being killed, there are no limits to what can be done to a prisoner.

The divisions are essentially jobs a wolf can have. They are very important, and sort of have their own chain of command within the pack. All members must choose a division. Having a skill pertaining to that division is recommended but not required. Divisions have their own hierarchies within tier five to further organize members and encourage competition and progress.

Killer - Fighters. Utilize the fighting skill. Unlimited number.
Stitcher - Healers. Utilize the healing skill. Unlimited number.
Stalker - Hunters. Utilize the hunting skill. Unlimited number.
*Shadow - Spies. Utilize the intelligence and navigation skills. Since spies aren't always necessary, to be a Shadow you must also pick one of the main three divisions to participate in while not performing spy work (so, like, most of the time). Limited to four.

Hierarchy functions on two levels - on the tiers, and specifically within tier five. In the grand scheme of things, overall tier position is more important, but having a subordinate hierarchy with the "main" tier of the pack serves to make progress much easier and promote competition. Also, everyone can be special 'cause they get their own number!

Tiers - Wolves can ascend through tiers by promotion from the Boss. Typically the more expertise in your field you have, the more likely you are to get a better rank, but activity and other things can factor in too. Captain ranks will usually be "locked" (unable to be challenged for), since fighting capabilities are a pretty bad way of judging who should be the lead healer...

Tier Five - Once becoming true members of the pack, wolves enter tier five, where within their division they are ranked by number. Wolves in the Stitcher and Stalker divisions are ranked in order of expertise. Killers are ranked by order of joining, and then scuffle with the rank above them to move up. E.g. Killer Three wants to move up in the ranks, so he must fight Killer Two. If he wins, they trade ranks, with the loser getting demoted. The Killer Captain position can be challenged for outright, unless otherwise specified.

Division Hierarchy Example -
Captain - Wolf A
Deputy - Wolf B
One - Wolf C
Two - Wolf D

- Games
- Parties
- Jumping strangers
- Confusing strangers
- Kidnapping strangers
- Screaming

I. Maybe cliché, but loyalty and pride in the group is important. You might not feel like getting too chummy with everyone else, but that’s fine as long as you have a good gang mentality!
II. Hierarchy. Listen to higher-ups or they’ll bite your face off. Unless you can bite their face off, of course.
III. Everyone is expected to be able to fight, even if not a part of the Killer division. Exceptions can be made though.
IV. Scuffles within the pack are welcome!
V. Anyone who trespasses is free game to be assaulted and captured. How fun!
VI. Freeloaders will be pummeled and kept captive for future pummeling. If you aren’t useful to the pack, we’ll make you useful.
VII. Babies are annoying. You can have babies, but it’s up to you to make sure they don’t fall into anyone’s mouth…
VIII. Locked ranks cannot be challenged for.
IX. Don’t kill anyone in the pack.
X. Have fun.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



2 Years
Extra large
12-03-2015, 05:09 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2015, 11:31 AM by Calypsei.)
"It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever."
Alpha: Calypsei Oceana
Proposed name: Kastella
Proposed color: #3235C6
Proposed lands: Wolfpaw Lake and Traveler's Lake

Why You Should Vote for Me: I believe that the thing that separates this pack from the others is the ideals that the pack will be founded with. It's not quite as defined as the other packs, no clear intention per say which leaves room for development depending on the members. In essence, it's a family that doesn't look towards social codes, apart from the hierarchy, that any wolf can really fit into as it includes all alignments within it's ranks. It's wolves from all different backgrounds coming together and working together to survive. Apart from the tier one and tier two ranks holding certain powers based on their skills as to what wolves can/cannot do in a situation, the entire pack is more of one grey area of proving their worth.


Tier 1 Rank: Harbinger
Description: The Harbinger is the supreme word of the lands and his/her word is final on any matters concerning the pack.

Tier 1 Rank: Vanguard
Description: This is the Harbinger's most trusted adviser, second in command, and often times mate. They assist the Harbinger with their plans and give input when needed. They can accept new members at the borders, and they can give promotions alongside the Harbinger.

Tier 2 Rank: Heritor
Description: This is the heir and next in line to the throne should ill fall upon both the Harbinger and the Vanguard. They are able to accept new members into the pack; this rank may be challenged for.

Tier 2 Rank: Conscript
Description: The lead warrior, he/she is responsible for overseeing the training of pups, yearlings, and new adults as well as giving feedback to the Harbinger and the Vanguard as to who has shown great skill and worthy of a promotion. They reserve the right to promote warriors to guardians.

Tier 2 Rank: Shaman
Description: The lead healer - when it comes to injuries, his/her word is law. They hold the power to restrain others from duty for the matter of healing purposes. They reserve the right to promote healers to priests/priestesses.

Tier 3 Rank: Guardians
Description: Senior warriors who have proven themselves to either the Vanguard, the Conscript, and/or the Vanguard in their chosen area (hunting, scouting, fighting).

Tier 3 Rank: Priest/Priestess
Description: Senior healers who have proven themselves to the Shaman, Harbinger, or Vanguard.

Tier 4 Rank: Warriors
Description: The warriors of the pack who split time between protecting, hunting, and scouting. They make up the basis of the pack and may specialize in one area.

Tier 4 Rank: Healer
Description: Healers from the pack, their main focus is healing but it is preferred they also take time to do some hunting and maybe some scouting while they are out searching for herbs for the stores.

Tier 5 Rank: Bairn
Description: Any child, regardless of their parents rank, is placed in this group because respect and dominance are not established by bloodline, but by their work and talents.

Tier 6 Rank: Defiler
Description: Prisoners claimed for trespassing or stealing from the pack.

Tier 6 Rank: Transgressor
Description: Prisoners claimed during times of war from an enemy pack.


  1. Respect. Respect is the fundamental principle of the pack - respect those who have earned it, regardless of rank or status.
  2. Effort. Do your best, and you shall be reward. Procrastinate and slack, and the consequences shall follow.
  3. Liberty. The more you work and the more you benefit the collective, the more liberties will find yourself able to take.
  4. Top Dog. Settle all dispute between wolves in private. Don't kill each other, preferably not maim, but work it out however you need to.
  5. Don't be a stranger. Talk to people! Know your packmates because one day they could be the ones saving your bum and connections outside the pack only make it stronger.
  6. Theirs is the kingdom. Respect the children and guide them on their journey for they are the next generation.
  7. Sanctuary. Safety and protection is to be offered to lone children under the age at one at all times.

Avatar Credit goes to euphoriclies on dA/Sarah on RoW



Master Fighter (240)

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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
12-03-2015, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2015, 11:59 PM by Ashmedai.)
Alpha: Ashmedai Imperialis
Proposed name: Sichon
Proposed color: #000034
Proposed lands: Whistling willows, Dancefloor of the Gods

Why You Should Vote for Me: If you have ever thought, "Gee, these packs all look cool, but I wish there was a gang instead," then this is the pack for you! Code names, bandannas, drinking, and drugs! This rag-tag group will surely be interesting! Considered a neutral pack, we at Ashmedai inc. hope to attract many members of different alignments that will put their differences aside only for each other. No wolf is forced to pretend they are someone they aren't, all that's asked of them is their undying loyalty to the leader and the gang. You want to help a bunch of wolves? Do it! You want to bring in concubines and do drugs? Do it! Just swear your loyalty away to the Leader and be willing to defend your pack regardless of differences when the time comes. What, your wolf is too good for slaves and wants to fight for their freedom? Great! Join today and you can totally do that! Free all the slaves in the pack! You might get fought for it, but as long as you don't kill each other now and will defend each other later, it's all cool! This pack will work better for people who value character development through IC events as we hope to have characters that will negotiate ways to live with one another.


Tier 1 Rank: Leader
Description: I am the leader, I lead the pack. This is obvious. When I call, you come. The welfare of the pack falls on my shoulders and my members help me lift it. I am responsible for war and alliances and the overall state of the pack. What I say goes and if there's a serious problem, I expect you to come to me. I care for each member of my pack personally, despite any differences. I am the uniting factor.

Tier 2 Rank: Lead (x2)
Description: I am the Leader's Lead. It is my job to help in the duties without overstepping my bounds. I am still expected to consult with the leader and trust the leader above all. My freedoms are mine. I can bring slaves into the pack and call hunts and training. I have sworn my loyalty to the Leader and the Pack. I am responsible for treating everyone fairly, despite differences. I am here to make sure things don't get out of hand when the leader isn't around.

Tier 3 Rank: Best Brawler
Description: I am proven to be one of the best fighters in these lands. My style is both strong and swift. I can lead fight training. I have sworn my loyalty to the leader and to the pack. Regardless of views, I am to train everyone equally and treat everyone with respect.

Tier 3 Rank: Head Healer
Description: I am proven to be one of the best healers in these lands. My knowledge of herbs is versatile for both pain and pleasure. I can lead training for herb users. I have sworn my loyalty to the leader and to the pack. Regardless of views, I am to train everyone equally and treat everyone with respect.

Tier 3 Rank: Top Tracker
Description: I am proven to be one of the best trackers in these lands. My knowledge of the lands and hunting is versatile for both navigation and hunting. I can lead hunting training and pack hunts. I have sworn my loyalty to the leader and to the pack. Regardless of views, I am to train and provide food for everyone equally and treat everyone with respect.

Tier 4 Rank: Brawler
Description: I am a fighter in the pack. I have proven myself useful in combat and strive to protect the pack and mentor where I can. I swear my loyalty to the Leader and the protection of the pack. It is my responsibility to practice and hone my skills.

Tier 4 Rank: Healer
Description: I am a healer in the pack. I have proven myself useful with herbs and strive to provide the pack with quality care and mentor where I can. I swear my loyalty to the Leader and the health of the pack. It is my responsibility to practice and hone my skills for both pain and pleasure.

Tier 4 Rank: Tracker
Description: I am a Tracker in the pack. I have proven myself competent in hunting and tracking and strive to provide the pack with food and mentor where I can. I swear my loyalty to the Leader and the well being of the pack. It is my responsibility to practice and hone my skills.

Tier 5 Rank: Gang
Description: I have not yet chosen a path, and I acknowledge that I must do so soon. I now swear my loyalty to the Leader and the future of the pack. It is my responsibility to find my interests and begin to sharpen my skills for the pack.

Tier 5 Rank: Concubine
Description: I have come here because of the services my body provides. Because I am a source of pleasure, the pack will take care of me. Though I do not demand respect, I am not to be treated harshly. I swear my loyalty to the Leader, my owner, and the pack. If allowed by my owner, I will contribute to the pleasure of many members in exchange for the care and protection of the pack.

Tier 6 Rank: Slave
Description: I have fallen into unfortunate circumstances, but am willing to work for my master. It is my responsibility to be of service to the pack, though I am aware they owe me nothing. I must now swear my loyalty to the Leader first, then my Master, then the pack, with my own will coming in last.

1. Let the Leader lead. The leader is expected to lead and keep the pack together. The leader is the beacon of light and the tie that unites all the wolves.
2. Have a qualm? Fight about it. You are allowed to fight between members, just don't maim each other to death. Scarring is allowed, but remember that sight, hearing, balance, and the likes are needed to keep the pack strong. Settle your personal issues, but keep the pack in mind.
3. Fights are allowed, spars are encouraged. Keep your strengths up, listen to the judges, try harder next time.
4. Challenge me. All ranks can be challenged for up to tier two, simple as that, but earning them is even sweeter.
5. Keep you heart open to the Leader. Make threads with the Leader. Earn trust and ranks through threads. Settle your concerns or whatever you need.
6. Know everyone. Know your Enemy. Talk in the pack, talk out of the pack. Try to figure out what each others ideals are. When you travel, talk to members of other packs. Figure out their weaknesses or lure them into coming home with you.
7. You are going to get a code name. Go by it when you're in the pack. It can be changed as you change. Outside of the pack, go by your birth name.
8. Go long! Speaking of outside of the pack, travel, familiarize yourself with the terrain, other packs, and their wolves, just don't bring trouble home. You are encourage to travel in pairs or more, but lone travels are allowed always, no permission needed, just don't stay gone for a whole season.
9. You decisions mark you. Wear your scars proudly. Heck, wear anything proudly. Piercings, colored fur, scars, and other accessories are encouraged and will be considered a sign of unity and expression. (May be given out to high tiers, during times of accomplishments, as presents, or whatever)
10. Eat, drink, and be merry! Your hobbies are your hobbies and are fine unless they bring harm to the pack. You are still expected to be ready to defend the pack whenever, but otherwise, life is a party.
11. The nitty gritty. Slaves, sex, drinking, drugs, concubines, fighting are allowed.
12. Abandonment is treason. If you have issues, talk to the leader, but don't just leave and don't turn your back on the pack.
13. Got any questions? Ask the leader, that's why he's here.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-07-2015, 02:36 AM
Alpha: Avalon
Proposed name: Glaciem
Proposed color: #1589ff
Proposed lands: Sparse Pines & The polar sound

Why You Should Vote for Me:
Honestly I don't have really anything to pitch to you...but Avalon is getting older, and she now finally seeks to rebuild and bring back Glaciem that her father had started once before! Carrying on in memory of Gargoyle (and Clash), new glaciem will be a pack of mutual respect and hierarchy, revolving around friends and family. Anyone is welcome, and those who are corrupt may potentially find a place even here where they can learn that there's another side to life. Avalon seeks to bring together all walks of life, and while she would be a strong, confident, and fair leader, she will also seek opinions and thoughts from the pack members that would make up one big family unit.

Although it may not be anything super amazing and super different, I really miss glaciem before it went to the dark side XD and I think it would be a good chance to try and bring it back c:


Tier 1 Rank: Chief
Description: The leader of the clan. One who everyone looks up to and makes all final decisions concerning the pack. She is the one who handles diplomatic affairs and other business.

Tier 1 Rank: Chieftain
Description: Secondary Alpha, should anything happen to the Chief then he takes over. Typically the mate of the Chief, but should he not be present then someone else may potentially fill the role. Has all the power of the chief but he/she may not overrule the Chiefs orders.

Tier 1 Rank: Heir
Description: Chosen child of the alpha pair to lead should anything happen to the alphas. Can issue orders, promote & demote, accept & deny members, but cannot do so until two years of age.

Tier 2 Rank: War chief
[b]Description: The beta warrior of the pack. They hold the power to accept & deny members, promote & demote with the Chiefs consent, and ought to be skilled in the art of war and fighting. The War Chief is the primary leader of the Warriors, and is expected to keep the Warriors well trained and ready to fight when necessary. Should always strive to keep their fighting skills sharp else they're at risk of being demoted.

Tier 2 Rank: Shaman
Description: The master Healer of the pack. Shaman's are special individuals who are believed to have the power of speaking to the stars and seeing into the future. They see messages everywhere within their environment. And so, the Chiefs and pack members may often look to them for guidance. This is a beta rank equal to the war chief, and holds as much power as the war chief as well. The Shaman is to be respected at all times.

Tier 3 Rank: Champions (infinite)
Description: The Champions are the best warriors out of the braves. Leads the charge with the War Chiefs when it's time to fight. Must be tested by the Tier 2 or higher wolves once a season to make sure they are capable of keeping their positions. Champions are expected to train rigorously in combat and navigation to ensure they are always fleet on foot and ready to fight for their pack.

Tier 3 Rank: Rangers
Description: Rangers are considered the packs best hunters! They've shown incredible skill, teamwork, sportsmanship, and that they can bring down even the most dangerous prey. They lead the gatherers in hunting expeditions, and may call pack hunts. Rangers are tested in a variety of fields to ensure they are always fit and ready, and to ensure they are capable of helping themselves or other hunters when a hunt go wrong.

Tier 3 Rank: Herbalists
Description: Disciples of the Shaman. They are the best healers out of the medics, have shown great promise and study hard beneath the Shaman. They excel in their field of study, and are great at what they do. Responsible for aiding entry level medics with their duties when required, as well as ensuring the wellbeing of the clan.

Tier 3 Rank: Scouts
Description: Scouts are a key part to our survival and protection. They are responsible for border patrols, and are lead messengers of the clan. They are the swiftest and most agile of our Runners, usually smaller members who are more nimble and fleet of foot. They can get from point A to point B pretty quickly, and are essentially the ones who keep a lookout for danger.

Tier 4 Rank: Braves
Description: The Warriors of the pack. They are the core protectors of the clan.

Tier 4 Rank: Gatherers
Tier 4 Rank: The hunters of the clan. They aid the Rangers with hunts, and may also help the healers in gathering herb supplies when needed. Gatherers are responsible for ensuring the clans needs are well met.

Tier 4 Rank: Medics
Description: The healers of the pack. When needed, they aid the Herbalists and the Shaman and are expected to train in their field. Medics are valuable assets to the clan, they are often sought after to for herbal remedies as well as advice when one is finding themselves in a crisis.

Tier 4 Rank: Runners
Description: Runners are the nimble messengers of our clan. They are fast and should be able to outspeed most. They deliver messages with the scouts, and may also patrol borders to ensure our safety and protection. Runners may aid in hunts to chase down the prey as well. And are usually sent out for emergency supplies at the discretion of the healers.

Tier 5 Rank: Natives
Description: The central body of the clan. These are members who have yet to choose a field, so they remain here until they decide what they wish to pursue.

Tier 5 Rank: Youths
Description: All members who are under two years of age will keep this rank,regardless of their skills. Once they reach two years, they may be promoted to Native unless they have chosen a field they wish to work in.

Tier 6 Rank: Captives
Description: Anyone who has decided to purposefully commit crimes against the clan are held here until a trial has taken place. This includes prisoners of war, hostile trespassers, and anyone who continuously seeks to harm a clan member.

Tier 6 Rank: Hostiles (unofficial Rank)
Description: Those who are unwelcome due to one reason or another, are placed in this list. Should they decide to cross pack lines, they are to be attacked on sight and brought to the Chief. Clan members are encouraged to refrain from socializing with those who are in this list, for they are there for a reason. If one is caught being friendly to a hostile, they will be questioned and potentially docked to Tier 5 or lower.

1. Loyalty to the pack is of utmost importance. Whether you are here long term or just for a little while, you are to respect everyone as if they were your own family. Disloyalty will result in you being ejected from the clan.

2. Respect is key in glaciem. Nurture what you sow, and you'll get what you give. It doesn't matter who it is, you must respect all members regardless of rank. If you have a quarrel with someone else, work it out or seek out a Tier 2 or higher to act as a mediator.

3. Strength as a unit will keep us thriving. As long as your training where and when you're expected to, you will find yourself rising up and being a valuable member of the clan.

4. Honor yourselves and the pack. Honor is something we highly value along with courage, so go forth with pride (but not ego), and you will become a great and respected champion in life!

5. Treason and treachery will be frowned upon for obvious reasons. If you wouldn't put your family in danger, don't do it to your clan. Those who actively seek to put the clan in danger will find themselves on trial, and may face punishment before being ejected and marked as a hostile.
Slavery is not something that glaciem condones.

6. Don't force claim unwilling creatures without good reason. If a hostile chooses to disrupt or harm us, then any member may initiative a force claim or call for a Tier 2 or higher. If someone chooses to disrespect our lands or members in harsh ways, maims and other forms of punishment may also be initiated.

7. The chief is to be obeyed at all times. Anyone who chooses to disobey or ignore orders, will have a talking to and then potentially ejected from the pack for a time and may not be allowed to come back until their sentence is up. Of course, Avalon is a fair and kind leader, so don't underestimate her if she chooses to forgive you the first time. It won't always happen.

8. Hard work and equal treatment is our key to thriving and your ticket to calling glaciem a home. Aid others with their duties if it's requested of you, and as long as you are doing that then there are no qualms. However, shirk your duties, and you may find yourself restricted from leaving the territory until you make up the work you've been ignoring.

9. Trespassers are not to be attacked unless acting with hostility. If met by a Tier 3 and below, please call a Tier 2 or higher so they can sort it out.

10. Don't give out any information that can be used against us. Glaciem is your family, so protect them. Anyone who seeks knowledge about the clan asides from our ways or what we are like, must speak with the chief. Give no names, for you never know when someone is actively seeking to harm a particular member.

11. Protect each other as you would yourself. We are peaceful, for the most part. We are merciful, and we are a generous family. But don't mistake us for pushovers.

12. Family is everything here in Glaciem. Whether you are related or not, you will treat each other as if you were. Don't fight among yourselves, sort it out peacefully or exert your frustration outside with someone not of the clan. If that doesn't work, you may speak with the Chief to resolve the issue.

13. Enemies are to be treated with caution, while allies are to be met with open arms. Don't purposefully endanger yourselves or your family by breaking alliances or pissing off our neighbors.

14. War is something that revolves around glaciem when required. If it doesn't involve us, then stay out of it. However, be at the ready at all times in the event we are called upon by our allies

(that's it for now! If glaciem gets through then I'll add and clean up c:)


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
12-08-2015, 04:06 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2015, 07:30 PM by Varda.)
Alpha: Varda Destruction
Proposed name: Valinor ('the guarded realm')
Proposed color: #228B22
Proposed lands: Sunset Falls, Redbud Nook

Why You Should Vote for Me:

Firstly, I believe Valinor differs from other packs as it includes two different systems of government. Yes, there is the obvious monarchy, however there is also a bit of democracy, where adults may vote for two wolves to represent them in the High Council. Members have some freedom of speech, and may lodge formal complaints to these wolves if they feel like they have been treated unfairly.

Secondly, Valinor offers many opportunities for the pack members to interact with each other and really be a pack. Some packs just offer festivals, though as well as that, Valinor organises many other exciting, social events. Although there are those of 'royal blood', the pack urges togetherness, cooperation and unity, as you can tell.

Well, what about me? As my third point, I'd like to state that I see Valinor as an active pack with an equally active alpha. Yes, this is my first attempt at a pack though I've spent a part of my past year and a half here on Ala studying the requirements and responsibilities of having an alpha character. I believe I'll be able to handle the obligation and ensure Valinor stays afloat for a long time, especially with my summer break starting next week.

Plus, all these names are Elvish. Who doesn't like Elvish?


"And as they looked and wondered this World began to unfold its history, and it seemed to them that it lived and grew."

Valinor is an empire of a lawful good alignment, striving for peace and balance between its own members and neighbouring packs. It is also a scholarly pack that encourages education in many fields and learning beyond the limits to your potential. Loyalty, unity and teamwork is of dire importance to Valinor, as it ensures keeps the pack together and strong. Valinor takes pride in its democratic systems, where all the people can voice their opinions and influence the leader's decisions. Though do not underestimate Valinor's placid nature; the pack is equally as assertive, willing to use their forces to defend their beliefs.


Tier 1 Rank: Eru (1)
Description: The ruler of Valinor. Though they are a leader, they are not a dictator. They are wise with their decisions and must consult the Valar before implementing anything. They must be considerate of the people, and willing to listen to their suggestions and views.

Tier 1 Rank: Aryon (1)
Description: The heir that Valinor will be passed to when the Eru falls or retires, chosen at a young age to begin training in all three fields plus diplomacy. This member is most likely to be the offspring of the Eru, though if no suitable child can be found, a Hini may be selected.

Tier 2 Rank: Valar (2)
Description: The Valar make up the High Council of Valinor, the equivalent of betas with the power to accept or deny members, promote or demote members and negotiate trades and alliances between packs. They are voted by the members to represent the people, and work closely with the Eru to make important decisions. Should the Eru and Aryon be unable to lead, the pack falls to these two wolves in an alpha partnership.

Tier 3 Rank: Káno (meaning 'commander') (1)
Description: The lead warrior of Valinor, responsible for training the Ohtar and leading the warriors when it is time for battle. They are the strongest member of the pack and most knowledgeable in the field of fighting.

Tier 3 Rank: Idhren (meaning 'wise, thoughtful') (1)
Description: The lead healer of Valinor, responsible for training the Dol and ensuring the pack stays healthy. They are the most knowledgeable in the field of healing.

Tier 3 Rank: Nigrin (meaning 'stealthy') (1)
Description: The lead hunter of Valinor, responsible for training the Feredir and ensuring the pack is well-fed. They are the most knowledgable in the field of hunting.

Tier 3 Rank: Tyelca (meaning 'swift, agile') (1)
Description: The lead messenger of Valinor, responsible for training the Dronúrin and ensuring messages are safely received between packs. They are the most knowledgable in the field of messaging.

Tier 4 Rank: Ohtar (∞)
Description: The warriors of Valinor - the pack's protection. At times of war they must use their skills strengthened by pack trainings to defend or attack.

Tier 4 Rank: Dol (∞)
Description: The healers of Valinor - the pack's antidote. Should a member fall ill, they must heal them to the best of their ability. Young healers' analyses and prescriptions must be overseen by a senior healer. Any operations must be performed by the most experienced healers, while the less knowledgable healers may watch and assist. If a plague arises in the pack it is their sworn oath to contain the disease and work together to discover a cure. Under any circumstance can they neglect a sick member; doing so can result in a demotion.

Tier 4 Rank: Feredir (∞)
Description: The hunters of Valinor - the pack's steadfast team. Though they hunt and feed the pack, they must work together in their hunts, especially in the winter months. As well as prey, they are expected to collect other materials such as water and bedding, and assist the healers in restocking their supplies. These wolves eat last, as the elders, pups and nursing parents hold the highest priority to be fed.

Tier 4 Rank: Dronúrin (∞)
Description: The messengers of Valinor - the swiftest of the pack. Their role is to carry out messages to other packs and deliver important information. They must explore the outer territories and know their way around the continent as well as the quickest routes from place-to-place. They must not share confidential information with other members of Valinor; doing so will result in a demotion. Keep your lips sealed, messengers!

Tier 5 Rank: Gwaith (∞)
Description: The people of Valinor above the age of a year - those who have yet to choose a rank. Newcomers are placed at this position when they are first accepted.

Tier 5 Rank: Eruhini (∞)
Description: The children of the Eru, watched carefully when an heir is required to be selected.

Tier 5 Rank: Hini (∞)
Description: The other children, in a way no different from the Eruhini.

Tier 5 Rank: Ontaro (∞)
Description: The mothers (or fathers) who have stepped down from their position to nurse their young. They are expected to look after other pups, care for the other parents and help out in a birthing. When pups are a year old, parents must earn their rank back, especially if it is a high one. If they do not succeed their test, they will undergo short training to revise their memory before returning to their position once more.

Tier 5 Rank: Einior (∞)
Description: The elderly of the pack. Whether they have retired due to old age or a crippling sickness, they are to be respected. Because of their service to Valinor, they may enjoy a peaceful retirement. However, they are welcome to attend trainings to shed their knowledge and wisdom onto the younger generations.

Tier 6 Rank: Ndengin (∞)
Description: The slaves of the pack, whether they are prisoners of war or those who have committed the foulest of crimes. One member does not own a slave for themselves; the whole pack owns them. They have little freedom - only fed the bare minimum and watched warily. They may challenge for their freedom and if they win they are exiled from the pack. However, Valinor believes in redemption and are willing to give slaves a second chance if they successfully go through their rehabilitation.  

Tier 6 Rank: Edledhron (∞)
Description: The exiled, the banished. They must never return to Valinor. Those patrolling the borders must keep a wary eye out for them. If caught trespassing, they are to be maimed without hesitation.


The Eru's word is final: Accept it. The Eru does their best to hear the people's opinions and views before making a final decision, and these can change over time. So if you have an issue...

Handle issues maturely: Have a problem? Don't bicker about it. The last thing Valinor needs are friendly bonds broken because of unnecessary fights. Avoid making accusations and dragging other pack-mates into your issue. Open Forums are there for you to peacefully raise your opinion, not to argue and quarrel with others. If you truly feel like you have been treated unfairly, please address this problem privately to the Valar, who will pass it on to the Eru.

When taking a mate: It is preferred that your mate is from the pack, as it makes life so much easier. However, taking mates from outside the pack isn't forbidden either, though complicated. Those outside must be willing to join the the pack before pups may be conceived. If not, you disregard the mate or leave, so decide where your loyalties lie. It's not likely you'll be welcomed back either, if you choose to return.

When expecting pups: Consult with the Eru before conceiving. It may seem embarrassing though it's better than explaining your careless actions later. This is as a precaution to avoid the pack from overpopulating, however the pack may lack members so more children may be encouraged.

Model virtues: Valinor is not a gang nor should it be treated as such, therefore it is mandatory that all wolves within the pack behave appropriately. Work hard, be ambitious, help out those in need and remain honest in your actions. Above all, teamwork is of dire importance. Without unison, Valinor falls. So respect your fellow pack-mates, accept their differences and come together to create the unanimous empire that Valinor strives to be, strengthened by the compassion and cooperation.

- Prove your worth: Challenging for any rank is forbidden. If you wish to lead a field, work hard in trainings and show the Eru what you are truely capable of doing. Display your dedication and loyalty and you will be rewarded. While the Eru can appoint new field leaders, they cannot choose the new Valar. So if this is the rank you strive to hold, go out and do! Please the people, for they decide your fate.

Knowledge is power: Valinor is a scholarly pack and supports learning in many fields. Even if you are hunter, you are welcome to attend healing or fighting trainings on top of your regular training. These trainings only come once a season, so it is encouraged that you practice with other members. The smarter, the better. Pups must attend every training to ensure they have a head-start to education and  know which field they excel in. With that being said...

Know your obligations: All wolves must show up for meetings and required training unless you have a genuine reason to skip. Even so, it's ideal to catch up on what you missed. Slacking is not acceptable; put in a 100% effort. The same applies for organising trainings. Those of a Tier 3 position must hold a training once an OOC month. If you can't handle your responsibilities, step down from your position or risk being punished.

These are the laws: So follow them. They aren't said just for the sake of saying them.


Voting: Those who are over the age of 1 year are expected to vote every two seasons for the new Valar. Any adult (over 1 year) may nominate themselves for these positions, though keep in mind that these two wolves must be well-educated, willing to represent the people of Valinor and contribute positively to the Eru's decisions. Current Valar may keep their position if they are voted in, though be wary, the people are watching you. Any mistake and you risk this respected rank!
Open Forums: These are the meetings of Valinor, held every season. All members come together to listen to the Eru's news before the people are able to raise their opinions in a sensible manner. Rioting or protesting is not allowed; this is a peaceful get-together to discuss important matters and to ensure your voice is heard.
Closed Forums: Otherwise known as meetings of the High Council, made up of the Eru, Aryon and Valar. The Valar discuss with the Eru about the topics mentioned in the recent Open Forum and address the issues brought up by the people whilst the heir is there to develop an understanding of such meetings for the future. Sometimes the leader of a field may be summoned for such meetings, if the matter concerns them.
Marriage: No matter whose marriage it is, they are always grand and magnificent. Everyone is expected to help out in the organisation. The day begins with a ceremony and the declaration of vows before a feast caught by the Ferendir of the pack and a social.
Festivals: A time for the pack to get together and bathe with pride in recent successes. Allied packs may be invited as well, so it's an ideal opportunity to learn from others. Festivals may include sparring contests for the warriors, hunting competitions for the hunters, healing expeditions for the healers, treasure hunts for the children, plenty of games for everyone to enjoy, a social period to mingle and the usual feast.
Coronation Day: Though rare, it is the most important event of them all. It is the formal ceremony of the current Eru passing their power down to their heir and crowning the new leader. A celebration it is, to welcome the new ruler and congratulate the previous Eru as they retire.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
12-15-2015, 01:40 PM
Contest is now closed! No edits may be made, and no more people may enter.

My focus needs more focus.