
Alluring Secret, Black Vow


12-04-2015, 11:32 PM

This was perhaps her favorite place of the East. Though winter wasn't making it so lovely. Sunniva would stand at the water with ears flicked back. The snow was welcomed, but not so much here in the East. She thought of heading North once more. At least there the reindeer were more likely to be found. Though, then again, her conversation Sabine came to mind. Maybe she could go pester one of the packs? Or mayhaps find someone to potentially pester anyway. The woman would smirk slightly to herself at the thought, focusing on the water.

There was a fog rolling in, moving as if on delicate cat paws. The gray and red woman would take a step back on the snow, hearing a satisfying crunch. She didn't necessarily mind the season, though it was quite the lonely one. She'd once more let mind drift to family, to friends. The tribe. Ahh she needed some more interaction for certain. Raising her head to the sky she'd let out a call. Come what may of this interaction, she'd at least be entertained for a while.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-04-2015, 11:59 PM

It wasn't really a call to a fight, it was more just a... general call. But with a smirk Serefina followed the sound of it, her bushy tail swinging behind her as she sauntered her way towards the caller. When she finally came into view, Serefina paused to shake the snow from her paws, a slight look of disgust on her face. Stupid winter. This really was the most active that she had been during the winter time, she hated this season with a passion. She needed to be with Voltage though, and who was she to turn down a call of another one? Even more so if it turned into a fight. It had been awhile since she had spread her limbs and even gotten out to meet anyone. For long enough she had been stuck with her family, it was about time that she got out and spread her hot stuff around. Besides, who wouldn't want a little run in with her? The dame snorted and grinned at her own thoughts, eyes looking the stranger up and down. Well, that girl was massive, that was for sure. She was coated in a pelt of dark and light grey, with a light touch of red decorating her coat. Mmm, it would seem that there were a few others who had been blessed with pretty coats. Her own fiery body wiggled slightly in excitement, flashing her teeth in a very toothy grin. "Greetings, stranger. Did you call for a little... fun?" she asked, a brow raising. After all, there were more fun things to do battle.

"Burn Baby Burn"


12-09-2015, 06:25 PM

Ahh at last. A stranger would answer her call, and Sunniva would turn her gaze to look at a woman of fire. She was a beautiful thing, and she’d find herself raising a brow as she looked her over. Well well, what a beautiful specimen. She would find herself tingling with the prospect of fun, of being entertained by this beautiful dame. The stranger wasted no time in asking what she wanted, or rather hinting at it. Ohh she was good.

“That I did, that I did.” Sunniva practically purred. “The winter is quite a boring season, less one is hunting... And I must say the lack of entertainment has me sooooo bored.” Sunniva would grin, her eyes sparkling with delight. “Do you like to have fun love? I’m up for anything you are~” Her voice was light, teasing. Oh yes, this was going to be fun.
"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-11-2015, 01:43 PM

The strangers red eyes roamed around her body, and she let her ember gaze do the same. She was a tall woman, at least seven inches taller than herself. She had a touch of an accent too, different than those who called Alacritia their home. Mmm, interesting. Her mix of gray body was nothing unusual, but it was the touch of red that held her attention. It wasn't often that she ran into others with that hue on their bodice, and she had to admit, she was very nice to look at. Serefina hummed softly, stepping lightly in the snow to close around the other woman in a tight circle, allowing her frame to brush up against the others lightly. Like a cat she ran her tail under the woman's chin as she spoke, a soft laugh leaving her maw. She made a comment about winter being a boring season, and a scowl crossed her face for a moment. She had no idea. "Winter is the worst season," the woman grumbled, not hiding her hate for the snow riddled season. "but it could be oh so much better with a little... attention." She said with a soft giggle, stepping back to stand in front of the woman. She asked about fun, and Serefina's head tipped back with the weight of her laugh. "Oh darling, I live for fun." A wicked grin split her lips and showed off her teeth, ember eyes dancing with the prospect of finding someone who could play a little with her. "The name is Serefina, by the way. And there are more than a few things on my mind... let's see if you can guess them." She said with a challenge, brow rising to see if the other woman dared to dance her dance.

"Burn Baby Burn"


02-04-2016, 11:11 AM

Sunniva would let a rumble, almost like a purr, escape her as the other woman ran her tail under her chin. Such a tease this red hued woman was. A cruel temptress of fire in the winter season. How very, ironic. Sunniva would allow her smirk to grow. Was she willing to risk getting bitten by the flames? Could she dance the dance this woman danced? Oh what a challenge it was. Sunniva found her tail wagging back and forth with interest, ears pricked to attention as her gaze never left the other.

“Do you really? Or are you all talk and no walk?” Her words came back in a challenging tone. “Serefina.” Sunniva would allow the name to roll upon her tongue. “So that is the name the fire temptress bares, hmm?” Sunniva would edge closer, moving to circle around the woman in turn.

“I am the one they call Sunniva. But a simple fae drawn by the heat of the flame...” She would stop when she was beside the other woman, leaning in to her ear. “Shall we see if I get burned?” Her words were almost sickly sweat and, wasting not another moment, she would attempt to take Serefina’s ear within her mouth and nibble upon it.

"Talk" "You" Think