
Don't Let Your Demons Hide



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-03-2015, 10:32 PM

The woman left her children to romp around near their den, hopefully they wouldn't go too far and actually listen this time...with determination she set off to the battlefield, determined to get back into shape and prove to Valentine that she had been worth fighting for. Although she missed Arian, there was nothing she could do now...her sister was gone, left in the paws of the gods that Arian believed in so faithfully. Avalon had thought about believing in something like that too, but wishes and prayers to unseen beings wouldn't help bring her back.

Stepping across the fields with a confident gait, she sought out an opponent that could potentially give her a run for her money, and she was sure she would find it. Amber gaze found several others already locked in their own tussle, and she would do well to avoid them so as to not get into fights that were not hers to barge in on. After finding none along the way, she stopped for a moment to tilt her head back and call for an opponent of her own. It was a momentary pause as she swept the landscape again before continuing on, hoping someone had heard and would show soon enough.
"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


12-03-2015, 11:07 PM

The battle against the Imperium alpha had left a sour taste in her mouth. She had lost. But what else was truly to be expected? She was so little, her spirit strong, but her body... no. Akemi wasn't about to give up. Where there was a failure there was always a spark to rekindle the fire of success. She wouldn't give up. No, she'd never give up. Akemi found herself marching towards the battlefield. Would Ravine follow her, she wondered? No doubt she had almost given her husband a heart attack with her last battle. But the woman just... she just couldn't let sleeping dogs lie. She wasn't weak.

Akemi would hear the howl and a her frown would deepen. Brow would furrow, but her mind was set. The femme would speed towards Avalon's howl. The woman had so easily turned to Imperium's alpha. Akemi... wasn't too happy about that. So much for loyalty to her pack. To Arian. Sure Arian was gone now... but what about her husband? He had been wrecked in his match against Valentine... Damn it all!

Akemi would arrive with her single eyed gaze sharply fixed on Avalon. "Settling into Imperium well?" The femme would ask cooly. "Leaving behind your mate, your friend... all because you wanted to take a bet?" Her words were sharp, accusatory. "Perhaps you should have thought about where your loyalties lay before you let Cypress get hurt." Red orb would narrow, her defenses thrown up.

"Come at me."


"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-04-2015, 12:45 AM

The one who came was someone she had not expected to see so soon. Akemi, the woman who had challenged Valentine right after the brutal beating stood before her, and she did not look happy at all...Avalon's ears pinned to her head, a frown of her own forming. Settling into Imperium? What else was she supposed to do? Lay around until she and her children became slaves? No. She wouldn't do that. Her heart sunk as Akemi kept talking, going further into making sure Avalon felt the sting of betrayal. Her amber gaze narrowed, lips curling as she growled. Usually, she wouldn't do such a thing...but the fact that Akemi was implying it was all for a bet angered her. She would not remain silent, no matter how much more of a veteran the little woman was, Avalon would not allow her to keep spitting lies. "It wasn't for a bet! What did you expect me to do? I couldn't fight, in case you had forgotten, I just had children! I had to think about them, and what would have me fighting accomplish? Nothing more then a bruised and bleeding body to show my babies...I am not experienced enough to fight. But I will learn." And you're going to help me with that! She was fuming, barely holding it together.

She had been heartbroken when Cypress had fallen so quickly, she had faith In him...but Valentine was just more experienced, she supposed. As for her mate? What did Akemi know? She had Ravine faithfully at her side all the time, while her own mate was...well, she didn't even fucking know! And that pissed her off even more. The fact that she couldn't say much about that considering Newol wasn't even a part of Sonticus, let alone around enough to be with her and get to know her other friends and family. But Akemi had no right to tell her what she did. So with a rapidly beating heart and the drive to hold back the stinging tears, she would quiet her. Her hackles rose, bristling with fury. More so at the fact that Akemi thought all of that about her. And while Avalon thought highly of her, her initial thoughts were quickly dwindling. She had only really heard about her from Ravine, and had only done a hunt with Akemi once. But still! Hackles bristled, her ears pinned flat to her head, her amber gaze narrowed on the much smaller form, her knees bent, bringing her lower to the ground. Her tail stuck out behind her, aligning with her spine while her head followed suit. Her chin tucked closer to her throat, shoulders rolled forward and she rolled her scruff to bunch the fat and skin around it. (Not that Akemi could reach...she thought.)

Without waiting further, she launched towards Akemi in an attempt to close the distance between them. Since Akemi was much smaller, Avalon figured she would have to try and use her size while keeping Akemi's size In mind as well. She would lean towards her left (Akemi's right), her feet crossing one another so that she was angled slightly towards Akemi's right shoulder. There, she would attempt to slam Akemi's blind side with her lower left shoulder, aiming to make contact with the right side of Akemi's neck and hopefully bruise her. Avalon was at a lowered stance here, her body previously lowered so she wasn't as terribly tall as she was before. Her toes splayed and her nails dug into the earth for traction, her weight distributed evenly as she sought to topple the smaller femme. Simultaneously, she sought to bring her right foreleg up and drape it over the middle of Akemi's back, attempting then to pull Akemi's hindquarters to her chest and hoping that it would make Akemi pivot and bring her back end facing Avalon. It was a long shot, but she would try regardless.

Her hind legs spread to give her more balance as Avalon had lifted her right foreleg. She hoped she could bruise the smaller woman with her charge, though she was sure the little woman had several tricks up her sleeve. Finally, with a swift attempt, Avalon's jaws opened up and she tilted her head to her left and downwards. Top fangs sought to bite on the left of Akemi's spine, and bottom teeth sought to bite the right side of her spine. She wanted to attain a solid grip, subdue her opponent as quickly as possible. All the while, she raged inside with herself. She was fighting a pack mate! Albeit a former pack mate, and no matter how much she tried to push it away, she couldn't ignore that fact. They shouldn't be fighting like this! They were supposed to be a family unit! But...all that was gone now...right? Or was this just some cruel test? A trick? A dream? Nightmare maybe? As she attacked Akemi, the tears that threatened to sting her eyes began to slide down her cheeks, pain and confusion settling into her heart and soul.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Akemi for Spar of hearbreak

Round/Move: 1/?


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


12-04-2015, 10:56 AM

Akemi knew her words stung. She was no fool. But she wanted them to sting. She would scoff. “No, so you let Cypress fight for you. You agreed to that fight for him, when he was trying to talk Valentine down.” But the time to talk was over. Akemi would push past her irritation of the other woman. Perhaps even hate. Yes.... Akemi blamed Avalon for what had happened to Cypress at that fight. Then... To lose Arian... Perhaps she was placing more on Avalon than she deserved. Did it matter? Probably deep down.

Akemi would spread her legs and toes, claws biting into the soil. Her limbs were bent, single eye narrowed, with her shoulders rolled forward. Head had lowered to align with her spine, weight evenly distributed across her legs. Neck would scrunch, her chin tipped forward to protect her throat. Her muscles were tense, her hackles were raised. She was ready.

Akemi waited while the woman launched herself forward. She wanted her to get close, wanted her to underestimate her size. So many fools did. So many thought because she was small she was weak. But Akemi wasn’t. No. She’d prove that with Avalon.

The moment the other was close enough Akemi would make her move. She’d attempt to slip up away from Avalon’s slam, side stepping to her own right, though it was not nearly enough. Moderate bruising would be the sacrifice as Akemi bunched her legs under her own body. The moment Avalon’s leg started to swing across her form Akemi would lunge forward. As Avalon had hoped Akemi would end up facing the other woman directly once again, but Akemi had hoped for as much. She would attempt to leap up and forward, to smash her head into the woman’s throat with enough force to hopefully cripple her at least a few moments.

In additional to Avalon’s attacks Akemi would feel a bite upon the middle of her back. The bite was not enough to gain a hold, but moderate enough to draw blood and cause some punctures a quarter inch deep. Akemi would brace herself through the pain. Even with the slight tearing as long as she kept moving it would be alright.

Hoping to gain some sort of leverage with her slam Akemi would also seek to drop her right foreleg with weight thrown forward into the limb down upon Avalon’s left forepaw. With any luck she could break the two inside toes {her main target} and perhaps even cause some bruising. In addition to her headbutt Akemi would also attempt to angle her head slightly towards her own right, Avalon’s left, to snap at the woman’s left foreleg’s armpit with the hope of gaining a hold to cause some additional damage.

Round ONE of THREE

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-08-2015, 03:45 PM

Everything was pouring into her mind. Arian, her poking feeling of betrayal, fighting her former pack mate...she hadn't gotten the motion from the other like she had hoped, but with her fighting inexperience it was to be expected. Her leg draped over her back, sliding off then as she saw Akemi's legs bunch beneath her. Releasing her bite on the woman, she quickly pulled her head back, her chin tucking in reflex as if a fly had whizzed past her vision. She took a quick step back, allowing a little bit of room for her to attempt a counter. With jaws parted, she sought to bite Akemi's head between her ears, twisting her head downward at a slight leftward angle. Lower fangs sought to slice closer to Akemi's left torn ear, while her top fangs sought to slice closer to Akemi's right torn ear in hopes of deflecting Akemi's headbutt [counter]. The force of Akemi's attack, however, would bruise Avalon's nose and leave it sore, but not enough to keep her from going on.

Keeping her defenses in place, her ears remained pinned to her skull, amber orbs narrowed, muzzle wrinkling and jaws parted, her hackles were raised as her tail was flagged out, aligning with her spine. Her toes were spread, nails biting the dirt for traction and stability, her weight redistributed as her right paw touched back down on the ground, legs hip and shoulder width apart. Her knees were bent, bringing her closer to the ground. Her neck was scrunched, her shoulders rolled forward to add protection to her neck.

Avalon would try to keep in motion, her lifting herself slightly off the ground, she sought to bring her forelegs up and would attempt to wrap them around Akemi's neck like a bear hug. Her left foreleg sought to wrap around Akemi's right side, and her right foreleg sought to wrap around her left. Simultaneously, she would shove off the ground, hind legs bunching slightly as she attempted to propel herself forward, hopefully having attained the bear hug grip, and sought to slam her center  chest squarely into Akemi's face. Akemi's attempt at breaking her toes would bode unsuccessful, however, Avalon attained mild welts as Akemi's rapid motion and claws slid down Avalon's left foreleg, adding mild bruising to the mix.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Akemi for Spar of heartbreaking doom

Round/Move: 2/3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
12-13-2015, 09:31 AM

 The man would glare at the quarreling women from several yards away as he forced himself to stay out of it....for now. He didnt think he would ever be so angry with two women, especially not these two. In fact he had a rabbit discarded at his paws that, only a short while ago, he had intended to share with his wife. Now as far as he was conserned she could catch her own damn lunch.

Yep, he had been hunting not but a few hours ago and brought the small meal back to where he had seen Akemi last only to trail her here and catch the tail end of the conversation. Avalon had betrayed him and Akemi was not only being hateful to the large woman but also ripping Ravine's heart out peace by peace. He had considered Avalon a friend,  hell he had even told the woman how much he cared for Akemi and now she was at his wife's thoat. Akemi however, cut him deeper as she had just recently spoken to him of having pups together yet she couldn't hold her temper in check.

The man had been terrified of loosing his beloved the day Avalon was taken from the pack. He had been furious then too but his need to take care of her had taken over. Now he was overwhelmed with anger because of the conversation they had not too long ago, that and it wasnt just Akemi fuling his emotions tbis time.

Damn he loved the little fireball of a woman, but damn it she knew how to push his buttons too. So when the fight ended, and he hoped that would be soon, he would not yell at her. No instead he would speak to her in a normal tone, though he couldnt make any promises to keep the anger out of his voice, she was an adult and his partner in life. He respected her but did not have to agree with all of her choices or actions.



12-13-2015, 01:25 PM

Akemi was surely determined, anger blazing in her single narrowed orb. Akemi would not feel the satisfaction of her head smashing into her opponent’s body, but rather it was Avalon’s counter that she felt. Fangs would slice into her skull, next to her left ear and the middle of the right section of her skull. Not enough to get a hold, but certainly enough to slow her attack and , instead, send damage to Avalon’s face rather than her throat. Moderate lacerations to her head was the cost -- several slices from the other woman’s fangs leaving trails of blood. Akemi’s other attack was completely unsuccessful and her paw would settle once more onto the earth.

Akemi would attempt to drop downward, using her smaller bodice to try and outmaneuver Avalon. Her hackles would remained raised the whole while, head aligned with the spine. Shoulders were rolled forward, neck was scrunched, and chin was tucked out of habit. Limbs bent at the joints, her stance widened, and her weight distributed across her limbs. Lips would peel back in a snarl as Akemi dug her claws into the earth, toes spread as well, as she tried to counter Avalon’s next move.

Akemi would aim downwards and back, towards the woman’s rear right leg. She would dive forth, escaping the bear hug that was meant for her. [Counter] Instead the legs would sweep over her back, slowing her progress, though with a last good kick of her hind legs Akemi hoped to get in there and ram herself as hard as she could against the right back leg. She would simultaneously raise her right foreleg, aiming to smash it down again upon the toes of the other woman with hopes of bruising or breaking them. In addition to that Akemi would also aim to sink her fangs into the fleshy inner thigh of the right hind leg, her top jaws aiming to go around the front, closer to the outside, and her lower jaws to rest along the inside.

Round TWO of THREE

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'

The Judge


03-01-2016, 10:22 PM
And the winner is...

AVALON! Due to Akemi's player quitting the site, the fight has been forfeited in Avalon's favor. Akemi must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.