

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-02-2015, 11:26 AM

The boy had always been careful enough about his brother. Now that they had moved to the caves, he was hoping his siblings could stay in the same den. They had been starting to drift from their parents as it was and now with finally the settling of Marina and Borealis being born. The name stung a wound into his ears - and he had brought two other wolves with him. Rivaxorus knew he said he wasn't a fan of leadership in his head. Yet now he was missing the title of heir. No doubt he was sure his father was not going to give that to him. It would be that rainbow ladies pack no matter which way you looked at it. Riv sighed, Razor pushing his head into the larger wolf.

Rivaxorus curled his gray tail over the back of his weak brother. He had been meaning to call a meeting towards the siblings. There were some things not even the adults could hear. Though even if Razor argued with him it was all the same. He also was very worried about Juniper. What was his sister doing now, he swallowed not trying to think too much into it. Right now they were waiting for their father to come speak to them.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
12-02-2015, 11:35 AM
Razor shivered slightly, the caves were a little colder then the runt of the family was used to. Though his sister was only an inch taller, still he was never quiet filled out. As he pressed into Rivaxorus he waited patiently for his father to come talk to them. After the meeting it made him all the more nervous of their future. Did Marina know the way they had lived. Did she know the struggles his family went through because he didn't entirely think so. That was what he had to be careful about, letting out a sigh he pressed his head against the stoney floor of the caverns. The best he could do was lean into his bigger brother for that warmth.

If something bad was coming their way - at least they would have each other. That much he knew, with how they had to get it into their head that their mother would have wanted them to be strong together and not fight. Sure siblings fought all the time, but they were family. That was enough for Razor to even take a chance with the weak body he had received from the gods.


12-02-2015, 11:52 AM
She was weak of body, but not of mind. Éponine would sit with her two brothers, Razor and Rivaxorus, with her tail curled around her body. Her mind was at work, wondering why it was their father had turned to the femme, Marina, to take over the pack. Did he not trust his own children? Was it something more? The femme wasn’t too sure, but she was determined to find out. She would curl close to Razor, breathing in a bit shakily. She was getting a bit stronger, but still her body fought her to keep from getting completely well just yet.

So much had changed.

Ép could still feel the loss of their mother weighing heavily upon them all. While she had not been the closest to Arian, she still sourly missed her. The one thing she could never get back, no matter how much she cried and stomped around. ‘Ponine would lift her gaze to Razor, to Riv, and give a soft whine.

“I want mom.” She stated.

Despite the fact she couldn’t get her, it didn’t mean the girl wouldn’t try asking for her all the same.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
12-02-2015, 08:33 PM

Asides from Juniper, Holly had been absent from the others since her mother's fight with the scary looking man. She didn't understand why her mom had done it, but it was done. And Holly hadn't been able to save her with her medicine...maybe she didn't know enough to do it, and she hadn't had the chance really to learn from her mom. But now it was too late. It was only thanks to her BFF Alna that she had even managed to keep it together, without her guardian angel, she was sure she'd be at a complete loss.

Trailing after her siblings scents, she shivered when she made it to the caves. Winter was in full force, and everything was changing. Her mom was gone, her dad was still around but he wasn't doing to well, and suddenly the pack belonged to some rainbow woman whom she'd never met. Everything felt like it was moving too fast...even she had been distant from her brothers and sisters asides from giving her more sickly brother and sister the medicine they needed to get well. As she walked into the caves, she heard her sister say she missed their mom. Her ears flattened to her skull as her brow furrowed, tail hanging low as it practically dragged on the ground. "She's not coming back...I tried." She felt the sting of tears, but she held them back. She had tried...



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


12-03-2015, 11:44 PM

Cypress wasn’t sure what the kids thought. He knew that they had to be hurting, had to be confused as to why their world was being turned upside down even more. The man would pad towards his children. Towards the gathering where he had told them to wait. He wasn’t sure if Juni would show, but he was sure the other four would pass along his words. He didn’t want to speak for them. He wanted them to be happy. He wanted them to be able to choose their own lives. But...

Cy would arrive to see the little ones gathered. He’d heard ‘Ponine and Holly, his heart breaking. “No one could have brought her back, Holly. You did your best... But it was her time.” Cy would let out a heavy sigh, sitting down as he gazed as his young. His young with his beloved wife. How strange it felt that she was gone now. How it stung... That she thought no one would miss her.

“Children, it is not secret why I’ve called you here tonight.” Cypress would delve right into it. “Things are changing. We are no longer at home... Because without your mother it never will be. This pack was damned... And without her I will not continue to lead it for much longer. I needed someone to pass this pack to. Someone who wouldn’t be pissed on just because they shared her blood.” His gaze was deeply saddened.

“We are hated... We are mocked... For being Sonticus... So... It was time to change. I... I don’t know how much longer I will be around. I will be going after Sin come spring. I will be challenging him to the death, same as your mother...” He knew it was a lot to take it. He expected cries of anger, of sadness. “I can’t let him get away with what he did to your mother... And if I am to fail... At least I tried. At least I can be with her.”


Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-04-2015, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2015, 12:37 AM by Rivaxorus II.)

As soon as his father showed up, Rivaxorus himself felt like breaking into pieces. His muscles tensed on themselves, and he brought it to himself to hear the man out. His dad - he had to remind himself that's who he was. What did that really mean to him? His mother was dead and shouldn't he be clinging to the other. Instead he felt like his heart was wrapping itself around his siblings protecting them from HIM. While he didn't bother to ask them what they really thought. His two different colored eyes seemed to lock in sync with his fathers same colors yet on opposite sides of their eyes. What marked them entirely as a family, and where did it start to fall apart at this point. Yet, his ears pinned to the back of his head. A deep growl hitting his throat. "It's not your fault!" he yelled out loud. "It's none of ours." Rivaxorus looked at his sisters. There was no point in them blaming themselves. Not even Holly, no amount of herbs could have saved their mothers mental state. "But... going after Sin. I can understand that mother - her mind was gone. But you?" his eyes strained. "You're going to leave us coming up on our birth season. We'll be a year old and should be celebrating while you're off going to kill yourself. Have you ever bothered to ask us what we wanted?" Tears stung at his eyes. "I already watched my mother die.... I don't want to see the same man kill my father. I certainly understand your reasonings but.... this isn't home anymore... I want my mom back - all of us do. But most of all we NEED our dad to be there.... if you can't do that then... I want to leave. I want to live with uncle leo." He stood firmly on the ground. "But I want all my brothers and sisters to come with me."

Rivaxorus shook his head. As selfish as that sounded, he couldn't help what he felt. After all his heart was a mix of emotions. It was never meant to turn out this way, and they could do what they wish. "In the spring I'm leaving, and anyone who wants to follow me I can. But I'm begging you please Dad..... don't challenge Sin. Let someone else more able do so when the time comes. I'm sure someone will smite him. If you're here.... then..... maybe even then you could find a way to pick up your damaged pieces. Marina could help you." Rivaxorus looked at his father very seriously. Heart pounding against his chest. It felt like it was going to gently burst out. Ever so slightly he sat back down on his haunches. Trying to shake his head free of all these emotions he had never felt before.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
12-04-2015, 12:49 AM

Razor's ears twitched slightly as he listened to his father. So did that mean they were going to lose two parents then? How many moms and dads did wolves get anyway. Somehow he flinched when his brother stepped away and started to yell at their father. Heaving his chest, he couldn't get too emotional unless he wanted to get into a panic attack. The young boy recoiled still, shutting his eyes wishing it would just go away. Half the things his brother said he only slightly listened to. Of course he didn't want his dad to go. "Don't.... go." he whispered delicately against his snout. Though not making eye contact with any of them.

If Razor could help anything he would, but he knew there wasn't much he could do. He was physically weak, he could hardly even hunt on his own. Even then he shivered at the thought, did anyone really think it was a good idea to attack that man? He was a devil in diguise surely cursed by Zakuro himself. If anyone could bring him down, he had to think it wasn't his dad. No he hoped it wasn't him because then if someone else was doing it he wouldn't have to worry so much.

Razor Adravendi


12-04-2015, 03:05 PM

Éponine would look to Holly as she came back. Ears would flatten against her skull and she’d press into her sister, giving a soft whine. “You did your best.” The girly would say, licking her sister’s cheek. She might have been a brat, but she wasn’t heartless. She knew it wasn’t Holly’s fault their mother wasn’t coming back.

Then Cy came. She’d look to her father with bicolored eyes, whining when her brother began yelling angrily at him. She felt her body grow cold, and she’d look down. “I won’t go.” She stated to Riv. “Dad trusts this woman... To look after us if something happens. I trust him. I trust his judgment. I know how you’re feeling Riv but... Is it fair to dad to keep him here when his heart belongs with mom?” Ép would look at Riv, her gaze sad.

“I don’t want him to go either... But I won’t stop him... And who is to say dad is going to die? Maybe he’ll win... And... If he doesn’t fight Sin... Who will? Do you really think someone else is going to stand against that man?” There were so many questions... Not enough answers.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
12-04-2015, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2015, 04:34 PM by Holly.)

Her father arrived shortly after she did, her ears pressing to her head as she looked at the ground. Yes, she had tried...but it wasn't enough. The question that rang in her head was why? After her father told her she tried, the question burst forth. "Why did she do it? Was she not happy with us?" That question was said with a cracked voice, the thought that her mother wasn't happy with them...was that why?

Then what her father said shocked her. She listened quietly, even when her brother and sister spoke. Riv was against the idea, and Eponine was on her father's side. Holly returned her gaze to the ground, her body shaking as she tried to hold it together. Why did he feel the need to do it? Mom had been the one to challenge, not the other man. And her mom had done it, knowing she wouldn't win with her disabilities. "Why!? Mom challenged him, and because of her you're going to go and do the same thing!? That's not fair! I...I can't..." Her voice shook and cracked, tears falling. Why was her father going to leave them too? She couldn't bear it. Without a second glance, she got up and ran past him. She couldn't do it...she couldn't watch her father kill himself too. As for staying in going? She couldn't think about that now.

-Exit Holly-



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


12-05-2015, 01:32 PM

Cypress felt the sting of his son’s words. Kill himself. Was his son’s faith in him so little? Or was there perhaps, really, no hope for his survival. Cypress would advert his gaze, ears pinning to his skull. He could feel his heartstrings pull more when he heard each of his other children speak. From Razor, to ‘Ponine... To Holly. Cypress felt tears stinging his eyes, and he’d look up at his children. He was hurting so badly. He missed Arian... He wanted to be with her. Was that wish really so selfish?

...Yes. He had children to take care of after all. Little ones that he and Arian had together. Riv was right. They had lost their mother... Could they really bear to lose their father as well?

“...I’m already dead.” Cy would whine, tears rolling down his cheeks. “...If he comes after any of you... I don’t care what you say... I’m taking him down. I’ve already lost my mate... I’ll be damned if I lose one of my children... And mark my words... He’s not done with our family. He will come back to hurt us!” Cypress would stumble back. There was a wild look in his teared eyes.

“He’ll keep coming... He’s the white devil... And one day one of us will need to take a stand!” With that Cy would turn as well, breaking away from the area as fast as his limp would allow.

---Exit Cypress---
