
Destruction for Adopt



12-07-2015, 12:01 AM
So Kat doesn't have a whole lot of muse for Farore anymore, and with fox giving me back Arkay I've decided to switch it up a little. I have a lot of girl characters and I feel like my selection of boys is limited, soooo I'm gonna take Arkay for myself and offer up Farore for adoption.

Currently she is in Abaven with what family is still in alacritis. After Threar was disbanded her mother and father and a few of her siblings went back to Ahlon where all of the Destructions came from. She'd really close to her brother Thalos and I'd like that to remain the same. Anyway my original plan for her was to be kind of small but full of spirit and an eagerness to fight. Her design, height, and name will stay the same but her personality is up for being rewritten.

So far this litter hasn't been incredibly active so I'm not going to be incredibly strict on activity but if you place her inactive I will seriously consider taking her back. Anyway if you'd please fill this out:

[b]Name:[/b] Farore Destruction
[b]Appearance:[/b] In your own words site minimum
[b]Personality:[/b] You may go with what i had originally planned or go a different direction.
[b]Plans:[/b] a quick blurb about what you'd like to do with her.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

12-08-2015, 09:56 PM
bear with me, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things again! I'll let you know when I'm finished/satisfied with my app! :)

Name: Farore "Rory" Destruction idk what I'm feeling but there's a lot of it
Alignment: True Neutral? Chaotic Good? Chaotic Neutral? Honestly I'm not sure yet, I'll decide after I flesh out her personality!
32" - 80-90lbs (athletic/curvaceous/sharp featured)
Farore is a creature of divine splendour, allure wrapped in hues of delicacy. Fine featured with a devilish smile always teasing at her lips, amused by reasons unknown. Trim in build and crafted in fine china, she's a true marvel. She walks gracefully, each slender limb drawing forth with unknowable intent.
Though she bears no bulky muscles or broad build, she holds herself like a prizefighter. Each movement breathes the utmost regal air. Long legs and slim paws are made for speed and agility, not brutality. Her ribs taper into a narrow waist and lead into rather voluminous hips for one so slight. Audits stand tall atop her crown, just higher than the trace mask that frames her face. High cheekbones and a slim muzzle are far from the most eye catching of her features; that honor is bestowed upon her stunning eyes. Sea foam rings her pupils, framed by dark lashes and the ivory markings encircling them, fanning up her brows like raging flames. Her skin is a lush, milky chocolate, displayed most obviously upon her nostrils.
Her coat is far from outrageous, earthen tones and alabaster accents. However, their arrangement is what crafts elegance upon her lovely form. A deep chocolate drapes itself across her shoulders and hips, trailing over her spine and staining her audits. It crawls over her limbs and down her tail. Creamy tones bring light to her bodice, covering her underbelly and throat, and reaching out to the very end of her plush banner and the backs of her thighs, as well as lining her inner ears. The girl's flanks are softened by mocha, and her cheeks hold the faintest blush of the hue. Deep, terra cotta brown creeps over her brow, painting the barest trace of a crown over her brow, and smudging the space just before her nose.
Personality: Prankster/quiet/spitfire
Plans: She'll hang out with family, and probably leave the nest eventually to go on adventures and meet new people