



5 Years
12-07-2015, 11:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais lay curled up within her large den, ears tucked while her lemon-gold eyes stared nervously and unseeing into the faint darkness. Her earlier conversation with Lior played back repeatedly within her mind's eye, pairing the look on her sister's face with the sound of her surprised voice. Pregnant? It happened so fast, far faster than she had anticipated, though both she and Glacier had known that it was a possibility when they had finally crossed that line in their relationship. They had both welcomed the thought, the idea, but here and now it was something else entirely. It was their reality, pups would soon be their world. And there was no going back.

As prepared as she thought she had been at the time, the golden hunter felt nervous. It was a big commitment, one that she knew from the start. She had experience with children, had raised her own younger brother and taken on the mothering role even when she was young. But Glacier had admitted to being nervous about the idea. He had told her he was not as experienced with young ones as she was and that it came awkwardly to him. He had also expressed to her that he was prepared to start a family with her, but that had been when they were only talking, caught up in the moment. Would he feel the same now?

He would be by soon, she hoped. Her den was as much his now, and she hoped that if he found his empty he would come to hers. She needed to tell him, needed to give him a chance to settle in with this new reality they had created for themselves. And while she anxiously waited, sighing a quiet breath, Anais pondered how she would break the news.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
12-08-2015, 12:05 AM
The day had been a long one, with its ups and downs. It was difficult to leave voltages side but someone had to keep up with the going ons of the pack. To the surprise of all, Sere had returned to them. He hadn't seen his fiery sister yet but she had been with voltage all day now and he had left the two in peace. He could only hope she would find a way to soothe the pain in his heart and soul. As the sky began to dim and the last of the daylight was spread out before him he had caught a squirrel. He had stumbled upon it almost by accident and it would be with a wag in his tail for the first time in a long time that he would seek out anais with his prize. He would chose to believe that Sere's appearance marked happier days ahead for them all, and allowed himself to breath and remember the things in life he loved.

When he arrived at his own den to find it empty he would back out and take the few steps into the den anais had chosen for herself. He would find her there, dropping the prey at the door and giving her a wide, puppy grin. His little huntress should get to enjoy a meal taken down by someone other then herself for once.




5 Years
12-08-2015, 12:30 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The second she heard the heavy but quiet tread of her mate, Anais's ears perked and her golden eyes shifted to stare at the den's entrance. She could not see his dark blue shape in the faint lighting, but she could hear him stride to his own den and then turn around to seek out hers. Her heart sped in her chest in those awful moments of waiting, her worries churning up a storm within her mind. She had to tell him, had to get this off her chest and get him on the same page that she was, but her nerves refused to settle. This was supposed to be such a happy, joyous occasion; why did it feel so anxiety-inducing instead?

The doorway of her den darkened as Glacier's large figure strode through it, and despite her nervousness, the little hunter drew her expression into a wary smile. Her tail wagged a few beats against the ground as the larger wolf set down a small token on the floor of the den, a squirrel by the shape of it. Of course he would think of her own comforts first. That was just the sort of man he was.

He said nothing, only offered her a bright smile of love and welcoming, and on impulse she got to her feet. She padded quickly over to him, with a few jittery wags of her tail, and tucked her head against his neck, nuzzling into the soft, deep blue fur of his chest. She needed his steadiness now, needed this reassurance that everything would be fine, that they were strong on their own but stronger together, that there was nothing to worry about. It helped to still some of the anxiety, but an excited sort of nervous sensation lingered. It seemed she would not be rid of it entirely.

She drew back slowly, smiling timidly up into his handsome face and offered a quiet, "Hi," in greeting. She could have stood there staring at him for an indefinite amount of time, but that was not her reason for drawing him here. Reminded of what she had to say, Anais retreated another step, and another. Her eyes momentarily dropped to the squirrel and out of habit she picked it up, though her appetite felt like a distant thing. She turned, retreating back toward the spot she had been curled up when Glacier had arrived, and once more settled herself there on the ground, leaving a wide spot at her side for him to lay down.

Setting the squirrel between her paws, holding it there as if she needed something to do to keep herself busy, she glanced back up at her mate again. "Thank you for this," she added as she moved the squirrel between her feet, still not eating it yet. Could he see how out of sorts she felt, how nervous she was to tell him? It helped nothing that she felt tongue-tied now in his presence, and she hoped it would untangle itself soon. She really needed to just say it. "I was hoping you'd get here soon," she stated, feeling her heart leap in her chest as she made herself steer the conversation toward her secret. "I have something to tell you."
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
12-08-2015, 01:09 AM
He knew anais well enough to know that something had her anxious. Only, he couldn't fathom what it might be. He could see it in her wry smile, and the uneven movements of her wagging tail. When she moved towards him he smiled, folding her into a warm embrace. "Hey, little one" he greeted her, chuckling at her timid greeting. He was extremity curious at what ever was bringing out the shy side of her nature. Did he forget some anniversary of theirs? But no, of course not. She backed away, grabbing the squirrel and returning to her spot on the den floor. Her actions where mandate enough, but there was just something about them that bugged him about. Shaking his head in mystification he took his que to move forward and curl up beside his. His larger frame easily encircled hers and he ended by putting his head in her lap, his bright eyes looking at up her from the ground, a hint of a smile teasing her from his lips.

He made no comment to her thanks, certain it was just filler for whatever was bothering her. Sure enough, she would tell him she was glad he was there. He parted his lips and licked her chest - which was really the only part of her he could reach from his position. "Yes... I'm getting that impression. You know you can tell me anything, my little mouse. What is it that's bothering you?" He asked her gently.




5 Years
12-08-2015, 01:34 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her gaze had ducked again, staring at the squirrel she held between her forepaws as the big blue wolf walked over to her and wrapped himself around her much smaller frame. She let him cocoon her within his embrace, welcomed his warmth and consideration as she leaned slightly into him, and suddenly found her face staring full into his. To put his head in her lap, he had settled his upon her outstretched paws holding the squirrel, and Anais suddenly smiled with a nervous little chuckle as his teasing expression stared back up into hers.

With her paws pinned, she could not fidget, and she tried to keep them still beneath him. Her play at pretending everything was fine had of course been seen through, though as always Glacier's patience prevented him from poking or prodding to find out what was on her mind. He let her take her time, let her bring it up in her own way, and instead of wheedling only reassured her with a kiss that he could be her greatest confidant if she wanted to tell him. Her ears turned, pinned, in a guilty sort of look as she fleetingly cast a look his way, but she knew he spoke truth. And she would tell him. She must.

Hastily she drew in a breath, hurrying to clarify, "It's nothing bothering me." No, it was not a bother, exactly, just... Her brow knit as she tried to find the right words to explain, and eventually she spoke again. "It's just...I went and talked with my sister today." Anais was stalling. She knew it, but at the same time it felt easier to start from the beginning, to walk him through the story that had been playing again and again through her mind before he had arrived. "It was really nice, I hadn't gotten good quality time with her since we got here." There was, again, that touch of guilt that accompanied the thought, but she reminded herself again of her story.

Right, her story. She breathed once, softly, then proceeded. "Anyway, she was really happy to see me, said she'd still been studying up on healing and stuff. But she noticed something. Something different." Her ears folded again, her gaze averting itself as she shifted a little against Glacier's side. "I guess she would know, being a healer and all. It was just a little something, about the way I smelled." She rambled, tiptoeing around the subject as she willed herself to come right out and say it. He'll be fine, just tell him!
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
12-08-2015, 01:48 AM
It was easy from here to look up into her bright eyes. Even now, with a hint of nervous energy, they looked so brillient and full of life. There was always that something about her, a curious excitement. Overshadowed by a gained weariness it was still detectable, still alive inside of her. It was that light that had drawn him to her, and it was a light he cherished deep in his heart. So it was no wonder that he couldn't help the softly teasing smile that curved his lips gently, and sparked his own silver eyes with fire. There was no doubt in his heart nor in the light in his eyes that he lived anais with ever piece of his heart. When she began to speak he didn't interrupt her, his heads simply tilted with curiosity, encouraging her to plunge on. The urge to smooth her dipped brows over took him, but he smothered it down, turning it into another teasing smile as he admired the little knot of confusion she displayed.

"I'm glad to hear you got the chance then" he would say gently when she spoke of going to see her sister and enjoying the chance for quality time with her. His own brows did a little confused knot as she told her story. Her sister had been confused by her smell? Well yes, it smelled like glacier and donostrea, like pack life. No, wait, that wouldn't confuse lior, she was well use to all those scents herself not. It hit him like a sudden switch of a light in his eyes. They widened first, then shone, his entire, previously calmly smiling expressions came to life. The radiant joy clearly placed their was unusal for the placid boy, his emotions always gently shown, displayed more in loving teasing then anything else. "Oh anais" he breathed, his voice rising with astonishment, love, and all things bright. "Are you saying... I'm going to be a father? " open awe bathed the question in life.




5 Years
12-08-2015, 02:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had not known whether Glacier would be able to pick up on what she was trying to tell him. It was all rather new to her too, and it had taken Lior to point it out to her that there was a difference there at all. Anais half expected needing to explain it, and was currently preparing herself for it when she glanced at him from the corner of her eye and did a double take. There was a decidedly puzzled look to his expression, but it quickly transformed, altered to something new as she spoke. Did he know now? Did he understand why she was so nervous to talk to him, the secret that she had been harboring all to herself since she had spoken with Lior?

Anxiously she bit her lip, waiting and watching as the typically calm exterior of her mate changed and became more animated, almost as animated as her own was on a daily basis. Oh goodness, he must know now! Why else would he look like that, look at her like that, unless he knew and the news was exceedingly happy for him to receive? It eased the last of the nervous energy that had been lingering within her, and she laughed, quickly and quietly, as she smiled for the first time in earnest.

The sound of his voice as he spoke her name, so full of wonder and excitement it was almost unrecognizable, caused her heart to swell with the love that she felt for him, caused her golden eyes to mist slightly with unshed tears. Why in the world had she ever thought to be nervous about this? Of course he was going to be happy, of course he was going to be ecstatic. She should have known. Hardly able to talk around the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat, Anais merely nodded her head as she smiled at Glacier, her lip wobbling as she tried to see his expression through the happy tears in her eyes.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
12-08-2015, 02:17 AM
The soft laughter anais admitted was infectious, and his wide grin parted in a deep chuckle of his own. There was such amazement in the noise, the awe and wonder deep in the tones of his laughter. "Oh anais." He said, impulsively he lifted his head and showered her face in kisses. He got both her cheeks and her forehead before he claimed her lips,his breath rasping between each gifted touch of his muzzle. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, emotions catching him unaware. The rush of it all washed through his veins and his tail began to slap the floor in a rhythm, his paws shifting very slightly side to side like a dance of excitement. His antics would have made voltage proud... except... well... that thought was a shower of cold water that stilled the joy in his heart. Oh voltage. His heart ached for his brother, how could he ever tell his brother this brillient news? It would be a slap in the face to his heart - brother. He pushed aside the thought, not allowing himself to wollow in these doubt. He would decide how to approach voltage soon, but not here and now. These children where a gift and he would never for a second give them any rewain to thibk otherwise. And their mother, oh, his sweet anais. She was never to know this fear in his heart, this unbearable need to keep further pain from voltage. No, this was a gift for glacier and anais would know it.

He kissed her again, letting his excitement swap him once again and hoping anais would never see and recon is his moment of doubt. "Your going to make the most amazing mother. Your going to have to let me take care of you for a little while. Let a soon to be father fret over his pregnant wife" he teased her softly, his words spoken between kisses.




5 Years
12-09-2015, 01:39 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The tears that had filled her eyes finally fell as Glacier set upon kissing her face, laughter accompanying them while he showered kisses upon her cheeks and forehead. Her smile could not have been brighter, her heart so full of love and joy it could have burst. She was going to be a mother! And, even better, Glacier was would be the father of her children, and he was even more excited than she had hoped he would be. Letting the joyous moment overtake her, Anais basked in her mate's love, in the knowledge that her life was forever changed in the best way, and let her dreams for the future begin to bloom and take shape.

She was still smiling as he kissed her, and continued to smile even as she kissed him back. Oh, this was wonderful! They were going to be parents, and she would get the chance to raise pups of her own. Eventually she was going to have to sit back and reflect on everything that she remembered about raising her brother, about her pretend days of being a mother, but there would be time enough for that later. For now, she just wanted to enjoy the fact that Glacier was as ecstatic as she felt, and that she had someone to share her happiness with.

The cloud that passed over her mate went unnoticed as Anais's own joy was too strong to allow her to see it, and she continued to smile and giggle softly to herself as he interrupted his kisses with little bits of speech. "As long as you still let me do things too," she countered playfully, her golden eyes closed as she nuzzled against her mate's muzzle, "I don't want to spend the whole time being waited on." Anais liked being able to care for herself, having a job within the pack, being useful. But there was no denying that having Glacier fret over her, pamper her, sounded at least a little bit fun.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
12-09-2015, 02:54 AM
Glacier laughed softly at her easily anticipated words. Yes, he expected that of Anias. She was an independent, free spirited creature even if she was also an adorably shy one. “Well, I suppose I can compromise” he teased her, his eyes began to shimmer and glint with a mischief Anais should well know and be able to prepare for by now. “I mean, Perhaps I could let you catch your every tenth meal” he said, his voice was serious, and contemplating, even if his expression told another story. Still lying on the ground, head on her lap, he wiggled until he could move his paw and gently 'boop' her nose with a very soft pat.

Every few moments his thoughts would run full circle and he would remember afresh the awe and amazement of the knowledge he was to be a father. He shook his head, almost bewildered, and clearly over the moon. Anais would make such an amazing, such a beautiful Mother even if he still wasn't certain what kind of father he would make. “Take things at whatever pace you want to, just be prepared to be pampered” he said, his soft words humming with love.




5 Years
01-01-2016, 10:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the way her mate's eyes glittered and gleamed, full of mischief and fun, Anais knew better than to take anything he said seriously. He might have adopted that tone, one that sounded as if he honestly considered her words and was serious about his response, but there was nothing serious about the twinkle in his eye or the grin upon his lips. The joyous little hunter giggled again and kissed his cheek as her tail wagged, smiling down at him even as he lifted one his paws and "booped" her nose. Nothing - nothing - could have made her happier, made the present moment better than it already was.

She appreciated his softly spoken promise, the knowledge that, in this respect, Glacier spoke pure truth, and leaned her head down to nuzzle him another time. "I will. And I'll appreciate everything you do to help me," she promised back, vowing herself to be a good first-time mother. Having seen first hand what effects pregnancy put on females, even if only in her mother, Anais understood that it was not all sunshine and rainbows. But somehow - with Glacier's help - she was going to get through it, and she would be happy too.

Thoughts of her parents renewed the ache she felt over their loss, made her longing for them burn again, but she knew her brothers would be happy for her. Reminded of Glacier's family, her thoughts became less certain. How would they react to the news? Did they know she and their brother were this serious in their relationship? That pups had even been a possibility? Her brow knit, her golden eyes going thoughtful as she peered down at Glacier, still lying with his head propped atop her forepaws. "What do you think your family will say?" she asked quietly, trying for a casual, curious tone to hide her own insecurity.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
01-01-2016, 10:53 PM
The titan smiled at his partners acceptance. They would do a good job of working together, that he already knew. The very thought of starting a family with her burning a warmth of excitement in his chest. She was truly his, for now and forever, they would have a legacy together. Her family and his would pass on through their children. What would the little ones be like? Would they be shy and adventurous like their mother? Titanic and silly like their father? He grinned at the thought and kissed her again, apparently unable to keep still and refrain from showering her in affection for long.

He laughed out loud at her question, his amusement doubling. "I have no doubt some of them will say about time" he told her gently, no doubt people where already questing glaciers slow progression into this relationship - wondering why he had to be slow and steady in everything he did. He did still worry about what his litter mate would think, if this was too soon after his own children's fate had turned for the worse.
"Which reminds me. How much do you know about the elementas traditions and legacy?" He asked her, realising Solaris at least would be residing over the birth and discover the elements they would live and would define them - so long as they took after their fathers side.




5 Years
01-18-2016, 12:18 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

As always, her concern for his family's opinion of what the two of them shared was addressed with easy confidence, and further assurances were offered to her that the news would be received well, even eagerly looked forward to. A timid smile crept back upon Anais's lips as she entertained the notion that Glacier's siblings might actually be waiting for this moment, a thought that had not once crossed her mind. Could she really have missed how tolerant and accepting they were of her, how they had grown to accept her as a part of their brother's life and, by extension, a part of theirs? And that they looked forward to the future generations they would produce? It stunned her, but at the same time relaxed some of her nerves.

The smile on her lips grew easier and more content again the longer she thought about this new revelation, but the question Glacier posed piqued at her curiosity. "Traditions?" The word was echoed with complete perplexity, having not the slightest clue what he meant. She knew of his family's tendency to sport exotic colorations, knew too that each had a defining trait about themselves that related them in some way to an element or natural feature of some sort, and that each was named according to that trait. But as for traditions? She was clueless. "No, I don't," Anais admitted softly, staring at her mate expectantly waiting for him to elaborate.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.