
Hold back the fear



6 Years
12-08-2015, 01:02 PM

A season had passed, come and gone like the wind. Again and again his life would be thrown out of the balance. It would tear him apart, bit by bit and at every twist and turn it almost felt like he wasn't ready to face the wind. The male's paws spread out into the snow in the forest, breathing out in clouds in the early morning. Nothing but the cold feeling on his back and the singing of birds in his ears. If it weren't for the fact he had been swept away by that storm... he probably would still be at a stand still in a pack full of vikings. The mark still worn on his eye, he still believed he could do something of himself with that. Let the gods bless him that much, they wouldn't abandon a man who had lost so much underneath power that was not of his own. Vereux knew that much, and he didn't care who could argue with that. He had nothing left - so there wasn't much to look at.

At least this time he had come back much stronger. Not a slave broken in on bones, which he was certain he didn't want to go through again. Single emerald eye looking about, he thought he had scented her nearby. His only friend, and he wasn't aware of what had transpired since he was gone. He didn't know what happened to Arian, he didn't know anything at all. Maybe he'd be in for a rude awakening, but what did a pack wolf do when he sought out some sort of companionship in his broken life. Plus, with heart strings on a wire. He had to be careful who he associated himself with or it would cause him his death.

Vereux longed to see Avalon again, and he knew it was that much that he needed a new home. Where ever she was, had to be a nice place to be. If anything at all, the young Armada was growing older. No longer a lost boy in the woods, his memories was filled with only being alone, only being left behind. With some sort of expectation of him to be this perfect being that he clearly was now. He lashed his tail back and forth, digging his nose into the snow as he lowered his head. Praying silently to himself - hoping that she would be here. And trusting himself enough he could at least defend himself should someone want to take him away.

“I speak”



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-08-2015, 01:31 PM

She'd gotten in quite a few fights since coming to Imperium. Half led with anger and frustration, half to show that Valentine hadn't wasted his time with her. She wanted to return to her place as a higher person, a Rank where she felt fulfilled for the most part. Someday...someday she'd restore what her father once had, and hopefully it would be in the near future. Leaving the Orchard with Dragon, the boy weaved in and out of her legs as she walked. His large paws were a sign he'd grow as big as she, as would most if not all of them she was sure.

She was simply going for a walk, taking the kids out one at a time to explore different areas, thinking perhaps it would be too much of a handful with all of them at once. Soon though, she would do it. As they walked through the forest, a scent she hadn't smelled for at least a season if not longer crossed her path. Pausing in her steps, Dragon bumped into her leg. Licking the top of his head, she continued on. "Stay close, dear."

Quietly, the pair went ahead. The crunch of snow a possible sign they were drawing close, the scent growing stronger. It wasn't long until she spied him, nose in the snow as he seemed to be doing something? She wasn't sure what, but she was a little happy to see the male. The last time they'd seen each other was when he anf Arian had spat nasty words at each other. Perhaps...perhaps that was when Arian started to lose it. "Vereux? It's been a while."

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-08-2015, 01:41 PM

Yes! He got to go on an adventure with mom! He couldn't wait to bring Kharnage and simmy and Lykos along later. Maybe they could sneak out without mom knowing, but she always seemed to be around except when she went hunting, but she was always back too fast from hunting trips. Weaving in and out of her legs, he pounced in the snow to make big holes. Maybe someone would fall in them, he would love to see that! When his mom stopped, it was during mid leap and he crashed into her leg. "Ow! Momma why'd you stop?" She told him to stay close. Did that mean something was nearby? A bear? Maybe a hawk? Mom said those things could eat him if he wasn't careful, so he huddled under her legs just in case.

When they started walking again, he picked up the scent of someone he didn't know. And he was so curious! Once the stranger came into view, his curiosity suddenly dissappeared when his mom greeted the stranger, opting to try and hid behind her forelegs as he peered out at the man. There was something wrong with the guys eyes, and....his nose was in the snow...was he eating it? "Momma w'as wrong with him?" His voice was a low whisper, green eyes studying Vereux.




6 Years
12-08-2015, 01:46 PM

He knew something had been off about Avalon's scent. As she approached, it was clear that Sonticus no longer was attached to her pelt. It was of Imperium, a pack he had only heard rumors about. All good and bad things of course. It reminded him a lot of the kingdom he had grown up in - and the pack he and Athena had run for a short amount of time as it was. However when he raised his head, his single eye would focus on the small whelp at her side. A pain in his heart, a pup. It wasn't a sad pain, it was more of a thought of his own children who were far into adulthood now. If he could even call them his own children - they were Amalia and Athena's kids. Vereux tried to let the thought sink further into his brain.

Dragon asked what was wrong with his eye, the one that had the mark over it. Vereux smiled softly for a moment. “A storm took it little one, that's why you should be careful when it's raining out.” he was also covered in multiple scars. The most prominent being the one all the way around his neck. However he shuddered before turning back to Avalon, he was trying his best to seem like he was okay. “It has been, I certainly hope you're doing well Avalon. Seems like you've found someone to love.” he looked at Dragon again. He didn't like making assumptions, but he could only guess she had a mate with a pup.

“Avalon I - I need your help.” The male became very serious for a moment. His green eye looked over the larger wolf. “I was swept away by a storm in the autumn, I only recently found my way back. But - now I don't think I can go back to Yfir.” He shook his head. “I won't go back to being a slave, and I won't be rejected my home for reasons I could not control.” Vereux was tired of being blamed for things he couldn't control. “You're my only friend so I sought you out - what happened to Sonticus?” he watched her carefully.

“I speak”



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-08-2015, 02:09 PM

Her son asked a question that made her glance down at him, ears pinning slightly at how Vereux might answer. But the male had answered without hostility--not that she expected him to --just that she thought it might offend him. But not even she could tame the curious personalities of her babies, and it wasn't a bad thing she supposed. She remained where she was, a small smile painting her lips until he mentioned her finding love. Almost instantly, she frowned. one point she had. But she didn't know what happened, her mate disappeared and she'd been waiting a while for him to show up.

"I...I did...but, I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him since my children were born. I have five, youngest is dying. I fear she won't make it through the night. She sleeps now, so I decided to take one of them for a walk so as not to disturb her." She wasn't sure how much to tell him, after all, she was unsure herself if she wanted to believe that Newol simply abandoned her and their children. No...Her children now. He hadn't been around to help her since they could walk. Let alone the challenge, and even Arian's death match.

Her ears perked then when he requested help of her, her anger and sorrow slowly diminishing as she listened to him. If he wasn't going back to Yfir, then where would he go? This meeting would quickly change her mood in the blink of an eye. From surprised to see him, to angry about Newol to sad about his questions concerning Arian and Sonticus. "Sonticus is...gone. Arian challenged your brother to a fight to the death...and she didn't make it. Before that, Valentine challenged for me and my children to join the ranks of Imperium, and Cypress lost. It belongs to someone else as far as I know, but..." What? She felt like she betrayed them? That she hadn't been able to help Arian? That her friend and sister was now gone, and she had no one to confide in? Her eyes stung as her heart clenched with the memories...but she couldn't keep holding onto everything that was biting at her soul like a rabid dog on its victim.


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6 Years
12-08-2015, 02:40 PM

Vereux made himself worthy enough to listen to her. It seemed like Avalon had been going through a tough time. That much he could tell, making a frown appear on his face. It depressed him that her mate had vanished. All he wanted to do was hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay, yet what shocked him before was Arian. It seemed maybe he had dealt a hand in this, he hoped Avalon didn't hate him for that much. He knew he and Arian's last words to each other were not the kindest. Now what was worse, he couldn't apologize - because it was useless to fight with her now. Sonticus was no more and Avalon was in imperium because she had been challenged for.

Vereux looked at Avalon and nodded his head. “It's going to be okay Avalon.” he said faithfully. Taking a step forward he sought to give her a slight nudge in the shoulder. Any type of comfort he could give he wanted her to receive it. Vereux gently sank down onto his haunches. “I want to stay with you Avalon - maybe you can help me into Imperium. I could help look after your kids... I'm sorry. You're.... the only one left.” Vereux shook his head. He didn't have anyone else to lose, and he'd be damned if he lost her. He wasn't going to press on her space, but if it were him. He'd want the kids to grow up with a father. Or at least a father figure. There was probably plenty of those in Imperium - but Vereux would be directly at her side if she let him.

“I speak”



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-08-2015, 04:04 PM

She was mildly surprised when Vereux approached her, touching her shoulder as he spoke. She bit back her emotions, taking a deep breath before responding. "Thank you, Vereux. Things have been quite...stressful, as of late. I'm glad to have someone to talk to at last. Someone that I know, at least." She was truly grateful to have found a good friend after everything that had happened. She had been through alot, perhaps not as bad as others, but even as an adult she couldn't seem to escape the sorrow that was creeping back up on her from her younger days. Indeed, she thought Newol would be able to change all of that...did they not have a connection when they first met, and when he returned? Maybe she had been too naive still...just as she had been back then. It hurt, the pain still raw. And yet, she couldn't help but still worry about Newol. Questions about him swam in her head. Was he dead? No. If surreal cared enough she would have told her...Unless surreal was only using him. But she hoped that wasn't the case. She dismissed the thought, it wasn't what happened. She hoped not at least.

"I want to stay with you Avalon." What? She looked at him, listening to him as he offered to help her with her children, apologizing as well. "What?" She was a little confused with the thought. She knew a little about his past, his father's tyranny and how he'd been enslaved and abandoned. Losing his wife and children, among other things. She offered a small smile, it wouldn't hurt to have a friend in Imperium. Maybe it would help her gather up her thoughts, and she wouldn't have to worry about leaving her kids with someone she didn't trust. "I understand. It would be a good idea, I need the help more then anything and I've yet to find someone in the pack that I trust with my children..." Then it struck her, she wasn't exactly in power to simply bring him into the pack. It was Valentine's decision after all. "I must caution you, I'm not a beta anymore. I don't hold the Rank I did in sonticus. You would have to speak to Valentine, and I will be there if you wish. He may test you though, so just be prepared for that."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-08-2015, 04:12 PM

He listened quietly as his mom and her friend spoke. He didn't entirely understand what they were talking about. Sonticus? What the Frick was that? But when imperium was mentioned, he jumped up and wagged his tail, green eyes sparkling. "Does that mean you're gonna come and meet my brothers and sister? Are you gonna play with us? Our pack is awesome! Momma hunts alot and then me and Kharnage and simmy and Lykos get to go out and explore!" Oops. He said too much, didn't he? He peered up at his mom, a lopsided grin peeking as he hid under his mom, away from the surprised and Stern stare she was giving.




6 Years
12-08-2015, 04:58 PM

The male looked at her pup for a moment, when he spoke he couldn't help but to laugh. It was in their youth that they had such an innocent view on the world. He almost hoped it stayed most of the time. Vereux felt like a certain amount of protection was needed for these young ones. If Avalon didn't trust anyone enough, he'd make it known that he could be trusted. This time determined to stick around with what little he had left. “I think no one in imperium knows me, I've only heard rumors of the pack.” Vereux said for a moment before turning his attention towards the little one.

“Only if your alpha lets me in, but even then maybe I'll come visit. If your mom is busy I can play with you and your siblings.” Vereux nodded as he looked up towards Avalon. “Lead the way I suppose. It would be nice to have you next to me.” Plus, he knew some alpha's loved recruitment. If Avalon was there if this Valentine had challenged for her. Maybe if she brought him there, then it would be more than likely he had a chance to be accepted into a new home that reminded him of where he was born.

“I speak”