
Long overdue



6 Years
Extra large
12-08-2015, 05:21 PM

Orchid had left the pack, she had only joined to teach the healers in their ranks the studies of their trade. When she bid Glacier good bye, she said also that she was confident in their abilities, Terrea especially she said would make a capable lead healer. With the recommendation of his mentor, and the knowledge that they needed a lead healer amungst their ranks, Glacier would lift his head and howl for his earthly brother. He hadn't seen much of Terrea of late, he could only assume the man had been intent on his studies up until this point. He looked forward to a chance to speak to him. Truly, Glacier was missing the closeness of his family. Locha and Gale had always claimed his sides as their warm spots on cold night, he had always been so accustomed to the lot of them about his giant paws, day in and day out. Not, they where all growing up and a part of him wished he could cram their grown bodies back into their younger selves – even as he felt the glow of pride at the same time, so see the wolves they where becoming. They where peaceful, and finding themselves. Maybe that meant they weren't always around, but it did his heart good to see them content.




5 Years
12-09-2015, 11:10 PM

Terrae Elementas

Intent in his studies he had been, so deep that he had guiltily forgotten about his family. Well, he admitted that was his mistake, and pledged from now on to balance his responsibilities equally. At least he hadn't wasted his time; in fact, the past season brought many learning opportunities for him. He had encountered a healer from Fiori, where he had exchanged some of his own knowledge and the time he helped out the injured female when an earthquake had struck the hills. And of course, he had been occupied with restocking his herb supplies, even if winter hadn't proven to be so promising.

His elder brother's howl sounded to his ears as he trailed his nose through the light snow, hoping to uncover herbs that hadn't yet suffered the effects of winter. No luck, of course, though he left his companion to continue the tedious job as he trotted off in the direction of the call. A large, familiar form came into his view, and at the sight he quickened his pace as he approached his brother.  "Brother," he greeted with a warm smile. "How have you been?"

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



6 Years
Extra large
12-26-2015, 10:46 PM
Terrae was quick to give an appearance and the giant lowered his head to nudge the top of his brothers skull, smiling at his younger sibling as he spoke. "Brother" he replied warmly in response to the greeting. "I have been well. I trust your studies have been going well? Orchid had high praise to give you" he explained, his stern expression breaking into a broad smile. "In fact that's why I called you" he admitted, working his way quickly to the matter at hand. He looked out across the touched of winter on his land, and thought about all the wolves that lived here, in his and voltages part of the world. All family, all deeply loved, and all relying on the oldest two for the safety and health.

"It's well time we rewarded you for your hard work and dedication. More so then that, it's time we set up a wolf in a position donostrea needs. If you feel you are prepared for the duties and the huge responsibility of it I want you to become the lead healer. This will give you both authority and responsibly. You will be in charge of any healer meetings required, the lead expert of donostrea in any matters regarding healing, and in charge of lior's knowledge and expanding it and your own - and of course any other healers we might gain in the future" he concluded. Leaving no doubt to the responisiblies and challanged his brother might face.




5 Years
12-27-2015, 07:58 PM

Terrae Elementas

Hearing of praise from his former mentor did ease some of his troubles. He had been so caught up in his studies - so intently that all thoughts of visiting family slipped away - that he hadn't realised how much he had learnt and how far he truly had come. That praise reminded him of his hard work and dedication, and motivated him to persevere onwards. "Indeed they have," he replied with a small smile, though that smile soon faded into a look of curiosity as the larger male stated that the subject of his healing studies was the reason behind his summoning.

He had been hooked from the moment his brother spoke of the pack needing a wolf in a high position. There was only one position he truly wanted, and as the leader continued to speak, the rank of lead healer was revealed. Youthful excitement burst inside of him whilst he kept a cool and calm exterior. As exciting as it may sound he had to know his responsibilities and be willing to commit. The two main obligations that stood out for him were organising trainings and expanding his own knowledge as well as Lior's. Oh, right, they were the only healers in Donostrea, which disappointed him a bit. Perhaps the pack would gain some in the future, like his brother predicted. "I accept the position, brother," he stated with a nod, bronze eyes alight thrill. "I'm certain I'll be able to handle these duties." Then with a gentle nudge to his brother's flank, he promised, "I won't let you down."

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



6 Years
Extra large
12-27-2015, 08:12 PM
Voltage was taking a little longer then Glacier had thought he would, instead of leaving his brother standing there an engaging in idle talk he had gone and plunged into the middle of what the chat was about. Perhaps it was his own excitement, Terrae deserved this, had worked hard for this. Glacier's eyes crinkled into a warm and welcoming smile “I'm glad to hear it, brother. However I have one more thing to ask of you. Hold onto that joy for a moment longer, I'm not the only person who decided you deserve this” he winked at Terrae and nodded his direction back towards the beach, indicating that Voltage should be joining them in a moment. “I also want to remind you more of the duties that this will mean. If you recall out Beta position is set up to accommodate whatever Donostrea needs in the moment, that means if something dramatic happens in regards to disease, illness, or any other major heal problem or injury, you will be a temporary Beta, and a leading voice in the matter” he said, wanting Terrae to know the true meaning of what the rank entailed. Of course, he didn't want to dampen his brothers enthusiasm either. ”Me and Voltage both know you can do this.”

Ooc: oops! Volt needs to be a part of this, just gona tweek some background stuff if your ok with that. This is gona be set for very recently, like a couple days ago and voltage is going to enter the thread next post <3




6 Years
12-27-2015, 10:16 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage was...doing, something. To be entirely honest, if he were asked what he was doing he really couldn't name it. Was he procrastinating? Perhaps. Perhaps yes. It had been so long since he had done any "alpha" things, and he almost felt an imposter getting in on it now. So he had set out on a mission that was as silly as one might expect of Voltage. He was out to find the perfect rock. Yes, a rock. It had to be perfect, the right shape, the right weight, the right color, but when he found it he knew he had to face the music. Excitement and apprehension coursed through his chest, and he had to physically shake his head to get himself out of the little funk he was in. This was his brother! It wasn't like this was a large thing. And besides, there was a very very tiny chance Terrae would even turn it down. It was just..getting back into it that felt odd. Like he had given up on finding illie, even if that was entirely untrue.

He had found his perfect rock, and had turned back to walk towards the place Glacier was waiting. He blinked in surprise when he noticed both of them there already. He sighed softly, disappointed in himself. He moved along towards them, his "perfect stone" held in his teeth. He moved to stand beside his brother and gently dropped the stone, laughing softly. "Sorry I'm late." He said happily, looking at his herb loving brother before he gently pushed the stone forward. "That's for you. It's uh...a...badge, for.." He paused then and looked up at Glacier, stormy eyes narrowed and knowing. There was something about the air, he could tell. "You told him didn't you." He said, staring at him with icy eyes, his jaw set tight.




5 Years
12-28-2015, 08:59 PM

Terrae Elementas

The cogs in his mind spun to life as he tried to extract as much information about the rank that his brother next spoke of. The Dulus it was called, wasn't it? At a time of strife, such as a medical epidemic, he may be raised to this rank to help lead the family. The lead healer position was enough to satisfy him, but a beta-like rank? Well, at least it was temporary and one of the requirements anyway. "I understand the responsibilities," he said with a firm nod, determined to step up his game in the pack.

His other brother soon appeared, apologising for his late arrival and dropping a stone by his earthen paws. Brows raised with intrigue as he stared down at the rock - a badge for him. A laugh slipped from his lips as he looked into his lightning-marked brother's eyes. Looks like he now had a pet rock. "I will cherish it forever," he promised with a cheeky smile, though that smile soon faded into a look of confusion as Voltage's gaze hardened at Glacier, jaws noticeably tightened. Was there something wrong? He kept silence, unsure as to the reason behind the sudden, cold atmosphere.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*