
Tads's plots of LOVE


04-15-2013, 10:08 PM
So I'm going to do this quickly. Tad and her charries are lonely because of all this drama with wolves being ripped apart and put back together >.> so I need, I mean want love for someone. If you want links I will post them later tomorrow but go to my main plot thread and they are all there. Here is what I have:

Saix is old. I'm not looking for a love interest, just someone to act like a dreams to him before he dies. -not to worried about this at all- Saix is in Glaciem.

Odin at the moment is taken by arcane, we are testing it out to see how things work. Ill let you all know if he is officially single or what evs. Odin is trying for Glaciem.

For some reason everyone wants to love on gen. Well you know, you guys not your characters. Gen is not loyal, so don't expect him to care about only your character. He is more of a relationship guy instead of commitment so it is more of like testing. Gen is in Glaciem.

Rumble I am really itching to get a love interest. He is turning 3 next month and he really needs someone to trust. Of course there will be a lot of threads before anything because it is hard to get anywhere with rum. He looks at everyone the same and it is difficult for him to see someone differently.

Phoenix is my new girl. She is kind of a bitch and selfish. Well, when she is single she will go for about anything but she is picky when it gets real. She does stay loyal besides when they fight, she kind of tries to find a way to deal with tht in a bad way. Phoenix is waiting to be claime in the battle feild.

On may 11th misty will be born and I was hoping a little boy pup could be her best friend and maybe something can grow between them. Misty will be born into Seracia.

SO post here if you are interested, ill check out your character but don't get offended if I saw it won't work. I most likely won't because I'm willing to try whatever but if I do say it won't work, it isn't because of you or your character. It's Rey way I think they will get along. Everyone and all their characters are awesome and different. So don't be offended.


04-27-2013, 07:10 PM
For Saix...May could be a sweat heart to him. Shes not the nicest wolf out there but to the right people shes a sweet heart.(just a suggestion) Since your not looking for a lovey dovey relationship...i think she would work fine, but you know more about him than i do.

For Phoenix...Ill offer up My loner Slate, but he is going to be a little bit of work for her. As being born a tor puppy but raised by others, he thinks all women are worthless..but he gives them a chance to prove themselves before he writes them off. Aside from that he is a very sweet man and is a lover not a fighter.

As for Misty, ill offer up Ravine...BUT he is going to be born in Valhalla and won't be born till may 20th

All just a thought...if you don't think they are right for your wolves then that is quite alright


04-28-2013, 12:22 AM
I was thinking maybe Rumble and Vi could meet? She is Tortuga's beta and believes that everyone should worship the ground she walks on but has been maturing as she gets older and gets more responsibilities. Could be a nice way for her to mature and speed up that process.

Is Phoenix open to girls and guys or just girls? I think her and Ky might get along or maybe Cynrik... Ky is kinda, was my bad boy but has changed a lot as he ages as well. Currently only has one real friend and in the end is super loyal to those he is close to. Cynrik is 4 and in Sercia, he is just a charmer, I braised him loosely off of Robert downy jr from iron man :p but super sincere and ready to help anyone.


05-13-2013, 08:01 PM
@Dio: I think Rumble and Vi could go for it! we should start up a thread sometime ;3

@Secret: I would love to try Misty and Ravine, but because they are in different packs it cant work out right now, maybe when she is a bit older ;3
Saix just died to be a heart yeah but that would have been good for him /:

@Both: As for phoenix, i could try a thread for both of you and see which one phoenix clicks into since you know, our characters are unpredictable.