
Target 1



4 Years
12-03-2015, 11:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2015, 11:58 PM by Takira.)

Takira sat, her amber gaze taking in the sight around her. It was deep into winter but only a little bit of snow has fallen. But just enough to give her a good sight of those pray animals now digging around in the trees that where now bared of leaves. It seemed that a few goats and horses have made their way down from the rang and hills to see if the trees had left behind their fruit. She tilted her head, trying to eye the best target. She has been known to pull down a deer or even a goat on her own but in both cases her pray had been sick or injured, if she was to take down one of these she would need others.

Takira sighed, knowing that she more than likely would have to turn around and go back to her den without a kill and then come back when she had more wolves with her. Which also seemed unlikely as she kept to herself most of the time, she was a little antisocial in the fact that she did not like to meet others.

She tilted her head the other way, spying a likely target, one that was still healthy but was showing signs of weakening, yes that would do, even if she had to hunt alone she would at least try to bring that one down.

Anyone can post, but after the first person posts I will continue the hunt in two days or when three others reply, whatever comes first. I also ask that you all be quick, I can careless about quality of posts xD I am looking to this this done as fast as possible.
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]


12-03-2015, 11:53 PM

The young man was still feeling achy after his spar with Ash. It scared him. He didn't want to think about fighting... but he knew he needed to be prepared. What if something did happen to Ash? He... he couldn't bear the thought. He would cry his heart out. But right now wasn't the time for those thoughts. Right now the boy was hungry... the gnawing in his gut pressing him to look for prey. Of course Mieu would have been fine just hunting another squirrel or some mice if he could find one but winter made finding such little critters hard. He'd need to tackle something bigger... and he'd need help.

The innocent boy would spy someone. She seemed to be looking at something intently... was it food? Yeah! Horses and goats were scavenging the orchard, looking for leftover fruit it seemed. The boy would wag his tail, his jaws salivating at the thought of meat. If they could take down a horse that would be enough for the pack, right? They were pretty big! He'd start towards the femme, speaking in a soft tone. "Hey! Are you thinking of taking something down? I can help, uh, if that's okay."




4 Years
12-06-2015, 03:34 PM

Takira was still tracing her target, a goat on the thinner side. It would feed a few of the wolves that lived in the pack that held her in servitude. Not that she was that worried about feeding the pack members, She was more or less looking to free herself, and she would. She was about to get up and give it a try when a boy came up to her. She glanced to him, her eyes taking in him. He was young, but that did not matter too much to her, another body in a hunt was always helpful, no matter how skilled they where. And besides Takira was a good hunter at that age so why could he not be?

"Yes," She answered the yearlings question. Seeing this as a chance to teach as well as to hunt she took the chance to enlighten him upon her choice. "You see that white spotted one?" Takira moved her paw and pointed in the direction of a small gathering of goats. Most where varying shades of brown, while the thin one she picked was mostly white with brown spots. "If you watch him move, you can see that he has a slight limp, most likely from another hopeful hunter. He must have had it for a while because he is much thinner then the others in his herd. He must not have been able to get to the better food before his friends." She tilted her head moving her eyes from the youngster back to her pray. "He is weaker and will be slower, he will be our target... If you wish to join me in this hunt."

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]


12-09-2015, 06:24 PM

Mieu would glance towards the goats again as the lady spoke, eyes falling upon her selected target. A mostly white one with brown spots, and quite thin. She was right too -- as he watched it he could definitely see it limping. Mieu would perk his ears up, considering the chances they had going after such a target. He wasn’t used to larger prey but... Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad working with this lady. Mieu would smile, letting his blue gaze shift back to her.

“Of course!” His voice was soft yet excited. “I’ve never really hunted large game before... But I’ll follow your instructions miss! I know we can do it!” Mieu would beam up at the other, his expression revealing just how innocent in nature he truly was. But there was definitely time to grow. To realize what his purpose in life, in this pack, truly was.




4 Years
12-11-2015, 12:35 AM

Takira smiled at the youths enthusiasm, yes this would do quit nicely. This chosen pray wasn't as large and would not feed as many wolves but it was large enough for her to leave her first mark on the pack. Yes, she would show these wolves that she was not merely a wolf to leave in servitude. "Hunting larger pray is not that different then the smaller one, you just need more numbers and larger hunters. Good thing for you I am a skilled hunter and I have a lot of weight to me. Just fallow what I tell you and we should be fine."

Takira turned back to her pray again eyeing it. She then turned to the yearling, knowing that he would not be able to take it down by himself, hell it looked like the boy could hardly take down a bunny he was so small. But with her he would be able to do this, hell anyone would be able to hunt with her.

She smiled at the boy almost feeling the energy off of him, knowing that he would try his best and that was all that Takira asked for. "Now this is how we are going to do it." She posed hoping the boy was listening to her, this was important. "I will circle around the heard and separate my chosen pray from the heard. You stay here and wait, I will then drive him to you. When he is close I will put on a bit of speed and latch onto him and pull him to the ground. You will then go for the killing blow and latch onto his neck. Understand?" She asked only waiting a heartbeat before she nodded and then got to her paws.

The Ebony girl did not wait any further as she trotted around the heard of goats. She kept a wide arch making sure not to spook the creatures as she moved into place. A few of the goats lifted their head knowing that they where now being stalked but did seem to see her as that threat as she was relaxed and her body language did not speck that she was hunting. But then she tensed, giving a small howl to tell the boy that she was going to start and the pray scattered. But she had to eyes for any but the white goat. Takira bounded forward then cutting it off when it was about to fallow its friends to the hills. She smiled as it changed direction and went the way she needed him to. She loped effortlessly as she moved it to her companion. They where now 10 feet away from the yearling when Takira put on a bit more speed and leaped at the goat.

She latched onto the top of the goats neck flipping her paw over its back and pushing with all her wight. It stumbled as her mass pressed down on it and fell. It was baying in shock and pain as Takira moved her body over it, keeping it on the ground as she moved her eyes to the boy, she could keep it grounded but she was not able to making the killing blow, that was up to him.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]


01-22-2016, 12:28 AM

Mieu would give a nod as the scarred woman explained. As long as there was someone who was bigger, who could bring the prey down, then it was simple huh? He was a little nervous, knowing that the killing blow was counting on him but was determined to not let that psyche him out. Narrowing his eyes with determination the young male would give a firm nod, going to his position where he’d wait for her to bring the goat close.

This was his first time hunting with another, and Mieu felt a tingling in his paws of excitement. What he had longed for, for a really long time, was more company. He’d brace himself, ears perked forward, weight evenly distributed, and knees bent. All he had to do now was wait.

Then she brought it close. Mieu would move as the goat began to stumble, judging where it would fall to the earth. Pushing himself on he’d attempt a killing blow much like he would on any smaller animal. Jaws would clamp down over the baying creature’s throat, cutting off it’s oxygen supply. It would weaken, kicking feebly until it finally breathed it’s last. With tail wagging Mieu would let go, hopping happily on his paws.

“We did it!”
