
From there and back once more



4 Years
Extra large
12-08-2015, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2015, 06:39 PM by Malus.)

Malus had once again return to the borders of Donostrea. Sitting right where he did the same time he passed over something to Gale. Whatever did that woman do with the herb was beyond her and hopefully again today his light brown gaze would be blessed with the sight of her. He so badly wanted to let out a howl for her but maybe if he was patient enough and sat on this side of the borders again thoughts would become reality. Where did all the courage go to see the woman who captured his gaze before as his heart sunk a little at the prospect of not getting to lay eyes on Gale before he made another attempt to go to the black island. Just before he let out another word his voice just came from out of nowhere without a second thought howling out to Gale not caring if anyone else heard and came. What exactly brought him back to this same moment that refused to let go of him.

Slowly the big brute would begin to make his way to the water purposely making his gait as slow as he could. Then again he didn't even make it five feet from where he was originally sitting before returning to that same spot and sat down on his rump. The wintry weather didn't quite bother him thanks to the thick coat of fur he sported. Just as he did last time Malus picked up a herb he brought on his way to the border and placed it on Dono's side before returning back to the side Dono didn't own. There was a lot of thought behind it now as Malus let his brain begin to work. Perhaps if there was a way into joining Dono Malus would do it, no matter what it took if it meant getting to be closer to her most of all if it meant he could stop moving around from land to land without no real place to return to one that he could call home.




6 Years
Extra large
12-10-2015, 03:44 PM

Border patrols where so regular a part of Glacier's life that he could have looped his entire pack lands in his sleep. He was making his way through the beach part of their territory when a howl called out for Gale. Glacier's ears pricked instantly, curious and puzzled. He had never heard a wolf call for Gale at their borders before. Was his sister making friends? A mischievous smile touched his lips at the thought, and he directed his steps towards the caller.

He would find a trace of their scent right upon his border line, and the evidence of the movements by the herbs that lay right there, on Donostrea's side of the border. The Alpha narrowed his eyes, before shifting is gaze to the wolf that sat so close to their home. He was only a few inches shorter then Glacier, not a height Glacier often encountered. “I heard you calling for my sister. I am Glacier, the Alpha here, what is your business with Gale?” he asked, perhaps a little too defensively, but after all, this was his sister they where talking about.





4 Years
Extra large
12-10-2015, 04:15 PM

Sure enough his howl did get answered just not by who he was expecting and to a pleasant surprise it was the alpha though how Glacier spoke it sent Malus's ears pinning back. He didn't mean to offend Glacier with his call for Gale for all he wanted to do was say hi to her and see how she was doing before he went off to the black island again. Surely though Glacier wouldn't be too rough with him if Malus answered truthfully as to why he called for Gale, "Alpha Glacier, I mean no disrespect sir I just wanted to see if she was out on patrol again so I could say hi to her and see how she was doing before I make my way back out to black island again... the herbs I placed on your side is a gesture of goodwill and a gift that hopefully your pack can use for the herbs are of no use to myself because I lack the knowledge about them and since Gale gave me the information I needed to know if the scents I were indeed smelling here were a pack perhaps someone would have a use for them" Malus didn't process that Glacier was a few inches taller than himself until he finished that sentence.

Now that the height difference sunk in something about Glacier caught Malus's eye not for his appearance but for how he was acting. Mind began to function like clockwork thinking that Dono wasn't bad after all first Gale and now the alpha himself didn't run Malus off. Though the white brute was genuinely meaning what he said about wanting to say hi to Gale and to see how she was doing. The first meeting kept playing in the back of his eyes like an old record player repeat. Once more he would reassure Glacier that was indeed his only intentions right now as he would clear his throat, "As I said though I wanted to say hi to her and check up on her make sure she was alright since our last encounter but I was coming back from the black island last time... and like last time I gave her a herb thinking she might be able to use it or know someone who might... I apologize if I've offended you, Glacier and will leave if you wish me to unless you might give me the honor of having a longer conversation with you?" the male was curious would Glacier give him that chance possibly open up a dialogue of sorts the might let Malus continue to come close but not into the borders so he could check up on Gale.




6 Years
Extra large
12-10-2015, 07:52 PM
Glacier's eyes narrowed further at the man's words. His round about speech explained a few things to glacier but left many others in question. Who was this man to gale? What was the gesture behind the herbs? Where they a token of appreciation to his sister? His eyes narrowed further. He had only ever had to deal with one male taking an interest in any of her sisters. That man had been introduced to him by the sister he was interested... not skulking about his borders in a hopes of a sighting. No, wait, the man had howled from her, that wasn't the actions of a stalker. He tried to curb the reaction seething his gut. Why did he suddenly feel irrationally defensive? If any of his sisters could deal with an admire it was gale, she was after all, a heart breaker. He grinned internally as he questioned if that was the truth, or just a protective brothers opinion.

Still, his initial reaction was one of mistrust which wasn't natural for the friendly giant. Could it be he was feeling the same prickling need to protect that voltage went through with his litter? Perhaps with glaciers still unborn his emotions where going a little haywire. "Stay" glacier said when the man offered to leave. He wouldn't be free of glaciers presence until the alpha, and older brother, had a measure of this man. "Tell me about yourself. And of your interest in my sister" glacier said, keeping his tone nutral for the moment, but was not above taking the i-have-a-gun-and-not-afraid-to-use-it stance.




4 Years
Extra large
12-10-2015, 09:10 PM

This was a pleasant turn... or Malus thought so too quickly as Glacier hit him with a couple of questions one much easier to answer than the other but nothing that was too terrifying for the brute to answer. Malus would bring his composure back up to what it was before when he initially arrived, "Well to start off answer your questions Glacier, I'm Malus a inventor by trade though what I try to make are rather crude compared to some of the fascinating designs left behind by whatever lived on the lands I've traveled to before but I try to make what I can something of use for others to help make things easier for the lives around me not easier in the sense of becoming lazy and if there is something I could do to help you and your pack I will do what I can" the easy question was done first because talking about what he liked to do came naturally. Now for the needling question to be answered.

What was his interest in Gale? well it wasn't one that went any further than an aquaintance that was for sure, "My interest in your sister? I'm more of an aquaintance but was glad that she didn't just run me off and took a little bit of time to talk to me in our first encounter... I wasn't going to try anything at all for one I barely know her just enough to hold a friendly conversation and two I know she's a member of Donostrea so if I did anything wrong you probably would've heard of it by now so I thought it wouldn't hurt to come back and talk to her again and if I did do anything wrong I would want you to break my legs because I would've deserved it..." Something about the way Glacier was speaking kept Malus on his toes. One wrong move and he was going to be destroyed by this larger brute.

He would reattempt to regain what confidence he still had, "Again I apologize if I offend you Glacier... it was just nice to have someone to talk who doesn't want to tear my face off just for saying hello and just that alone meant more to me than I can put into words to describe and in turn because of Gale just taking a little bit of time like that to talk to me I want to make sure that she's doing alright? I think it would be rather rude of me to make any sort of advances without even getting to know her more in a personal sense than formal" light brown eyes would continue to stay locked onto Glacier. Now it was his turn to ask a question one that probably already had a answer to it, "Would you just kill me if I said I wanted to try and get to know her better? I wouldn't want to just jump into things without thinking about it as beautiful as Gale is. Even then I would ask her and of course I would ask you too not just because you are the alpha but because you are her brother and I respect that most since you are looking out for her".




6 Years
Extra large
12-10-2015, 09:35 PM
It became exceedingly difficult to hide his amusement as the man's long speech displayed his need to calm down a situation he wasn't sure of. Oh dear, Glacier no longer considered him any kind of stalker and he felt a little bad about potentially scaring the chap. All the same, it would do good to keep up aperances, in case the friendly feelings became anything closer to admiration or attraction. It would be good to start him off on this foot - to let him k oe the older brother was more then willing to bite off a leg should he do something wrong. "I see" he said softly, keeping his still pose intimidating.

As the male continued to speak however, something about crossed right back off into weary terratory. 'Rude to make advancements without getting to know her better...' ah ha! So he was interested. Glacier silver gaze went right back to narrowing at the man and once again evaluating him was important. When the man went on to ask glacier a qustion he lifted a claw and examined it as he pretended to think about his answer. "Well. That depends entirely on how gale feels. I warn you, her affection can be fleeting. If she dosent share feelings for you I would not allow you to press her. Should you both get together and she decided sometime after to move on... I strongly suggest you do the same" glacier said, and it was clear 'suggest' wasn't his first choice of words. Perhaps it might have sounded a little over the top, but he would rather be thr bad guy to a stranger and ensure gales physical and emotional well being.




4 Years
Extra large
12-10-2015, 10:06 PM

Back to this part again yes it was hard to admit but he was drawn to Gale but as Glacier said if she did not share the same feelings he should move on all Malus could do was nod in agreement. Did Glacier scare the crap out of him oh yes he did but Malus did come here of his own volition, "I understand Glacier... I wouldn't press her if she didn't share those feeling and also that's a very rigid way of putting suggest into how you're saying it and clearly you really do not like me even thinking of trying to get to know her but I understand that too kind of" That really knocked the wind out of Malus's sails. Malus would lower his eyes towards the ground, "Be honest Glacier, have you already casted your judgement about me because of my name?" He wondered if Glacier understood that his name meant Malice and already begun to brand him as such. Malus was interested in Gale but as he said he wouldn't press the woman into it if she didn't share those feelings and that meant it would be time to move on.

Malus felt bad about displaying himself like this especially to Glacier who was needling him. Did Glacier think badly about him he wondered. No he could let himself entertain that idea, "If you have already casted judgement upon me I'm glad she has a brother like you to protect her and keep the herbs to help those you hold dear... if she doesn't feel the same way I'll go and vanish without a trace" the last bit trailing off quietly. Somewhere it stung Malus, his own name was like a curse even if his intentions were good being a loner didn't quite help him any and those smart enough to pick up on his first name's meaning was just another nail in a already nailed coffin. Malus was opened his maw to say something but it shut just as quickly refraining from speaking further. He understood that Glacier was looking after Gale's well being but it just hurt that he was already speaking in a way that felt like he was trying to drive Malus off.
