
an icebound wonder



10 Years
12-19-2015, 11:50 AM
Harmony rarely wandered far from pack lands, particularly in the winter. She felt the cold more keenly than she rightly should at her age, pained with stiffened joints, and she tired easily in the best of times. But she'd begun to grow concerned about some of her brother's children, and sitting in the pack lands doing nothing had begun to feel stifling. The silence in the pack lands was oppressive. She had to get out and think.

She didn't go terribly far, but the change in scene sufficed to relax her, and she settled into the well of a young tree, staring contemplatively at a crystalline ice droplet that had formed on one of the tree's delicate lower branches. Thinking.

Few in Abaven seemed interested in participating or furthering themselves. The yearlings who had appeared at her behest some time ago had often seemed greatly put-upon, as though meeting with their packmates was a great inconvenience rather than an opportunity. It saddened her to see, and a delicate sliver of resolve hardened within her. She would do whatever was within her power to pull her brother's pack back from the scattered reaches of solitude and reforge them into a cohesive whole. How? She was a healer, not a leader. But there were leaders among them if they chose to step forward - she could encourage them, guide them, into fulfilling their own potential. She had not put herself forward to reclaim her old title as Tagovor when she'd returned to Abaven, thinking that surely someone more suited to the position had stepped forward to fill it. She'd thought surely Starling would find himself suited to it when he came of age... but his self doubts poisoned his leadership and he'd fallen apart under the responsibility when his father had appointed him to lead the healers during the siege. She wanted to give her nephew the chance to prove himself once again, or for Sparrow to mature and settle into the role of healer... but in the meantime there was no one to lead them, and no one in a role to guide them in their journey. If only Rhythm had not stayed in Imperium! Her family needed her.

She sighed softly, her breath causing the ice droplet to quiver upon the branch. She did not like where her thoughts led her, even now. Of course Rhythm should be free to follow her heart. It was selfish of Harmony to have even considered otherwise. And if she had not stayed, Rhys and Rhyme would never have been born - she would not wish them away for the world. Instead of wishing for what was or what could have been, she should concentrate on honing her own skills, on proving herself and perhaps claim the position until one of the younger healers proved capable.

A soft sound caught her attention, and Harmony pricked her ears, head turning to seek what had caused it.



4 Years
12-19-2015, 12:15 PM

At some point Integra's sour mood had given away to begrudging acceptance and apathy. As always when she felt she could not handle life's problems she dove into her work and found herself once again wandering in search of herbs. It was different this time, not being accompanied by Birna and while she was enjoying this taste, this reminder of her freedom, she found herself suddenly missing the behemoth's presence. Well… it was probably for the best. Birna was busy and not fond of being dragged all over creation in search of plants. Her thoughts drifted lightly to Vana as she wondered how the other girls studies were going…. Maybe Integra could find something really cool she could take back to Evangeline and they could swap knowledge. She wasn't quite sure why, whether it was a small competitive streak or something more complex, she wanted to impress the other girl.

Integra navigated carefully through a young forest growing the East. She was aware she was near Abaven lands and she was almost tempted to march right into the territory to bother them. After all, the Abaven healers didn't seem to have much of a problem waltzing into Imperium without so much as a howl at the border. She knew that was because they were special to Rhythm but it still irritated the girl. Favoritism in general just got under her skin no mater how natural it might be.

Nose to the ground Integra willed herself out of her own mind. More and more her thoughts were twisting in on them selves and binding her like a prison. She needed to focus on the outside world. Now…. to hunt. A frost-covered twig snapped beneath her paw just as she looked up to spy a smaller woman nestled in the well of a young tree.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



10 Years
12-19-2015, 12:33 PM
For a moment she caught the eyes of the young wolf as their gazes met, and she thought she saw something... shadowed, haunted in the girl's eyes. But the moment passed with nothing more than a chill and Harmony blinked away the strange feeling as though brushing away a spider's web. It was probably just her own troubled thoughts coloring her perceptions. The girl was of an age with Bass' children... Regardless of what she did or didn't see, it was a welcome distraction for Harmony, and she slipped out of her resting place politely. As she did she extended her other senses, noting the scent of Imperium that clung to her.

"Good morning," she offered with a soft smile. Their packs were ostensably allies, but the alliance was tied entirely to Rhythm's relationship with the other pack's alpha - he had struck her as a dangerous man despite his feelings for her sister, and dangerous men had a habit of attracting other dangerous people. Imperium's eager participation in Bass' war, and the damage they had wrought, had not dispelled her uneasiness with them. She was guarded, wary, of the other pack, but she sought to hide it beneath friendliness. Even though the girl smelled of herbs in the manner almost universal to practicing healers, still Harmony remained wary.

"I'm Harmony, a healer in Abaven. Am I correct in assuming you hold a similar rank in Imperium?" she added with a curious tilt to her head. Did Imperium even have a rank for healers, or were they just another layer of warriors in the militaristic pack?



4 Years
12-19-2015, 12:52 PM

Integra's gaze would lock with the strangers bi-colored eyes and they'd stare at each other for a moment before the woman would greet her. She would dip her own head in greeting her nose analyzing the woman's scent and pin-pointing her as one of Abaven's wolves. That wasn't surprising so close to their homeland but she did find it rather ironic that of all the wolves she'd manage to run into it would be one from Abaven. The stranger introduced herself as Harmony a healer of Abaven confirming what Integra's nose had informed her. Well… at least she hadn't seen this one traipsing through Imperium's packlands without asking and Integra had to admit she was curious if the Abaven healer's were really as good as the rumors would make her believe. Imperium was strapped for healers, there was no doubt about that, but she was learning and so was Vana and she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Of course… if this woman was worth her salt.

Integra would allow herself to relax a bit and once again she nodded. "Yes, I'm Integra Armada a Medica, or healer, of Imperium. Are you out herb gathering?" She tried to make small talk, uncertain how much she should tell and how much she should listen. "I thought I might hunt for some wintergreen here… I don't suppose you know where any might grow in this location?" It wouldn't hurt to ask a local Wintergreen was a rare herb but it was one she felt might impress her friend and so she was keeping an eye out for it though she'd gather more common herbs she came across as well such as juniper.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



10 Years
12-19-2015, 01:23 PM
The girl offered her own name and rank back, and added a question. A test, or a genuine question? Perhaps Harmony was just being paranoid simply because of the pack this Integra belonged to. Either way, there was no reason to not answer. Wintergreen? Harmony considered. "Wintergreen grows most often under pine forests, and I recall that this forest was burned down when I was young. The ash in the soil will have made the soil not very good for plants like wintergreen. But it was once a pine forest so perhaps if we search hard we will find a patch in the shade beneath the trees." She glanced off into the forest thoughtfully, not even noticing that she had volunteered herself to assist the younger healer. She'd needed a distraction, and she'd needed to hone her skills, so this opportunity was star-sent. "Juniper might be a better choice in this soil. Perhaps we shall keep our eyes open for both?" She nearly asked if the other healer knew the uses of juniper, but hesitated for fear of offending her. She did not know the extent of the girl's knowledge, and to assume that she knew more and better than Integra would be arrogant and rude. Instead she added delicately, "I myself could use more juniper in my caches. With the season bronchitis is more common, after all, and my joints get inflamed quite often, and I would not want to run low."



4 Years
12-19-2015, 01:48 PM

Integra watched the womans face with interest, the slight hesitation. Now, now what was this? Withholding information from an ally? She grinned but said nothing opting to wait patiently for an answer. The woman would begin to answer and Integra would be patient until she finished. She was surprised the ash was still a problem here. "Oh it doesn't have to be this particular terra. I haven't gotten to explore much of the East, if you know of a better forest to look through I am all ears but I thought asking a local might save me the trouble of combing a significant portion of Alacritis." This was true she really hadn't explored that much of the East, only the territories that once belonged to Ebony and even those had been quick visits near the borders.

Integra nodded and chuckled to herself. "As it happens Juniper was one of the herbs I'm keeping an eye out for. I'm looking to gather some of the berries." She'd planned to chew off a few branches to carry back for fear she'd accidentally swallow all the berries on the trip. "Oh? You use it for your joints? I don't suppose you'd be interested in swapping a bit of knowledge? I've heard of it being used for such purposes but no one has ever explained or showed me how." Integra was relaxing a bit, it was clear this other woman knew what she was talking about and the prospect of gaining knew knowledge was exciting to her. "I'm more of a battle medic actually, I'm looking to use it for wounds but I like to help in other areas." It was an odder user for juniper but a reasonably effective one. Integra hesitated to say to much about the lack of active healers in Imperium. She didn't want to give away any weakness.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



10 Years
12-19-2015, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2015, 08:31 PM by Harmony.)

Integra seemed receptive to the idea of an exchange of knowledge, so Harmony found herself relaxing into the familiar, exciting routine of healers. "I don't travel much anymore - " her infirmity saw to that " - but I do remember some areas that it might grow in the east from when I was younger. The mountains - Fenrir's Maw they're called - has a lot of wintergreen, and I believe the island off to the north east, Alias, has quite a lot. Anywhere with evergreen trees, generally."

The girl claimed herself to be a battle medic, and Harmony's gaze lit with interest. "I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty on battle medicine myself. I spent a year alone only really treating myself, and fighting wasn't really an option at the time. I'd be interested in any wound treatments you might know of them. As far as methods of application - the juniper berries are actually the scales on juniper cones. You put them to soak in water, and either soak the inflamed area or take small doses internally. With hot enough water a wolf can breath in the steam and treat inflammation of the lungs, as well." A sidelong glance at the young wolf, who was just coming into adulthood, and she added casually, "Juniper can be used as contraception as well, so be careful not to use it internally on someone who is pregnant. Probably best to skip it externally as well. If they want to avoid pregnancy though, it is a decently good way to if they don't wait too long to take them." She hesitated a moment, then made an inviting gesture. "Perhaps we can talk while we walk? I wouldn't want to hold up your search."

Suiting actions to words she cast her eyes out into the young grove of trees, seeking the shrubby evergreen they were both hoping to find.




4 Years
12-19-2015, 09:08 PM

Integra took rapid mental notes of everything the older woman was saying and she made a note to look around Fenrir's Maw while she was out in this area. She just had to bring back something impressive to Vana. "Thanks! I'll be sure to take a look." Integra moved to sit, tail wrapping around her paws as she mused over the instructions for healing aching joints. Hot water would be tricky though she did know of hot springs here and there. Regular water would work just fine though and she nodded to show that she was paying attention and taking in the others words. "Oh? Contraception to?" My didn't this plant have a lot of uses. "Sure, walking would be good... if it doesn't trouble you to much." Integra was didn't want to pry to much into Harmony's own health issues and she didn't want to push the other woman to hard but Harmony seemed ready to go so Integra got to her paws and trotted along next to the woman. Integra figured it was her turn to share what she knew of the plant and it's relationship to physical wounds.

"In regards to battle medicine the juices and oils of the berries can be applied to exposed wounds to assist healing and it also keeps bugs like flies from getting at at the injury. Sometimes it's best to mix it with a bit of animal fat so it's not quite so strong when you apply it."

They continued walking for a ways as Integra's eyes scouted across the trees before resting on a small grove of five foot tall coniferous foilage. She broke away from Harmony and trotted up to the trees, squinting for a moment til she saw what she was looking for. Yes! "Harmony! Harmony! I found some juniper berries." Now to harvest them… "I don't suppose you know any good tricks for carrying these? I was thinking of gnawing off a few branches." She got on her hind legs her front legs resting on a branch as she sniffed lightly at the berries, double checking the scent. It was easier for her to recognize plants by the smell, to often her eyes could cause her to doubt.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



10 Years
02-03-2016, 07:08 AM

Harmony listened carefully as Integra spoke. She'd long ago learned to use juniper for wounds, but it was something she had forgotten in her most recent forays to gather herbs. It had been so long since she had treated wounds - but the little bit of information about the flies and the animal fat she had never learned, and she beamed at the younger healer with genuine gratitude. "Thank you, Integra, I didn't know that. Flystrike is a serious problem with wounds that can't be covered, and it's always been frustrating to find ways to keep them off a patient who can't do it themselves. How do you mix it with the fat? How would you store it?" Her mind was already working, fascinated by the possibilities. Sometimes when it got really hot, like in fires, fats were liquified and then dried later like a jelly... maybe if you put it in some sort of a container and let it rest in something hot, like a boiling hot spring somewhere or a fire, it would do the same...

So caught up in her thoughts she was surprised when Integra called out to her from a distance away, having found the juniper they sought. The Abaven healer quickly loped over. A method of carrying them? "Hm, I've often myself considered the best ways of carrying herbs. I think with the juniper you'd be fine with snipping off small branches and carrying them because it won't harm the berries at all, but I worry about you being caught up in a dangerous situation on your way back to Imperium with your mouth full of sticks." She'd found herself liking the young healer, despite her initial caution, and the idea of her being metaphorically caught with her pants down by some unscrupulous creature and hurt did not sit well with Harmony. She frowned. "I've thought about making a bag out of hide with a strap to go around my neck, but I haven't been able to figure out how to put one together. I've thought maybe sticking all the edges together with pitch, but I am uncertain something of the sort would hold up to use." Delicately she reached up and snipped a slim evergreen bough off, the thin branch falling between her and Integra bearing several of the scaly cones they were looking for. The bushes here could stand for a bit of trimming - this patch didn't look to have been harvested by anyone lately, and branches and cones alike were profuse. There would easily be enough here for them both to take all they could carry back to their respective packs without causing damage to the plant itself.




4 Years
02-26-2016, 08:04 PM

Integra pondered the older healers questions. "I usually skim fat from our kills and mash the berries into it with my claws on a rock or piece of bark but it takes patience. I'm sure there must be a more efficient way. When I store it I keep it in the darker, cooler areas of my storage den, usually wrapped in leaves though I've never known it to keep too well." She wrinkled her nose a bit. The fat tended to go rancid far sooner than she liked. "Imperium is a large pack, we have to hunt frequently to keep everyone fed so a fresh supply isn't a terrible concern."

Harmony offered her advice in picking off the berries and Integra would nod, stretching herself up and carefully snipping off a few twigs with berries. She made herself a neat little pile between her front paws before grinning at Harmony. "It's alright, I should be fine. If I need to fight I can always drop the herbs then gather them back up after I kick the ass of whoever was dumb enough to attack me." Juniper berries were hardy and would hold up fine to being dropped. Her ears would perk forward at the mention of making a bag. "Oh, that's a neat idea Harmony!" This ol' gal was certainly creative! Integra found herself really enjoying the others company, it was nice to talk with another healer who had a different perspective and knowledge to share…. shame Integra wasn't higher ranking, she'd be tempted to take Harmony home with her.

"I'm afraid I don't have any good ideas. I was thinking pine resin maybe but I don't know if it will still bind the hide when it dries. It might make for a delicate bag." It was an interesting thought, something to ponder over for sure. "Now where is that wintergreen…." Integra gathered up her bundle of juniper fronds delicately in her mouth as she set off hunting for their next quarry. After what seemed forever Integra's effort was finally rewarded. She smelt the plant before she could see it. Often she found this was the case, her nose failed her far less than her eyes. As she followed the distinct scent she soon came to a patch of it resting in the shade of a patch of evergreens. The small little plant bloomed with stiff fronds of shiny green leaves, white buds just beginning to appear. "Harmony! Over here!" She called to the other woman and grinned down at the plant. "This is probably a better plant to gather near the fall when there are berries to pick from but now that we know the patch is here we can come back." Hopefully, it would be left undisturbed.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]