
Come Take Me Higher


12-14-2015, 08:17 PM

The young man wasn't sure why he was here.

He felt... lost. Sonticus... what had become of it? When he went to the North the scents were cold. It was as Sonticus had disappeared into thin air. What had become of his sister? Her scent was fresher here, yet still stale. He was scared. Scared for Arian. Scared for Limno. If only he knew how they had both turned out... one on the verge of madness and the other, well, quite insane in her own right.

Hakku would gaze out across the battlefield, wondering what it was he truly sought. Was it a purpose? He would frown deeply, his gaze almost seemingly lost. He didn't know what to do with himself. He'd fought to come home... except there was no home to turn to. Only... ruin. His heart gave an ache and, raising his head to the sky, the man would let out a low, mournful howl.




9 Years
Athena I
12-18-2015, 01:03 AM

Ever since Svetlana had told him the news of their soon to be family, Leo had been thinking heavily on Fiori in its current state. He had a plan on how he wanted to change its structure and how it was run, but he knew that wouldn't be enough. They needed more members, they needed to train, they needed to be more prepared. The last thing he wanted to do was bring his children into a pack that wasn't fit to keep them safe. What was worse than that was that he realized he may not even be able to protect them himself. It had been far, far too long since he had done any training on his own part. Some of that could be chalked up to how caught up he had been in the recent events, but really it had mostly been laziness. At least that's what he told himself.

Either way, he made his way toward the battlefield. He wasn't entirely sure what he was here looking for, but part of him figured that whatever it was he might find it here. It was still hard to be here considering what had brought him here the last time, but he had to face it sooner or later and he supposed that now was as good a time as any. A howl reached his two-toned ears and he listened to the call curiously. After a moment he would turn and make his way toward the voice. Soon enough a brightly colored wolf came into view. His colors were similar to his own, but more vibrant and his patterns more numerous. He looked at the man curiously as he approached him, stopping a comfortable distance away. His posture was one of an alpha, but he had never been of the sort to take a title to his head so his shoulders were still relaxed and his lips carried an easy smile. "Hello there. Who might you be?"

"Talk" "You" Think

Katja the First


8 Years
12-19-2015, 09:33 AM
She was growing used to the way her body was changing to accommodate the new lives within her, but even so she found occasional frustration in the sick feeling she woke up to every morning, the way her balance felt... off, the constant hunger. The pups were decreed and conceived from the All-father and that made them special - but that did not make the pregnancy less... annoying.

And she missed Raisa.

She quelled the rise of uncharacteristic emotions and the queasiness with equal, cold determination as she swept down from her northern lands to stalk the battlefield. She would drown sentimentality in battle and assuage the hunger with blood - a fitting baptism for the children in her womb. The pregnancy was obvious in her scent, but only the slightest rounding of her abdomen announced it to the eyes. She would not appear as easy prey...

But an anomaly distracted her from her quest for battle and she paused a short distance away from a pair. She recognized the one - the alpha of the pack Fiori. The other she did not recognize, but it had been he who had called out so mournfully as to attract her attention. It was unusual within the battlefield, a weakness displayed so vividly, and it attracted the predator attention of the viking as she circled nearer. "Adravendi," she greeted the other alpha in a murmur, faint distaste upon her tongue. She had little of late to endear her to the family, and though professional courtesy dictated she be... polite to another alpha, she was disinterested in him in general. it was the other ginger-furred male that kept her attention. "You appear... lost," she spoke directly to the stranger, her cool voice devoid of pleasantries - and it was clear she was not talking about losing his way physically. Anticipation put a moon-glow gleam in her silver eyes, half-lidded as she watched him.


12-19-2015, 04:13 PM

Fate could work in ways both good and bad, Hakku found. Things could sometimes work well for an individual, and other times not so well. Hakku would close his mint green eyes, feeling his heart give an ache. So much had happened since he’d last seen his dear sister. He remembered the day he had been out hunting with Cypress, how quickly everything had gone downhill. He would breathe in slowly, shakily, trying to shake the memories from his mind. But they just wouldn’t disappear.

When Hakku opened his eyes again it was to an approaching figure. A male of autumn tones, though richer. White however was the only other color to mark his coat. The fox-like male would dip his head respectfully to the man who had appeared, offering a sad smile.

“Hakku Hutashi is my name, sir.” By how the other carried himself he seemed to be an alpha of sorts. “Excuse me... You wouldn’t happen to know what had happened to Sonticus, would you?” But, even as the question left his lips, along came another.

She was a woman dressed in black, silver flecking upon her coat. Her voice was not as warm, nor as inviting. Hakku would address her in kind however, dipping his head respectfully to the femme as well. “Indeed I am, miss. It seems that the pack I was once part of has up and vanished, and my sister, their alpha, with it.” Hakku would lift his head.

“As I’ve asked this gentleman here, I was wondering if he might know what became of Sonticus, or you, if you have any idea.”




9 Years
Athena I
12-20-2015, 09:31 PM

Leo returned the male's dip of his head with a smile as he listened to his introduction. Hakku. Surprise and curiosity painted his face at the other man's question as well as a twinge of sadness. However, before he could even formulate a response another wolf approached them and with a glance he recognized her as the alpha from Yifr. He had only encountered her once, when she came with Svetlana's brother to their border with an offer of some kind of trade. "Katja," he returned in kind, glancing over her curiously before returning his gaze to the newly met male while Katja gave him her own statements and Hakku would answer.

A new bit of information came to light as he was explaining himself again to the black colored woman that Leo immediately latched onto. Sister? He looked at Hakku with confusion and surprise, his head tipping to the side slightly. It had never occurred to him to ask Arian about her birth family before... he often forgot that she was indeed an adopted sister for him. Now that opportunity was lost. "I'm afraid Sonticus is no more... Cypress has a new woman running the pack with him now and they've renamed it. Borealis I believe. It's been moved to the South." It was a very condensed version of everything he knew, but he hoped it was enough for the man. "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Leo Adravendi... My mother adopted Arian. She was my sister too."

"Talk" "You" Think

Katja the First


8 Years
12-21-2015, 02:46 PM
Well. Well, well, well. That certainly explained everything, Katja observed sourly to herself as the ginger-furred male asked after Sonticus. His sister's pack. She let the Adravendi alpha ramble on for a bit - the information was new to her as well, since last she had heard Sonticus had tucked tails between legs and fled to the west - before cutting in coldly. "A charming family reunion to be sure." She did not bother to hide the disgust in her chilly tone. It seemed Arian's family pervaded this continent all across the spectrum - she could hardly take a step without finding yet another one. "It hardly surprises me to hear that he finally rid himself of the useless little chit and her legacy. Let us hope it was not too late for him and that he does not make the same mistakes his wife made. Such a disappointment..." But not an unexpected one - she'd known Arian was not a fit alpha and had no qualms with saying so. It was... disappointing, however, to not have had the chance to raid the pack as she had sworn to do. Perhaps she would need to pay a visit to this Borealis...


01-22-2016, 01:21 AM

Hakku would listen to Leo first. So Sonticus was no more... And, by how he spoke of Arian... Was she...? Hakku would flick his ears back, giving a soft whine. Though it was the condensed version of information it was still a lot to take in. A lot on his heart. He would allow his gaze to falter for a moment before it switched to the woman. Her disgust was evident, and Hakku would feel his fur bristling at her words. But though he wanted to shout insults, to rage and attack her, he would reign in his anger and speak in a cold, crisp tone instead.

“You obviously didn’t know enough about her to make judgment. If Cypress has indeed abandoned my sister it will be a very costly error on his end.” His words held dark promise for vengeance if such a thing were the truth. He was not here to debate with this woman, nor with Leo. But it seemed the other man was his best bet at potential family. “Please... If there is anything more you know... Tell me.”




9 Years
Athena I
01-22-2016, 08:53 PM

Leo's ear would flick at Katja's voice when she spoke, a muscle in his jaw twitching at her words. He couldn't honestly say that Arian hadn't made mistakes or that she was the most wonderful alpha. It seemed like every time he had come to see her she had gotten herself into some other kind of trouble. However, mistakes or not, she had still been his adopted sister and to hear her spoken of so poorly did nothing for his opinion of the darker woman. His eyes flicked toward her, but before he could speak Hakku spoke first. Leo's gaze shifted back toward the orange-hued man let that be the end of it. The trouble with being an alpha was he had to put his pack before himself. Weather he liked this woman or not he still had to watch himself to ensure that he didn't bring some kind of wrath on his pack.

Hakku asked him for more information and Leo sighed. "Cypress didn't abandon Arian. Arian was killed in a death match she called herself." It was short and to the point, but it wasn't a memory he liked to revisit. "We can talk more later if you wish... But I am going to head back home now. My pack is located in the East, called Fiori. You can find me there later if you wish." He gave Katja a slight glance before turning away from the pair of them and heading back toward home. He hadn't accomplished much of anything that he had wanted to in this trip, but he couldn't be here much longer. Not with his sister's death still fairly fresh on his mind.

-exit unless stopped-

"Talk" "You" Think