
Lampshades on Fire



8 Years
Athena I
12-10-2015, 11:33 PM

I think I've lost control

When was he going to just give it up? He had been searching for Selini for months and months and he still hadn't found any trace of her. It was like she had just vanished off the face of the earth. Even the faint traces of her scent around the pack lands had completed faded. It was like she had never existed. Maybe that was why he refused to give up. If he gave up that meant that she was actually gone... His heart ached and he carried himself forward on heavy paws. He had good days and bad days. This was a bad day. It probably didn't help that the clouds were heavy in the sky today and blocked out most of the direct sunlight. He never quite felt right on gloomy days like this.

He kept searching the air for any trace of her scent as he walked, which was probably the only reason he had caught the scent of one of his other sisters instead. He was so taken off guard by it that he stopped in his tracks, blinking from surprise while he sniffed the air again. He definitely hadn't imagined it. He followed the scent with his nose to the ground until he stopped in front of a fallen log. He slowly lifted his head from the ground, eyeing the log with confusion, his head tipped to the side and one brow raised. What in the world? He dipped his head down again and peered inside the hollowed log, squinting to peer into the darkness. Further back in the log he could just barely see the red flashes of his firey sister. "Sere?" he asked, confusion and amusement in his voice. It was just too funny not to put a little smile on his face. Of all the places to find her...

please don't hold me back



5 Years
12-11-2015, 12:51 AM

Stupid fucking snow.

Snow sucked, and could kiss her sweet ass.

Just as she had been going for a nice little walk, the clouds decided to screw her over and freaking snow. Dammit all to hell. So she had taken herself and squeezed into the closest thing that she could find, which was a decaying fallen log. It was a bit of a tight fit and she really had to squeeze her black and red form into it, but anything was worth getting out of the snow. Anything. The smell of rotting wood choked her nose and blocked out all other senses outside, it was all she could detect. She didn't care too much about invaders, she was pretty much a cornered badger at the moment, and just about as grumpy as one as well. She hated winter with a passion, a fiery red hot passion that put even her volcano to shame. Maybe she could melt all the stupid snow with it... Grumbling, the woman curled up into the very base of the log and shut her eyes. Maybe she could sleep here until spring decided to come and save her.

She was about to fall asleep when a voice called her name. Ember eyes flashed open as they narrowed, gazing at the face who dared wake her from her slumber. It was then that she recognized the face of one of her younger siblings. With a groan she rubbed her paw over her face, eyes gleaming in the darkness of her log. "Who else would it be?" she grumbled, head shaking slowly side to side as she scooted down the log and closer to him. With a huff her head was placed on her paws, blinking as the dim light shone behind Sol. "Is it still winter?" She asked, a yawn cracking her maw open.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
Athena I
12-11-2015, 09:48 PM

I think I've lost control

He'd hear Sere's grumpy voice moments after he'd see her fiery gaze flash in the darkness. He could help the small smirk that played on his lips, but he did take a step or two back just to avoid any nipping teeth she might have for him. A few moments later her nose poked out of the edge of the log and he chuckled at her question. "Afraid not. I'm just as ready for these snow clouds to hit the road as you are." Solaris would settle on his haunches then, peering at his fire sister with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Of any of them Sere probably had the deepest connection of sorts to her element with the exception maybe of Astrea. He remembered clearly the troubles over their move to the beach. He had been fairly easy to please simply because the sun shined everywhere, but others hadn't been so easily suited.

"Long time no see, sister," he commented with a small smile. He couldn't help but wonder where their siblings went when they weren't in the pack lands. He was so glued to his cliff side, as most of his celestial siblings were, that he couldn't quite imagine not hanging around Donostrea's lands. A thought came to him and he was careful to keep his tone even and conversational as he asked his question. "Say, you haven't run into Selini have you?" He knew it was a long shot, especially if she had been spending the majority of her time away in logs and such, but he had to try. She had been gone much longer than he had, maybe she had come across some trace of his twin.

please don't hold me back



5 Years
12-27-2015, 01:15 PM
She glared out at her sunny brother, huffing as she dug her nose under her flame licked leg. She knew that Sol didn't care for winter either, and huffed at his comment about the clouds. It wasn't just the damn clouds it was the freaking cold ass snow on the ground. She pressed her nose further into the rotting log, the smell of the decomposing wood filling her nostrils. It reminded her of better days, and she just wanted it all to pass. "How much longer?" she asked with a whine, moving her ember eyes from her sibling to the sky above him. It was all bleak and nasty, she knew that there were still quite a few more weeks before the stupid snow went away.

Sol commented about not seeing her for awhile, and her ears pulled back in guilt. She tried to shrug it off, her irritation mostly covering her shame. "I just needed a break, I guess...: she muttered, putting her head back on top of her legs as she licked the wood chips off her maw. Serefina didn't really want to talk about why she had gone away, and was thankful when the subject wasn't pushed. For now. But when he asked about Selini her head rose up, blinding her tired eyes at her sunshine brother. Her and her moon sister didn't get along, at all. Selini constantly pushed her buttons and tried to one up her, which pissed her off to no end. But she couldn't help but hear the concern in her little brothers voice, and she scooted closer to brush her nose against his cheek. "I haven't, I'm sorry. Has she wandered off again?" Sere asked softly. She knew that the solar triplets were prone to wander off, but to hear the worry in Sol's voice let her know that this was not normal. He was the closest with Selini, like she was with Voltage, so she understood the bond. Concern filled her own eyes, gaze searching his black marked face.