
Lay Me Down



04-13-2013, 09:27 PM

It was all over. The once queen of Seracia was just... done. She had nothing left. She felt completely numb, nothing inside her felt like it was working. She had no one, no friends, no companions, no mate... Nothing. She was completely alone, just like she was when she was sick. She wished she would have just died alone, letting nature take its course. She should have never been found. The brunette temptress ran from the borders of her old home, eventually stumbling across the Rio Grande. She just couldn't do it anymore. Her mind ran wild, her heart thumped uncontrollably in her chest, her lungs screamed for more air. Legs gave out beneath her and she tumbled to the ground, unable to catch herself before she did so. She didn't even bother picking herself up off the ground. She laid there, tears streaming down her cheeks, soft whimpers escaping here and there as she sobbed. She didn't care if anyone saw. She just didn't care anymore.

After some time she had decided what was to be done. She was going to.. kill herself. That was the only solution. Her life had been centered around Gerhardt and now that he was gone.. there was nothing. She was a disgrace, there was no way she would be able to show her face in public. The ex queen of Seracia who was dethroned by her mate. She just couldn't stand the title. She couldn't stand herself. She always knew her fiery personality would be her fall. But, the thing was, during her and Gerhardts conversation, she had bit her tongue and controlled herself. She was trying to change, trying to be a better wife and mother. She wanted to turn things around, she wanted to be the woman her family needed. She wanted to be everything everyone needed. She wanted to be a marvelous queen that would go down in Seracia's history. She was going to try. But it was too late for that now. Everything was gone.

The ex queen forced herself to her paws, legs feeling like jello beneath her shaking frame. She felt worse than she did during her sickness. Hazy pools of blue looked toward the river. It would be an easy way to end it all. Just jumping in, allowing the swift current to drag her body like a rag doll. Certainly she wouldn't be able to fight mother nature. She surged forward, her eyes never leaving the rivers depths. Once she had reached the edge she look into it for a moment. She studied her reflection. It would be the very last thing she saw... at least she would know who she was before she died. A woman who's only wish in life was to please her husband, be a good mother, and alpha female. She had failed all three. Ears flicked back. She was a fucking disgrace. She turned away, unable to look at her reflection. Now she couldn't even look at herself. It was time.

SPLASH. She jumped in without a second thought. There was no going back now. The water burned her eyes as she opened them, taking one last look around. She instantly looked up. It was a beautiful day. She could see the sun shining down with all its glory and grace on the river. The current dragged her farther under until things started to fade. Her lungs craved air, but she would not give in. Everything burned. She couldn't hold her breath anymore. She opened her mouth, gasping in water. It filled her lungs, it devoured her very existence. Things were turning black... Her body was failing her. But her mind was running wild. Scenes from her life flashed before her eyes. The first time she had opened her eyes, the first time she had felt her mothers warmth. The first time she had walked, the day she had gotten sick as a pup. The day she recovered, the day she had gone exploring and met Gerhardt. Oh Gerhardt. Them two, playing together for the first time, her staking her claim on him. Them growing up together, realizing love was unfolding between the two. Leaving the pack, going to start a life together. Traveling alone, having the best time of their lives. Coming across the volcanic eruption. Finding the three little pups she had once called her own. Watching them grow up. Her and Gerhardts fight, their first intimate moment together. Her being sick, Gerhardt finding her. Her healing. Him leaving her. Then black. All the air had left her body. THUMP... THUMP.... THU. It was over. Her heart had stopped. No longer would she feel pain, no longer would she feel anything. She was gone, her body left to become one with mother nature.

Adette is now dead



04-13-2013, 10:08 PM

The man had left Valhalla as quickly as he had gotten there. Fenrir was still adamant in his idea of exploring the rest of Alacrtia. He was determined to explore the rest of of his homeland before completely settling down into Valhalla and living the rest of his life in peace. That was the plan anyways. Now if only he could continue with discovering the rest of interesting areas that the land had to offer.

The boy was once again roaming the south. It seemed as though he could not escape it. The ebony and crimson brute enjoyed the warmer weather despite his thick coat that was built for the north. The south also seemed to be a bit more colorful than the north. Even in the summer certain areas was graced by snow and the thought put a frown on his face. He wasn't overly fond of the snow. He preferred not having to worry about fighting that kind of weather. No, he preferred baking in the sun and letting his dark coat soak up the rays. He could eat least cool off in the water and go swimming if it was hot. When it was cold he couldn't go swimming. Not unless he wanted to die of hypothermia, which wasn't what he wanted.

Fenrir found himself heading towards the Rio Grande. He wasn't sure what drew him there, but the idea of perhaps testing the calmer parts of the water wasn't a bad idea. He could see the raging river ahead of him. Summer seemed to have no effect on the river which didn't bother him a bit. Thirty eight inches and 156 pounds of mostly muscle could certainly get him somewhere as far as power was concerned. A short trip in the river to test his own abilities and perhaps get a nice workout seemed amazing.

The scent of another reached a keen nose and nostrils flared as he took in the feminine scent. The salty scent of tears accompanied it and Fenrir's ears pricked forward with interest. His pace increased and eyes carried a curious look to them as he traveled farther. To his dismay he found the girl jumping into the river in what looked to be a leap of suicide. Was she trying to kill herself? She was smaller than he and certainly wouldn't survive the rapids.

Powerful muscles pushed him forward and claws dug into the earth tearing up the terrain behind him as he followed the river in an attempt to try and find a point where he could jump in. He was hesitant to jump in this part of the river. The waters were still fast and he couldn't just simply jump in and save them both. His own power was limited to just propelling himself through that water. There was no way he'd be able to pull her out too.

He saw a rock ahead that jutted into the river and decided to take advantage of it. He raced forward knowing he only had a limited amount of time to save her before death would claim her soul. Paws brought him to a crashing halt and jaws parted and he barely managed to snag her limp body as it rose to the surface briefly before threatening to go under once more. Shoulder muscles shook with the strain as he struggled to pull her out of the water.

After much struggle and a lot of aching muscles later, he managed to pull her out and haul her body onto the bank before he collapsed, panting from exhaustion. His job wasn't done though. It didn't take him long to notice that she wasn't breathing. Was he too late? He refused to let her die without a fight. He hauled himself to his feet and shoulder and neck muscles ached but he ignored the pain. Instead he placed large paws onto her chest above her lungs and pressed down before raising his weight and then pressing again in an attempt to rid her lungs of the water that had so far, obviously, taken her life. He refused to allow it, but if she didn't live at least he had tried.




04-13-2013, 10:56 PM

She still remained limp, heart not beating, lungs not taking in air.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-13-2013, 11:47 PM

Splash! The sound of something hitting the water made Erani?s head lift from the powerful smelling Yarrow she was gathering. It obliterated any other smells at this proximity, Yarrow, and so she hadn?t scented any passing by of others. She turned and loped down a path by the river, ears perked, eyes searching. At last, she came upon the large young male from Valhalla, Fenrir, his paws pressing at the chest of a female that smelled heavily of Seracia, recent illness, and water. The female was drenched. Was that the cause of the splash she?d heard. Her eyes rose to seek out any dangers, before she hurried forward.

?Fenrir. Find a slope and put her on it head downward. Gravity will bring the water out. Here. This will do.? She nodded quickly to a slope a bit away. She nosed into the female, sniffing. Listening. There wasn?t a breath to be heard. Not a heartbeat. She waited until he had the female positioned and spoke then. ?Now, do as you were, but vigorously. We need to stimulate her heart. She?s still warm under the chill of the water, there may still be time. Time. Such a tiny window of it. She bent and nudged the female?s head back, and began licking her throat. Too young to die.

?Now Listen to me, stranger, you will not die. Not on my watch. Now you get that heart beating, milady, and breathe!? The words were uttered in a low whisper toward the female?s ear. One would say that perhaps it was a bit pointless, talking to a dead wolf, ordering the dead to wake and Live. Perhaps not. The firm licking was moving toward the female?s brisket, a trail of dryer fur left in her tongue?s wake. She wasn?t going to give up this battle. Not yet.

Death, I don't care who you are. You will not take this one yet. Let Luna's Light be on her.


04-14-2013, 12:05 AM

No matter his efforts she still wasn't breathing. What was he doing wrong? A worried expression began to work its way onto his face. He was about to feel extremely guilty for her death. He should have just jumped in the river and attempted to grab her from there and drag her out before the water filled her longs. At least then he could have drowned peacefully knowing he'd sacrificed his life for her own. He didn't know her, but his own beliefs and ways of life led him to believe that it would have been a righteous death. It was a worthy way to go, even at such a young age.

Ears flicked backwards as the healer than he'd seen at the pack meeting came up behind him. He stepped away and listened to her words. Muscles tensed in anticipation. They only had so much time before it would completely be too late. He nodded and didn't question her. She was a healer who knew so much more about healing than he did. He wouldn't dare ague.

Fangs grasped the female by the scruff as he dragged her to the slope and put her head downwards. He worked diligently and swiftly not wasting any time. The boy once again put his paws on her chest an began the routine, this time going at a faster and more vigorous pace than he had been. He was intent upon ridding her lungs of the water that tried to claim her existence. He wouldn't have it, he couldn't have it. He didn't want her death on his conscience. The death of another wasn't to be taken lightly, even if they were a stranger. He felt it was his job to revive her, so he would do what was necessary.

Eyes watched as Erani began to lick her neck and kept it in mind in case he ever had to do this again. This was a great learning experience. An ear flicked in the healer's direction as she began to talk to the female. He doubt it meant much, but he could hear genuine concern in her voice. She truly wanted the female to live as much as he did. They could only do their best to try and revive her. Hopefully their efforts wouldn't be in vain.



04-14-2013, 12:42 AM

Something brought the male to the Grande, nothing in particular just wondering like he always had. His stride was easy and swayed from side to side, he was lost in his thoughts. He still hadn't seen his mother, or his sister. Where could they be? they were missing and no one knew of their whereabouts. And just as Rumble was lost in his thoughts, danger struck his nose. How could he sense danger? Only the creator above would know. And he followed his nose, and he ran in the direction of danger, something he would never do. He would never go out of his way for someone other than himself, or his family.

The Blue and Maroon eyes searched the land, but found nothing. So he continued to run even when he was about to collapse, and the orbs found what his nose wanted. 3 wolves where gathered by the water, and one appeared to be down. So there was nothing other than to run and find out what the problem was.

A white female and a black male stood beside the unconscious dame laying on the ground. Her colors consisted that she was the queen of Seracia, it was Adette, Rumble knew here name from the words of outcasts the walked around those lands. And these two who stood next to her did not know? Apparently not. As the healer went down to work her magic Rumble whisper something aloud to the male the tried to help as well, "The queen of Seracia..." and he looked at the black and red male with mixed eyes and shouted "We must tell Gerhardt!" His eyes flicked in the direction of the healer, hoping she was too looking at him. All three were from Valhalla but not one knew each other, but Rum needed to tell the King of what happened, so he looked back at the male with serious expressions. "I will go tell the king of Seracia, you stay here and try your best to help her, she is royalty." It was the most Rumble had ever said to any being, even his mother. And with that he turned around quickly and darted for Seracia.

-exit Rumble-

Walk "Talk" Think



04-14-2013, 12:50 AM

"AHUUUUUHHHHHHH" The brunette dame inhaled deeply as air filled her lungs once again. She had been brought back from the goddamn dead. Her rib cadge rose and fell vigorously as they worked to pump oxygen back into her body. Her heart beat slow as it tried to pump blood to fading organs. She wanted to move, but she couldn't. Everything seemed to be broken... Was her body in shock? Wait... Why was she here? Why was she soaking wet? Better yet, who in the hell was she? Pools of blue opened, the first thing coming into her vision was two wolves standing over her. One was an ivory female, and the other seemed to be a ebony male with an odd pattern along his head and back. She was still gasping for air, but between gasps she managed a few words. "Who... Are... You... And... Why.... Am... I.... Here..." Even a few words were hard to manage out. She had so many questions, but she was mentally and physically exhausted, and she didn't know why.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 01:26 AM

She worked over the female, glancing up only with her eyes as the young male arrived. Rumble, if she recalled right. Morgan?s son. Queen of Seracia. He said. And he whisked away to find the King of Seracia to tell him. Just as he disappeared from sight, she felt the female?s throat convulse, and a gasp of air rushed in. A thrill of victory threatened to grab hold in her, but they weren?t out of the woods yet.

The befuddled Queen spoke between gasps for air. ?I am Erani, Lead Healer of Valhalla. This is Fenrir, from Valhalla as well. You fell in the river and you nearly drowned. Fenrir pulled you out, and we worked on you. Lie still, rest. You?ve lost a lot of strength.? She straightened and looked at Fenrir. ?Groom her, as firmly as you can. She can?t shake herself dry, so you must do it with your tongue. Curl around her, warm her up. I need to find herbs that will wake up her heart a bit more and lift her strength.?

Erani spun on her hocks and loped up the riverside, searching. Angelica. It would help the blood flow. She nipped off what she needed and brought it back, then whisked off again. Roses. They would help block a cold, and heighten her immune system, strengthen it. She bit through the thorny plant and carried back what she needed, and began.

?I need you to eat these, milady.? She looked over the Queen with studied eyes and checked for shivering, listened to the beat of her heart while she doled out the dosages of the plants she had brought the lady.


04-14-2013, 11:50 AM
OOC: Hope you don?t mind me joining you guys

Coulter ran to his pack?s queen, panting heavily. She was barely moving; barely breathing.
NO! Not when I?ve just joined the pack! his mind cried.
?Is there anything I may do to help her?? he asked desperately.
Her eyes were closed. This couldn?t be happening! Coulter already had had too much death in his life at a young age; this was most certainly not helping his spirits.
?Please, my lady, be strong. For your pack, your family, for your friends!? he whispered urgently in the queen?s ear. He knew that it was very unlikely that she could hear him, but he did it all the same.


04-17-2013, 02:44 PM

Bi-colored gaze snapped quickly to a familiar gray figure as Rumble came charging to the scene. He seemed to recognize the female they were trying to revive. Fenrir opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it as Rum began to speak, exclaiming that the female before them was the Queen of Seracia and something about telling someone about something. Gods it was confusing. Rumble then turned on his heels and left as quickly as he had come leaving Fenrir standing trying to remember what had just transpired.

A gasp broke him out of his reverie and his head snapped to the female and he removed himself from her. Eyes flickered to Erani as she introduced herself and then him. He remained silent letting the Healer do all the talking. He merely nodded when another command was given. It didn't seem as though the girl could move yet so head lowered to her frame and he would attempt to lick her pelt as instructed.

The sound of another approaching distracted him once more and ears pinned against his skull. Leathery gums pulled back and ivory teeth flashes. Fur bristled and his tail swung above his back as he took a defensive position. He wasn't fond of a whole group of wolves at once and this scent was unfamiliar. His position said that if whomever was coming was even thinking about attacking they would have to answer to him first.

A pale figure raced to them and immediately began uttering some nonsense about helping and then encouraged the girl to be strong. Fenrir's position turned into a wary one, but hair lay flat once more and teeth were hidden once again. To him the other male was foolish. Did he not realize that the girl obviously didn't remember where she was, or how she had gotten there in the first place. He wondered if she even remembered who she was. He had to ask.

"Know who you are?"

He questioned her in the soft yet deep voice of his. His speech was once again broken. It was almost like he was incapable of speaking in full sentences. With luck, they would understand him regardless.

"Or do you remember nothing."
