
[Claiming] An Omen In The Stars



7 Years
12-30-2015, 01:42 AM
Surreal Adravendi

After so long a time of planning, it was finally time. It felt right. She traipsed across the Plains, tail flowing above her hips in a position of power, paws treading lightly on the frozen ground. Spring was nigh around the corner. The anniversary of her mothers birth. Her mother's death. It was perfect. She mounted the large boulder, with its ancient oak nestled against it, and turned to face the expanse of land before her. She scanned the land, seeking the forms of any of her family or friends. There was Regulus. Celestial's Future. A soft woof summoned him to her.

She waited until her son was at her side before raising her head, muzzle tipping back. She parted her jaws to utter the call that would cement years of planning, but stopped, ears perking. To the north, not too far away, a song rang. It was the same song as she was about to sing. It seemed two packs would be raising their standards this evening. She cast the thought aside, and threw her head back.

The sound started low in her throat, rising until it broke free of her jaws. The song held the note of power only an alpha dared sing, and she kept the call long and loud, letting it carry as far as it might. A second song rang close after the first, this one a command for her family and those who had stayed at her side so long to heed her call and come at once. The time was here. The time was now.

Celestial was rising.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



12 Years
Extra large
12-30-2015, 01:50 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He was hoping to find an evening snack as he padded across the Plains, head low, ears searching for any sounds, as he scanned the ground with intense sapphire. However, he found his mother, striding with purpose across the plains toward the boulder. He knew that stride... Something was about to happen. He watched as she leapt up onto the boulder, and as she summoned him, he joined her quickly, taking a seat beside her. Cinder scamped out of the tall, winterdead grasses, nestling between his large paws, sky blue eyes wide.

Silently, the Future watched as his mother prepared to sing the song of Claiming, and as the song rang instead from the north, he turned to look, before retuning his gaze to his mother. A moment later, her voice joined the stars in the sky as they winked slowly into life, one by one, and he shivered at the strength he heard in it. A smile pulled at his muzzle. As her summons rang out, he turned to gaze out over the plains.

The new dawn would see Celestial taking its newborn steps.



9 Years
12-30-2015, 01:58 AM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

She was sorting herbs - a forever enjoyable activity to the healer - when she heard her cousin's voice roll through the plains, puncturing her contemplative mood. She'd seen Surreal leave the cave a few minutes ago, but beyond noting the determined set to her cousin's frame, she'd been too preocuppied with the plants to notice. The call of Claiming. She'd heard it before, though never with the Nomads. Nomads never claimed a land; they moved over it, going from place to place, staying a while, then moving on in the never ending search for knowledge and those to teach.

The snowy healer popped to her paws, taking off down the ravine, having leapt the cave's three natural stone steps in one bound. It took her little time at all to reach her cousin and the massive red male that was to be the heir to the pack. Her amethyst flecked sapphires surveyed the three figures on the boulder warmly before she smiled, dipped her head in a respectful boy, and sat before the boulder. "You know where I stand, Cousin Surreal." She offered, Irish accent lilting and cheerful on her velvet tones.

A pack to call home. One with family and friends both. She looked forward to seeing what the future might bring.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



2 Years
12-30-2015, 01:38 PM

After Ganja had come back with Regulus she realized not long after that she would need to go to her aunt soon. She needed to see the woman, to let her know that she had not perished, nor had she found any sign of her family. As she went on her way though the season had changed, and with it brought her first heat. She knew a little of the changes that were made in her body, but that didn't help her at all when it came to actually dealing with the affliction. She'd never found Rainbow, but she had made it back to her once island home.

For the majority of the season the little bud would remain there, tending to her buds, enjoying the solitude, and dealing with her heat alone. She would have remained there the rest of the season had she not heard the curious sound of Surreal's howl. Had she managed to finally erect her much sought after pack?

The swim was relatively short, but it still took longer for her to get to shore than it took for her to get to the place of meeting. Quite curious the green child would make her way close to the large red form that sat proudly before his mother. She had to wonder who was more joyed at the turn of events, mother or son? Bumping his shoulder (or really more like his foreleg cause short) playfully she'd come to sit next to her friend. Hopefully she just smelled mostly of sea water now that she'd doused herself in the ocean, but the discomfort of her heat was quick to return. Trying to find a comfortable position her attention would sit divided between the importance of the meeting and how much of a bad idea it was to come out of hiding.

"Talk" Think "You"
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



9 Years
12-30-2015, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2015, 05:44 PM by Creed.)

He'd been laying rather low as of late. Not that he had any one to hide from, but more like the quiet was peaceful. Ever since the ending of the siege he'd taken to exploring. With Hellstrom out of the way he knew it wouldn't be long before Surreal decided to stake her claim on the plains. With the idea of Celestial in his head he was more than excited. So he'd been more than happy to go out and make friends. He knew packs couldn't exist without allies, Hellstrom was proof of that, so he sought to improve their standings once the pack was created. It was also to his own gain as well. Other than Surreal he really hadn't any other friends. The more the merrier, right?

He'd been lingering in the south lately waiting for any sort of sign. When he finally did hear a call it wasn't the one he was expecting. It was a call from somewhere farther north, a masculine call, and it left Creed slightly confused. There was another pack forming? Dark spotted eyebrows knit together as he worried slightly. They'd certainly have to check this out. It wouldn't do them any good to have a repeat of the last pack, though at least these weren't claiming their home.

The next call that came was more pleasing. Now that was the one that he'd been waiting for. The voice was most certainly Surreal's and the power that came with it excited him. So he left the place he'd been lying and trotted swiftly to the boulder and the oak tree that Surreal had called from. She and her son were already there as well as some green girl he'd never seen before. Then there was the nomad wolf he'd seen at their last meeting. So far the turnout was looking quite well. Surely Surreal's mate and other children would arrive as well. It was finally time. He couldn't wait to have a pack to call home once again. It'd felt like forever. So he sat a little ways away from the others, leaving space for Surreal's family members to join in.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



6 Years

12-30-2015, 06:00 PM

It felt really good to be home.

No longer did she have to fear her impending loneliness up on that mountain. The despair of thinking she wouldn't ever see her family no longer existed thanks to her uncle. She'd been reunited with them and it felt absolutely wonderful. Now that she was home though the loneliness then turned into boredom. With no actual pack there weren't any duties to perform. Sure she could hunt but her family felt kind of absent of late. She knew her mother was busy and then she came to the conclusion she didn't have any friends.

That bothered her.

Sure her family were friends but they were family. She didn't actually have any friends that weren't relatives. She'd have to fix that at some point. That certainly wouldn't be today though. The call rang out and she instantly recognized it as her mother's call. It had power to it and a grin tugged at her lips. Seemed like her mother had finally accomplished what she'd set out to do. This would certainly be fun.

So she headed towards the meeting place with a sense of purpose in her stride. When she arrived she saw Regulus was there too as well as the gray male she'd seen lingering around her mother. A few other faces were there but none of the others happened to be her siblings or father. That surprised her. Maybe she was just early. Whatever the case she beamed at her mother and then decided to go sit near Creed to wait.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-30-2015, 08:42 PM

Tornach heard his mother's call, as surely the rest of his family had though he, as he had been since the siege, was not within his family's usual haunts. He wasn't ready to interact with them yet - he was still too sore over the recent events to seek them out. He was confused and hurt; his heart ached. Lost and angry, he did not know what to do. He had learned that his heroes had faults... serious faults, faults that shook his beliefs to the very core and completely changed the way he saw them. He had seen the bloody, broken aftermath of war, a war that his mother had relished in. He had seen his cousin die brutally at the jaws of the Hellstrom wolf, the wolf whose son he had saved. He had seen that the adults of his family had done nothing to stop it. His mother had not even been there when Arian died.

And she had called them together and expected them all to answer.

His eyes were hooded within his dark mask as he considered whether he should, but in the end he could not justify even to himself ignoring the summons, not when he knew very well what it meant. Surreal was finally going to make the pack she'd been claiming since he was a child she would make. He wondered what it would mean to them as a family; nothing good, he decided. He had seen what power did to wolves, and it troubled him. He had seen his mother stand over a wounded boy and threaten him because she was stronger, though he had always believed it was right to help those in need despite your own troubles. He wasn't sure that his mother could make good decisions under the yoke of leadership - he did not believe that power over others was a healthy thing, not anymore.

But it was his family.

So the dark-coated yearling turned from is solitary path and with great reservation quietly approached the small group. He was surprised and wary when he realized that he knew very little about the wolves gathered - there was a girl that he'd never seen, though she looked familiar somehow. He recognized the nomad healer, and of course his mother and brother and the gray male Creed, but he did not feel like he knew anyone there. Where was his father, and Zuriel, and Baine? No doubt they would be along shortly. They led where Mother followed, no matter what madness lay beyond. He wasn't sure he could... wasn't sure he trusted anyone enough anymore to follow so blindly.

Stopping a distance away he did not seat himself, but stood with his head and tail high as he regarded them with a troubled, withdrawn gaze. "Máthair," he greeted with a healthy dose of caution.


This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
12-31-2015, 12:54 AM

He had only been out hunting, unaware that the lands he was hunting in were about to be claimed. When it was cold, you had to spread out to get food. The hare bounded just in front of him. He went in for the kill, heard the call an- wait he knew that voice! She got a pack? How? Really? Had she really been a warrior this whole time? Coming into the clearing, he saw Tornach. It had been a long time, hadn't it? Ashmedai went to bump his shoulder lightly with the growing boy, "A Pack, huh? Man, I was just about to get dinner too... Wow... How'd she get it?" Ashemdai looked at Tornach's face,"Aren't you happy? My dad owns a pack too, you know. And Sparrow's. It's like... The only thing that makes a family a family is a pack, huh? Adults are weird." He kept his voice low, eventually looking at Surreal and dipping his head in greeting, "I'm pretty much an adult too, though, but shh!"


Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



3 Years
12-31-2015, 02:43 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The second he heard Surreal's voice ring out across the Plains, he knew something was up. Miksa could not recall her rogue group being rounded up in this manner before, mostly because he felt they were a small enough group that formal meetings were unecessary, but even despite that there was something different to her tone. A heaviness, a weight, that suggested power, authority. A claim. Was the pack forming now? Had Surreal finally accomplished what she had told him she was going to do some months ago?

Curious, hopeful, the white wolf followed the sound back to the oak tree that designated the official meeting grounds, spotting the grey form of his new leader standing atop a bounder and clearly visible above the mass of wolves that had already beaten him there. He assumed some, if not most, of them were family of hers, and eyed each of the wolves with a timid interest. These were to be his future packmates, friends and comrades alike. No matter how many times he did this, no matter how many times he was thrown into a new batch of wolves, adjusting to the new faces and temperaments always was the most challenging part.

As he looked around, his bright yellow eyes alighting on unfamiliar face after unfamiliar face, a small shred of worry seeded itself in his chest. Would Varda show up? She had spoken of an interest in joining, but Miksa understood such an undertaking would be a challenge for her. Had she changed her mind? Should he go find her? Uncertain, still looking about rather expectantly, he quietly took a seat amid the group at large and left enough room for his friend to join him, if she had not changed her mind.



4 Years
12-31-2015, 11:43 PM

She had been hovering around the western regions, continuing her loner life like she had for the past season. However, for the few days she had spent in the dry, arid lands, there had been a skip in her step as she carried out each task warily. To think she would soon be a part of a new pack...hopefully. She would see her friend again, and her life would take on another drastic change. Though doubt still drifted in her mind, interrupting her positive vibe. What if he had been lying? What if there was no pack to join? What if he had abandoned her, just like everyone else? No! she internally screamed. There is a pack, and you will join it.

It was the same process all over again - hoping and waiting. All she needed to hear was a howl, and when that day came, she couldn't believe her ears. Of course he wouldn't let her down; he was her friend, and she believed in him. So she followed the summoning call to an open expanse of lush grassland, a sight to behold in the west. For a moment she returned to her memories, feeling like she was attending another meeting in Threar. Though when she saw the large group of wolves already gathered, her mind snapped back into reality. Had this Surreal accumulated so many recruits? She couldn't imagine these canines becoming familiar faces, her pack-mates, her new family. It brought an ache to her heart, reminding her of how dearly she missed her old pack - her old family. But that life wasn't coming back; it never was.

Scanning the crowd, a familiar pelt of white stood out from the intriguing coats of red and green. Her eyes lit up with joy, and she bounded towards him with child-like energy. She flopped her rump onto the ground beside him, settling herself onto her haunches. Breathless, she grinned at the yellow-eyed male. "I told you I would come," she said with a laugh, her multicoloured gaze sparkling with ecstatic happiness. Somehow she had forgotten about the foreign canines and the fact that the pack wasn't Threar. Everything just felt great.




8 Years
Athena I
01-03-2016, 03:01 AM

Oh time had not been kind to the large russet wolf. That was for sure. Even though he wasn't all that old in the scheme of things, he was fully into his sixth year now and with everything his body had been through he could tell he was far past his prime. However, he still pulled himself to his paws at his wife's summons, determined to stand at her side proudly all the same. He may not be able to defend their pack like he once could, but that was a duty he gave to their children. He might not be the wisest or most level headed wolf, but Surreal seemed to love him anyway so he would give her what support he could. They had been waiting for this for so long...

He began making his way slowly to the meeting place, his steps careful so he wouldn't trip. He did manage to make it on his own without the help of his daughter though and that was a small accomplishment in of itself. He used Surreal's and Regulus' scents to find his way to the perch that Surreal was sure to be on top of, coming to sit at its base on the opposite side from his son. He wished he could see her now, in her place as alpha with their son at her side. He wished he could give her more than moral support in her efforts. He wished for a lot, but this was how things were now and he had to come to terms with it one way or another.

Speech Thought Others



7 Years
Athena I

01-03-2016, 03:10 AM

Zuriel was at the edge of the plains, sniffing at some new Spring growth, when her mother's howl rang out. Her head popped up and her ears perked. There was a certain tone to her mother's howl that made her smile. She had been so scarce lately and she felt guilty over that. She had been traveling around the nearby areas and she never really went more than a day's walk from her family, but she was rarely around the dens that she was supposed to be sharing with them in recent months. She really had just been wanting some other purpose, something to keep her mind busy, and that felt hard to come by these days. But she wouldn't dream about missing this moment so she turned toward her mother's call and hurried toward the howl at a light trot. It didn't seem that she hurried fast enough though since quite a crowd had gathered by the time she arrived. She felt a pang of guilt, but at least she was here now and she made a silent vow to be present from now on. As she made her way toward the crowd to take her place among them, she just so happened to glance toward Faite and her eyes widened. When had she come home?! Zuriel hurried over to Faite's side, her tail wagging excitedly. She sat next to her sister with a huge grin on her face and she wished they weren't in a meeting full of wolves she wasn't so sure who were or she would have wrapped her forelegs around her long lost sister in a big hug.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Athena I
01-03-2016, 03:15 AM

Báine heard the echos of her mother's call and imidiately she regretted her decision to do some exploring today. She hadn't gone far! She had followed her mother's warning very closely and hadn't gone very far at all since she got in trouble for going on an adventure. But it felt like ages away from the meeting place. With a whine she took off at a run, weaving around trees to try and get there as soon as possible. By the time she got there she was panting and had a few leaves and pieces of grass stuck in her pale coat. She skidded to a stop next to Tor and shook herself to get the bits of foliage off of her. "Did I miss anything?!" she asked her littermate worriedly in a breathless whisper as she plopped down on her haunches. She leaned into him while she caught her breath, resting her head on his shoulder while she peered up at their mother.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
01-03-2016, 06:52 PM
Posting in order isn't mandatory, however, I would like replies following Surreal's speech to be made by the 6th of January, with each character confirming that they wish to be a part of the pack (Save for Ashmedai if he's merely observing), and what rank they wish to work toward. Spars for the Legionary rank will be asked to be at least started by the 5th of January. The thread is still open to newcomers wishing to join; you can say they got here just in time to hear Surreal's outline of the pack, ranks, and rules, which, by the way, can be reached by clicking the underlined parts of her speech; I' ve linked those sections of the pack page there. <3 Thank you, folks!

Surreal Adravendi

They came quickly, Kavdaya first, followed by an unfamiliar little female. Surreal's mismatched gaze settled curiously on the girl, who greeted Regulus so easily, then cast a sideways glance to her son, a slight smile pulling at her jowls, one ear perking in question. She nevertheless greeted the tiny green woman with a warm smile, flashing a grin in answer to Kavdaya's statement. She did indeed know.

Creed and Faite came next, and Surreal greeted them each with a warm smile and a nod. But in this instance, the worry she felt wouldn't fade until she saw her younger son's thundercloud colored frame arrive. She ached at the wariness she spotted in his eyes, and, Alpha or not, she had to go to her boy. So, in the lull between arrivals, she slipped from the boulder and padded to him. In a low voice, she switched to the family's language, eyes earnestly gazing into his. She wanted him to know the truth in her words. "Tórnach, mo scamall toirneach. Ba mhaith liom tú rud éigin a thuiscint. Tá mé bródúil as do ghníomhartha ag an léigear. Tá mé bródúil as do chroí chineál, agus do toilteanach chun cabhrú le duine éigin atá i ngátar. Bhí mé brash an lá sin." There was no mistaking the honesty in her voice.

"Is breá liom tú, ar fad agat, níos mó ná is féidir liom a fathom riamh. Má chaill mé aon cheann de tú ..." She trailed off, the hitch in her breathing enough of a continuation to say what she really meant. That her heart would break, and never be whole again. But she composed herself, leaning in, seeking to press her nose into his neck. "Bheadh Do seanmháthair a bheith bródúil as tú. Is mian liom d'fhéadfaí tú féin agus do dheirfiúr gurbh eol di." She murmured.

She lingered a few seconds more, before pulling away and gazing at her youngest boy, offering an encouraging smile before returning to her place on the rock. The smile held a suggestion that she wanted to talk to him more later, after the meeting. Her haunches lowered, settling upon the stone of the boulder. Moments later, a surprise arrived in the form of the Imperium boy Tórnach had won against in his first spar. He took a spot by her son, and though his low voice didn't quite allow his words to reach her ears as he spoke to Tórnach, she could guess, by the speed of his mouth, that whatever he was saying must have been coming out in a speed akin to Báine's hummingbird capacity. A faint chuckle left the silver timber Archangel before she nodded to the boy as he finally turned to dip his head to her.

Miksa was next to arrive, and Surreal greeted him with a warm grin. He looked nervous, and his eyes searched the crowd, as though looking for someone. That someone in question arrived soon after, clearly familiar with Miksa. She even recalled the face, and the memory of the Festival Frith and Novella had held in Redbud Nook. The markings on the girl's eyes, the heterochromia, and her white base all pointed to her being a child of the missing pair of Authors. What must the girl have been going through all this time? Did she know where her parents were/. That she had relatives in Abaven; Bass Destruction, for one? Despite these thoughts, she gave the girl a warm smile and a nod.

Falk, Zuriel and Báine arrived, and at last it was time to begin. She gave Zuriel a relieved smile. Her second eldest had been so sparse that Surreal wasn't very surprised when she saw Faite and looked amazed, and thankfully, delighted. She allowed the last three a moment to settle in and get comfortable before she straightened her spine and cleared her throat, loudly enough to catch every ear and gain all eyes. She gave the group a smile that held both confidence and affection, and for a moment, she had a flashback to her mother, sitting regally upon this very boulder and addressing the pack. Stand beside me, Mother.

"Welcome," she spoke, in a voice that carried without her needing to shout, "to the founding of a pack that, I know, will be around for generations to come. Many of you have been waiting for this moment; I know I have. So, let's get down to the fun part!" Mismatched blue and gold gaze swept the crowd with a twinkle of amusement before she continued on. "Celestial is to be inwardly a family; which means I wish for you to interact with one another. Befriend one another. Form close bonds that won't break under pressure. Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." Her mismatched gaze met each wolf's eyes, before she continued.

"We will be mostly peaceful, unless our allies need our assistance in battle, but we must always be ready to defend ourselves as well. Thus, I wish you all to partake in learning to fight, bettering your skills that you already have, and sparring frequently to keep your skills in action and sharp. Even if you are not in an actual siege in the event of one, someone will be needed to guard the wounded, elderly, pregnant or nursing mothers, and children. Defending them is pointless if the guardians cannot fight off an attack."

She paused, allowing everyone to absorb the words, before she went on. "Equally important is Healing. In the event that we have too few experienced healers, I want you all to learn at least the basics of wound treatment. Those who have participated in a battle and are only lightly wounded should be able to tend to themselves while the worst wounded receive the healers' main attention. This is also useful for anyone going out abroad, where a healer might not be available in the event of an accident."

She paused yet again, then lifted her head and gave each a warm smile. "Now, let me tell you how our ranks will be laid out..." While she wasn't exactly fond of laying everything out clearly in front of a wolf from another pack, the next several minutes were, nevertheless, given to explaining the ranks, what each rank's role was within the pack and what was expected of the wolves carrying the rank. Finally, she finished with, "... Falk will by my Consort. Regulus here is our Future by way of being the eldest born. Kavdaya, by way of being the most experienced healer, will be our Master Healer; go to her if you wish to be trained in healing.

"The rest of you may tell me what rank you wish to aim for, and if you need more time to decide, you will become a Unit until you work your way up with your decisions. Those wishing to be Legionaries must spar to show your worth and what needs work. Those who are yearlings, please tell me what you wish to work towards and graduate to upon your second year." Despite each long line of speech, she never seemed out of breath, and each pause was a chance to continue her measured breathing that only Falk, Regulus, Cinder and Ganja might be able to hear. It kept her voice strong, and gave the others time to absorb the words and think on them before she plied them with more information.

Finally, she continued on to the next subject. Her smile held steel as she gazed at each wolf. "Now for our laws. You are to follow them, but if you have suggestions for improvements, please, come to me in private." Each law was outlined clearly, and she made sure not to trip over any words. There could be no loopholes that someone could say 'Well I didn't hear it, I misunderstood...', or any other excuse. She made eye contact with everyone present, and that mismatched gaze was as unbending as the stone under her paws, even as she made it clear that trespassers who didn't leave after being warned could become force claimed and given to other packs as their punishment. It wasn't a savory law, but perhaps if that word was spread, loners would be far less likely to risk crossing their border. As she finished, she gave them all time to digest it all.

Finally, a bright smile formed on her face. "Now for the fun part. I would like to hear from all of you about what sorts of customs you would like to see in Celestial. Would you like to see weddings, for instance? Festivals held to celebrate things like Spring, or Peace? Inter-pack events like special fighting games and hunting games? Please, if you have any ideas, come to me, and I shall announce which ones will become a part of Celestial customs in our next meeting." The warm smile that followed that announcement was given to each wolf present, before the silver and black timber Archangel straightened.

"And finally, before I give the floor to you to suggest your wishes for ranks, I have my own announcement. I intend to lead for only a couple years longer before stepping down and handing the pack to Regulus. He has been well trained, so I think you will find him as trustworthy an Archangel as he should be as our Future. I would like to enjoy retirement and old age." Here she bent low enough to place her muzzle near Falk's ears and added in a voice only for his ears "And a litter, or three... or six?" adding a soft chuckle before straightening and gazing out at the wolves before her.

"Now, tell me what you want to aim for." Her ears were given to the crowd, eyes intent and interested. They had her full attention. Every single one.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



12 Years
Extra large
01-03-2016, 07:28 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

It didn't take long for the wolves to start gathering. Cousin Kavdaya was the first to arrive after himself, and he gave the snowy healer a grin before a tiny green and black figure caught his eyes. Ganja! His grin widened as he focused on her, his thickly furred tail sweeping the boulder behind him as she came to bump his foreleg. He grinned, and sought to drape one paw - gently - over her shoulder.

The difference in their size never ceased to amaze him. She smelled of the sea. So maybe she'd gone to the Island? Had she found her aunt? He had guessed at that being her reason for disappearing, so he'd tried not to be too worried when he'd been unable to find her one day. She was a big girl... a tiny big gir-- what was that smell? He stilled while his mind sifted through the information. It was a sweet, heady smell. Instinctively, he knew what is was, but his conscious thoughts took a moment to catch up. Not fast enough though... He'd already bent enough to whisper to the green girl. "You smell funny... Oh... Oh!... Sorry, no! You smell nice. Like the sea."

He straightened, and wondered if he'd escape the meeting at the end with all his vitals attached. It had been meant as both a recovery to his inadvertent insult, and a friendly compliment. She did smell nice. He caught his mother's glance and gave her a guilty look. That whole lesson, and what had he done? Broken that first rule about telling a woman she smelled funny. Others were arriving, and as his mother slipped down to talk to his brother, Regulus risked putting his face close enough to Ganja's teeth to ask "Did you find her? Your aunt, that is? If that's where you went to.." He hoped she had. She'd lost her brothers, her parents, and hadn't found them last time she'd left. She needed a break.

His mother returned to her seat beside him and he straightened, though kept an ear cocked to his verdant friend for her answer if he hadn't ticked her off enough that she wouldn't speak to him ever again... That thought brought a barely audible whine to his throat. She was maybe the only friend he had beyond his family.

As everyone arrived, Regulus looked out at the faces, casting a grin to Faite, Zuriel, Tórnach, and Báine. They were all there. All together. His whole family, Father included. Speaking of his father. He noticed that his dad looked like he needed to add a few pounds to his ribs. Regulus made a note to hunt down a deer for everyone and set a haunch under his father's nose. Finally, his mother began to speak, and Regulus turned his full attention. Everything she said, he was already familiar with, but it was great to hear it spoken to a whole crowd; to know that this was finally happening.

As she finished with her announcement that he would be given the pack sooner than he'd expected, he dipped his head solemnly to the crowd. "You have my word that I will do my utmost to serve and lead you all well." His baritone, accented voice was firm, honest, and carried well. Then he listened to hear what everyone had to say.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



11 Years
01-03-2016, 08:21 PM

Castiel had to admit -- he hadn’t been as present, as close to the members of his family since his return. Sure he had found Faite, his main goal... But what now? Castiel had been but a shadow, an angel waiting in the wings as he lurked about. He was primarily near Surreal, where she had settled, but other than that he wandered. He didn’t interact. It made him feel guilty... And it was something that would need to be corrected, very, very soon.

His sister’s call would ring over the lands, claiming their home once more. It was a sound that brought a sense of peace, and, for a moment, Castiel would simply close his eyes with a large smile on his face.


It felt so funny to have that word in his mind again. How long had it been since he’d last really, truly, been able to call those plains home? Erani, he knew, would be proud of her daughter. Castiel could definitely say that he was too.

He would take his time to arrive, actually arriving a tad late. Oops. But at least he was there. There to hear Surreal’s speech and see the faces that had gathered. Her sons, Regulus and . Her daughters Faite, Zuriel and Báine. Her husband Falk... And strangers. Strangers he knew not of {though he truthfully only knew of her youngest litter by word of mouth, having not met them yet.}

Castiel would wait, wait as Surreal spoke. Then came Regulus, giving his word to both serve and lead them well. Castiel would close his eyes, taking a breathe before he spoke up.

“I live to serve, my dear sister. You know you can count me among your ranks. I wish to try for a legionary position.” He saw no reason to be simply granted a high rank. He could work towards it same as anyone else.




2 Years
01-03-2016, 11:43 PM

Ganja didn't hesitate to smile back at the woman who'd called the meeting together, Regulus's mother, Surreal. She'd go so far as to nod her head out of respect as her attention was fully consumed by the large man at her side. He'd put a paw on her shoulder, said paw being almost as big as her head, as he beamed down at her. Yeah that was her big oaf of a friend. The first words he said to her would cause her eyes to widen, ears to fall to her skull and her jaws to reach out to bite his lip. She might have missed she wasn't sure, but not even his not so smooth save was gonna save him from her fury at being called out. Note to self: sea water did not conceal heat scent. "No I didn't. I went to the island once my season started." She'd tell him truthfully since he'd been so kind to point it out. "Cause of course my body says, 'oh hay, it's time for puppies!' yuck." That's how she felt too. Bogged down and gross.

She didn't know anyone else as more arrived, but eventually she'd get to sit and listen through Surreal's speech. There was a lot to take in and think about. She'd only been part of a pack once before her parents left her. It had been a mostly enjoyable experience, surely she could do it again. Some rules seemed incredibly restrictive, especially considering her previous life style. However she was given an easy enough out, might as well give it a shot. "I guess I could train as a healer." Thank goodness she was rather close to Surreal, she didn't know if her quiet voice would be heard from any farther away. Maybe she'd end up being good at healing, she did know a lot about gardening. Oh that was another task, she'd need to go and harvest her plants soon to bring them back and plant inside the pack.

"Talk" Think "You"
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



3 Years
01-04-2016, 01:25 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He grew more nervous and uncertain by the second, but in the end it was all unnecessary. As his bright yellow eyes panned across the gathered wolves, he spotted the familiar coat of white as it bounded toward him, the identity of the wolf confirmed when he noticed the dark, fanned markings of brown surrounding two eyes of differing colors. Relief coupled with joy eased the tension that had been gathering in his body, and his still tail suddenly lifted in a faint wag. She had decided to come after all, and answering her grin with a subdued smile of his own, Miksa responded, "I'm glad you did." It would be a new start in a new pack, but at least he was not making this journey alone.

In his search of the crowd, the white wolf had missed Surreal's silent greeting, but he gave her his attention once his friend had settled into place at his side. A few more wolves arrived before the grey leader called order to their meeting and began addressing the group as a whole, welcoming them and going on to talk of the pack and her hopes for it. Miksa listened, feeling nervously optimistic and hoping Varda got a similarly positive impression of what to expect. Fighting, healing, hunting - they would know and understand each, at least in the most basic of senses, all of which suited him. Of the ranks, Legionary stuck out to him most considering his previous emphasis pulling in that direction, and his ears perked when spars were mentioned. Should have known that, he thought, and felt the accompanying sense of nerves. He would simply have to try his best.

The rules were outlined, in detail, and made it clear what was to be expected of them. Miksa sat patiently and listened to it all without comment, awaiting the very last moment when the new pack's preferences toward ranks were requested. He glanced at Varda beside him, wondering if she would continue with her chosen field of hunting, and, to set the example and hopefully continue to keep his friend comfortable, he spoke up. "I'd like a Legionary position," the white wolf stated, forcing himself not to look around at those present even though speaking out made him feel like eyes were upon him.



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-04-2016, 06:08 PM

Upon noticing him Surreal approached, a torrent of the old tongue falling from her lips, and Tornach's ears fell back softly, and he remained silent. He had dwelled within these dark and frightened and angry thoughts for too long to trust his tongue as she spoke, but he did not wish to damage things between them further and so he would say nothing. He did not pull away when she sought to touch him though he made no move to return the gesture either. He'd always been physically reserved in his affections, but the moreso now as he could not help but wonder if she was simply using his affection and loyalty to seek to manipulate him. It bothered him that he would feel that way - but he could not go back to the way things were before, and be unaware that the world was so broken.

He watched stoically as she returned to her rock, but was immediately bombarded with the appearance of Ashmedai as he bumped Tor's shoulder and spoke. Tor, blinking, looked over to him. "Hey Ash. I don't think she got it from anywhere, not if you mean a challenge for another pack or something." At least he hoped that she hadn't challenged for it; after Abaven's siege of Hellstrom for that very reason he'd feel terribly uncomfortable knowing his mother had done the same as that Sin. Ash asked if he was happy, rambled on about packs, and Tor shrugged uncomfortably. He didn't feel happy, no, though he should have - would have before that horrible siege, before his cousin's bloody death. He kept his voice low, too, and his head turned toward Ash as he answered - "I'm just starting to think alphas and packs and the like aren't such a good thing at all. I don't like - " but he cut off his words immediately as his littermate plopped down on his other side and leaned against him. "Not yet. Athair and Zuriel just got here. No one's said anything important."

His mother began to speak, and he went silent as he listened. He had never been part of a pack, so had nothing to compare the ranks to. As far as he knew, this was the way all packs were set up, but somehow he didn't think so. Enigma had used a different word for his title as a ranking healer in Hellstrom, and he'd gotten the impression that more was different than simply that. He wanted to cast a glance over to Ashmedai, wanting to ask if it was different than his father's pack, but not wanting to interrupt simply for curiosity's sake.

But her litany of laws made him stiffen and go very still, his face smooth. Not being allowed to leave the pack lands without asking? Castrating someone for having pups without permission? Slavery? Now he did give Ash a troubled, sidelong glance. When had his mother's morals changed so drastically? Or had he always believed so differently? He could not ever see how slavery could be an acceptable practice - not for any reason. His morals were not so fickle as to be bent and twisted for expediency, and a sick feeling grew in his stomach at the idea of supporting that even by proxy. He shook his head, dropping his eyes to the ground. He had come because he was family, and family supported one another. But was family or morality more important? Laws or doing what was right? If the law supported something so wrong how could he ever profess to follow it?

He backed away, murmuring a barely audible apology to Baine as he removed himself from her embrace. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't be here. He had to think about this. He had to untangle his emotions from what he knew - had to figure out how it fit together. Had to... had to be out from under the weighing and waiting eyes of the wolves who had all come to join his mother in her mad crusade. "Tá brón orm..." he began, blue eyes wavering between his mother, his brother, but he could not explain, could not even begin to explain, and could not in front of her pack, and so he backed away, turned, and trotted out of sight.

-exit Tornach-

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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4 Years
01-04-2016, 10:18 PM

Excitement tingled in her paws as she swished her tail in anticipation. A few more wolves trickled in before the meeting began, and her bicoloured gaze met the silver-furred leader. Ah, so this was Surreal, and by what she could infer, she seemed like a pleasant woman. She couldn't recall seeing her; perhaps she was an older friend of her parents? Her son, however, who sat next to her, she definitely remembered. That rich red coat, yes, she remembered seeing him converse with her brother at Threar's festival. And now that she thought about it, she actually had seen Surreal at that event, though it was the faintest and foggiest of memories.

No wonder her friend had taken such a liking to this pack - Celestial. Its alignment, motives, goals, laws...they resembled Threar's and so she agreed with them. She could understand why certain requirements were enforced, such as all members learning fighting skills and the basics of healing. Education and teamwork seemed to be key focuses for the pack, and that was a bonus. It was like another Threar. Yes, she could see this empire becoming her home.

After Surreal's son had spoken, who would take over the pack after his mother retired, it was time for the crowd to announce their preferred rank. She returned the glance to the male beside her, listening to the other wolves call out a position. No hunters...interesting. Perhaps she would be promoted to the lead hunter sooner than expected. When her friend had announced his legionary rank, she would raise her voice. "I would like to be a hunter," she eloquently called out with confidence in her chest, eyes meeting those of the leader's.
