
Crack Bones With Blind Aggression [DM?]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2016, 08:01 PM

A few moments of watching, and the pair were already tangled up in a fight that neither would escape unscathed from. One would die...but how ironic would it be if they both dealt blows that could end up killing them both? Huh...he'd never thought of that before, although he figured it could be possible. As he thought about this, more and more watches came to sit around the fighting, and then a voice calling him for an answer. Glancing down, his littler silver sister was asking him why their dad was being attacked. He wasn't sure what exactly to tell her, for inside he knew his father didn't have a very good reputation in these lands. But the younger ones didn't know that. "Some people are sick and mean, like that guy." That was all he would tell her for now before he got up. "Go with mom. You shouldn't be here." As he started to walk away, he noticed the familiar blue form of Glacier, the alpha who had stopped the hag and the other old man from harassing them. He simply nodded as he moved past, heading towards Tornach.

As he approached, he could scent the pack smell upon the young healer, and wondered if at last he had joined one or if his crazed mother had finally done what she always squawked about. Approaching non-threateningly, he heard the faint sound of what Tor had said. "It won't stop. You know that right?" While part of him wished it was true, he also knew it wouldn't If his father fell, then he knew that he or his siblings would continue to go after them. And if Cypress fell, then he was sure that his family would keep coming after their father. It was a never ending cycle of revenge...and it would consume them all sooner or later. He stopped on the opposite side of Tor, away from the blue kid who seemed to be with the rainbow woman who cheered on the grey man. He didn't particularly care though, the colored wolves were none of his concern. "Don't worry, I'm not going to start anything today." He murmured under his breath to Tornach. Yes, he had gotten pissed at the last one...but he had held in his reigns when Tornach came. He respected the kid for helping someone who was clearly his mothers enemy...for whatever reason that was.

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


01-08-2016, 01:01 PM

While Cypress was not expecting all attacks to come off without a hitch he was at least hoping that his attacks would do a bit more damage to the other man. Sin had sidestepped to his {Cy’s} left in order to dodge the incoming slam. As for Cypress’ intended paw slam it would miss the toes of his opponent, slicing the left hind hock of his opponent instead. Before settling back down upon the earth. How Sin slipped so far forward past him Cypress didn’t know, but that didn’t matter right now. He needed to be on guard as the fight continued. It seemed the man {Sin} was now parallel with his own body with his {Sin’s} head next to his abdomen rather than the two of them facing head on.

Thanks to this change in position Cypress’ bite was misplaced. Rather than the satisfying gush of an eye being torn away from his opponent he would instead find his jaws slicing the skin of his opponent’s left side about three inches past the end of his rib cage. Rather than attempt to gain a hold, Cypress would allow his jaws to fall away he readied both for retaliation and a second attack.

Throughout the fighting Cypress’ defenses were in check. His ears were pinned flat to his head, his eyes narrowed. His hackles were raised, shoulders rolled forward and legs spread with weight evenly distributed across them. With toes spread and claws biting into the earth he hoped to gain enough traction during this fight. Tail would switch from being a banner to being tucked beneath his body -- a precaution now that Sin was facing towards his rear end. Lips were peeled back and snarling, his head aligned with his spine once more. If he were to die today so be it.

Cypress would backpeddle, taking three quick steps back before his opponent would make the lunge for his leg. Sin’s left forwpaw would hook around the limb with his toes, pulling it forward only slightly. There would be pain, igniting at his knee where the joint connected. A mild strain was placed upon the leg where Sin’s shoulder dug in, as well as some moderate bruising. Painful, but not a knockout blow by any means.

Cypress now stood with his right side two steps farther back than his left, just enough to protect that oh so vital area that Sin targeted. Sin’s teeth would sink into the sensitive belly flesh of his belly a mere inch before his sheath. Moderate lacerations an inch deep and about an inch long would be the sacrifice for keeping his man parts intact.

Cypress would remain alert, keeping an eye out for Sin’s little pet as he made his next move. His left side, having been drug forward, had left him at a bit of an awkward position, though perhaps one he could use. His hind legs would dig into the earth, attempting to surge him forward and away from Sin’s grasp in a leap. While in the air Cypress would adjust his body to the left by forty-five degees focusing on landing on his right {and stronger} side first. Upon hitting the ground he would redistribute his weight across the four limbs before initiating his attack.

Cypress figured he would return fire in the same sort of manner this man had attempted. Jaws would shoot forth, angled to the left to attempt to snap down in a bite upon Sin’s own balls. His top jaw would attempt to land behind the snowy lumps while his bottom jaw aimed to scoop them up in a pincer like grab and hold. Furthermore Cypress would adjust his weight to his right side, lifting his left foreleg up before aiming to bring it smashing down with all the force he could muster upon Sin’s hock with claws to boot. He was hoping to either fracture the bone from behind or at least tear out a chunk of skin with his claws. While attempting his bite and slam Cypress would aim to spin his back half away from Sin and to his own right, side stepping with the back half only. As a precaution Cypress would flick his tail up from it’s tucked position, hoping to smack Sin in the eyes with it to cause some temporary discomfort, pain, and a distraction.

CYPRESS vs SIN for DEATH || Round TWO out of THREE

Ooc:: This probably sucks but blehhh. Skype if you need me to clarify anything Drag!



2 Years
Extra large
01-08-2016, 02:07 PM

Curiosity would lead the white splashed Armada towards the battlefield, he'd find himself eager to learn about the crowd that was coming to gather. His movements were slow and precise, and his eyes constantly darting from one unknown form to another as he surveyed those present. His large form would linger on the outskirts, but his curiosity would keep him close enough to see. He didn't know the participants, but the banter of the crowd was amusing enough. Taking a seat to enjoy the show provided to him he'd make sure to keep himself far enough back that he might not have to clean blood from his pelt later on. By the way the pair were already going at each other he had no doubt the amount of blood that would water the ground. He'd been far too long removed from the carnage. He knew the pain of both victor and loser, and being able to see it play out instead of experiencing it would cause him nothing but delight.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-11-2016, 01:59 AM

Blood poured down his side after Cypress had bitten him, though the grey male would release soon enough. This would seem to be a rough match, but Sin was not going down without something for the widower to remember him by. His attempt at straining Cypress' leg successful, and it seemed, the smaller male would attempt to disengage from their position. Sin's gaze would narrow hungrily as he tried to take Cypress' balls captive, but instead his opponent had moved just enough to grant his (Sin's) teeth purchase upon the softer underside of his opponent's belly. Sin was not finished, however. As Cypress sought to leap over his head and turn them around, Sin would attempt to follow after him.

Throughout their wicked fighting, Sin would keep his defenses intact. Hackles remained bristled along his body, both eyes narrowed as tattered ears pinned to his head. His tail remained firmly tucked beneath his body, protecting his precious parts and his belly. His abdomen would tense, elbows and knees bent as he sought to follow Cypress' movement, the man (sin) turning his body sharply to his left and kept them similar to a yin yang symbol. Toes flexed and splayed over the dirt, claws biting the earth as he tore up dirt and grass. His weight would be distributed evenly among all his limbs, teeth bared as his muzzle and face wrinkled, the scars on his face contorting. His shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, head pulled back slightly to bunch his scruff and his chin tucked over his throat.

Sin would allow Cypress a bit of room as the alabaster male tucked his head back so his crown wasn't directly beneath his opponent. Sin would bunch his legs, readying himself for another assault. In an instant, he would uncoil his legs like a spring as his left shoulder jutted forward, the alabaster male attempting to slam into the left side of Cypress' in the ribs  with the point of his shoulder. Hoping to crack them and wind the grey male. At the same time, Sin would growl in pain as he felt a weight upon his left hind hock, the already tensed limb giving way just enough for the bone to snap under pressure. He was infuriated, and while he didn't feel the pain as much at this moment due to the adrenaline, he would definitely feel it later...and possibly have a limp as a reminder if he survived this. His left hind leg would buckle for a quick moment, the alabaster male step-hopping with his right hind foot towards his own right to get his left hind leg away from Cypress.

At the moment he moved, Cypress' teeth would instead, bite the already injured leg just above the knee. Deep puncture wounds would be the damage, lacerations a couple inches wide would follow as Sin sought to tear his injured leg away from the grey male's face. His left hind leg was fractured and bleeding, and Sin unable to put as much weight on it as he wanted. His weight redistribute then to his right hind leg and his left front leg as his right front leg snaked forward in an attempt to hook around Cypress' left hind paw. Sin sought to drag Cypress' foot back and potentially unbalance him. Simultaneously, Sin's jaws gaped open as he then sought to bite at Cypress' abdomen this time. He tilted his crown to his left, jaws moving to his right as his crown became parallel with the ground again. He would seek to worsen the damage upon Cypress' belly, upper jaws seeking to lacerate and gain a grip on towards Cypress' right side of the abdomen and his bottom canines seeking to do the same upon the left side. This male had chosen the wrong opponent, because Sin would not go down without making sure his enemy had some memorable scars!


Round 2/3




01-11-2016, 06:29 AM
After the time that they had gotten back from Donostrea, things had already taken a turn for the worse. The tri-colored young male could hear his father howling, apparently challenging someone to another spar. However, he would open his eyes to see his sister taking off toward where their father could be heard, and he gave a small sigh as he stood up. The young brute did not like the idea of leaving his sister alone, despite the fact that the family would be there cheering their father on, he still cared about Silva even though they rarely talked, and wanted what was best for her in turn. As he bolted on after her, the sounds of snarling and biting could be heard off in the distance as he saw Silva sitting by Enigma, and, before long, Glacier came up beside her. Sheerrun was not much of a talker nowadays, always keeping to himself and never interfering unless something was absolutely necessary that he needed to.

He approached Silva, nudging her slightly in an attempt to comfort her and to try and get her to head to Donostrea with Glacier. Sheerrun could already smell the blood of the two brutes battling one another, probably to the death where this was going. He didn't have a close relationship with his mother, but, he did love his father despite the fact that they only bonded a little bit when he had wandered off into the northern lands.

"Come on, Silva, we should go and follow, Glacier," he spoke to his sister as he watched in terror of what could happen to their father. And, before he could even think of anything, he happened to witness the man who had helped him. Father had killed someone that this man loved apparently? His eyes would widen in utter shock before looking back over at his sister, still in disbelief before standing beside Glacier, eyes full of worry when he watched his father fight.



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Intermediate Intellectual (35)

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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
01-12-2016, 03:03 PM
Ashmedai watched with a loose grin. He wondered what the outcome would be. It took a while for the boy to notice Tornach had come. Ash would move to get closer, "How do you think he does it?" he stated, tsking his tongue before setting beside Tornach, "Do you think there's some level of malfunction in someone who draws that much trouble to himself? You'd think he would be a little more reserved since he has a family but..." Ash trailed off, realizing he could have been talking about either of the males fighting. With another loose smile, Ashmedai shrugged, not taking the fact that someone would lose their life all too seriously, "I wonder what makes wolves like this, though. I wouldn't want one fight to end in death." The boy grew serious for a moment, "If someone hurt my family I would want to keep them alive so I could tear every limb off their body one by one." Ashemdai stopped talking for a moment as the fight raged on. Again he shrugged the thought off, "But seriously- thinking about it- I can't bring myself to not want to fight."
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.


01-14-2016, 02:07 AM

Cypress had truly lost touch with reality. Whether this fight was suicide or the justice he so sought for his wife was yet to be seen. Cy knew that his body was wearing down, and all that was left in him was one last push. There were children here, but thank the gods not his own. He couldn’t bear to think of how they would respond to their father potentially being slain, going back on his word... But Sin just filled him with this raw fury. It had to end one way or another. Whichever life snuffed out... It had to END!

Sin would move away from him, or rather to follow up behind him. Not fast enough it seemed as Cypress’ left forepaw came down upon Sin’s left hind hock. He felt a satisfying snap under his damaged limb. The limp prevented him {Cy} from moving quite properly, but at least the limb could be used as a sort of ram in each attack he attempted on the alabaster male. If he died today perhaps Sin would have a healthy reminder of what it was like to live with a limp. That would be enough, Cypress thought, if only the fight could end there.

But it was too late to turn back now.

As Sin made his move to pull his back end away it would end up displacing Cypress’ bite -- lucky for his opponent. Cypress had no qualms about taking away that vital part of the other, if only to teach him a lesson. But he saw one thing clearly, as he fought on. There was no glory in this. There would be no glory in death either. He’d been a fool to even start this fight. A fool who, in his anger, thought the only way to end this blood feud was with a battle to the death. How wrong he was.

Back to where the bite had landed. Cypress’ top jaws would snap over Sin’s left rear leg just above the back of his knee. Deep puncture wounds, followed by lacerations of a couple inches wide would be his small victory. Though Sin was still trying to tear his injured leg away from him. No way Cypess was going to allow that to happen.

Cypress had, from the last round, successfully managed to get legs over Sin’s head and away from the man, but now that left his left side at a fourty-five degree angle or so towards Sin’s own rear end. Just enough for the other man, who was trying to spin towards him, to have room for an attack.

Sin would end up

As Sin attempted to spring forward, with left shoulder jutted forward, Cypress attempted to finish spinning his body to his own right. Rather than the man’s left shoulder connecting with his ribs {which were now moved out of the way due to Cypress side stepping to his own right} he would feel a woosh of air and a sensation of fur as Sin brushed up alongside him. At best the other man {Sin} had caused some mild bruising with the bony part of his shoulder on his {Cypress’} left side.

Mid attack Cypress would instinctively have his defenses kept in place. Hackles were naturally raised, ears pinned, and eyes narrowed. His weight was evenly distributed on widened limbs. His shoulders were rolled forward, toes splayed, claws digging into the earth to brace his own body. Cypress would keep his tail tucked, his head lowered to align with his spine. Lips were peeled back in a snarl, bracing himself as he faced towards his opponent’s rear.

To clarify, the two men were parallel to each other, with Sin’s head by the end of Cypress’ ribs. Cypress would dig his hind paws into the earth, lowering his head and adjusting it to his right {Sin’s left} and towards the ground. Then he made for a lunge at an acute angle under Sin’s body {aimed towards Cypress’ left, Sin’s right side}. At the same time Sin’s right foreleg would sweep under his lifted left hind paw, barely missing it.

Sin’s jaws would also gain a short purchase on his abdomen as well. Blood would spill from the previous would, worsened to a severe wound with longer lacerations {a couple inches} and deeper puncture wounds {roughly three quarters of an inch deep}. But as Cypress attempted to come forward he would rip away from the man’s jaws and attempt his own attack.

Cypress’ jaws aimed right for Sin’s prized position once more. Not his balls, but his sheath. His top jaw aimed to hook around the right side while the bottom jaw aimed to hook around the bottom and land on the the other side {Sin’s left} in a clamping bite. Furthermore, he attempted to push into Sin’s right hind leg with the bony bit of his left shoulder as he {Cy} stumbled forward on his gimpy leg.

To follow up that attack he would splay his right foreleg forth, underneath his opponent and towards his injured back leg. His goal was to attempt to slam his paw against the limb in the area directly in the middle between paw and kneecap. With any luck he hoped to cause further discomfort and even knock the limb back slightly to jar the injury Sin had already sustained.

Ooc:: I’m really sorry if this fight is confusing as all get out. I didn’t really have much time to review this soooooo... Best of luck Drag! It was a fun fight~

CYPRESS vs SIN for DEATH || Round THREE out of THREE>



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-17-2016, 01:51 AM

This was a fight more worthy then the one he had fought with the males pathetic partner. While Sin didn't expect the male to go easy, he certainly didn't expect for Cypress to fight with such vigor. Still, Sin would give him many scars to remember him by, assuming he lost this fight. And should he win, then perhaps it would be a lesson to the rest of the family to leave him alone. Personally, he hadn't had intentions of going after Arian. She had ignored his warnings time and time again, lied, stepped on his toes and continued to show her weakness! And finally he had had enough of her idiocy. Her maim had been the warning bite. And he'd left her alone until she came knocking at the devils door. Even if he hadn't maimed or killed her, he was quite surprised that nobody else had. He was sick and tired of her trying to become friends with him, the fool. And in the end, she had paid the ultimate price, walking--or rather, limping--into her own death.

Sin would not give up this fight no matter how much he was beginning to tire. He'd been through many battles, and despite his partial blindness and his new handicap gained from this fight, his stamina would hold true until one of them fell. He would growl in displeasure when his attempt at slamming his shoulder into the smaller man would miss all but the smallest touch. His shoulder seemed to simply graze Cypress' side, perhaps leaving a small bruise if any, but that would not do for Sin. No, not at all.

Throughout the fight, Sin would not falter in his defenses. Hackles rose along his neck and spine, tail remained tucked beneath his body to protect his belly and other vital areas, his eyes narrowed, facial features scrunched up in defiance and aggression, his lips were peeled back, fully revealing his fangs to protect his face and inflict pain on his opponent. He would reground his right forepaw once it failed to gain purchase on his target. His toes were splayed, nails biting the earth as he took a widened stance so his legs were hip and shoulder width apart, his elbows and knees were bent for better balance, weight distributed as equally as possible among his three working legs. His head lowered to align with his spine, chin tucked to protect his throat as his shoulders rolled forward for protection as well. Head pulled back slightly, rolling the fatty layers of skin and fur around the back of his neck while his ears pinned tightly against his head.

Narrowed amber gaze would seek out his companion for a quick second, the shadow cat barely maintaining his composure it seemed as he stared hungrily at the fight that was in progress. As Sin strove to follow his opponent, a wild bark would escape his maw, and that was all Seifer needed to immediately leap to his feet and join in the fray.

Crimson gaze tore into the enemy, the man so foolish enough to fight a battle that might end up against him. With a wild cat call following Sin's wild bark, Seifer began to zero in as if he were stalking a piece of prey. He eyed the position of the two males, Sin and Cypress parallel to one another with Cypress' left side against Sin's right side. That meant Cypress' right side was open...perfect. He would hungrily lick his lips as he zeroed in around the pair, coming in at a right angle towards Cypress' right shoulder. Stupid dogs, time for a lesson in obedience! As swift and as silent as the night time shadows, the crimson marked cat would rush in, claws unsheathed. He would skid to come to stop on a dime, his right foreleg extending as his right forepaw turned upward. He would attempt to score his claws upon the man's throat, claws striving to carve a nasty and potentially fatal wound that led from the base of the right side of Cypress' throat, and up towards the hinge of the the grey man's jaws. A wicked hunger overtook the feline, and should Cypress fall, then there was no doubt Seifer would disembowel him and leave the man unrecognizable.

Time would seem to slow to a crawl, for the moments it took Seifer to approach, Sin was continuing his own movements to save his skin and inflict as many wounds as he could upon Cypress. Since he had failed in capsizing his opponent or breaking ribs, and also failing in unbalancing him (Cypress), Sin would at least relish in the fact he had managed to gain a bite upon his intended target on Cypress' side. The grey male would break free, but that would not concern him for the moment. Sin would stumble slightly away from Cypress, taking a couple of steps forward to launch yet another attack. However, before he could move far enough away, he would feel teeth snap shut upon the end of his tail and slicing his belly. It was only thanks to the stumbling steps and his tucked tail that his sheath would be saved, but he felt bone give way as he felt his tail fracture near the tip. Cypress' fangs would also slice his belly as they just missed grabbing his tail, a centimeter or two away in fact. Lacerations about a quarter inch wide and an inch deep would bleed, but it would not make him stop.

It would be at this moment that Sin would strive to end this. Thrusting himself forward, the alabaster male would throw his right shoulder forward as he sought to slam it into Cypress' left knee joint, seeking to break it and make him fall. He was tired of these games, and he would end this as quickly and as brutally as possible before either of them fell. He would then lift his back right leg as Cypress aimed to slam into it, Sin putting his weight as much as he could upon his front legs and as little as possible upon his injured leg (though whatever weight was put there was painful and stressful upon the injured limb). And he would aim a vicious kick towards Cypress' face in an attempt to claw the man's right eye and blind him, however permanent or temporary. Lastly, jaws opened up and Sin would raise his head over the smaller male's back. He would seek to clamp his jaws directly upon Cypress' spine with his upper canines seeking to bury themselves on the right side of the spine and his bottom canines sought to bury on the left side. He aimed to gain a crippling grip, to shake his head as vigorously as possible to aid in this. This would end today, one way or another. It would either be the devil, or the martyr...May the best man win!


Round 3/3


The Judge


02-14-2016, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2016, 07:06 PM by The Judge.)

Cypress vs Sin for Death




-1, you'll want to give some idea of the distance between them as this could affect some of the attacks.  Doesn't need to be exact, just a general idea of how close Cypress is try to get before charging
-2  "He attempted to be angled with roughly half his body still directly facing Sin’s own."  which half?  what sort of angle?
-2  What was the feint?  Did he move his whole body to the left, did he move back to realign with Sin or over to his right or did he stay on his left.

Total: 5


-1 "As Cypress attempted to close in the last two feet of the distance between himself and Sin he would feint to Sin’s left."  This is a minor pp and assumes that the distance is closed before the feint

Total: 9

+1 for each seen
Total: 9


+2 shoulder slam -1 I'm unsure of the distance he's closing and what angle he's coming at.  If he's off to Sin's left and crossing for the left forechest it seems unlikely he'd succeed in knocking the breath from the other.
+1 paw slam +1 maim attempt -1 a wolf's claws are pretty dull it's unlikely he could get his paw into a position to cut through the webbing of Sin's paw let alone build up enough pressure to slice through
+3 bite +1 maim +1 grip

Total: 7


-first round

Total: 10

Total for Round One:  40




-1 "and potentially dodge the upcoming charge"  It's up to you to decide if an opponents attack hits or not unless it's a counter, minor
-2  what is the feint?  How is he feinting?  With body position?  An attack?  A feint is a deceptive movement and I'm not quite sure what Sin was trying to accomplish in this.
-1  "straight into Cypress' left hind knee where the joint connected."  where the joint connects with the thigh or the lower leg?

Total: 6


-2 "Jaws parted with a thunderous roar as he too kicked off to meet Cypress head on."  Need to attempt to meet him and attempt to close the distance
-2  "With the last two feet, just like Cypress, Sin would feint to his own right,"  You can't assume your opponent let you get within two feet

Total: 6


+1 each seen

Total: 10


+2 shoulder slam
+1 paw hook
+3 bite +1 maim -1 this would be a difficult move since he's throwing his left shoulder forward he'd need to reach his neck over his shoulder to get at Cypress also the testicles would be farther back so he'd have to twist pretty far under Cypress.  It's a pretzely move.

Total: 6


-first round

Total: 10

Total for Round One:  38





-1 "There would be pain, igniting at his knee where the joint connected."  If your opponent fails to specify their target then you should.  Where the joint connected with the thigh or lower leg?
-2  "Cypress now stood with his right side two steps farther back than his left"  "His left side, having been drug forward, had left him at a bit of an awkward position," Do you mean Cypress is turned away from Sin?  Are his right paws just farther back than his left?  I'm not sure what you mean by awkward position or what position he's in
-2  " His hind legs would dig into the earth, attempting to surge him forward and away from Sin’s grasp in a leap. While in the air Cypress would adjust his body to the left by forty-five degees"  - which way is he leaping?  A 45 degree angle compared to what? Is he leaping away? toward?

Total: 5


-2 there's a lot of movement in that last attack and the confusing positioning doesn't help, he's leaping, twisting, twirling you need to give your opponent room to respond they could shift the position dramatically in the time it takes your wolf to do all these moves

Total: 8


+1 each seen

Total: 9


+3 bite +1 maim +1 hold -1 clarity for confusing position regarding the leap
+1 paw slam, point not given for maim attempt, it is unlikely he could generate enough power to break Sin's hock
+1 tail flick to eyes -1 for positioning clarity

Total: 5


-1 moderate bruising to knee
-2 moderate bite to lower belly

Total: 7

Total for Round Two:  34




-2 where on the ribs is Sin aiming?  That's a fair amount of space, high, low in the middle farther back toward the hips, closer to the shoulder it could also effect what he might be able to break and what might be to solid
-2 where on Cypress' belly is he aiming to to bite?

Total: 6


-none seen

Total: 10


+1 each seen

Total: 10


+2 shoulder to ribs +0 maim attempt, they're to close in range for Sin to generate enough force to break the ribs -1 clarity
+1 paw wrap
+3 bite +1 hold -1 clarity

Total: 5


-5 broken hock….  ow dude  xD
-3 severe puncture wounds

Total: 2

Total for Round Two:  33





-1 "At best the other man {Sin} had caused some mild bruising with the bony part"  You don't seem to certain, you need to be certain with the damage if it caused bruising then say so if it didn't then don't.
-2 where on Cypress' belly did Sin's jaws land?
-2 which leg is he trying to slam his paw into?

Total: 5


-2 "Cypress had, from the last round, successfully managed to get legs over Sin’s head"  I don't remember any mention of legs over Sin's head being successful did Cypress leap over Sin in that last post?  Is that what you mean?

Total: 8


+1 for each seen

Total: 9


+3 bite +1 maim +1 grip
+1 shoulder push
+0 paw stomp for clarity issue

Total: 6


-3 severe gut wound

Total: 7

Total for Round Three:  35




-3  I'm lost on the positioning and I'm wondering if you've goofed up your left and rights on a few of these.  In my notes I have Sin's left side along Cypress' left.  They're parallel but opposite.  I'm not sure how they ended up facing the same way out of the yin/yang position  It's goofed up quite a few of your attacks
-2  Where on Cypress throat is Seifer's claws attempting to land?  The side? The underside?  What about it makes it potentially fatal?  Shredding the windpipe?  A vein?
-2 where on Cypress spine is he trying to bite?  That is a long target and can affect the likelyhood of a maim being possible.

Total: 3


-2 I find it unlikely he could support himself on his front legs and a broken hind leg

Total: 8


+1 for each seen

Total: 10


+3 claw attack -1 clarity, uncertain of severity as attacking the side of the throat wouldn't be as life threatening as the underside near the windpipe -1 remeber that Seifer is only 25" tall I'm not sure if he could drag his right paw all the way up to the corner of Cypress jaw without rearing
+2 shoulder slam +0  for maim attempt, at this close distance it is unlikely that Sin could generate enough force to break the knee.
+1 kick +1 maim
+3 bite +1 grip

Total: 9


-2 moderate lacerations to gut
-4 tail fracture

Total: 4

Total for Round Three:  34



total 109/150

total 105/150

And the winner is...

Sin must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out and Cypress if free to administer the killing blow



-moderate bite to belly will take 2 ooc weeks to heal
-severe bite to gut will take 3 ooc weeks to heal
-minor bruises and scraps will heal in a few ic days

(if I missed any wounds let me know, I took ill the last round of this)


-Been killed


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Holey close fight, Batman!  You both were very evenly matched.  

Keno you do quite well in your first rounds just work on keeping that quality through the other two posts particularly when it comes to positioning.  Watch some of the fancier dodges and the aerial moves they don't currently translate well and can make positioning tricky to follow.

Dragon you do pretty well in general just watch the clarity on your attacks and while it was awesome to see someone take some serious damage in a fight I think you sort of shot yourself in the foot with the amount of damage you took.  

Good fight guys!

- By [Lunarcat7]

The Judge


02-14-2016, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2016, 07:05 PM by The Judge.)



7 for clarity:

  • -1 “He attempted to be angled with roughly half his body still directly facing Sin’s own.” What half of his/Sin's body? What angle?
  • -1 ...attempting to ram it into Sin’s left forechest and hopefully knock the wind out of him.” It would make more sense to specify where he's intending to strike from top to bottom and side to side, and with those directionals in mind simply saying he's hoping to strike the left of Sin's chest isn't specific enough for me.
  • -1 “With how he was positioned, there was the potential for his attack to also put a strain upon Sin’s left foreleg as he...” You never specified the positioning you were hoping for after Cypress feinted so I'm not sure how that positioning could strain Sin's leg.
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “As Cypress attempted to close in the last two feet of the distance between himself and Sin he would feint to Sin’s left.” That's assuming he's successful in closing most of the distance in the first place
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
8 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +1 for paw stomp
    +1 for severity
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip attempt
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Cypress' round one total: 44/50

4 for clarity:

  • -1 “Cypress would instead gain a mild bite on Sin's left side about three inches past the end of his rib cage...” Closer to his spine? His belly? In the middle?
  • -1 “...left shoulder straight into Cypress' left hind knee where the joint connected.” Connects to what? His upper leg? Lower leg?
  • -1 If Sin is trying to ram his left shoulder into Cypress' left knee how can he then reach towards his left, under Cypress, for his testicles? He'd have to reach around the leg he's trying to strike and then reach out.
  • -1 “Tilting his head slightly at an angle to reach, crown nearly parallel to the ground...” What angle? What side of his crown is parallel to the ground? Which way is he tilting his head?
  • -1 “Lower canines sought to wrap behind the...area...” What area? Behind his testicles? Behind his penis? Don't shy away from specifics just because of what's being specified xD
  • -1 “...while upper canines sought to tear into them from the front(close to sin's face).” The wording here is confusing. Presumably everything down there is close to Sin's face right now, so when you say 'front' do you mean towards Cy's chest? Also, if Sin's lower teeth are behind Cy's testicles (now you've got me assuming) and his upper teeth are in front of them, how is Sin's neck not all jacked up since he's more or less coming in from “the front”?
7 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “With the eight feet of distance...”
  • -1 “With the last two feet, just like Cypress, Sin would feint to his own right...” Same as Keno's, that's assuming
  • -1 “Sin would duck his head beneath Cypress' body as he lunged for a man's most prized possession.” You're assuming Sin is successful in ducking under Cypress.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
7 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +1 for paw swipe
    0 for unrealistic severity
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for severity
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Sin's round one total: 38/50


3 for clarity:

  • -1 “There would be pain, igniting at his knee where the joint connected.” Connects to what?
  • -1 “A  mild strain was placed upon the leg where Sin’s shoulder dug in, as well as some moderate bruising.” Where's this bruising and where does Sin's shoulder land?
  • -1 “Cypress now stood with his right side two steps farther back than his left...” If all he did was back up, how did he suddenly get turned like this? I can't see a move you say is “ only slightly” successful moving Cypress' left hind leg two whole steps forward.
  • -1 “While in the air Cypress would adjust his body to the left...” Whose left because Cypress pivoting/angling himself to his own left would carry him into Sin.
  • -1 “While in the air Cypress would adjust his body to the left by forty-five degees focusing on landing on his right {and stronger} side first.” What's the positioning he hopes to accomplish with this? You stated how he is moving but not where he hopes to end up.
  • -1 “Jaws would shoot forth, angled to the left...” Whose left?
  • -1 “...muster upon Sin’s hock with claws to boot.” Which hock?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “His hind legs would dig into the earth, attempting to surge him forward and away from Sin’s grasp in a leap. While in the air Cypress would adjust his body to the left...” He's jumping, basically pivoting, readjusting his weight and then attacking. That's an awful lot of movement to cram into the few seconds he has to move before Sin starts moving.
  • -1 “While attempting his bite and slam Cypress would aim to spin his back half away from Sin and to his own right, side stepping with the back half only.” Biting and stomping (your balance is compromised already and was just readjusted) AND sidestepping is a stretch. Like the deduction above, this is simply too much movement.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
5 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
  • +1 for stomp
    0 for unrealistic damage (stomps are rarely powerful and wolf nails are very blunt)
  • +0 for tail flick (ineffective attack)
7 for injuries.
  • -1 for moderate bruising to left hind leg
  • -2 for moderate lacerations to belly
Cypress' round two total: 33/50

6 for clarity:  
  • -1 “ he sought to follow Cypress' movement, the man (sin) turning his body sharply to his left and kept them similar to a yin yang symbol.” More details are needed here.
  • -1 “Sin would allow Cypress a bit of room...” I'm not sure what this means. Is he allowing Cypress to get close to him? Giving him space by keeping his distance?
  • -1 “...attempting to slam into the left side of Cypress' in the ribs...” Where exactly? That's a fairly large area.
  • -1 “He tilted his crown to his left, jaws moving to his right as his crown became parallel with the ground again.” If they're standing left to left again then Sin's jaws rising to his right would take them away from Cypress.
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “ the alabaster male tucked his head back so his crown wasn't directly beneath his opponent.” You're assuming Sin is successful in getting his head under Cypress in the first place.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
7 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder throw
    +0 for unrealistic damage
  • +1 for paw swipe
  • +3 for bite
    +0 for unrealistic grip given the location and the angle of the bite
    -1 for issues related to positioning
3 for injuries.
  • -4 for broken left hind leg
  • -3 for severe punctures/lacerations to left hind leg

Sin's round two total: 35/50


6 for clarity:

  • -1 “...had caused some mild bruising with the bony part of his shoulder on his {Cypress’} left side.” Where on his left side?
  • -1 “To clarify, the two men were parallel to each other...”This contradicts your previous statement
  • -1 “Then he made for a lunge at an acute angle...” 45 degrees? 60?
  • -1 “Furthermore, he attempted to push into Sin’s right hind leg...” What part of his leg?
6 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “ jaws would snap over Sin’s left rear leg just above the back of his knee.” Sin's post makes no mention of the back of his leg.
  • -1 “Then he made for a lunge at an acute angle under Sin’s body {aimed towards Cypress’ left, Sin’s right side}.” This should have been attempted.
  • -1 “But as Cypress attempted to come forward he would rip away from the man’s jaws...” This should have been attempted.
  • -1 “...underneath his opponent and towards his injured back leg.” This should have been attempted.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
6 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
  • +1 for shoulder throw
  • +1 for paw push
7 for injuries.
  • -1 for mild bruising to ribs
  • -3 for severe lacerations to belly

Cypress' round three total: 35/50

7 for clarity:

  • -2 “...would throw his right shoulder forward as he sought to slam it into Cypress' left knee joint...” What part of his right shoulder? The front of Cypress's knee joint? The side?
  • -1 “He would seek to clamp his jaws directly upon Cypress' spine with his upper canines seeking to bury themselves on the right side of the spine and his bottom canines sought to bury on the left side.” Where on his spine? It's a large area.
2 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “He would hungrily lick his lips as he zeroed in around the pair, coming in at a right angle towards Cypress' right shoulder.” This should have been attempted.
  • -1 “It was only thanks to the stumbling steps and his tucked tail that his sheath would be saved...” This is a mix of clarity/powerplay. Stepping forward would mean Cypress' bite would land behind his penis, and behind Sin's penis is his testicles, not more belly.
  • -1 “Lastly, jaws opened up and Sin would raise his head over the smaller male's back.” This should have been attempted.
  • -1 “ shake his head as vigorously as possible...” His ability to do this hinges on him getting a grip first
  • -2 What happened to Cypress' shoulder throw?
  • -2 What happened to Cypress' paw push?
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
9 for attack.
  • +2 for companion attack
    -1 for realism. Cats scratch downwards. Having him scratch up (and backwards) would take a lot of “bite” out of this attack
  • +1 for shoulder throw
    0 for unrealistic severity because of proximity
  • +1 for kick
    +1 for severity
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for severity
5 for injuries.
  • -3 for broken tail
  • -1 for small lacerations to tail
  • -1 for moderate bruising to right hind leg (damage assigned by judge)

Sin's round three total: 33/50


CYPRESS: 111/150
SIN: 106/150

And the winner is...

CYPRESS! Sin must now perish in this fight.


  • Bruising will takes days to heal
  • Severe lacerations will take 3 ooc weeks to heal
  • Moderate lacerations will take 2 ooc week to heal

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: The positioning in this fight was all kinds of wonky and extremely hard to follow. Don't rely on assumptions to get you through a post – always clearly state the desired positioning/attack because if it isn't written plainly you will most likely lose points. My suggestion for you both is to work on clarity as you both lost the most points in that category. If I added up all the points you guys received in clarity and I lumped them together your combined points would only total 33 out of the 60 that are possible.

- By [Lazuli]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-08-2016, 05:01 PM
OOC PPing this since kenos gone.

Exhaustion was settling in, and despite his efforts he was tiring. His broken bones caused him to stumble as he tried to turn around. And the moment he did he was too slow. He felt jaws lock on his throat, teeth digging in towards his windpipe. The male would struggle, but in his exhausted state and his position there was little he could do. Well played. He would admit defeat today. Knowing that one of his kin would continue the work he had started. As the world began to fade into darkness, Sin's maw would curl into a grin. Falling to the earth, he at last lay still. The world would be terrorized no longer by him, but it wasn't over yet. His mark had been made, his spawn strewn throughout Alacritis and beyond. He would be back in some form...but today, the beast laid to rest the only way he envisioned it. Through battle.

-Exit Sin via death-