
Dreamend Discharger


12-17-2015, 09:18 PM

Kar would return back to the den that night. Thank goodness for Mystic coming home, he thought to himself. Mystic had made raising Mako just a little easier. His little son was coming up strong, despite being part of a broken family. Mako, named for his first friend here in Alacritia... Kar could only wonder what happened to the one his son was named for. Was he still out there somewhere? What about Zanire? What about the rest of his children?

The male would release a small sigh. So many faces, and all that was left of them were memories. Things were hard for him, yes, though perhaps not as hard as his daughter might have thought. Kar might have been older, but he wasn’t dead yet, and he would remind himself he still had two children to keep living for. No matter what happened, no matter what life through at him, Kar would keep pushing. He would breathe in the scent of the den.

Nalyda’s scent had faded, but he would not forget his wife’s presence. Even if he one day decided to take another mate he knew he would never, ever forget Nalyda’s presence. She had given him a great many children, wonderful children, and he was endlessly thankful for that. Kar would breathe in slowly before curling up next to his sleeping son, closing his eyes.

It was only a matter of time before Kar began to stir again. When he opened his eyes however he was not in the den with Mako, but rather a rich green meadow. He would breathe in, noticing how fresh the air here tasted. Kar would rise to a sitting position, ears perking up upon his head as he looked around. What was this place? Why was here here? Where was his kids? He’d sniff the air, looking around in alarm.

“Mako, Mystic?”

Speech, Thought



8 Years
12-17-2015, 09:36 PM
The grey and black woman would look around the area. Where she was brought from death was beautiful, but, she would happen to come across the landscape as well when her mate happened to be sleeping. The rich scent of the grass lingered in the air, bringing serenity and happiness to the landscape. She would bound through the grasses, the strands of green tickling her paw pads as she would smile, salmon colored tongue slung out of her mouth as she bounded. However, she would soon stop when she noticed her mate. Kar was in the dream world, and she could speak to him there. A smile would spread across her maw as she approached him.

"Kar..." She would speak, her voice, calm and soothing to the ear as she approached the tri-colored brute. Her crimson orbs focusing upon his emerald irises. She had missed him, and wished that she was still alive to look after their little bundle in the living world. But, she knew that one day she would get a chance to meet him and bring happiness to him, even if it wasn't in the physical world. She would sit upon the ground, tail wrapped around her bodice as a smile stayed noticeable upon her maw.


01-14-2016, 10:32 PM

A voice would call out to him, and Kar would turn his head in the direction of the owner. Yes, he knew that voice. The moment his emerald eyes set upon her Kar would feel as though his throat had closed up. How long had it been, since he had last seen his beloved? Half a year? He knew well enough that she was dead, that she was dead and gone, but alas he could not resist the urge to rise and go to her. He was no longer thinking, but merely acting out of pure instinct and love.

Kar would wrap his neck around Nalyda’s bodice gently, breathing in her scent. Everything here seemed so... So real. Was this a dream? Was he dead? Kar almost was afraid of the next question that arose in his head. ‘Does it matter?’ Sure he would leave behind his young son and daughter, but if there was nothing one could do to change their fate...

...and would it really be so bad if he was dead? He’d be able to be with Nalyda again. Seeing her hurt his soul, but she didn’t seem unhappy. No, quite the opposite... She wore a smile upon her face. Kar would breathe in shakily, uttering but a single word.


"Nalyda Speech," "Kar Speech"

Table by:: Keno



8 Years
01-14-2016, 10:43 PM
She would see her beloved mate come toward her, eyes showing happiness and it was obvious that he seemed torn and yet happy at the same time. She could feel her mate's touch only slightly, but, though they were not in the physical world, she was happy to see him just the same. Crimson orbs focused in on her mate's handsome emerald gaze. The dame smiled and turned over, nudging him gently and closing her eyes slightly as a smile spread across her maw. Happiness was something that she was feeling now that she saw him, and she wished that she didn't have to die. However, the dark woman was also happy that she was able to produce one more child before her death, and to think he would be turning a year old soon made her shocked, and yet happy for her young boy.

"I know that these times have been hard for you, my love. But know that I am not in anymore pain, and I will always be with you no matter what, as well as be there for our children even though I cannot join you all in the physical world again." She sat down, her tail wrapped around her side as she smiled even more, "It is also obvious that Mystic has found another male whom she cares for after what happened with her other mate. I want you to be there for your grandchildren if you can, for your wisdom I am sure will help aid them in years to come," she explained and placed her paw near his.

"I have missed you, my love..." She closed her eyes and nudged his chest.


01-23-2016, 05:13 PM

Kar would gently nuzzle Nalyda’s head as his wife spoke, her words just as soft and caring as he had remembered. Oh how he had missed her. It was obvious that she’d been watching over them all from her place in Somnium... And by her words he realized that he was still alive. He would have to go back to the “physical” world as Nalyda put it when all was said and done. Kar would close his eyes, just taking this moment to be with his beloved.

“I’m so glad I could see you again, even if only like this for the time being.” Kar would whisper. “To know you’re not in pain, to know that you’re looking over us gives me a sense of hope.” Kar would give a soft chuckle at the mention of Mystic, letting his eyes open again. “I’ve noticed his scent about. I’m hoping to meet the lad soon enough.”

Kar would gently move his head over Nalyda’s own, cooing softly. “Shh. I’ve missed you too, my Nalyda.” His words remained soft. “I’m just glad... So glad you’re not in any more pain.” His own eyes would close again. “Do you really think Mystic and this new boy are that close?” He’d ask, a smile on his face. “Grandpups wouldn’t be too bad. It’s been a little on the quiet side lately.”

"Nalyda Speech," "Kar Speech"

Table by:: Keno



8 Years
01-23-2016, 05:34 PM
Nalyda would give a small chuckle when Kar had smelled the scent of the young man. After what happened with Hypnos before she had passed on, she felt sorry for Mystic and wished she was there to comfort her daughter. She would feel her mate's body upon hers as she smiled and nudged him back in a caring and comforting gesture. "I'm sure that he will be looking after her as much as he can, and I'm sure you will have many grandchildren that you can stay alive for and help teach. You may be getting older, but you still have some younger bones in you," she would chuckle.

She would stand up and began to walk toward a body of water closeby, her eyes focusing on it as she stepped inside and splashed some of it upon Kar's face, laughing, "This reminds me of both of us when we were younger, without a care in the world it seemed," she smiled and closed her eyes before stepping out of the lake and smiling, sitting down beside him. "And I have missed you too."


02-04-2016, 11:20 AM

Kar would give a soft chuckle at his mate’s words. “Aye, I’m getting older. But I’m not quite an old man yet. Can’t use that as an excuse, now can I?” Though the thought of having many young ones to teach wasn’t bad, he still thought it would be best if he had his beloved by his side again. His thoughts were not allowed to be dreary for long, however, as some water was splashed upon his face by Nalyda disrupted his thoughts.

His expression would turn to a gentle one, remembering fondly the days that they first met. Of their early courtship and when they brought their first litter into the world. His green eyes would shine with fondness for the memories, giving a small nod. “Yes... Those were the days, weren’t they? It seemed since then time just flew by. We had three litters of children, each as beautiful and strong as the last.” He would gently press into his beloved, closing his eyes.

“I wish you could be with us.” Kar would whisper in a soft tone. “Raising Mako is... It’s hard. I see not only my best friend, but I’m reminded of you as well.” His tail would curl back around his body, crossing over hers. “Do you think you will see him in this world between worlds as well?” Kar asked softly.

"Nalyda Speech," "Kar Speech"

Table by:: Keno



8 Years
02-05-2016, 06:28 AM
Nalyda would smile at Kar's remark about him being older. Yes, he was getting older that was for sure; however, he did have many children and possibly even some grandchildren when time allowed it. Though she wished she would have gotten to see the birth of Mystic's litter, she would smile and nudge her beloved in a tender fashion. She would lie down upon the grasses, a small sigh escaping her as she thought about Kar's next question. Considering the fact that she was seeing and talking to him right now, there was no doubt in her mind that she would get to see her new son in this next world as well, and it would make her happy to see him to say the least in the meantime.

"You know I love our children, and if I got to see them within this world, I sure hope that it would be for a visit in a dream, not the other way around," she would explain with a smile, "Perhaps we will see each other again when you're in your dreams, my beloved. I love you, and always will. I wish for you, Mako, and Mystic to stay strong, and if he offers, go with Felicien, the boy who Mystic has met many times before, and join his pack. Also, I have happened to see the boy and Mystic take down Ashomoro. For good this time, and I am happy that all of you are safe." She would lick her mate's forehead before giving a small sigh, "I believe that the sun is rising. It is time to say goodbye for now." She smiled.