
times a'changin' [RECRUITMENT]



2 Years
01-22-2016, 08:44 AM
Borealis was empty. It felt empty, quiet, closed off - and that needed to change. He would stand not quite in the middle of his territory, but close to it; he knew of one way to gain recruits. Open the lands up, for a day. A sigh would leave the alpha - he had finally decided on a new system he could run; it was fair, and he hoped to do well with it. Strict, disciplined, but fair. He would tip his head back and howl, a howl inviting the packless into Borealis. It was as if he was claiming the territory over again - making the pack. Hopefully, wolves would come and listen to what he had to say.



01-22-2016, 01:01 PM
The howl that broke through the quiet air was borderline heavenly to Azazel -- he'd been flitting to and fro between the ideas of staying by himself and joining up with a pack for quite a while now. On one paw, there's safety in numbers, but on the other paw, numbers could also pose a threat if he ends up not being the most popular guy around.

All in all, it's a risk he's willing to take.

Lifting his rump in the air and stretching his front legs out in front of him, Azazel rises from the lying-down position he'd been in so he can prepare for the somewhat short journey to the calling wolf. First though, it's time to stall a little; he curls his claws into the ground, trots in a few circles, and even stops to itch at his ear once. Being the first to arrive might be...awkward. He doesn't want that to happen. But at the same time, he isn't too keen on being last to arrive either, and clearly there's no way of telling where he's at in the lineup right now. Ultimately deciding that arriving before others rather than after is the better option, he finally gets a move on.

The journey isn't exactly short but it's not painstakingly long either; it's a good excuse to stretch out his muscles, which he admittedly hasn't been using much while lazing about in the wilderness. The most effort he's put into anything recently has been hunting small prey animals here and there.

Finally, he arrives before the one who howled; a large but younger looking wolf. Still, this is someone who could easily over-power Az, so he reminds himself to be on his best behavior as he approaches. "Uh, yes, you called? Not...for me specifically, but for uh, anyone? Um. Okay wait, let me just," already blowing it probably, Az takes a seat and clears his mind, unsure of how to approach this situation, "Name's Azazel. That would've been a better opening but, yes, hello."

Nailed it.



2 Years
01-23-2016, 03:51 PM
(After the spar, I guess?)

Zisa was still in pain from the spar, the pain in her shoulder still throbbing fully whenever she tried to walk on it. But when she heard the howl, her ears pricked, and she turned around and picked up the pace in the opposite direction, towards the howl. The tiny female didn't know for sure who it was, or even which pack it was, but as she made the journey she realized that this was the same pack she had been at not too long ago. The howl had came from within the borders, though, and Zisa was a little hesitant at first. But, hey, if they had howled for loners inside the pack they may not mind this once. A soft sigh escaping her, the tiny female making the journey to the howl.

When she got there, two wolves were already there. One was unfamiliar, and the other one was- Ren? The wolf she had sparred with was high up in the pack? She had noticed a pack scent, but she didn't think that-

Pushing the thoughts of the back of her mind, Zisa nodded at the larger male and sat down, a few feet away from the other wolf, the stranger.



2 Years
01-26-2016, 01:10 PM
Ren would wait... and wait... and wait. He'd pray, he'd hope - and just when he was about to give up a wolf appeared, immediately babbling. The male was older - wasn't everyone? - but not much older. Perhaps a year older or so. He wasn't a yearling, that was for certain. Ren would sile at the amle's fumbling attempts to speak; it greatly amused him, and he definitely didn't hold it against possible recruit. Especially with him so tiny. It was kinda cute. He grinned openly as the male finally introduced himself - Azazel - and he would dip his head in greeting. "Ren Agatsuma. I'm going to wait a bit more to see if anyone else shows up, and then I'll begin, mmk?" His tail wagged cheerfully behind him; even if no one else showed up, he still got one! Probably. Hopefully. Maybe.

And yet... one would show up. Surprise would spark in his eyes as he recognized the wolf - the one he sparred against in the Battlefield. Zisa, if he remembered right. "Zisa," he would greet cheerfully. "Alright, just a few more minutes." He'd wait patiently... but no one else would show up. Very well. A slight disappointment; he was hoping for more, but he got two - that was a lot more than none.

"As you both now know, I'm Ren Agatsuma," he'd reintroduce himself softly. "I am the Imperator - or alpha - of Borealis, the pack lands which you stand in now. Hopefully, since you both answered my call, that means you're interested in Borealis. Take a seat; I'll explain the laws of Borealis, as well as the ranks."

He would pause for a few seconds before seating himself. "There's one important aspect about Borealis - and that's honor. Our laws revolve around honor; our core is honor. All members are expected to hold their word, as well as act mature, responsible, and intelligent.

"Our laws are [because I don't feel like typing them all up - laws - click]..."
he would explain, outlining each of the ten laws completely and entirely. He would then go to the ranks [also don't want to type up - ranks - click]. When he finished, he would sigh softly. "And there we have it." He would look over the two wolves. "Do either of you have any questions?" He would do his best to answer them




2 Years
02-16-2016, 12:54 PM
Zisa would wait, wondering if anyone she was looking for would come to the meeting. Finally, Ren spoke, introducing himself formally as the alpha of Borealis. Zisa would pay attention, not wanting to mess up a chance to be a pack wolf. She hadn't been the best during the time she was with the old pack, with her uncle leaving, but she was determined to do better this time. At Ren's law about bringing a mate into Borealis, Zisa's ears would perk up. So, if she found Mingan, she was to bring him to the pack. As her possible alpha explained the ranks, Zisa would be a little indecisive. The small female wasn't sure what rank would suit her. But it seemed that she would get a chance to ask him, if she didn't get too embarrassed.

Making up her mind, she spoke up. This was probably going to make her look like a fool, wasn't it? "I'm not sure what rank would fit me and-" Oh great, she was getting embarrassed. Ducking her head, she finished the rest of her sentence. "I was wondering which one you thought was the best for me."