
Put 'em Up


01-29-2016, 12:43 PM

It would be time for Arkay to put what little fight training he’d received to the test. Félicien knew better than to get cocky; Arkay was a capable young wolf. He had good blood running through his veins. Féli knew, if he lost, there would be no hard feelings. Only a sense of pride in the fact the young one had done so well. With that in mind Félicien would quickly do a double check on his defenses while Arkay prepared himself for the first attack.

First and foremost his legs were spread in a widened stance, weight evenly distributed across the limbs. His head had lowered to align with his spine, chin tipped forward to protect his throat, and his shoulders were rolled forward. Ears were pinned, eyes were narrowed his lips snarling. Tail remained tucked beneath his body and hackles were raised, claws biting into the soil in readiness. He was hoping for a good fight and was sure that Arkay would not disappoint him.

With five feet of distance between them Arkay didn’t have a lot to close before he’d be close. The handsome child {Arkay} would spring forth, veering slightly towards Félicien’s left and, picking up on this slight veer, Féli would attempt to displace the attacks Arkay had planned by side stepping to his own {Félicien’s} right. In doing so he hoped that any attempted attacks would be displaced enough to lessen the potential damage from them.

That was not to say that Félicien was merely going to stand there while Arkay attacked. When Arkay attempted his bite Félicien would make an attempt to counter that attack. His own head would tilt to the right, angling his own jaws upward on the left side as he attempted to catch Arkay’s bottom jaw within his own. Félicien’s top jaw would aim to hook around the bottom of Arkay’s bottom jaw whereas his {Féli} bottom jaw would aim to land across the open bottom jaw of his opponent. {Pending counter damage if successful from Arkay’s attempted bite.}

This was not to say Félicien could avoid or counter every attempt his cousin made. As he attempted his counter bite his cousin’s other attacks would land in succession. Arkay’s slam into his upper left shoulder would cause that front limb to take a step back in order to give into the impact. The force behind the blow was enough to cause some serious bruising to his shoulder. He was going to be sore after this fight for certain.

In addition to the slam Félicien would find himself being forced into keeping close quarters with his cousin in the fight. Arkay’s front legs would wrap around his neck in a sort of bear-hug and, seeing only one potential way out, Félicien would attempt his own move. Throwing about eighty percent of his weight into his rear legs he would dig his claws into the soil and attempt to slam into his cousin with all his might. Simultaneously he would move his right shoulder forward, hoping to dig the point of it painfully into the left armpit of his cousin. His main goal in pushing against the slightly taller male was to overpower Arkay and push him over. Whether his cousin fell backwards or to either side did not matter to Félicien so long as he managed to dislodge him.

Félicien versus Arkay for Dominance / Abaven Practice War
Round One of Two
Default Time:: Normal

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen


01-29-2016, 01:33 PM

Shrike could feel his heart racing, a sense of excitement within him. At least for now he could pretend other things didn’t matter... Though he’d feel a deep sense of guilt for not finding Finch before this practice war later. Right now, however, his mind would be all on the task at hand. There was a spar to be done, and he would give nothing less than his very best for it.

As Tinaro readied his defenses Shrike would do the same. Head would lower to align with the spine, chin being tipped to protect his throat. Shoulders were rolled forward, neck scrunched, and hackles raised. Tail would tuck beneath his body, eyes would narrow, and ears would tip back against his skull. His limbs were spread, knees bent, and claws were digging into the soil. Shrike was ready and he was certain Tinaro would not disappoint him.

There was eight feet of distance between them, distance that Tinaro attempted to close swiftly. As he came forth, approaching Shrike head on, the smaller of the two males would ready himself. Shrike would attempt to step quickly to the left, throwing off where Tinaro’s attacks would land. Tinaro’s right shoulder, while it had been potentially crippling while aimed at Shrike’s throat, would now dig into the right center of Shrike’s forechest. Severe bruising would be the cost of impact. In addition to the sharp pain Shrike would have his breath knocked from him. The second part of the slam would hit as well, causing moderate bruising to his right shoulder.

There was also the matter of Tinaro’s bite to deal with. Shrike would tilt his own head to his left in order to attempt getting his head away from the bite that was coming for his face. He could not avoid it completely, however, and Shrike would feel another burst of pain as Tinaro’s upper canine’s sliced the area before his right ear and his lower canine’s scraped his jawbone. Moderate lacerations were left in the wake of the other male’s attack, though he would not gain a hold.

Now was the time for retaliation. Shrike would aim to dig his rear claws into the soil as he adjusted about seventy percent of his weight into his hind legs. He attempted to rear up and wrap his right foreleg around the left side of Tinaro’s neck across his shoulder. Shrike’s left foreleg would aim to land upon Tinaro’s right shoulder with the intent and attempt of digging his claws into the flesh of the taller male. He would also attempt to slam into the other with the attack with his chest, hopefully causing some bruising. In addition to this attack, Shrike would attempt to twist his head back towards his own right and snap his jaws down directly over Tinaro’s own muzzle. The upper jaw would potentially lay across the bridge of Tinaro’s muzzle in the middle whereas the bottom would potentially hook across the bottom to hopefully gain control of Tinaro’s head and prevent him any additional biting attacks. If the bite was successful then the result would have his head perpendicular with Tinaro’s with his gaze facing outward, rather than facing Tinaro directly.

Shrike versus Tinaro for Abaven Practice War Spar
Round One of Two
Default Time:: Normal




4 Years
02-01-2016, 03:51 AM

Both of his body slams resulted as planned, though he could feel moderate bruising blossoming to his right shoulder and chest. As for his hold on the other male's face, that wasn't so successful. Shrike managed to tilt his head to the side, making Tinaro's teeth scrape the right side of his opponent's face, where he had wanted to get a grip. At the loss, a growl of annoyance bubbled in his throat.

The other male momentarily brought his own attacks upon him, rearing up onto his hind legs. Before Tinaro could rear up onto his own hind legs, Shrike wrapped his right foreleg around the left side of Tinaro's neck, which made the older male writhe and squirm under the hold. Without noticing, the claws of Shrike's other foreleg dug into his right shoulder, lacerating the muscle and inflicting searing pain in the area. His opponent soon slammed into his upper chest with his own chest, creating more moderate bruises in that area (Keno clarified that for me). And it didn't end there. Seeing the other male's jaws come down, preparing to grab ahold of his muzzle, Tinaro would sharply swivel his head to his (Tinaro's) left side, feeling his opponent's teeth rake the right side of his snout (Tinaro's right side). More lacerations would appear there, though not as deep as the ones on his right shoulder.

Without hesitation, the chestnut male would rise onto his own back legs, redistributing his weight in the process. He would attempt to bring his forepaws down on the bony part of his opponent's shoulders - Tinaro's right forepaw on Shrike's left shoulder and Tinaro's left forepaw on Shrike's right shoulder - with the intention of shoving the other male with as much force as he could muster from his forelegs, hoping to unbalance the male. Momentarily he would twist his head to his (Tinaro's) right side with his left cheek facing his opponent. He would attempt to shove the left side of his face directly into his opponent's nose, seeking to inflict bruising in the area if not affect the male's smell. Simultaneously he would tilt his chin slightly down as he unhinged his jaws, attempting to bite the fleshy part of Shrike's left cheek, towards the centre of it.

Throughout the fight he kept his defences in place when possible. His weight remained evenly distributed upon all four limbs, eyes narrowed, ears pinned to skull, chin tucked, hackles raised, abdominal muscles tightened, shoulders rolled forward, cheeks scrunched, spine aligned with lowered head and straightened tail.

Round TWO of two




1 Year
02-01-2016, 12:28 PM

Arkay quickly closed the distance between the two of them, he'd feel himself collide with the other wolf. What Arkay hadn't been ready for was how much it would hurt. With his adrenaline pumping and focus on fighting it was much less than he'd expected. Of course this was also in the moment, after everything was all said and done he'd be in much more pain. Everything happened really fast, his chest would collide with Feli's shoulder and he'd find his arms around his cousin's neck. Arkay felt the soreness already, but the collision was not enough to cause bruising. Both Felicien's top and bottom jowls would seek purchase on the bottom part of Arkay's jaw, causing both muzzles to miss their mark.

The young Destruction felt kind of silly, but wouldn't be able to think on it as Feli started shoving forward. Arkay would feel himself falling backwards and had to think quick. As he fell backward onto his left side the young boy would seek to disrupt Feli's balance as well. Using his already slipping hind feet the Destruction would kick out at Feli's front ankles and legs. With Feli's weight focused on his hind end Arkay wished to knock his front legs from underneath him. Arkay would also seek to keep hold of his cousin's neck. He'd attempt to pull his opponent to the ground with his weight and the momentum of falling. Again the boy would seek to wrap his jaws around his opponent's face. Seeking to take control of Feli's muzzle Arkay's top jaw would aim for the top middle of Feli's muzzle while his lower jaw sought to wrap around the bottom middle of Feli's lower jaw. He'd want to use this hold to continue in his endeavor of pulling Feli's front body to the earth with him.

Of course this didn't come with out a price. Feli's shoulder slam had brought him to the ground, chest had pushed against his arm pit, lessening the bruising from what it would have been if his shoulder point had hit. Still there was pain there and all along his left side. He'd have slight bruising along his left side and on most of his chest. With more of a collection on his hip bone and shoulder. That wouldn't stop him from keeping his defenses. Ears would remain lowered to his skull, his eyes were narrowed and even with his bite he'd have his chin close to his neck. He'd roll up his shoulders and keep his neck scrunched. His tail was brought up between his legs and close to his body to protect his soft underbelly. He'd keep his legs bent and toes spread, ready to stop any incoming attacks to his underside. His hackles were raised and he'd keep his body weight centered on his torso so he could roll away from otherwise unavoidable attacks.
Arkay v. Felicien for dominance
round 2/2



02-01-2016, 05:37 PM

The youth would slide in to the gathering of wolves that would make up the practice war. Already Arkay had claimed an opponent -- their cousin. Thalos would give a soft huff. Had he not been on the same side he would have tried to challenge Feli himself! That just meant that he was going to have to find an opponent elsewhere. Gaze would sweep across those gathered. Raba, Harmony, Allen... Aha! That one! He was on Lark’s team. Without further hesitation he would approach Decim, stopping when there was roughly seven feet of distance between them. The boy would move into a defensive stance, trying to remember what Feli had taught him and Arkay, before giving a nod to the stranger. He had the first move.

Round ZERO of TWO
Default Time ???




9 Years
Dragon Mod
02-02-2016, 09:40 PM


She listened quietly to the boy while nodding to him. Like play fighting? She had only done that a little with Qualm...but if it was like that, then she was sure she could do this! She watched Starling as he set his defenses, and in turn Quake would follow suit. Her ears were already sort of pinned, so she would complete the action by tucking them firmly to her head, her tail would slowly peek back up from its tucked position. She brought it to align with her spine, the appendage shaking as she fought the urge to re-tuck it. Her head lowered to align with her spine and tail, crimson eyes carefully watching Starling as she narrowed them. She tucked her chin over her throat just like he was doing, her hackles bristling all along her body like a startled cat. When it came to parting her jaws though, she felt so...awkward. It was almost like a forced smile and a pant, to her at least. Perhaps someday, it would come natural to her...but she wasn't a fighter, and she'd never had the experience. She was a first timer, but maybe after this she would try to practice her skills later with her uncle. Her lips twitched as she peeled them back to bare pointed fangs, her stance widening a little to shoulder and hip width apart. Finally, she would flex her toes over the mud, nails grabbing onto the dirt for dear life as she pulled her head back slightly to bunch her scruff.

Starling would give her the first move, now her question to proceed? Taking a quick peek at the fights already going on, Quake would return her attention to Starling as she thought about what to do. Her breath quickening, she would push away the anxiety as best as she could. What did she and Qualm always do? Remembering the play fights she had, she conjured a bit of courage for the first move. Without thinking twice, Quake would coil her hind limbs and push off. Charging forward, she attempted to close the distance between her and Starling, her head tucked down a little, while her left shoulder jutted forward. She would try to take Starling head on, aiming to tackle him and slam her shoulder into the center of his chest. With her brother, it was always to try and knock him over...but with Starling being bigger then her, she didn't know what outcome it would have. Bruising? Wind knocked out? Who knew! But she would find out. Simultaneously and without thinking, she shot her right foreleg forward as she then attempted to hook it around Starling's left forepaw and pull it towards her. She wasn't sure what she was going to do with it, but all she could think was to hug it as close to her as she could should she succeed. Lastly, jaws parted and she would tilt her head towards the left foreleg that belonged to Star. She aimed to clamp down on the meaty part of it just below the crook of the elbow. Top fangs would seek to wrap around the outside of the leg, and lower canines sought to bite the inside of the leg. She wasn't going for a vicious bite, but maybe try to hamper him just a bit. It's what she would have done with Qualm, anyway.


Round 1/2

Normal default time



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Sparrow I


7 Years
02-07-2016, 09:19 PM
She was not looking forward to this. She watched the fights from the outer edge. Lillianna hadn't appeared yet. Huh, Sparrow would have guessed she would have been the first ones to fight. Sparrow looked around and spotted her Aunt Harmony. No one had taken her on yet. Sparrow didn't really want to, but she had promised her dad she would try to fight, so she would. Avoiding the chaos, Sparrow made her way to Harmony, attempting to put ten feet between them, "Shall we" She asked with a small grin. Time to get serious.

Defenses, right? Sparrow widened her stance, distributing her weight evenly, her claws digging into the ground for traction. Her lips pulled up, her face scrunching and eyes narrowing to protect her face from any attacks. Her ears pinned to her head and her head became level with her spine. Her tail also became even with her spine (or was she supposed to tuck it?). Her hackles raised along her back and her knees bent for agility. Sparrow rolled her shoulders and tucked her chin to protect her neck. That was all of them, right?

Sparrow kicked off, attempting to close the gap between her and her aunt while coming at her head-on. She wasn't sure how to fight, but she was more comfortable knowing she was going up against her aunt. Sparrow was shorter, so she knew things like slams wouldn't work well. What could she do?

Sparrow opened her jaw and tilted her head to her right, aiming to get a grip on the left side of Harmony's face. Her upper jaw sought to grip by Harmony's left eye, while her lower jaw aimed for the base of her jaw. Sparrow hoped she could aim this way to get a grip on her aunt's left cheek. Sparrow lifted her left fore leg, readjusting her weight to the other three grounded paws and attempted to scrape her claws down Harmony's right fore leg, aiming to scrape from the front of Harmony's right elbow down to the sensitive webbing between her toes.

Sparrow wasn't sure what else to try, but she was trying. She hoped her father saw her.

Sparrow V Harmony For Dominance
Round: 1/2
I want to try to do normal posting limits, but idk man, up to Tea.


02-10-2016, 06:55 PM

A fight, spar or not, could very quickly start to cause pain to bloom on different parts of the body. The bruising on his left shoulder was smarting enough to make him a little more hesitant to move the limb, though thanks to adrenaline, as Arkay was learning firsthand, he would be able to continue on fighting. It would be later, after all was said and done, that the pain would really be noticeable. They were sure to have some soreness and tenderness all along their bodies after this rumble! But Féli was proud. How could he not be proud of the young one? He was doing phenomenal for his first true spar.

Félicien would keep his wits about him as the fight waged on. It was not just a matter of keeping his defenses set as they fought. Ears would remained pinned, eyes narrowed, and his head aligned with his spine. Shoulders were rolled forward, legs spread, and weight evenly distributed across his limbs. Tail would remain tucked, claws biting into the soil, and hackles raised. With the missed bite Féli’s jaws would be parted once more, lips snarling as the fight waged on.

Félicien would succeed in beginning to topple his cousin, but it came at it’s own price. Arkay’s back legs would kick out at his front limbs. Féli would feel the hits, his left foreleg slipping back under him while the right barely managed to withstand the kicks. Mild and moderate bruises would begin to bloom along his font legs, particularly in the area above his ankles and below his knees. Rather than try to resist his cousin’s attacks, Féli would try to roll with them. There was only one way to go; down.

There was another motive for Félicien to role with the attacks as well. The primary thing was to avoid putting additional strain on his muscles. Though he would have to admit fighting on the ground would be a first. Head would tuck inward, towards his own chest as his cousin sought to grab his muzzle. Instead fangs would clip at the top of his muzzle where the base met with the rest of his face. Small but deep cuts would be left in the wake of his cousin’s fangs, snapping closed before his eyes.

Arkay had succeeded in bringing Félicien to the ground with him, the golden male attempting to fall forward and slam onto his cousin’s chest {not that he had much wiggle room with Arkay’s front legs wrapped around his neck}. Rather than attempt to shift his head at awkward angle for a bit to his cousin’s muzzle, the golden brute would seek to sink his fangs into his cousin’s right shoulder. Top jaw would aim to land across the shoulder while bottom jaw sought to dig in where the right foreleg connected with Arkay’s chest. It wasn’t the best attack, but it would have to do.

Félicien vs Arkay for Dominance / Practice War Spar
Round Two / Two

Ooc:: x.x So sorry I went over the default time. It has been like pulling teeth trying to get out any spar post so I know this is likely not that great. ;; Just trying to get it done for the sake of being done since it’s not a high risk fight. -Rolls off.-

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen

The Judge


02-14-2016, 12:22 PM
And the winner is...

SPARROW! Due to Harmony not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Sparrow's favor. Harmony must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.



4 Years
02-20-2016, 08:07 PM

Decim was finally finding his chance to shine after all the other fights had broken out. He nearly felt like a sitting duck, a young man though had approached him. Standing only perhaps seven feet ahead of him a small smile grew on his face with the nod. So the games would begin and perhaps he could show himself some sort of worth. Decim would start by setting his own defenses in time. Pinning his ears to the back of his head, his lips pulled back to reveal his teeth. Bending his knee's slightly at the joint his eyes narrowed on his opponent and pupils dilated. As he did so his limbs spread equally - toes spread out for more traction. Tail leveling with his spine he rolled his shoulders inward and his scruff scrunched up. Hackles raised with his abdomen tightened he tried to think of himself as a rock, as he did he shot off of his back legs to try and quickly close the seven foot gap.

Decim jutted his left shoulder out, aiming it for the bridge of Thalos' nose. Hoping to cause some discomfort and to disorientate the other male. As his jaws opened his head tilted to his own right, upper jaw aiming for Thalos' left upper shoulder and the bottom jaw towards the portion where it connected with his chest. Keeping his weight distributed evenly he would try his best in this fight.

Decim v thalos for mock war.
Default time n/a


The Judge


02-29-2016, 08:07 PM




- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (tail) + 1 (legs) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (shoulders) +1  (chin) + 1 (hackles)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder throw
+ 3 bite to shoulder
+ 1 grip
Total: 6

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 46 / 50


- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (chin) + 1 (tail) + 1 (head) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (eyes)
Total: 10

+ 2 bear hug
+ 3 bite to neck
+ 1 grip
Total: 6

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 46 / 50



- 2 "She lunge at the same time she, hind legs kicking powerfully" Uh, what? The sentance is incomplete, did she lunge as she was shifting her forelegs, or after? You said she ONLY moved her forelegs when she shifted, were these movements combined?
- 2 "She'd attempt to spin" How'd she land? Where's the points? Are you on Bass' left or right side? Or are you facing him?
- 2 "She'd try to sink her teeth in Bass' side" Which side?
Total: 4

- 2 Too much movement. Suddenly dodging an attack fully by leaping away, full stop, spinning a full 180 is just a lot of movement for one post and for Bass to react too.
Total: 8

+ 1 (fur) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin) + 1 (legs) + 1 (knees) + 1 (tail) + 1 (paws) + 1 (toes)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to side
Total: 3

- None
Total: 10

Total for Round Two: 35 / 50


- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (weight) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (ears) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (chin) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (ears)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to muzzle
+ 1 grip
+ 2 shoulder slam to face
Total: 6

- 2 moderate laceration to right shoulder/side
Total: 8

Total for Round Two: 44 / 50


46 + 35 = 81

46 + 44 = 90

And the winner is...

VALI must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- None

- Moderate Lacerations to right side behind right shoulder above ribs - 1.5 OOC weeks


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

My notes are above. If you need any clarification, please let me know. Good fight! Keep up the good work, guys :D

- By [Arin]

The Judge


03-01-2016, 10:26 PM
And the winner is...

ARKAY! Due to Felicien's player quitting the site, the fight has been forfeited in Arkay's favor. Felicien must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.

The Judge


03-30-2016, 10:22 AM
And the winner is...

Tinaro! Due to Shrike's player quitting the site, the fight has been forfeited in Tinaro's favor. Shrike must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.