
Wishful Thoughts



3 Years
02-01-2016, 03:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 08:10 PM by Ren.)
Sacrifices have brought me to where I am today.

An airy sigh left from the healthy lungs of Nemausus, escaping into the air with a small hint of sound. Large paws pressed with ease against the rather flat land, catching grip while he avoided the few, stray streams that flowed. Nemausus was growing fond of the land, his light and dark grey pelt brushing across the tall plantation. Signs of winter were slowly leaving the land- a sad sight, though it would fill with life, more so than it already had, and grow to thrive in the upcoming heat from the sun.

Nemausus himself, did not know completely where he was. This was all new to him, and although he was enjoying the scenery- he did want to know just what exactly it had to offer. Herbs. That was something he could assume easily- if not by the scents of the plantation around, then by the sights. Yet he was not in the mood nor interest to scavenge and scout for herbs, as he had no true reason for the moment. He was more interested in finding out what lived upon the lands- perhaps there was a few other souls lurking around? The mere idea brought his mind back to his sister- was there a chance she was following in the same path, or perhaps wondering upon a similar land? He was unable to find any sign of her- and the idea gave his heart a harmful tug. He missed her dearly, almost as much as he missed his mo-No. He halted his thoughts instantly, letting his muscles stay at ease. The mere thought of his mother only brought his sadness and despair. If he was to continue on through life successfully, he had to do it with a positive mind.

Lowering to his haunches, Nemausus let his head incline only a fraction, before scanning throughout the area. A low bark left from his lungs, the sound only traveling far enough for those near him to hear. He needed more information on the land, and to get that- he needed to speak with others.

[Image: 9d35zZp.png]



2 Years
02-02-2016, 07:15 PM
He might have been exploring. Just a little bit. You know, he was a big bad almighty alpha (ha!) but he was exploring. Okay, really, he was just curious about the lands around him. This land was quite a bit to the West, but that was fine; he didn't really mind at all. He should know all the territories, after all. And where the packs were, and this territory was actually bordering a pack that he could scent pretty strongly at this point, with the wind blowing from what he presumed was the border. There was the possibility the pack might expand into this land later.

A bark would make him freeze, and he'd lift his head warily. His head tipped to the side; it sounded like a friendly bark, with no hint of aggression other than a desire of socializing. Which could be aggressive for some. But not that kind of aggressiveness. He'd lope towards the sound, and it wouldn't take long for him to catch a scent when he moved downwind of the wolf. It was there he traced the scent to the grey man, and though he was a bit late, he was finally there.

"Hello," Ren greeted simply. "You called for someone?" he questioned lightly.



3 Years
02-06-2016, 06:34 PM
Sacrifices have brought me to where I am today.

Time flew by, and as Nemausus waited patiently upon his haunches, he let himself ponder over the good and bad. The good- this land could offer him a new start, a fresh start, one that was away from the evils of his father- of the rival pack. The bad? Nemausus didn't know where his sister was, or if she was even still... still.. Stop it.

After more moments of silence came around Nemausus- he was almost prepared to leave. That was, until he heard the voice. Ears becoming erect, his gaze filtered across the land, coming to gaze upon a large male, on of a different color. His figure didn't seem to be too thin, nor too bulky, something that had to of been a good advantage for the male. Shades of blue were scattered across his pelt, different markings were woven in- and he was a new sight for Nemausus to witness.

Realizing the male had, indeed, asked him something- Nemausus let his calm composure show, head tilting to the side in the slightest, before he began to allow his deep, soothing voice to exit his lungs. "I did, indeed." A small nod of acknowledgement came from his neck, and his own bulk showed. The male before him seemed young... perhaps by a year or two? "My calling is that of Nemausus Airmid, I am new to these lands- and have hopes to gather some information on what exactly resides on them." His different colored optics traveled over the male's length, before scanning to the sky. He took even breaths, hoping this lad would be some sort of help to him.

[Image: 9d35zZp.png]